
Let me start like this…

As the world community is growing day by day, we as people must think how to produce more food on long term, without hurting the nature. In this blog I would like to send some triggers to Governments/Policymakers and other important/relevant authorities in the Caribbean Region especially Suriname and Guyana. A certain mind set is needed in combination of a long term mission and vision on this subject.


 A foodscape is simply the integration of edible plants in traditional ornamentallandscapes (around our very own living space).  It is all about creating the most of the square footage you have access to.


  · Utilize an ornamental base for yourself

· Increase bio‐diversity step by step 

· Beneficial insects will be around you 

· Reduced disease/stress     

· Manage all organically 

· Select your own choice of plants to create an engaging space 

· Conversation starter all the time

· Grow in containers, window boxes and vertical systems 

 · Alternative growing systems are easy to do 

· Rooftops offer plenty plenty sunny square meters to run this business 

· Think outside of the box 

· Use the existing landscape  

· Full sun in the Caribbean 

· Easily irrigated 

· Maintain regularly 

· Grow on YOUR terms… it is a wonderful hobby 

Sample Mission Statement

Our/My mission is to empower our/my customers with foodscape structures, protocols and plants that make producing food simple and lasting, accessible and serviceable to a broad customer demographic.

We/I aim to be knowledgeable, innovative and uncommonly helpful as we foster a greener world for the future.

Sample Vision Statement

Our/My vision is to restore the balance between green space (plants) and hard space (concrete, steel, glass) wherever you are.

We aim to create a greener more hospitable planet Earth by proclaiming the benefits of plants and helping ourself/clients to successfully install and cultivate them (also on vertical surfaces).

Some Benefits of Foodscaping

Foodscaping offers a variety of benefits, many of which are a result of fulfillment of the human need to connect with nature. The research study which is also known as ‘biophilia,’ a growing field of study that emphasizes the physiological and resultant economic benefits that come from restoring natural connections in our built environment.

Performance + Productivity

Our innate need to connect with nature is known as biophilia.  This is the serious driving force behind our boost in mood, sharper focus, and stronger immune system when we are exposed to natural environments.  Foodscaping is a great way to trigger the biophilic response and improve performance and productivity (for everyone).

Better Attendance

Workplaces/enviroments which incorporate biophilic design elements such as access to nature have reduced absenteeism, fewer complaints, and improved staff retention. Happy people will be around.

Reduce Fatigue/Stress

Providing access to nature in the workplace can reduce eyestrain, relieve mental fatigue, and improve focus on tasks during the day, but also at night.

Increase Output

Integrating plants into workplaces yields productivity gains and reduced psychological stress and pshycological pressure.

Enhance Performance

Students exposure to nature has been correlated with higher academic performance in Mathematics and English.

Improve Focus

Studies/researches have also demonstrated that exposure to nature eases symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Attract Customers

Shoppers will stay longer in stores and visit more frequently when plants are heavily prevalent inside and outside retail settings. Believe it or not.

Stronger Sales

Consumers might purchase more merchandise and are surely willing to pay higher prices for goods when surrounded by nice nature.

Higher Rents

Foodscaping environments can be used to improve the view in leased space, translating into more dollars guests or tenants are willing to spend during their staying.

Recover Faster

Patients who physically interact with plants use less medication and experience significantly reduced recovery times after medical procedures.

Enhance Experience

Using plants and planted walls as well in healthcare enhances the experience of patients, visitors and staff, who report greater satisfaction and positive feelings in the presence of nature.

Ease Anxiety

Did you know that researchers have found lowered cortisol levels and reduced reported anxiety levels correlating with access and interaction with plants.

Positive Emotions

Colors can have an effect on our/my very own emotions. Green is linked to safety, so green foliage typical of indoor plantings create a comforting environment. Think about it.

Food Production

Food scaping and especially vertical gardens are a popular solution in the rising urban farming movement as horizontal space can be difficult to come by in densely populated areas. Yes even in rural and suburban areas, restaurateurs, senior caregivers, healthcare providers, and homeowners are turning to food scaping and vertical farming for affordable, low-maintenance food production.

Living Art

Good food scaping (vertical green walls) can serve as a means of expression, creating a unique space for people to express themselves in various ways.

Balanced Solutions

Good Landscaped communities are more attractive to tourists and shoppers, and community planners can balance the desire for greenness with the desire for wide, welcoming sidewalks through green food producing walls.

The plants in the living wall cool and beautify neighborhoods without taking up ground space, and surface runoff can be collected, treated and used for irrigation, reducing site runoff.

Community Bonds on Long Term

Similarly, nice green communities correlate with increased sense of pride and place, levels of trust, and civic participation.  Residents in nice green communities spend more time outdoors and forming bonds with neighbors. You don’t have to agree with me.

Increased positive public sentiment can support other community goals, such as maintaining population levels that bolster a community’s economic sustainability and stability. This will increase more love for food scaping.

Healthy Food

When used to grow herbs and vegetables, produce from a living vertical wall provides supplemental food that is healthy for our body and the environment.

Children—and adults—who are involved in the process of growing their own food are more likely to have healthier diets.

