Fifteen Choices You Will Regret In 10+5 Years


Regret is not nice. But luckily you have enough time to avoid that feeling. Here are 15 choices you’ll regret in 15 years. My choices may not be equal with your choices. Anyway let us move further. Read further. Thanks in advanced for reading this blog as well.

Effective time management requires making wise choices. - Taylor in Time

1. Pretending to be different from who you are

Living with a mask is exhausting. And I would say that living with a mask means that you are not really alive .

You can only fully enjoy your life if you can really be yourself. Learn to accept yourself as you are. Self-acceptance is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself.

2. Taking your health for granted

Many people take their health for granted until they get sick . But that’s a risky strategy, as poor health can drastically lower your quality of life.

Your health belongs in your top 3 priorities in life . Because, after all, it is your body that makes this life possible in the first place.

Go Green > health

3. Spend all your money

Most people go through an endless cycle that creates a full house and an empty feeling inside . They always pin their hopes on the next purchase. But if it turns out that that new smartphone does not provide lasting happiness, they look for the next.

In 15 years you won’t be thinking about all that stuff. However , your life would be better off with a financial buffer . Such a buffer provides peace of mind, resilience and freedom.

With every euro you save, you are doing your future self a favor . Of course you also want to enjoy now. But don’t forget that working towards a better future also brings you a lot of satisfaction.

4. Thinking too much about yourself

The better you can relate to others, the smoother your relationships will be. And your relationships are a huge factor in your happiness in life.

Work on your empathy. Be kind and considerate to others . Not only do you become a light for your environment. It also brings a lot of satisfaction in the end. Plus, your environment is likely to get better for you too. Nice bonus.

The Importance of Creative Thinking Skills in Our Life

5. Let others determine your dreams for you

If I hadn’t fought for my own choices, I’d probably be working at an advertising agency right now with an empty feeling inside.

The beaten paths are the easiest paths to walk . But not necessarily the prettiest. When I drive to France I avoid the highways to enjoy all the beautiful villages. You can do that in your life too.

Avoid the boring highways and choose your own path. This is your life and you only get it once. Whatever others think, you decide for yourself how you organize this life.

6. Trying to control everything

As a control freak, you feel like you can get a handle on almost anything, and that’s a good thing . In reality you are wasting a lot of energy on an impossible battle.

Not only would life be boring if you could control everything. It is also simply impossible.

Be a little looser, and just dare to let life unfold . Of course you want to prepare. But you don’t want to manipulate and force. Things don’t always go your way, and that’s fine.

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7. Not daring to grow

You will find the most satisfaction in growing from within. By letting go of your fears, throwing unnecessary beliefs overboard, challenging yourself and getting out of your comfort zone.

But that is also scary from time to time .

However, don’t let that stop you from growing. A life that revolves around comfort and safety is fine, but not great. You have to keep growing if you want to wake up every day with a feeling of happiness, gratitude and joy.

8. Postpone Your Happiness

Get happy first, then go and achieve all those goals. Not the other way around.

If you keep postponing your happiness , you will never experience it. Think of happiness more as health. An aspect of your life that deserves attention every day. And as soon as you have too little of it, your quality of life decreases.

A happy foundation ensures that you can achieve your goals . And that ultimately ensures that you experience satisfaction . So be happy first, then the rest will follow.

9. Wasting your time on things that make you feel empty

There are more and more ways to have fun without experiencing satisfaction. Series on Netflix, great video games, TV, movies, outings.

Sometimes it seems that entertainment is one of the most important things in our lives. While in reality it is no more than a means to entertain you.

Optimize your life for satisfaction – not pleasure . Fun is important. But if it leaves you with an empty feeling, it won’t do you any good.

10. Not Spending Enough Time With Your Loved Ones

In 15 years, all the people you love will be 15 years older. Realize that you can not push working on relationships to the future .

