Are you okay in your seat? Do this quick check


We sit too much. Especially now that we stay at home and work from home as much as possible. This can be disastrous for our posture. Sitting a lot quickly results in low back pain. Our backs don’t like it at all if we take the same position for a long time. Do you recognize yourself in this? For a good sitting position, do this quick body check: buttocks, elbow, chin, in, shoulders, knees.

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Start at your buttocks. Make sure that your buttocks are completely against the back of the chair. Then place a small, firm cushion between the hollow of your back and the backrest. This way you easily maintain the natural shape of your back while sitting.

Keep your elbows bent at an angle of ninety degrees. This means that your desk should be exactly that height to support your elbows when typing. If your office chair has adjustable armrests, make sure to adjust it to the same height as your desktop or table.

Make sure your chin is parallel to the floor. Complaints such as neck and headaches are often caused by staring at a screen that is set too low or too high for too long. To prevent this, it is best to place your screen in front of you and at a good height.

pull your chin in slightly. Many people stick out their chins when they look at a screen. By slightly retracting your chin, you ensure that your chin falls just slightly behind your collarbones.

Crooked shoulders are not thanked by your spine. To avoid a crooked posture, gently roll your shoulders down and back. You should feel the muscles in your upper back become active.

Bend your knees ninety degrees, and put your feet on the floor. A good sitting position starts at your feet, make sure they are flat on the floor at all times when sitting.

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Author: Danny Jibodh

Danny Jibodh is the MainBrain and founder of BLOGZYNERGY.COM. As a multi topic professional blogger, he is keeping his eyes 24/7 on different burning topics as they unfold on the internet. With this concept he and his team are providing people like you with tons of different useful sunrise data to update your brain.

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