Fifteen Choices You Will Regret In 10+5 Years


Regret is not nice. But luckily you have enough time to avoid that feeling. Here are 15 choices you’ll regret in 15 years. My choices may not be equal with your choices. Anyway let us move further. Read further. Thanks in advanced for reading this blog as well.

Effective time management requires making wise choices. - Taylor in Time

1. Pretending to be different from who you are

Living with a mask is exhausting. And I would say that living with a mask means that you are not really alive .

You can only fully enjoy your life if you can really be yourself. Learn to accept yourself as you are. Self-acceptance is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself.

2. Taking your health for granted

Many people take their health for granted until they get sick . But that’s a risky strategy, as poor health can drastically lower your quality of life.

Your health belongs in your top 3 priorities in life . Because, after all, it is your body that makes this life possible in the first place.

Go Green > health

3. Spend all your money

Most people go through an endless cycle that creates a full house and an empty feeling inside . They always pin their hopes on the next purchase. But if it turns out that that new smartphone does not provide lasting happiness, they look for the next.

In 15 years you won’t be thinking about all that stuff. However , your life would be better off with a financial buffer . Such a buffer provides peace of mind, resilience and freedom.

With every euro you save, you are doing your future self a favor . Of course you also want to enjoy now. But don’t forget that working towards a better future also brings you a lot of satisfaction.

4. Thinking too much about yourself

The better you can relate to others, the smoother your relationships will be. And your relationships are a huge factor in your happiness in life.

Work on your empathy. Be kind and considerate to others . Not only do you become a light for your environment. It also brings a lot of satisfaction in the end. Plus, your environment is likely to get better for you too. Nice bonus.

The Importance of Creative Thinking Skills in Our Life

5. Let others determine your dreams for you

If I hadn’t fought for my own choices, I’d probably be working at an advertising agency right now with an empty feeling inside.

The beaten paths are the easiest paths to walk . But not necessarily the prettiest. When I drive to France I avoid the highways to enjoy all the beautiful villages. You can do that in your life too.

Avoid the boring highways and choose your own path. This is your life and you only get it once. Whatever others think, you decide for yourself how you organize this life.

6. Trying to control everything

As a control freak, you feel like you can get a handle on almost anything, and that’s a good thing . In reality you are wasting a lot of energy on an impossible battle.

Not only would life be boring if you could control everything. It is also simply impossible.

Be a little looser, and just dare to let life unfold . Of course you want to prepare. But you don’t want to manipulate and force. Things don’t always go your way, and that’s fine.

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7. Not daring to grow

You will find the most satisfaction in growing from within. By letting go of your fears, throwing unnecessary beliefs overboard, challenging yourself and getting out of your comfort zone.

But that is also scary from time to time .

However, don’t let that stop you from growing. A life that revolves around comfort and safety is fine, but not great. You have to keep growing if you want to wake up every day with a feeling of happiness, gratitude and joy.

8. Postpone Your Happiness

Get happy first, then go and achieve all those goals. Not the other way around.

If you keep postponing your happiness , you will never experience it. Think of happiness more as health. An aspect of your life that deserves attention every day. And as soon as you have too little of it, your quality of life decreases.

A happy foundation ensures that you can achieve your goals . And that ultimately ensures that you experience satisfaction . So be happy first, then the rest will follow.

9. Wasting your time on things that make you feel empty

There are more and more ways to have fun without experiencing satisfaction. Series on Netflix, great video games, TV, movies, outings.

Sometimes it seems that entertainment is one of the most important things in our lives. While in reality it is no more than a means to entertain you.

Optimize your life for satisfaction – not pleasure . Fun is important. But if it leaves you with an empty feeling, it won’t do you any good.

10. Not Spending Enough Time With Your Loved Ones

In 15 years, all the people you love will be 15 years older. Realize that you can not push working on relationships to the future .

Your relationships belong in your top 3 priorities. By giving all your attention to your work and neglecting your relationships, you end up selling yourself short. Especially when it comes to children. Because in 15 years they will no longer be children. If you want to enjoy their childhood, do it now.

11. Always live in the future or the past

If you are constantly lost in thought, your life will fly by. Why? Because then you never live in the moment. And the now is where life takes place.

The future and the past only exist in your head. They are memories and projections that do not exist . The only thing that is true is what is there now.

Mindfulness helps you experience your life on a deeper level. To really enjoy the moment. Because the more you live in your head, the faster you run through your life. And if we learn one thing from old people, it’s that life moves so fast .