Your relationships belong in your top 3 priorities. By giving all your attention to your work and neglecting your relationships, you end up selling yourself short. Especially when it comes to children. Because in 15 years they will no longer be children. If you want to enjoy their childhood, do it now.

11. Always live in the future or the past

If you are constantly lost in thought, your life will fly by. Why? Because then you never live in the moment. And the now is where life takes place.

The future and the past only exist in your head. They are memories and projections that do not exist . The only thing that is true is what is there now.

Mindfulness helps you experience your life on a deeper level. To really enjoy the moment. Because the more you live in your head, the faster you run through your life. And if we learn one thing from old people, it’s that life moves so fast .

Mindfulness helps you bring your life back to a more comfortable pace. While enjoying more at the same time.

12. Taking your life so seriously it makes you stressed

A lot of things are important. But few things are important enough to feel stressed about. Dare to put things in perspective a bit .

Focus your attention on contributing to the world in a way that makes you happy. But also learn to put everything in perspective. Grow old with smile lines, not worry lines.

13. Running after the money

Money is a great tool. But it is a very weak means of generating satisfaction.

So see and use money for what it is. A means to optimize your life for freedom, happiness and meaning. But don’t see money as an end in itself . Because that mainly means that you invest a lot of time and energy in a dead end street.

If you find that your relationships, your sense of meaning and your health are giving way to your quest for more money and status – then it is definitely time to make adjustments.

14. Missing the beauty in ugliness

Everything has beauty, if you are willing to see it. Normally we filter the world on very narrow criteria. What we consider ‘beautiful’ must meet very specific requirements. But these criteria can be stretched.

Why would you do that? Easy. The more beauty you see around you, the more beautiful the world becomes . You can learn to enjoy the full spectrum of being human on this planet.

Joy, love and fun are beautiful. But sadness, hatred and fear can also be beautiful. A blooming flower can be as disarming as the flower giving itself back to Earth.

Failure can contain as much beauty as success. And a funeral can be just as beautiful as a birth.

15. Constantly judging people and events

Judgment cramps everything and everyone. The more strongly you judge people, the less the people around you dare to be themselves in your presence .

And the more you judge yourself, the smaller you make yourself.

Try Acceptance . Accept yourself, accept people around you, accept the events in your life. Notice how much peace, freedom and love this can bring. It makes your life easier, less cramped and more fluid.

And you know – you will certainly not regret more freedom, peace and love in 15 years. †


What to Do When Your Partner Frustrates You


There is no relationship completely free of conflict. Even two people who love each other a lot and who normally get along are likely to face problems at some point and feel suddenly frustrated, angry, or upset. So, what can you do when you feel frustrated with your partner, whether it’s a choice they made, a problem you have encountered, or a disagreement.

Frustrated Life Quotes - The Quotes

1. Talk, talk, talk

The advice to talk it out is definitely popular, but that’s for a good reason. Communication is the key to a good relationship and appears especially important when you feel frustrated. While one part of you might want to keep quiet and not rock the boat, frustration tends to build up or come back later.

Don’t let things fester, instead, let your partner know when something bugs you and what can be done about it. Perhaps not all things will be fixed entirely, but finding a compromise can allow you to overcome this frustration. You will feel heard, at the least.

2. Give it a bit of time

Sometimes, we get angry or frustrated over small things. We might feel a bit too upset to address the situation adequately. When you feel overwhelmed with emotion, you might want to take a step back and let the situation cool down before talking about it or trying to fix it.

It can be hard to take another perspective or consider another person when you are angry or upset. Instead, give it some time and address it once your emotions get less intense.

Give Time Giving - Free photo on Pixabay

3. Remind yourself of the good things

A small detail can be blown up to feel huge and very important. But try to focus your attention on everything that you love about your partner. It’s more important that they make you feel good, that they respect you and treat you well, that they are supportive, and so on.

Often, this can help you gain a bit more perspective and recognize that even if there is a conflict of opinions, it’s normal and that it doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker. Focus on the good things to quell your frustration.

