
We can all use some fun, cozy and cheerful moments in life. A smile is no exception during these moments. And this is a good thing, because laughter is healthy and brings many (health) benefits, also at work.

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A smile brings people together, lowers blood pressure and has many other benefits. Not only is it good for your health, it also has its benefits in the workplace.

Increase productivity

Research shows that it is important to laugh at work. It would increase productivity in the workplace. Maybe sometimes it feels like you’re not being productive and actually not working, but it turns out that performance improves spectacularly when we laugh together.

Positive humour

Little jokes, because someone makes a funny mistake, is fine. On the other hand, laughing at someone else’s expense, by teasing or gossiping, is not productive. So it’s important to laugh at the right things and not hurt anyone. Positive humor is the key to productivity. When this positive humor is used, it does not have to cause loss of time, but it actually ensures a pleasant working atmosphere and a lot of productivity.

The health effects of laughter

Not only is it important to smile at work, it is also important to do so in other situations. For example, half an hour of laughter a day could possibly be a natural protection against a heart attack. This is partly because the body will produce less of the stress hormone cortisol when there is laughter. As a result, it is possible that the coronary arteries stiffen less, which may happen earlier when the body produces a lot of cortisol.

It also has a positive effect on other hormones. For example, the body produces more of the hormones that make us feel good, such as endorphins and serotonin. This makes us feel more comfortable and we are more relaxed, which also has a positive effect on your resistance.

So laughing is healthy, so try to do this regularly. You will shine!


7 Reasons Why Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine


There’s no denying the fact that having a sense of humor is important. It helps heal wounds, mend relationships, and generally brings about positive things to your life. Laughing won’t cost you anything, it’s free and is readily available. Here are the top reasons why you should consider laughing more often:

  1. It lessens the negative effects of stress

When you’re feeling stressed out, hang out with someone you know can make you laugh. Someone who knows which buttons to push to draw out laughter from you. You’ll feel much better after and you’ll feel like a ton of weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

  1. It makes you feel happy

Look at the way children laugh. They laugh with so much abandon that you’ll find yourself laughing along with them. A child’s uninhibited laughter is contagious. It really does make you feel happy.

  1. It makes you think positively

When you laugh you forget your worries for a brief period of time. Your thoughts get diverted from negativity to positivity. Watch your favorite comedy on TV or on YouTube, and you’ll forget whatever it was that was bothering you!

  1. It helps ease the pain

When you’re sick, you feel pain when you move around. You think dark thoughts that aren’t really helping you recover from your illness. With laughter, however, you are able to ease the pain even for just a bit. You’ll probably still be sick, but at least you’ll be more comfortable as your mind is no longer focused solely on your pain.

  1. It makes you more resilient

No matter what life throws at you, if you have a sense of humor, you can get through almost anything. You’ll have negative thoughts after something catastrophic happens to you, but with your humor, you’ll always find a way out of the darkness.

  1. It makes you feel relaxed

Laughter can help you overcome your negative thoughts. Once that’s out of the way, you’ll feel so much better. You’ll feel happier, and you’ll feel more relaxed. When you’re around other people, you’ll be more open to meaningful and fun conversations.

  1. It strengthens relationships

When you share laughter with other people, it makes you feel closer to them. You share a special bond that laughing together has created. As long as you don’t laugh at someone else’s expense, then you’re building strong and positive relationships with people.





The new year started fresh but I know a lot of you are still under stress. Good enough to start my first blog item with giving you the ability how to reduce stress from your mind, body and soul.

Sit back, relax and let me talk to you…

Don’t you forget we live in a world of stress, from childhood to old days at home, in the work place .it keeps us awake at night. Stress ruins our days and tons of other activities.

And so we often ask, how can I get rid of the anxieties of life.

How can I get free from STRESS.

Some people take exercise other takes yoga, other do meditation something, anything, but my understanding is this:

There is no getting away from STRESS, yes you can’t get away from it. The age we all living in is the age of STRESS.

This is a world of STRESS. A time of STRESS.

You breath it, you see it, you hear it and what to do ????

You can learn to manage it and to tolerate it how not to identify it and it’s effects.

Now how do you do that ?? Here it comes…..

Change your approach to the factor STRESS and change your approach to life by remembering this mantra : BE ANCHORED you got it yes BE ANCHORED

What do I really mean :

Envisage a ship or boat anchored at sea, Storms/ hurricanes may come one after another the boat may toss this way and that and furniture inside may go flying. Some people get seasick, but the boat doesn’t go anywhere.

Why ???

Clear…It’s Anchored !!

So you be anchored, find the place in life that you want to be in based on who you really are. Find what your inner-self really wants from life and anchor to that.

Once you keep bringing yourself back to that place by constant remembrance of your identity values and goals then you can learn to manage STRESS.

At the fresh start of this new year I would like to share ten tips how to be calm and reduce STRESS:


    Just a few minutes a day of meditation can help to ease your stress and anxiety.


    When you are feeling stressed, take time to focus on breathing deeply. Close your eyes, sit up straight and focus on nothing but breathing deeply.


    Having a solid social support system is a good key to reduce stress.

    Reach out to close friends and your family in time of need.


    Exercise has been shown to increase “FEEL GOOD” endorphins that can help reduce stress. A long walk can give you time to reflect, while an intense gym workout can let you release negative energy.

  5. LAUGH

    Laughter may not be the “best” medicine but it does actually lower cortisol – also known as the stress hormone.


    Research has shown that listening to soothing music can lower blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety. Alternatively, listening to more upbeat music can also help by invigorating you.


    These two words tells you a lot.


    This one is very simple – some times you just have to step back and realize that you can’t control everything. Some things are out of your hands, so why waste your time stressing about them.


    It is not easy to stay always positive. But, you can make an active effort to try and to find the positively in your very own life. Do not focus on negative thoughts like “bad things are going to happen with me”.


    Don’t forget to take some time to really enjoy yourself. Find yourself a nice hobby that can tune your mind body and soul. Do activities that you enjoy. Surround yourself around people that you have fun with.
