
Hello Fire Nation,

Passive income is real money that comes in when you are not actively working. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to work at all. You can do it without leaving your conventional job. With a passive income you can enjoy a life with more freedom. Does that sounds good in your both ears….

As a blogger I always look for opportunities to get more freedom in life and to do more things. So while your income rolls you have more freedom to work for anywhere in the world and travel around the world. This passive income opportunity is giving you a network power to meet more people and exchange ideas.It may just mean the freedom to work for yourself, when and where you choose.

You are your own boss, you are your own company and everything.

But let me tell you one thing, this is not LAZY, EASY MONEY. Building a passive income stream my friends takes a lot of time as well.Yeah a lot of preparations. But finally you are there. In a conventional job, you have to put efforts/time in to get money out. The moment you stop working, your income also stops. So to maintain your nice lifestyle you have to keep moving working. If you love your job, that’s great and fantastic. To make a passive income you are never too old. In my eyes passive income is providing an alternative too you so you can still maintain a certain income. In fact you may even earn more and more money. Once you see the money rolling, you will not like to stop. Believe me.! With you 9-5 job your income is limited. But with an online passive income money is unlimited as you know how to do it effectively. Passive income = Unlimited.! Your earnings can quite literally be unlimited while you sleep…. There are lots of possibilities to earn online.

Some online opportunities require some significant capital to begin with. Where I run my online business to earn a passive income is :


Here you can register for FREE and start working.While you earn, you can then spend a little money (1 time payment of U$ 10) then become a PREMIUM MEMBER where you can grow and earn much more in the system.

Start in the beginning to earn with your social media activities where you get paid for.FACEBOOK does NOT pay you for this……And that is a big difference. Am I clear..Good !

Start generating financial freedom. Don’t wait any longer. Take the opportunity to roll in today.

The BIG deal for passive income.

Friends the BIG deal for your passive income/online business is that it give you really freedom to move, so work from anywhere, anytime from your laptop, tablet, mobile phone on a tropical island(as long there is the availability of Wi-Fi) or sit in a coffee shop. It’s all about what you prefer. It’s your own choice.

Bear in mind

The very first requirement, and this is the passive part, is that it should be capable of sustaining itself even when you are not directly working on it. We do not want to have to keep working all the time to keep it flowing and going, otherwise we’re back to trading time for money again, just online this time. Realistically, you will probably have to put some time in now and again to maintain it. And you will have to put some time in if you want to grow it, but that’s your choice. You may have to put a shed load of time in at the beginning to get it up and running, but after that it should pretty much keep going on its own without too much work.

It should also not require a real-time presence. That is, you shouldn’t have to be present at any particular time or place in order for it to work. In a conventional business, if you sell something, you would have to be there to deliver it, so that is not passive. To meet our requirements, a passive income system should not depend on upon your presence or availability in order for it to operate — it should run on its own. You might have to answer the odd email from time to time, but the income stream should be automated so you can quite literally earn money while you sleep. And I can tell you from personal experience, there’s nothing quite like the feeling when you wake up, check your figures and see you made more when you were asleep than you used to do in a day’s hard work.

The second requirement for our passive income model is that it doesn’t require significant capital investment. You might have to spend a small amount on to get started. At futurenet.club the amount = 10 U$ as a one time payment. Yes a onetime payment you read it good !

The main investment you will have to make is time. And make no mistake, you’re going to have to invest a lot of that in the beginning. But consider the end goal — to be able to live and work anywhere you choose, work when you want, have no limits on your income, and have it continue even when you’re not working. Could you even imagine a better scenario than that? That has to be worth all the work you’ll put in at the beginning.

The 4th requirement for our type of passive income is it has to be something you can build up to. Something you can do on the side at first, and grow whilst you’re doing your day job, until it reaches the point where you can do it full time. That glorious day when you walk up to your big boss and give them the good and the bad news… So you should not have to take a massive risk, and jump off a cliff without a parachute to start it.

I’m going to add one more extra requirement to this, and that is that it should be something that anybody could do. It must need no qualifications other than a desire to succeed, the willingness to put the work in up front, and the ability to learn as you go. It should require no specialist skills or experience to begin with, you will learn those along the way

So for my very own purposes, passive income is:

Self-sustaining online income that doesn’t require a real time presence and a 24/7 wake up.

And to get the maximum benefit, be ready, START TODAY DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.

Now I’ve defined what passive income really is, let’s take a look at my online business link and REGISTER FOR FREE.



Author: Danny Jibodh

Danny Jibodh is the MainBrain and founder of BLOGZYNERGY.COM. As a multi topic professional blogger, he is keeping his eyes 24/7 on different burning topics as they unfold on the internet. With this concept he and his team are providing people like you with tons of different useful sunrise data to update your brain.

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