21 Quotes/Sayings Team Blogzynergy is sharing with you + A Bonus 100 More


Hello Everyone,

In this special blog Team Blogzynergy.com is sharing some useful quotes/sayings which they gathered from around the digital Universe.These collection is part of the TEAM INSPIRATION to move on and create more content for you over there.

Just read them good and maybe you can choose some of them to give you a good booster in life. May the Force be with you. Here is the collection. Feel free to share them with your team, friends and family. O yes there is also a 100 BONUS collection we added for you.

#01.“Welcome to Planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be, or do, or have. You are a magnificent creator.” – Abraham

#02.“The Hows are the domain of the universe. It always knows the quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between you and your dream.” – From The Secret Movie.

#03.“You want to become aware of your thoughts, you want to choose your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun with this, because you are the masterpiece of your own life.” – Joe Vitale

#04.“I turn my dreams into reality.”

#05.“Richness is not about what you have. It is about who you are.” – Bob Proctor

#06.“Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.” – Robert Collier

#07.“You are a creator; you create with your every thought. You often create by default, for you are getting what you are giving your attention to wanted or unwanted but you know by how it feels if what you are getting (creating) is what you are wanting or if it is not what you are wanting. (Where is your attention focused?)” – Abraham Hicks

#08.“When you offer a vibration, the Universal forces are working in concert with each other in order to satisfy you. You really are the center of the Universe.” – Abraham

#09.Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were walls.” – Joseph Campbell

#10.Let a person radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life. – Napoleon Hill

#11.Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality. – Earl Nightingale

#12.“Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey

#13.“There is no right or wrong way to tell your improved story. It can be about your past, present, or future experiences. The only criterion that is important is that you be conscious of your intent to tell a better-feeling, improved version of your story. Telling many good-feeling short stories throughout your day will change your point of attraction. Just remember that the story you tell is the basis of your life. So tell it the way you want it to be.” – Abraham

#14.“You are joy, looking for a way to express. It’s not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy—frolicking and eager—that’s who you are.” – Abraham

#15.“Action that is inspired from aligned thought is joyful action. Action that is inspired from aligned thought is joyful action. Action that is offered from a place of contradicted thought is hard work that is not satisfying and does not yield good results. When you really feel like jumping into action, that is a clear sign that your vibration is pure and you are not offering contradicting thoughts to your own desire. When you are having a hard time making yourself do something, or when the action you offer does not produce the results you are seeking, it is always because you are offering thoughts in opposition to your desire.” – Abraham

#16.“If you’re thinking of debt, that’s what you’re going to attract.” – Bob Proctor

#17.“When you offer a vibration, the Universal forces are working in concert with each other in order to satisfy you. You really are the center of the Universe.” – Abraham

#18.”What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience.” –The Secret Movie

#19.“You have sole ownership of your vision. And the Universe will give you what you want within your vision. What happens with most people is that they muddy their vision with ‘reality’. Their vision becomes full of not only what they want but what everybody else thinks about what they want, too. Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration that you are offering can then be answered.” – Abraham

#20.“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napolean Hill

#21.“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!” – Bob Marley


1. If you can think about what you want in your mind, and make that your dominant thought, you will bring it into your life.

2. Through this most powerful law, your thoughts become things in your life.

3. As you think of yourself living in abundance, you are powerfully and consciously determining your life through the law of attraction.

4. The only reason why people do not have what they want is because they are thinking more about what they don’t want than what they do want.

5. The law of attraction is the law of creation. Quantum physicists tell us that the entire Universe emerged from thought!

6. What you are thinking now is creating your future life.

7. Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant.

8. Whether you have been aware of your thoughts in the past or not, now you are becoming aware. Right now, with the knowledge of The Secret, you are waking up from a deep sleep and becoming aware!

9. Decide what you want to be, do, and have, think the thoughts of it, emit the frequency, and your vision will become your life.

10. The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial and impersonal as the law of gravity is.

11. Your feelings are your greatest tools to help you create your life.

12. Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency you are on.

13. You can purposefully use your feelings to transmit an even more powerful frequency, by adding feeling to what you are wanting.

14. There is no greater power in the Universe than the power of love.

15. The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit.

16. There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover it, and that Truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to offer.