Mindfulness helps you bring your life back to a more comfortable pace. While enjoying more at the same time.

12. Taking your life so seriously it makes you stressed

A lot of things are important. But few things are important enough to feel stressed about. Dare to put things in perspective a bit .

Focus your attention on contributing to the world in a way that makes you happy. But also learn to put everything in perspective. Grow old with smile lines, not worry lines.

13. Running after the money

Money is a great tool. But it is a very weak means of generating satisfaction.

So see and use money for what it is. A means to optimize your life for freedom, happiness and meaning. But don’t see money as an end in itself . Because that mainly means that you invest a lot of time and energy in a dead end street.

If you find that your relationships, your sense of meaning and your health are giving way to your quest for more money and status – then it is definitely time to make adjustments.

14. Missing the beauty in ugliness

Everything has beauty, if you are willing to see it. Normally we filter the world on very narrow criteria. What we consider ‘beautiful’ must meet very specific requirements. But these criteria can be stretched.

Why would you do that? Easy. The more beauty you see around you, the more beautiful the world becomes . You can learn to enjoy the full spectrum of being human on this planet.

Joy, love and fun are beautiful. But sadness, hatred and fear can also be beautiful. A blooming flower can be as disarming as the flower giving itself back to Earth.

Failure can contain as much beauty as success. And a funeral can be just as beautiful as a birth.

15. Constantly judging people and events

Judgment cramps everything and everyone. The more strongly you judge people, the less the people around you dare to be themselves in your presence .

And the more you judge yourself, the smaller you make yourself.

Try Acceptance . Accept yourself, accept people around you, accept the events in your life. Notice how much peace, freedom and love this can bring. It makes your life easier, less cramped and more fluid.

And you know – you will certainly not regret more freedom, peace and love in 15 years. †


When life challenges you; When you want to be patient


Life doesn’t always go the way you want. And in the moments when it seems like you can’t take it anymore – be patient. Better times are coming. This blog article is dedicated especially for everyone who is/are going through difficulties.

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Everything will pass

Life tends to overwhelm us from time to time. That is difficult, because at such moments you can completely lose the overview. Not only does it feel like there’s no way out – it also seems like life will always be like this from now on.

But if life is good at one thing, it’s change.

Everything is temporary . Even if you feel like you’re all over it. Even if you don’t know how to keep your head above water. Change is always on the horizon, even if you can’t see it yet.

When you feel like you’ve been exposed to the elements, as if your bare skin is being cut by icy winds – know that this moment isn’t forever.

Life isn’t all about pancakes

No – sometimes it’s tough, challenging and overwhelming in all sorts of ways. We can always do our best to grow, to become stronger and to develop ourselves. We can read books, meditate, overcome fears, set goals, challenge ourselves to do things differently.

But weathering adversity —keep going when you’re bombarded by cutting headwinds— is often the only way to truly grow in the areas where growth is most needed for you . This is the resistance you need to become the person you need to be to overcome bigger challenges.

To become wiser, more powerful and more valuable to those around you. In a sense, this period of despair and adversity lays the foundation for a new life.

So often the deepest setbacks prove to be the most effective foundation for a deeper and more valuable life:

  • People go through a deep burnout and decide to use their lives to help others take better care of themselves.
  • Going through a serious illness or intense trauma allows you to provide more value to people going through the same thing.
  • People go through a deep depression and eventually discover for themselves that life is indeed worth living, and find deeper meaning and satisfaction.
  • There are those who lose everything – through a fire, bankruptcy, or some other tragedy – only to find that they can eventually find happiness even in the situation they feared most, offering tremendous inner freedom.
  • Because someone has broken your heart, you learn step by step about self-love and you manage to heal your heart, making you stronger than you otherwise would ever be.
  • As life tests you, with countless challenges simultaneously coming your way, you learn to stop fighting and surrender to what is . An insight that will help you find more peace for the rest of your life.

It is the most difficult periods that help us grow – help us mature . Who have made us who we are today, and who will shape us into who we are ten years from now.

You can’t control the weather

The icy storm is slicing into your skin – whether you like it or not. You can’t influence the weather, you can only influence the way you weather this storm.

Take the steps necessary to make the situation better. And at the same time know that life right now is exactly as it is, and no different. As you work to work through this situation, you can surrender to it.

It’s hard, that’s the way it is now . And it gets better, but now it is the way it is. And that’s okay.