Closing Statement

I really hope to have triggered you with this short blog.

Let us collectively spread this message further and start to create lovely green producing communities not far from home.

If you have any other suggestions/ideas, feel free to drop them down in the comments here below.

If everyone join together and do their part, the results will be sun shining very quickly. Meh done talk ! Do deh Ting…

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I recently read that the police have indicated that the Nickerie district in Suriname (South America) has been the safest place to live and work in recent years. It is not unknown that this part of Suriname can also be considered as a direct gate to CARICOM potential. Nickerie is driven by agriculture. From my perspectives and also as a true Nickerian, I would also like to state that Nickerie has the power to transform into the first BLUE ZONE Region of Suriname through good policy. You don't have to agree with me. And of course pessimists will raise all kinds of talks and questions, but unfortunately that won't stop me from continuing with this blog.
A typical Surinamese is raised with negative thinking and to change that is a chore. I will not embroider on this, because I think differently from pessimists.

As an active blogger, I silently follow various trends in the world. This is how the BLUE ZONE caught my attention. After a lot of research and reading, I conclude that the safest district of Suriname has the ingredients to become a blue zone district of Suriname.

Blue Zones are areas in the world where relatively many people in good health live to be one hundred years and older. Sardinia is one of those places. Old age is respected: the elderly are considered full; their wisdom of life is appreciated and they are a full part of family life.

With the safety factor in the bosom, work can continue to ensure that life in Nickerie becomes more pleasant. Health and happiness almost go hand in hand. Growing old healthily has everything to do with daily habits: eating lots of vegetables, walking in nature, gardening, having a chat, taking a nap and drinking a glass of wine. I can already see that this food is for the pessimist, but I am continuing.

Naturally moving as one people

'Blue Zoners' do not go to the gym, but physical exercise is a natural and logical result of the way their life is organized. One hundred year olds in Okinawa sit not on a chair, but on the floor, and dozens of knees a day. The old Sardinians live in houses with stairs. Every visit to the shop, church or friends is the reason for a walk. Little or no use is made of modern conveniences and mechanical aids. When they bake a cake, they mix the batter by hand and not with a mixer. If they do exercise consciously, they do activities that they enjoy; there is much walking and gardening. Do you recognize some simple ingredients in this? I do not reject the use of technology.

 The right perspective

 The Japanese concept of 'ikigai' is becoming increasingly popular in various countries. Ikigai indicates that you have a purpose in your life, a reason to get out of bed every morning. Living according to the ikigai principle provides such a goal seven extra years of life. This sense of purpose is clearly present at the Blue Zoners. 

On the other hand, they also know when to switch back. Their daily life provides moments of peace and relaxation, for example a siesta, a party or a moment to pray. See again some simple ingredients to build on. And even more they cost nothing. Healthy food What the elderly people in the Blue Zones have in common is that they eat mainly vegetable. Beans are regularly on the menu; meat only a few times a month. 

In Okinawa, for example, the hara hachi bu rule is used: do not eat until you are saturated, but stop when you are eighty percent full. The Blue Zoners drink an average of one or two glasses of wine a day. For me, water is already a perfect product.

 The social life in the Blue Zones is important. Family comes first. The elderly are part of the family and often live with their children at home or in the neighborhood. Residents of the Blue Zones have a strong social network. For example, the people of Okinawa unite in 'moais'. These are groups of five people who commit themselves to life and support each other or confront each other about unhealthy or undesirable behavior. Faith also plays a role in the Blue Zones. Blue Zones of happiness Following on from the Blue Zones with the longest life expectancy, it is important to delve into what I call the Blue Zones of happiness: where in the world are people happiest and why? 

Research that has been done, for example, stopped at Singapore, Costa Rica and Denmark. Singapore, the happiest country in Asia, embodies the kind of happiness that comes from satisfaction and satisfaction. In general, people like a clear and easy way to success and don't mind working hard. They prefer security over freedom. 

In Costa Rica, people give priority to social interaction; they will not work overtime quickly if they miss a party. They also give family priority - the whole family has lunch on Sunday afternoons. They are religious and research shows that religious or spiritual people are happier. 

In Denmark people live with more purpose in their lives than anywhere else. Their health care, social security and education are covered. Almost all of their daily needs are met, allowing people to choose work they love. It is noted that where gender equality exists, both men and women are happier across the board. 

Other lessons that we can further learn from the happiest cities and places in the world: residents of cities where you can walk and cycle, with parks and greenery are generally happier than residents of cities without those amenities. 

The dietary pattern also plays a role: reducing the consumption of fast and junk foods and making fruit and vegetables cheaper and more available makes for happier and healthier residents. 

I hope that with this approach I have given policymakers and in particular the people of Nickerie an eye-opener to become healthier and more prosperous and that this may even spread to the rest of the Caribbean. 

We focus an estimated 30 times a day on the negative. Yet it pays to work consciously on a positive attitude to life. This not only ensures a happier feeling, it also contributes to a good brain function. 

As a life traveler you must always be optimistic. 
Off to the blue zone ...