17. You get to choose what you want, but you must get clear about what you want.

18. Asking is the first step in the Creative Process, so make it a habit to ask.

19. You must believe that you have received. You must know that what you want is your the moment you ask.

20. In the moment you ask, and believe and know you already have it in the unseen, the entire Universe shifts to bring it into the seen.

21. Claim the things you want by feeling and believing they are yours.

22. How it will happen, how the Universe will bring it to you, is not your concern or job. Allow the Universe to do it for you.

23. Ask once, believe you have received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good.

24. If you have an intuitive or instinctive feeling, follow it, and you will find that the Universe is magnetically moving you to receive what you asked for.

25. Remember that you are a magnet, attracting everything to you.

26. It is as easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars.

27. Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally.

28. It is impossible to bring more into your life if you are feeling ungrateful about what you have.

29. When you give thanks as though you have already received what you want, you are emitting a powerful signal to the Universe.

30. The reason visualization is so powerful is because as you create pictures in your mind of seeing yourself with what it is you want, you are generating thoughts and feelings of having it now.

31. Everyone has the power to visualize.

32. To use the law of attraction to your advantage, make it a habitual way of being, not just a one-time event.

33. To attract money, you must focus on wealth.

34. The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts.

35. When you need money, it is a powerful feeling within you, and so of course through the law of attraction you will continue to attract needing money.

36. The shortcut to anything you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now!

37. Your wealth is waiting for you in the invisible, and to bring it into the visible, think wealth!

38. “I am a money magnet.”

39. “I love money and money loves me.”

40. Giving is a powerful action to bring more money into your life, because when you are giving you are saying, “I have plenty.”

41. Prosperity is your birthright, and you hold the key to more abundance – in every area of your life – than you can possibly imagine.

42. The key is your thoughts and feelings, and you have been holding the key in your hand all of your life.

43. When you do not treat yourself the way you want others to treat you, you can never change the way things are.

44. When you make feeling good a priority, that magnificent frequency will radiate and touch everyone close to you.

45. People are responsible for their own joy.

46. Focus only on things you love, feel love, and you will experience that love and joy coming back to you – multiplied!

47. Treat yourself with love and respect, and you will attract people who show you love and respect.

48. To make a relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about the other person, and not your complaints.

49. Healing through the mind can work harmoniously with medicine.

50. All stress begins with one negative thought.

51. Love and gratitude can part seas, move mountains, and create miracles.

52. Illness cannot exist in a body that has harmonious thoughts.

53. Start thinking happy thoughts and start being happy.

54. Just the simple process of letting go of negative thoughts will allow your natural state of health to emerge within you.

55. Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity, and leads to miraculous cures.

56. You have the ability to give so much to the world by emitting feelings of love and well-being, despite what is happening around you.

57. When you feel good you uplift your life, and you uplift the world.

58. You are the master of your life, and the Universe is answering your every command.

59. Your ability to think is unlimited, and so the things you can think into existence are unlimited.

60. When we open our minds to the unlimited creative power, we will call forth abundance and see and experience a whole new world.

61. There are no limits to what you can create for You, because your ability to think is unlimited!

62. The Universe offers all things to all people through the law of attraction.

63. You have the ability to choose what you want to experience.

64. When you are praising or blessing you are on the highest frequency of love.

65. Instead of focusing on the world’s problems, give your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, education, and peace.

66. The law of attraction says like attracts like.

67. You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy just changes form.

68. As you ask and feel and believe, you will receive.

69. When you emit the perfect frequency of what you want, the perfect people, circumstances, and events will be attracted to you and delivered!

70. When you say “I am,” the words that follow are summoning creation with a mighty force, because you are declaring it to be fact.

71. When you conceive something in your mind, know it is a fact, and that there can be no question about its manifestation.

72. You are a genius beyond description, so start telling yourself that and become aware of who you really are.

73. All your power is in your awareness of that power, and through holding that power in your consciousness.

74. The real secret of power is the consciousness of power.

75. Be aware of everything around you, because you are receiving the answers to your questions in every moment of the day.

76. To not love ourselves can keep what we want from us.

77. To attract the things we love we must transmit love, and those things will appear immediately.

78. We are all connected, and we are all One.

79. The Secret is within you.

80. The more you use the power within you, the more you will draw it to you.

81. The time to embrace your magnificence is now.

82. See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.

83. The law of attraction is always working, whether you believe it or understand it or not.

84. Your thoughts become things.

85. The emotions are an incredible gift that we have to let us know what we’re thinking.

86. Our feelings are a feedback mechanism to us about whether we’re on track or not, whether we’re on course or off course.