Sometimes there is nothing you can do. Then throwing up is your only option . Surrender to the situation and be patient, waiting for better weather. Don’t keep wishing things were different, but take the time to work through this situation and grow stronger.

Life is not always easy. And your fierce resistance to change often makes it even more difficult. Like panicking in quicksand sucking you down deeper and deeper. Calm is strength . Patience and surrender will get you through this.

Everything is temporary. Even the deepest dips in your life. Take a deep breath, be kind to yourself, be patient. You can do this. 

Lift yourself out of a difficult period

Are you going through a difficult period in your life right now? Don’t worry – you’re not alone. We may not be able to solve your problems in one fell swoop, but there are many steps we can take together . Always do your best how difficult it is. Don’t Give Up !!!


How To Manage and Control Strategic Change (Tichy) in 2021

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This article explains Noel M. Tichy ‘s concept of managing strategic change in a practical way. After reading you’ll understand the fundamentals of this powerful change management tool .

Managing Strategic Change: Technical, Political, and Cultural Dynamics -  Noel M. Tichy - Google Books

What is Strategic Change Management

Strategic change involves critical implementations for companies trying to improve their competitiveness in the marketplace. It can be viewed as long-term projection decisions that are critically evaluated. Therefore, strategic change is about carefully examining various internal and external factors to make the right decisions.

Managing strategic change takes place during the implementation of the change. Noel M. Tichy , an American management consultant, educator and author of many books and wrote “Managing Strategic Change.” In this book, Tichy refers to managing strategic change through implementation of the TPC model. TPC stands for technical, political and cultural dynamics.

Tichy, the founder of the TPC model, argues that companies need to analyze the dynamics mentioned above if organizations want to manage strategic change. As a result of the evaluation of the technical, political and cultural dynamics of an organization, there is a good chance that companies will be able to answer strategic change-related questions, such as questions related to the industry in which the company operates and the values of employees.

Managing strategic change generally focuses on identifying organizational problems and challenges and identifying how they can be impacted so that the business benefits in the future. The dynamics identified by Tichy are interrelated, which are explained in more detail in the next section.

TPC Model of Managing Strategic Change

As explained earlier, managing strategic change can become successful through the integration of technical, political and cultural dynamics.

Technical dynamics
This dynamic of managing strategic change focuses on organizational structure and product portfolio issues. For example, increased global competition has made it easier for companies to learn and copy innovations. The result of global learning is that the demand for qualitative and competitively priced products is increasing. Companies that fail to keep up with industry developments need to recognize the need to change.

In addition to only product-related aspects, the technical dynamics of managing strategic change also focus on different organizational strategies. For example, after an internal evaluation of profitability, a company can determine that it focuses on a specific target group is not profitable. It can serve as an indicator to change the company’s strategic direction.

Political dynamics

The political dynamics of managing strategic change is an essential factor to evaluate. From a business perspective, this means applying resources to influence current and future political decisions. In addition, the political element is important because it often deals with pressures related to macro perspective problems.

Cultural dynamics
The cultural factor of managing strategic change generally focuses on norms and values that have not yet been discussed internally in the organization. Another view of cultural dynamics is to see the factor as external pressure for change due to different or changing values and beliefs of society. This external pressure to change may be related, for example, to equal employment opportunities that typically lead to a more diverse workforce.

Although the technical, political and cultural dynamics are factors that must be evaluated separately, the dynamics can influence each other according to Tichy. From a business perspective, companies should assess which element of the TPC model visualizes the most important development. The dynamics with the most development can be a trigger for change. However, this is easier said than done because all dynamics also bring a lot of uncertainty when it comes to how a factor might develop over time.

Companies must constantly evaluate and re-evaluate technical, political and cultural dynamics, as they represent the context from which the organization could change course and prioritize work.
Taken together, the dynamics represent problems that will come and go. Solving these problems may not be realistic, but companies are constantly dealing with these dynamics.
Managing strategic change
To manage strategic change, it is first essential to understand an organizational structure. Tichy refers to an organization as an organization made up of social objects.

The social objects are the employees of an organization who interact and do the following: the employees integrate different technical, political and cultural approaches, the employees focus on useful challenging questions, and help the employees implement change. The employees are therefore interconnected and play a vital role in managing strategic change as the workforce enables the flow of goods and services and shares knowledge with each other.

Using the TPC model can be useful for identifying the need for change, but it is also useful for managing strategic change. The TPC model can be used in conjunction with a network model, a model. Tichy’s network model comprises the subsequent elements: input, mission and vision, tasks, formal network, organizational processes, informal networks and output. They are all briefly explained below.

