
Seize your mobile phone, we do it all. Yet there are many of us who make excessive use of their mobile phone, some of which are useless. In the morning, when you wake up, look directly at your phone, many times in between and before going to sleep, just check mail, Whatsapp, FB and Insta? Recognizable? What does that have to do with entrepreneurship you might wonder? Enough to stand still.


We can no longer imagine a life without a mobile phone. This is also largely true for the generation above us. Children of today wonder “how did that go then?” Can not imagine a life without a mobile phone. For many of us this has also become reality. Earlier I wrote a blog about TV and how mind-numbing that occasionally can be. Many people sit behind the TV when they are bored. With the mobile phone that is partly comparable, there are many who constantly grab their phone. It is valuable to be aware of the impact of intensive and above all useless use of your mobile phone. By finding a better balance in the use of your mobile you will reap the benefits in your (working) life. First, let’s consider how you handle your mobile phone.


In what way do you use your mobile phone? Consider what your day looks like, from early in the morning until late at night before you go to sleep. How often do you grab your mobile and what do you do? Go check it out; Tumble and also indicate the reason that you grab your mobile. Do not hold back, but be guided by what you would normally do. Without condemning yourself, it is only about observing what you do. And of course it is true that when you become aware that a lot is already happening. You step out of automatism and see why you do what you do. Only that perception is already valuable.

Sign on the wall

What are the things you do on your cell phone? Do you follow the news, and what news is that? Make your notes, do you record, do you use other business apps for your business? Or do you scan (nonsensical) messages on social media to kill time? Do you play games? And if you do that, which part of the day do you do that in particular? In short, pluck it out.

I also know the temptation of my cell phone too well. I know that the use of my mobile phone tells me a lot about how things are going; with my business and also how I feel private about myself. There have been times that I often checked online news. Occasionally I read a message that it was worth reading, but the majority was to be considered as nonsensical information and pure waste of time. With me, it was moments when I was not in my hum for a moment and I was less aware. A flight to fill the scarce moments of peace and quiet. And, moreover, with the intensive use of your mobile, the danger is that you do not pay any real attention to the people who are important to you.

Dot on the horizon

Just to fall in the house, I believe that having a powerful life mission and a great awareness as a person (and entrepreneur) help you to deal with your mobile in a healthier way. Healthier than when you live your life without a clear dot on the horizon of where you want to go and why. If your drive is so powerful you want to focus your energy on that. Then there are too many beautiful things in your life that make you forget your mobile phone now and then.

In addition, I believe that if you are very aware of who you are and where you stand in life that you have virtually no boredom. You live, work and enjoy and know what silence and peace mean to you. That you need to be truly yourself and to create from your essence.

Do not forget to check your phone


Just go get started to discover with yourself how you handle your mobile. Then you have the choice whether you want to do this differently or whether you like it the way it is now. Make it at least a conscious choice. It gives you so much more positive energy when you go from the inside out and not the other way around. Wondering what it will bring you when you become more aware of how you use your mobile phone? And realize, it is not something that happens to you. You choose from now on.


Author: Danny Jibodh

Danny Jibodh is the MainBrain and founder of BLOGZYNERGY.COM. As a multi topic professional blogger, he is keeping his eyes 24/7 on different burning topics as they unfold on the internet. With this concept he and his team are providing people like you with tons of different useful sunrise data to update your brain.

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