87. Life can be absolutely phenomenal, and it should be, and it will be, when you start using The Secret.

88. You will attract everything that you require.

89. You can start with nothing, and out of nothing and out of no way, a way will be made.

90. Asking the universe what you want is your opportunity to get clear about what you want.

91. Receiving involves feeling the way you feel once your desire has manifested.

92. When you want to change your circumstances, you must first change your thinking.

93. Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life.

94. The daily practice of gratitude is one of the conduits by which your wealth will come to you.

95. When you visualize then you materialize.

96. Expectation is a powerful attractive force.

97. Success comes from within, not from without.

98. Your joy lies within you.

99. The Universe is a masterpiece of abundance.

100. You can change your life and you can heal yourself.



Recruiting via Social Media: 11 tips for Entrepreneurs/Organizations


Hello reading nation. Welcome again to blogzynergy.com where you can read and learn more from this blog article. Every day we things are changing so as entrepreneurs we all have to be prepared to change as well. In this article I will talk especially about recruiting via social media. Here we go, let your eyes do the reading while your master brain is recording these useful tips!

Use social media to recruit staff. Do this very strategically. How do you do that?

  1. Know your target audience – Know who your target audience is. Collect the demographic data, but also crawl into your target’s skin. What does they like or not ? Which medium does this audience use most? And how do they do that?
  2. Choose the right social media – Do not just use all social media. Choose! Go there where your target group is. Are you looking for young people (under 25) for eg. internships or internships or a first job? Move on Instagram and Snapchat. Are you looking for women in the 30-40 target group for a certain job? Use Facebook and Instagram. Are you looking for higher educated man or women? Use Linkedin.
  3. Find influencers, even in your own business – Find people who influence your audience. By this I do not necessarily mean a famous vlogger or artist, but the right people in a targeted network. Look for people who come/visit (to) many companies. Share your vacancies with these people by approaching them personally with the question of whether they want to share a vacancy through their social media. Use your own employees as an influencer. Let them share business information on their own social media, such as vacancies. Create ready-to-use posts in the form of image, text and links.
  4. Copy good ideas in your own style – See what your competitors are doing: follow their strategy, their posts, their resources, their language, their image. Copy what you appeal to and what fits your business or organization. Look at what other industries do: See if you can translate good ideas into your own practice.
  5. Use images – Indicate your vacancy. Social media = image. Therefore, consider how your vacancy is in images. Show a video or slideshow of the workplace, the workplace, the customers/people with who you come into contact with. In a campaign, use a number of tools like Instagram Stories or Live or Facebook Live during a photogenic event on the workplace and place a call-to-action.
  6. Think Smart – Campaign Smart – Cast your recruitment approach for each job in a clear and clear strategy. Think about campaigns and a “message schedule” – also called “content calendar.” Depend on a core message and translate it to the different resources available to you. Take advantage of the social media that best fits, including the message on your website, intranet, newsletter, but also on offline events like fairs and networking.
  7. Measure What Works and Keep Experimenting – Most social media provide analytics tool. This will quickly show you which posts score well and what less. Experiment and see what works. Embroider on successes.
  8. Stay on the go / Be Visble at all time – Show your organization on social media if you do not have any vacancies. Recruiting is not just about those vacancies, but also about the character and appearance of your organization, who work with you, what you do. Use Social media for continuous branding.
  9. Social is not just online – The oldest social media is: live networking! Still also interact physically with people. Certainly with a smaller organization – or with a company in an industry that is less known or popular – you still need to have word-of-mouth advertising and a “gun factor”. You still get the best and fastest if you can look people right in the eyes. BOOM !
  10. Understand that it’s not free – Compared to traditional media, social media are relatively inexpensive and offer high returns. They are effective and perfect to recruit right in the target group. Even though social media and various supportive tools on their own are “free”, they take advantage of time and smart use of promotional opportunities cost money. Ultimately, you need a specialized employee or desk to make good use of it. For optimal use, budget is therefore required.
  11. Follow the reviews of researches and keep an eye on actual blogs – Different organizations are researching the use of social media. Make sure you follow and keep up to date. Check out the surveys of the Social Media Monitor, or from any other platform etc. On different websites you can read blogs about developments in the social media landscape throughout the year.