Understanding the history of the organization is essential to managing strategic change. Therefore, the input focuses on how the business has developed over time. It refers to any input from the company that has contributed to a company’s reputation. It is essential because a company’s history largely determines the company’s future course.

Mission and vision
Managing strategic change can only be successful if the company manages to communicate business messages consistently. Since the mission and vision of an organization is often the reason a company is founded, strategic decisions related to change must integrate the organisation’s raison d’être into the decisions. Companies also have to decide which resources can be allocated and to what extent they will be allocated.

Tasks refer to all concrete activities that must be performed to achieve the organizational goals. It also addresses how the activities should be carried out, and thus the technologies needed to successfully achieve organizational goals. Identifying concrete tasks and required technologies provides a degree of certainty for the employees. Moreover, it contributes to a smooth flow of operational processes.

Formal network
Managing strategic change involves formal understanding of the tasks to be performed by each function. It allows for formal differentiation at different levels of the organization. For example, differentiation can be based on function, geography and production.
Organizational processes

Managing strategic change can become successful with the implementation of different processes. These methods can be related to communication, management and even employee benefits. An important element of organizational processes is communication with internal supporters.
Informal networks

Informal networks refer to the interactivity between company employees. Employees share experiences and learn about the company’s mission and strategies. These interactions are necessary for the successful management of strategic change.


The term output refers to the various goals that companies have. These goals all have different functions and can affect the extent to which other goals are achieved.

A final word on managing strategic change
Managing strategic change is claimed to technical, political and cultural dynamics. These represent the primary systems and must be fully understood to understand the basic idea of an organization and the basic idea of strategic change. Since the technical dynamics can be easily explored thanks to the availability of data, the political element focuses on the level of power of organizations and the cultural element changes through the development of new norms, values and attitudes.

All dynamics require continuous evaluation to manage strategic change.
According to Tichy, the organization should be seen as a system in which the aforementioned elements function as one. Overall, identifying the need for change and managing strategic change becomes easier because of the increased power of the force behind the change.

Click to read the following article titled:

What is The Power Transactional Stress Model


Lessons for Dynamic Leaders during the Corona Crisis

Dynamic Leadership – VATCons

Due to the corona crisis, many young leaders are struggling with a sense of unrest. In this blog I like to share with you some very important point you can apply in your daily routine to the current challenges.

With a good mindset this will surely help you to travel more working miles.

The following points are very handy for young leaders but also for everyone who is leading and is in the plan to start leading.
Remember that we are all from diverse ideas and sectors. We are all in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world which is changing rapidly.
After all, we are not alone in this struggle, and with this information you will get a strong sense of freedom of choice in your life, whatever the situation you are facing.

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1: Make a distinction between what you do or do not control

At any time of the day, there are an infinite number of things that are out of your control, at the same time there are things that you do have control over. How well can you make a distinction here? How often do you ask yourself this question? And where do you invest all your attention, life force and energy in? Nowadays it is too easy to get distracted by all the things you have no control over, while you could have used the 24 hours of the day for anything you could have made a positive difference: for yourself, your family, teams , community and everything else that is dear to you.

2: Invest in, and be careful with your buffer of positivity

How easy or difficult do you make it for yourself to build up a buffer of positivity to better deal with the inevitable setbacks in life? How well do you know what gives you a positive kick in life, not because it was talked about by others, but because you really feel it yourself? When you hear a negative message, how do you prevent it from seeming unnecessarily worse than it actually is? How critically do you assess your initial interpretation of the topic (personal or impersonal), the magnitude of the problem (large or small), and the temporality (long or short)? And when everything seems to go wrong, how well do you manage to build up your buffer with a feeling of gratitude for moments from the past? 

3: Focus on talents that energize you

There are some skills you are not good at, and there are skills that you are better at. There are skills that do not energize you, and there are skills that do energize you. How well do you know yourself in this regard? How can you use your talented people more often per week, and make your environment aware so that you don’t question skills that cost you energy? Which hidden talents that give you energy would you like to develop further at work and beyond?  