4. Dig to the roots

Sometimes, the frustration you feel can have specific roots. Maybe what’s happening reminds you of a bad situation in your past or the behavior of an ex. Maybe you are reacting with a lot of anger because of a specific interpretation. Consider the source of your frustration and whether it has to do more with the current situation or with something else that is affecting your perception and judgment.

Sometimes, it will be what’s happening, and you can focus on the true source of frustration. But other times, you might need to dig into yourself and your past to understand why you feel what you feel.

5. Avoid blame, focus on the feelings

It can be tempting to level your frustration at your partner, but it might not always be the most constructive solution. Focus on communicating your feelings – anger, anxiety, frustration, sadness, and so on. Don’t blame your partner, instead, describe how you feel about the situation and what would help you feel better.

A constructive approach can help you resolve the frustration you feel and strengthen your relationship with your partner.

6. Take care of yourself before addressing the problem

Often, our frustration builds up because we are experiencing things that contribute to it, such as exhaustion, hunger, sleep deprivation, or more.

Before you give in, make sure you take care of yourself. Have a snack or a drink, take a nap, rest, give yourself a break. Sometimes, once you do, whatever frustrates you will suddenly feel a lot smaller and less important. Take a quick pause and relax before going to address the problem, and you’re more likely to do it constructively.

7. Let it go

If something truly bothers you and has an impact on your life, you might want to try and fix it. You should not let the big things, like feeling neglected or an action that truly upset you, go. But if you are frustrated by small things that don’t matter on the grand scale of things, you might consider letting it go.

Don’t feel like everything should be perfect – everyone has their little quirks and traits that might not agree with you. You won’t be able to get everything to change, nor should you expect that. If something is just a bit annoying, maybe it’s easier to let go of your frustration and focus on more significant issues.

Love on the beach - The Standard Newspaper Gambia

Seven (7) Differences between happy and unhappy relationships

How To Be Happy In A Relationship By Doing These 10 Subtle Things Every Day

Happy relationships are no accident. Neither are unhappy relationships. They are the result of conscious choices:

1 – Love and trust are handled differently from unhappy relationships.
2 – There is more depth and more is shared.
3 – Both partners are emotionally independent and appreciate this in each other.

Do you have to end your relationship immediately in case of relationship problems? No Fortunately not!

Learn from the lessons of happy relationships and apply them to avoid a lot of relationship problems.

Just read the comments below …

How do you get a happy relationship with someone else?

What is a Happy Relationship? Very simple, that is a relationship that gives you energy and where you and the other feel good. The secret to a happy relationship is to stay yourself and let the other person remain themselves.

How do you get a happy relationship? By working on it. But… you have to know very well if you have the right partner to do that. You cannot fly with a boat, so the choice of your relationship partner is very important.

Happy without a relationship or happier with a relationship?

Better happy without a relationship than not happy while you are in a relationship, isn’t it? In a happy relationship you don’t test each other, you trust and support each other. If not, then you may be better off without the other. You don’t have to have a huge spiritual relationship, but love and trust do have to be there.

These pillars of a relationship always remain important, whether you are in a long relationship or a short relationship with someone.

These are the seven TOP tips for a happy relationship:

1. Love makes for a happy relationship.

In unhealthy relationships, love is a bargaining chip: “I only love you if you do this for me. And when it does, I hate you. “

Love is a means to an end, which is to gain control over the relationship.

Unfortunately, control and happiness are at odds with each other. So trying to get control in your relationship (by trying to control the other) and being happy in your relationship don’t usually go together.

For example: As long as you do what the other wants, there is love. And otherwise there is the opposite: anger, aversion, jealousy or envy. So love is very limited and usually just a snapshot.

Set conditions for your happiness.

In happy relationships, few conditions are placed on love. “I love you just the way you are.” Or: “As long as you do what makes you happy, I’m too happy.” This allows love to grow.