Reading Nation. I hope to have given you enough tips to help yourself further and to provide your staff with more information. Feel free to send your comments. It will only screw up the motivation of blogzynergy.com. I stopped at eleven tips but I know you have more, so you can add them in the comments. Thank you in advanced.




Hello Fire Nation,

Passive income is real money that comes in when you are not actively working. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to work at all. You can do it without leaving your conventional job. With a passive income you can enjoy a life with more freedom. Does that sounds good in your both ears….

As a blogger I always look for opportunities to get more freedom in life and to do more things. So while your income rolls you have more freedom to work for anywhere in the world and travel around the world. This passive income opportunity is giving you a network power to meet more people and exchange ideas.It may just mean the freedom to work for yourself, when and where you choose.

You are your own boss, you are your own company and everything.

But let me tell you one thing, this is not LAZY, EASY MONEY. Building a passive income stream my friends takes a lot of time as well.Yeah a lot of preparations. But finally you are there. In a conventional job, you have to put efforts/time in to get money out. The moment you stop working, your income also stops. So to maintain your nice lifestyle you have to keep moving working. If you love your job, that’s great and fantastic. To make a passive income you are never too old. In my eyes passive income is providing an alternative too you so you can still maintain a certain income. In fact you may even earn more and more money. Once you see the money rolling, you will not like to stop. Believe me.! With you 9-5 job your income is limited. But with an online passive income money is unlimited as you know how to do it effectively. Passive income = Unlimited.! Your earnings can quite literally be unlimited while you sleep…. There are lots of possibilities to earn online.

Some online opportunities require some significant capital to begin with. Where I run my online business to earn a passive income is :


Here you can register for FREE and start working.While you earn, you can then spend a little money (1 time payment of U$ 10) then become a PREMIUM MEMBER where you can grow and earn much more in the system.

Start in the beginning to earn with your social media activities where you get paid for.FACEBOOK does NOT pay you for this……And that is a big difference. Am I clear..Good !

Start generating financial freedom. Don’t wait any longer. Take the opportunity to roll in today.

The BIG deal for passive income.

Friends the BIG deal for your passive income/online business is that it give you really freedom to move, so work from anywhere, anytime from your laptop, tablet, mobile phone on a tropical island(as long there is the availability of Wi-Fi) or sit in a coffee shop. It’s all about what you prefer. It’s your own choice.

Bear in mind

The very first requirement, and this is the passive part, is that it should be capable of sustaining itself even when you are not directly working on it. We do not want to have to keep working all the time to keep it flowing and going, otherwise we’re back to trading time for money again, just online this time. Realistically, you will probably have to put some time in now and again to maintain it. And you will have to put some time in if you want to grow it, but that’s your choice. You may have to put a shed load of time in at the beginning to get it up and running, but after that it should pretty much keep going on its own without too much work.

It should also not require a real-time presence. That is, you shouldn’t have to be present at any particular time or place in order for it to work. In a conventional business, if you sell something, you would have to be there to deliver it, so that is not passive. To meet our requirements, a passive income system should not depend on upon your presence or availability in order for it to operate — it should run on its own. You might have to answer the odd email from time to time, but the income stream should be automated so you can quite literally earn money while you sleep. And I can tell you from personal experience, there’s nothing quite like the feeling when you wake up, check your figures and see you made more when you were asleep than you used to do in a day’s hard work.

The second requirement for our passive income model is that it doesn’t require significant capital investment. You might have to spend a small amount on to get started. At futurenet.club the amount = 10 U$ as a one time payment. Yes a onetime payment you read it good !

The main investment you will have to make is time. And make no mistake, you’re going to have to invest a lot of that in the beginning. But consider the end goal — to be able to live and work anywhere you choose, work when you want, have no limits on your income, and have it continue even when you’re not working. Could you even imagine a better scenario than that? That has to be worth all the work you’ll put in at the beginning.

The 4th requirement for our type of passive income is it has to be something you can build up to. Something you can do on the side at first, and grow whilst you’re doing your day job, until it reaches the point where you can do it full time. That glorious day when you walk up to your big boss and give them the good and the bad news… So you should not have to take a massive risk, and jump off a cliff without a parachute to start it.

I’m going to add one more extra requirement to this, and that is that it should be something that anybody could do. It must need no qualifications other than a desire to succeed, the willingness to put the work in up front, and the ability to learn as you go. It should require no specialist skills or experience to begin with, you will learn those along the way

So for my very own purposes, passive income is:

Self-sustaining online income that doesn’t require a real time presence and a 24/7 wake up.