4: Care about yourself and others

How do others know that you are there for them, especially in difficult times? When someone shares a problem, do you only address the words the other person is saying, or do you also pay attention to the underlying emotional message (s)? How well can you place these feelings in the context of the other person’s life? How do you ensure that you keep your attention with the other person and not let the conversation be hijacked by yourself or others who have had a similar experience? How do you let yourself experience that you are not alone and that there are others who care about you?
5: Find meaning in everyday moments

From building something important for society to preventing something unwanted from private, how well can you see every moment of the day you are contributing? “Those who have a  why have can (almost) any  how  endure “has the same physical act another inner experience entail depend on the meaning can you give it Unlike simple times have difficult moments often extra chances meaning to find.: courage, patience, wisdom, compassion, and other personal qualities can only grow stronger when tested 

6: Celebrate successes with every step

In uncertain times, the finish line is not always in sight, and there is a lack of prospect of improvement in the short term. Plans change, and a lot of (knowledge) work is not immediately visible or tangible. In addition, if the elements of the previous lessons are missing, it can be easy to lose the motivation to continue. That is why it is extra important to clarify and celebrate every step forward. This can be done with others or alone. This can be planned or spontaneous. This can be big or small. Looking back at the week, it is quite clear what went wrong, but how often do you also think about what did work? What went easier than expected? And how do you set the bar for success at the right height, so that it is high enough to mean something, but also accessible enough to experience?

Become the leader you want to be at Lead the Way: Dynamic ...

This is how you deal with situations in which you seem to have no influence


Image result for impossible possible

Colleagues who are always late, decisions taken from above: we all have to deal with circumstances at work that we seem to have no influence on. Please as a blogger allow me to explain how to handle this properly. You can do it your way as well.

There is a saying: Change what you cannot accept and accept what you cannot change . That all sounds great, but how do you do that now, accept something that you cannot change? If we could do this easily, we would have done it for a long time.

Management assistants in particular often feel very involved in their work. As a result, they have difficulty accepting circumstances beyond their control. Involvement is a personal value, but it can also be a core value, and therefore comes from within.

We also have a heart for the business. If, for example, we see that certain things are happening that are detrimental to the clients or the quality of our work and we have no influence on this, then it is difficult to accept this.

Involvement is therefore a beautiful characteristic, but it is precisely because of this characteristic that we have extra difficulty dealing with circumstances at work that we have no influence on.

Yet there is a way in which we can deal with such circumstances at work.

Focus on what is possible

Take a look at what is possible and therefore on which part of the circumstance we do have influence. On which part or parts of the problem, the situation or the circumstance do we have any influence? Whatever the circumstances are, there is almost always something that we do have influence on.

Let me give an example. Suppose there is a threat of dismissal for you. Whether or not we ultimately get fired, we have no influence on that. But what we do influence is the execution of our work. If we do that well, the chance is always slightly greater that we can stay than if we throw the cap at it. But also by requesting a meeting with our supervisor and indicating that we are prepared to follow courses or training, or that we are open to any other position. At the same time, we can look around for another job in the meantime.

By focusing on what we do influence, we opt for proactive action instead of reactive action. As a result, we no longer feel like a victim, because we take control and responsibility for what we do have influence on.

Start the conversation

But what about the behavior of, for example, a colleague? Suppose a colleague arrives late for work every morning. Whether this colleague arrives at work on time or not, we have no influence on that. However, what we can do is start a conversation about this. Then we can first state what the facts are, namely that we have noticed that he / she regularly comes late in the morning. We can then indicate that we are affected by this and ask how we can deal with this in the future.

By starting a conversation, we regain control and act proactively. If we really listen to this colleague, it may just be that we are told what the reason is for being late. Then we can talk about possible solutions, such as other working hours. If we then work this out together, this can be presented to our supervisor. By speaking out and entering into a conversation, we do have an influence on the behavior of others.

Decisions from above

But what if it concerns something definitive, such as a decision that has already been taken by higher authorities? Even then we can always enter into a conversation with the relevant people. In this case, therefore, with the management or the board. Then we can indicate that we think it is a shame that these decisions were taken from above, without being involved in this. That we also have ideas about this and that we think it is a shame that this has not been requested, and that these ideas could therefore not be included in the decision-making process.

That does not mean that something will actually be done with it, but we have at least given our opinion on this. We always have an influence on what we say and against whom. So also in this case we take control and act proactively by speaking.

Just think of the consequences if we don’t do this. Suppose we act and think reactively: the decision has already been made. What if we do not speak out against the right people? There is a good chance that we will then express our dissatisfaction with the wrong people. Because if we have something high, we still want to get rid of it. Then we can speak better to the right people, even though this is the top of the organization, for example.

Let go in mini steps

If we have done everything about the things that we can influence, how do we let go of the things that we really have no influence on?

