
Life is, in a quick sense, like an eternal school.

Every day we are learning from our experiences, and the lessons we acquire allow us to move forward from one stage of life to the next.

But not all of us are good students who are not taking the life lessons to serious.

Some people learn rapidly, and thus can quickly grow in understanding and evolve into higher states of their own consciousness. Others are slow motion learners, finding it extremely difficult to pass the tests of life , and as a result have to repeat them again and again and again…

As I grow older, I chose to spend some good time reflecting on the most important lessons I’ve learned in my road of life so far. If you’re wondering what those are, I wrote them here below so that you can have the opportunity to read them and benefit from them as much as I did but this is not all and surely not the end. Life continuous….


Tell me now :What are some of the gigantic lessons you’ve learned along your road of life? I’d love to read them, so feel totally free to let me and the world know by writing them in the comments or just send me an email.

I Am Always learning,

We are a few moments away from a brand new year full of challenges, threats and opportunities.

Here the lessons…

It feels weird to think that many years ago I was born in this nice world. Yes a couple of decades ago, I remember that my twenties seemed incredibly far in the future. But before I realized it, here I am, bam bam bam over 30 and heading further into 50+….

Aha so far my life’s journey has been an incredible drive and ride. I have gone through tons of ups and downs, both of which have taught me big big important lessons that allowed me to better understand me, myself and the universum, as well as to build my life the way I want as a KAIZEN LIFESTYLE PRACTITIONER.

In this blog I would like to share with you all some of the greatest and fantastic life lessons I have learned during the continuous course of my life, in hopes that you as reader will find them as helpful as I did. Without any further ado, here they are…just read further:

1. The moment is all there. Whoops, the past is gone and the future is not here yet. The present moment is everything you and I have, so be very sure to immerse yourself in it.

2. I really don’t know everything, and that’s totally fine I think. To learn, you need to admit that you don’t know it all. In fact, not everything can be known, and that’s part of the beauty of life, which is an ongoing learning journey because circumstances are changing rapidly.

3. Pain isn’t my enemy. It is just a messenger trying to show you that there is something going on. Instead of hiding from your pain or suppressing it, face it and pay attention to what it has to show you really, so that you can understand why it is there and how to get rid of it or to change things.

4. Most best things in life are for free. Just a few examples: A deep breath of fresh oxygen, a relaxed walk in nature, a chit chat with a good friend, and a look into the eyes of a good and beloved partner. Yes, Yes, cherish them before someone puts a price label on them too.

5. Money is NOT just the neutral energy. As it exists today, money is creating artificial scarcity, which results in competition, inequality, poverty, greed, and violence (among other things). Therefore, money is quite a negative force in our environment/world we are living in.

6. Peace begins in yourself. Three, four times a day you can choose peace over violence — that is, with each meal you eat. Is your food cruelty-free or does it involve unnecessary suffering and yes the factor death?

7. Sitting is killing you, do you realize this. Walk, rundance salsa, stretch, do weightlifting. Move your healthy body throughout the day.

8. Do not fully trust the mainstream media. Big media companies are owned by people whose main intention is to emotionally manipulate you and your family in order to keep you full hypnotized, sell you tons of lies and empty your purse and or pockets.

9. Remember: Voice your truth. Speak out of your mind, express/explain your feelings and let people see who you really are. Being true to yourself and others is the only way to build genuine relationships and live an authentic life.

10. You can not change no one. But your actions can inspire many to change, become and influence.

11. My mistakes are part of learning. I don’t fear of making mistakes, for they have important things to teach me. But make sure you don’t repeat them.

12. My failures are stepping stones to success. Each failure leads you one step closer to success, so do not shy away from it. Try, fail, and then try again and again for as long as it takes to achieve full goals.

13. Simplicity is the key to live well. To live simply means to let go of what is negative/unimportant and focus on what truly matters to your happiness and well-being in life

14. Always think for yourself. If you don’t, someone else will think for you and rule you.

15. We don’t have a true democracy if I might say so. Casting a vote once every five years alone doesn’t give people much more freedom in collective decision-making. Especially if you consider that what they vote for is nothing but power-hungry politicians who are moving below the belt and are lying to followers in order to serve their vested interests.

16. There is no a damn ‘free market’. In our socioeconomic system, you have as much freedom as your money can buy, that is it. At the other hand those with a lot of it have the freedom to restrict the freedom of others.

17. Reading books can be life-changing. Surely you must have heard this countless times. But it is totally true — some books have the power to turn your life upside down, in a tremendously positive way. Just make sure to carefully pick which books to read, otherwise they can be a waste of your time/investment

18. Use words wisely. Words can heal or hurt, so always be mindful of how you speak to people.

19. Please do no harm, but take no damn shitBe kind and loving to your fellow human beings, but be smart enough to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships, keep the network smooth and rolling at its best.

20. Possessions can possess you. Let go of your attachments to your belongings, for one day they will all be taken away from you.

21. Always look fear in the eyes. If you don’t, you will never overcome it.

22. Take responsibility in your life. Do not just sit cross-legged and blame others for your misfortunes. You have enough power in your hands to help shape your destination(s).

23. Change starts from within. Embody the change you wish to see in the world. Nobody will be able to do this inner change for you.

24. No person is monstrous. Those who choose to hurt others are deeply hurt themselves. Keeping a non-judgmental, merciful attitude can do wonders to help heal their wounds.

25. Question your beliefs. If followed blindfolded, they can edifice your life (and that of others).

26. Our economy is an anti-economy. To economize means to carefully manage rootage and to avoid unnecessary financial loss or waste. Our economic system, however, is essentially on consumption— that is, on the mindless and constant extraction of natural resources and production of waste.

27.Select your friends carefully. The group we spend time with shape our lives. Choose to pass it with those who lift you up and not those who drag you down.

28. There’s no such thing as the perfect human relationship. But if your relationships are build with good nature, love and care, they can improve your life more than anything else.

29. Embrace alteration. Life is perpetually changing, and the happiest people are the ones who have learned to adapt and flow with it.

30. You might die any moment. Consider on death regularly, so that when it knocks on your door, it doesn’t find you unprepared.

31. Be appreciative for what you have. Your life might not be perfect, but it’s still a wonder-full gift. Remember to appreciate it and make the most out of it while you can.


Author: Danny Jibodh

Danny Jibodh is the MainBrain and founder of BLOGZYNERGY.COM. As a multi topic professional blogger, he is keeping his eyes 24/7 on different burning topics as they unfold on the internet. With this concept he and his team are providing people like you with tons of different useful sunrise data to update your brain.

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