And to get the maximum benefit, be ready, START TODAY DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.

Now I’ve defined what passive income really is, let’s take a look at my online business link and REGISTER FOR FREE.






At Blogzynery.com our passionate team is always working how to work faster and more efficient on blogs. In this article we are going to introduce our so called : LIGHT SPEED BLOGGING SYSTEM.


Some will talk about the benefits of blogging as a major aspect of an essayist’s stage, however many publishers and readers still want to see that an author has a permanent way to interact with readers. In an age where social media rules and uses constantly change, it’s also a good idea to have a presence that you own. But what do you do on the days you forget to write? Or the days where nothing much comes to you that seems worth saying? Here are a couple tips to assist you past the halfway point.





Reuse old posts.

Seriously. blogging is interesting.  Maybe you have a stock of old content for years somewhere on your hard disk. Take them out and reactivate them. Yes the content is still good and helpful. Dig through your archives (this is easier if you used tags well as you published your blogs) and update a post that is still relevant but needs to be brought back to the light. You never knows how such blogs can run traffic to your site.

Join group blogs

just like this one. Then the burden is spread out and you don’t carry the load of creating content every, single day. But in a group blog it’s very important to think about what you bring that is different from the other bloggers and what readers expect when they come to the blog. Those are important on personal blogs, too, but even more critical when you are part of a group/team.

Bear in mind what you can bring to your blog readers.

Really think and pray about why they come to you. There are zillions of blogs. What do you contribute that is unique and different? How do you say it in a way that keeps them coming back?

Not every post should be 501 words.

People much smarter than we have argued the merits of different lengths of posts. What most people do agree on is that consistency is key. Stick with a blogging schedule if you can.

Keep a running list of possible blog topics.

Then on the days you have no motivation or the well of ideas is empty and dry like a dessert, you have a list that can jump start ideas.

There’s nothing quite like getting away from the buzz of the city for some much needed rest and relaxation after lots of hard work. That’s exactly what we did to recharge at light speed to blog further for you our dear readers.




How to Maximize Your Life from 18 years old to 26 years old


Hey Hey Folks interesting title. Isn’t it. I am sure it grabs your attention. No one of you like to become an old stick in the community.Stay healthy young and move on.Feel yourself always 26

In order to maximize your 18 to 26, you must follow a few keys steps that will be listed below.

Figuring out what you are passionate about in life – Some people might think 18 years old is too early to figure out what you want to do in life, and I agree. However, I don’t like to say figure out what you want to do in life. I like to say figure out your passion. Figuring out what it is you are passionate about at 18 years old is the perfect time. Once you figure out what you are passionate about you can begin the process of an 18 to 26. Without a passion; you will be stuck in the same position, and you will find that your life has become stagnant.

Putting Together a Plan to Reach Success – Once you have found out what your passion is you can now work towards achieving goals. However, first you must plan. I once heard, “Those who plan to fail, plan to fail.” Those who plan for success are people that make their process of becoming successful a lot easier. Making things easier is what will help you maximize the next seven years of your life.

Let Go of Anything That Takes You Away From Your Focus – If you think about it there are a lot of things in your life that can cause you to lose your focus. Letting go of some of these things is important because they directly affect your future. In order to achieve your goals, you might have to stay at the library a few extra hours and miss a party.

In life I have had to let some friends. I realized that I could not stay on the phone talking to my friends all night. I realized the time I spent talking to my friends on the phone could have been used for something productive. You got me. OK then move your eyes further down here.

Find Opportunities – Don’t wait for something to happen. Go after what is that you want from life. You might find an internship that might lead you eventually work for a big company. You might find an opportunity to write for a newspaper company. Take these opportunities; they will help you become successful quicker. They will help you maximize your 18 to 26.

Work Hard – Finally, just work hard. Give these next seven years everything you have. Don’t slack off, and don’t take this for granted. You have an opportunity to do something big while you’re young. Go after it. Follow your passionate and become successful.

With all this being said, work towards maximizing your 18 to 26. If you work hard now for seven years, the next years of your life will be great. Don’t get lazy, work hard. Work hard and become successful. Your time is now, and I challenge you to become successful. It’s all about you yes. Make it happen and don’t believe in fairy tales or any magic.