By constantly looking at how we can let go of something 1 percent. By looking at what we need to be able to let go of this a little bit. A mini step. What we focus our attention on is growing. If we focus on how we can let go of something a little, it will become easier and easier for us.

Finally the following. It is not what we want to hear, but often we can learn from circumstances that are not going well. Just think of previous experiences in your life that you have not experienced as pleasant. You have probably learned a lot from this. As a result, we often know what we no longer want.

If every day or moment you are able to reflect in your very own surroundings you can learn a lot more.Not difficult right.


The Three Pillars of Elite Performance


In recent years, more and more people talk and write about the mind-body connection.

How we literally influence the world around us, our health and our performance with our thoughts.
I am at least as much interested in the body-mind connection.
How you can influence your internal world with your body.

Your thoughts, your state of mind and your emotions.
Master both games and your life changes.
So much more control.
So much more influence.
And so extremely much better performance.

You need 3 pillars for elite performance:

  1. Clarity (what is the specific objective?)
  2. Focus (on that one thing that makes all the difference)
  3. Execution (a system for consistent, visible progression). All three points mentioned above, people might miss.
    Good news: without more work, you can probably get 3x to 10x more if you get this in order.
    More good news: you don’t have to do twice as much to double your results.
    It all seems extreme but can be done.
    With a good extreme mix of the three pillars you will understand more of this methodology, which is certainly experienced by each one differently.
    Imagine what it would mean for you if you would make this work to your daily advantage.
    A body and a mind that get 800% more done.
    Better thoughts. Better emotions. Extremely better productivity.

A day dedicated to living better and working better.
Get much more out of every day.
Not by working harder (because you already do that).
But by focusing on exponential processes.
It is time that you discover your secret weapons and give yourself a pitch. Do something about BIO-HACKING.




The new year started fresh but I know a lot of you are still under stress. Good enough to start my first blog item with giving you the ability how to reduce stress from your mind, body and soul.

Sit back, relax and let me talk to you…

Don’t you forget we live in a world of stress, from childhood to old days at home, in the work place .it keeps us awake at night. Stress ruins our days and tons of other activities.

And so we often ask, how can I get rid of the anxieties of life.

How can I get free from STRESS.

Some people take exercise other takes yoga, other do meditation something, anything, but my understanding is this:

There is no getting away from STRESS, yes you can’t get away from it. The age we all living in is the age of STRESS.

This is a world of STRESS. A time of STRESS.

You breath it, you see it, you hear it and what to do ????

You can learn to manage it and to tolerate it how not to identify it and it’s effects.

Now how do you do that ?? Here it comes…..

Change your approach to the factor STRESS and change your approach to life by remembering this mantra : BE ANCHORED you got it yes BE ANCHORED

What do I really mean :

Envisage a ship or boat anchored at sea, Storms/ hurricanes may come one after another the boat may toss this way and that and furniture inside may go flying. Some people get seasick, but the boat doesn’t go anywhere.

Why ???

Clear…It’s Anchored !!

So you be anchored, find the place in life that you want to be in based on who you really are. Find what your inner-self really wants from life and anchor to that.

Once you keep bringing yourself back to that place by constant remembrance of your identity values and goals then you can learn to manage STRESS.

At the fresh start of this new year I would like to share ten tips how to be calm and reduce STRESS:


    Just a few minutes a day of meditation can help to ease your stress and anxiety.


    When you are feeling stressed, take time to focus on breathing deeply. Close your eyes, sit up straight and focus on nothing but breathing deeply.


    Having a solid social support system is a good key to reduce stress.

    Reach out to close friends and your family in time of need.


    Exercise has been shown to increase “FEEL GOOD” endorphins that can help reduce stress. A long walk can give you time to reflect, while an intense gym workout can let you release negative energy.

  5. LAUGH

    Laughter may not be the “best” medicine but it does actually lower cortisol – also known as the stress hormone.


    Research has shown that listening to soothing music can lower blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety. Alternatively, listening to more upbeat music can also help by invigorating you.


    These two words tells you a lot.


    This one is very simple – some times you just have to step back and realize that you can’t control everything. Some things are out of your hands, so why waste your time stressing about them.


    It is not easy to stay always positive. But, you can make an active effort to try and to find the positively in your very own life. Do not focus on negative thoughts like “bad things are going to happen with me”.


    Don’t forget to take some time to really enjoy yourself. Find yourself a nice hobby that can tune your mind body and soul. Do activities that you enjoy. Surround yourself around people that you have fun with.