Blogzynergy Key points for Organizational Development


On special request of one of our blog readers, Team Blogzynergy loves to post an article regarding the subject down here.O yes it’s all about Organizational Development [OD] this time.Enjoy, update and execute.

Key basic points for Organizational Development


Understanding Organization:-

Organization like products and people have life cycle.

Corporate culture should be understood and should be looked at as a system.

Organization has to be understood and studied in totality. And should not be studied in parts.

The behavior of the system cannot be predicted from the behaviors of its parts.

If there is too much top-down control, creativity and productivity will be stymied, and the organization will

Every action within the organization would create a reaction and every reaction would not be predictable. A small instrument of change can create lasting effects or no effects at all.

Points that influence Organizational development:-

  • Span of control
  • Authority
  • Responsibility
  • Delegation
  • Chain of command
  • Accountability
  • Line authority
  • Staff departments

Points towards Organizational Development:-

  •  Purposes
  •  Structure
  •  Identification of activities
  •  Departmentally organizing the activities
  •  Classifying the authority
  •  Co-ordination between authority and responsibility

 Organizational Development Process:-

  • Diagnosis (address business, process and people issues)
  • Suggestions
  • Intervention and implementation
  • Feedback

Points to maintain the organizational process consistent:-

  • Monitoring
  • Auditing
  • Continuous Follow up

It is to be clearly remembered that at all times open communication with concerned employees and the stake holder’s needs to be maintained. Before any organizational development planning all the concerned should be taken into confidence and suggestions from all levels of employees should be taken into consideration.

Readers HOPE you like the straight to the point writing style. Don’t forget to send us your comments.



Free Hints When Writing Standard Operating Procedures


Here are 10 ideas to keep in mind when you write Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). An SOP is a written set of instructions that someone should follow to complete a job safely, with no adverse effect on health or the environment, and in a way that maximizes operational and production requirements.

How much someone knows about an entire process or job affects the way he or she does that job. Incorporate safety, health and environment into the traditional how-to-operate or how-to-do steps. This teaches the person comprehensively so that he or she has a complete picture of the responsibilities for doing a job properly. This knowledge base simplifies follow-up training.

Write an SOP to be as long as necessary for a specific job. All jobs differ in the number of steps required to complete them properly. Short changing someone by providing short and incomplete SOP sets up failure. Write an SOP to satisfy the definition of SOP, not a standard company format that no one has thought about in years.

1. People tend to ignore long SOPs because they cannot remember more than 6 to 12 steps. If your SOP goes beyond 10 steps, consider these solutions:

    • Break the long SOP into several logical sub-job SOPs,
    • Write an accompanying shortened SOP that lists only the steps but not detailed explanations of those steps, and
    • Make the long-form SOP a training document or manual to supplement the shorter sub-job SOPs mentioned earlier.

2. Prepare the longer comprehensive training SOP first to get a picture of what training is needed. Then decide how to break it into shorter sub-job SOPs. Writing sub-job SOPs first, and then trying to put them together, may leave out linkage steps that make sub-jobs interdependent.

3.  Write SOPs for people who perform under different interpersonal circumstances.

    • Write some SOPs for people who work alone.
    • Write some SOPs for two or more people who work together as a team.
    • Write some SOPs for people who will supervise other people doing a job.
    • Write some SOPs for people who not familiar with rules generally understood by your employees. For example, you may write for contractors, vendors or suppliers.

4. Consider the work culture within which people work. If you write for people in a culture in which shortcuts are accepted practice, explain the reasons behind certain steps so that SOP users will understand the importance of following all the steps in the proper order.

5. Consider the age, education, knowledge, skill, experience and training, and work culture of the individuals who will be performing the SOP steps.

6. Keep in mind that many people do not read all the steps before starting on step one. Many people read one-step, perform it, read the next step, perform it, and so on. To try to get around this habit, forecast future effects and steps at certain points in the SOP to tell reader things they should know in advance, such as upcoming steps that require caution, precision, timing, assistance, and personal protective equipment.

7. Once you have completed writing an SOP, have several workers test it and give you feedback. If you did not consult safety, health and environmental experts prior to writing the SOP, have them observe the SOP being tested so they can add comments.

8. Review the effectiveness of SOP’s after a few weeks and make necessary changes if in-the-field practice suggests that descriptions should be improved.

  • Review SOP’s when processes and equipment are changed.
  • When new equipment is installed, take the opportunity to write a new SOP, incorporating the good from the old, and adding what is necessary to satisfy the new equipment.




8 most effective methods to keep up an inspirational state of mind


My Sweet Blog readers. Without any long story I like to provide you with just 8 FREE effective methods to keep up an inspirational state of mind.

BOOM Here we go………….

  1. Become mindful of your thoughts and let them occur without judgment. As you recognize self-limiting beliefs and feelings, eliminate them by focusing on positive thoughts about the present and future.
  1. Reflect upon your present blessings,of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” Don’t brood over mistakes, carry grudges, or harbor hate.
  1. Worrying is a wasted effort and the breeding ground of doubt. It will lead you to contemplate potential losses rather than effective solutions. The antidote to worry is positive action.

4. Adversity comes to each of us in time. Expecting rather than dreading this adversity can make challenging periods seem less daunting and will allow you to accept that you possess the strength to conquer each obstacle as you have conquered obstacles in your past.

  1.  Assume that hidden in every setback there is a lesson. Consciously choose to think of the challenges you face in a positive way: as a learning experience, an opportunity to demonstrate your strengths, or the first step on a new path.

6. Think about what you desire, not what you fear. Visualize future successes with the belief that you will achieve them, and then take action. When you are working diligently toward a goal, there will not be time to ponder the obstacles.

7. When negative thoughts and feelings threaten to overwhelm you, take a “time out” and do something that makes you happy. Letting yourself be swept away in a favorite activity or meditation will inspire well-being.

8. Be confident that no matter what adversity you face, you will be strong enough to remain positive and optimistic. Knowing that there is no obstacle you cannot overcome will give you that strength.

Isn’t it NICE and CLEAR to have it presented very effective. It’s up to you my friends to use the methods in your situation. Finally it’s your MIND your thoughts your everything. Life continue.




Social Media Messaging Market – Global Industry Analysis, Forecast 2016 – 2023


Social Media Messaging Market: Overview Social media messaging is a communication medium integrated with social networking platforms. Social media offers a platform to share information, news, and tr…

Social Media Messaging Market: Overview

Social media messaging is a communication medium integrated with social networking platforms. Social media offers a platform to share information, news, and trends with your connections across the globe. Social media messaging is an instant messaging service which helps to connect with the people including friends, colleagues, and others in a better way than conventional messaging. In social media messaging services, message can be presented in multiple formats including, text, voice, photos, and videos.

Currently, companies are primarily focused on social media messaging services to advertise their products and increase brand awareness. In addition, social media messaging provides a platform for lifelogging, payments, gaming, media, and other services.

Social Media Messaging Market: Trends and Growth Propellers

In the past decade, communication has changed from conventional text to multimedia messaging. The increasing internet penetration plays a key role in the rapid growth of social media messaging. The penetration of various messaging services is increasing over the time due to advancement in mobile data network technologies such as 4G, and 5G provided by internet service providers.

Furthermore, the cost of social media messaging is much lower than conventional messaging services provided by mobile operators. Thus, a consumer prefers social media messaging service over conventional messaging. In addition, companies are using social media messaging services to increase brand awareness about their products and services.

Governments across the world focus on monitoring social media messaging services to keep track of erupting political movements, crises, and epidemics in unlawful activities. Likewise, social media messaging companies are introducing innovative design, and transformation in messaging platforms to increase the adoption. These factors are expected to drive social media messaging market over the forecast period. However, increasing inappropriate messages, and false information are affecting the transparency of the social media messaging. Furthermore, lack of internet penetration and unavailability of technology in a number of developing regions is expected to impede the growth of social media messaging.

Social Media Messaging Market: Segmentation

The social media messaging market is segmented by platform, message type, age group, and geography. By platform type, the social media messaging market is segmented into web application based, and mobile application based messaging. By message type, this market is segmented into instant messaging, and non-instant messaging. Based on the use of social messaging, social media messaging market is segmented by age group into 18 – 29, 30 – 49, and above 50.

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On the basis of geography, the social media messaging market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa. Among these regions, North America and Europe have been witnessing high growth in the social media messaging due to high internet penetration, improved mobile technologies such as 5G, and adoption of social media platforms.

However, Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa are expected to see large scale adoption of social media messaging in the coming years. This is primarily due to increasing awareness of social media messaging applicationsArticle Submission, and adoption of social networking platforms and services led by slow but steady growth in internet penetration.quickmove