And love only grows in trust, not in control, because control is based more on fear and fear hooks on love.

So let go of control:

The more you feel that the other person loves you the way you are, the more you can be yourself – and the more love you can give back.

2. No happy relationships without trust.

There is little trust in unhappy relationships. Whenever you are hurt by the other person’s behavior, trust diminishes. In the end you take everything the other says with a grain of salt. Without trust there is no love, depth, intimacy or understanding, so the relationship becomes increasingly distant.

People in happy relationships trust each other blindly. They know exactly what they can do for each other. Perhaps it took a long time for this confidence to be established. But once present, it continues to feed the relationship with positive energy. You know that the other person wants the best for you – and vice versa of course.

Trust is the most important ingredient to a happy relationship, be it a relationship with your partner, with your friends or with colleagues. Trust is everything.

3. Depth is necessary for every relationship.

In less good relationships communication is superficial. You never know what is really on the other’s mind – or you don’t feel the need to tell them what’s on your mind . As a result, conversations never get to the core: what someone really thinks or feels. There is a lot of talk about situations (what messages have been done, what the weather forecast is), but little about deeper feelings.

In happy relationships, that depth is there. There is talk about what really concerns the other. When you share the bed, you are physically intimate. When you share feelings, you are emotionally intimate. Without intimacy, there is only distance. Depth is essential to avoid that.

4. Sharing makes happy relationships even better.

Little is shared in superficial relationships. It seems as if everyone leads their own life and only lives together by chance. Interests are not shared, experiences are not exchanged and ideas are not discussed. The relationship resembles two islands with a very long bridge in between. You can only share by crossing. But usually that is a bridge too far. Everyone stays on their own island …

In happy relationships, a lot is shared (not everything, as there may be a part that you would rather share with others or keep to yourself). That sharing creates a bond. Sharing is giving something away and then receiving it twice back. As they say: “Sharing is caring.” Two islands have converged …

5. Laughter is healthy for any relationship.

There is little laughter in bad relationships. Everything is heavy and serious. There is usually no ability to put things into perspective. Sometimes people escape this by seeking pleasure outside of the relationship. “She’s always so serious, I just want to have fun with my friends.” Or: “He sees everything so black, at least with my best friend I can laugh …”

Happy relationships do involve a lot of laughter. Laughing together – even if it’s just about your own shortcomings – is so liberating! What do you do when you’ve had a rough day? Sometimes you just don’t feel like talking about it. Then you feel better at a comedy or a pillow fight. A day without laughter is a day wasted. Laughter provides light, warmth and relaxation. Smile, damn!

6. Without independence there is only dependence.

In difficult relationships there is always some form of dependence. One partner is dependent on the other. It doesn’t even have to be financial dependence. More often it is an emotional dependence. It’s as if one of the two cares less about what the other does. The person who has the least to lose if the relationship ends is the one who determines the relationship.

In healthy relationships there is equality. Two people decide: “We feel fine without each other, but even better together. We choose to be together. Not out of necessity or poverty, but out of love. ” Both people value each other and do not allow one to prevail or determine the relationship.

7. Appreciation is necessary for all happy relationships.

In bad relationships, the focus is very much on what the partner is doing wrong. “I say it every time, but you never get it right!” Or: “When will I get through to you?” Since the focus is on the other person ‘s shortcomings , there is a lot of dissatisfaction. More attention is paid to what is not there than to what is.

Happy couples appreciate each other.

1 – You know that the other is not perfect.

2 – You have no desire to change him or her.

3 – You forget the small mistakes and focus on what you do appreciate.

You cannot appreciate someone until you stop focusing on their flaws. That does not only apply to your relationship, but also to yourself!

Do you want a happy relationship with other people?

With your partner, or with your family, friends or colleagues?

Then you need more insight – and you also need to work on yourself. Because a good relationship always starts with a good relationship with yourself .

To your success.

Keep your relation moving.


Hey How are you there …

Okay, we'll stay in until I don't know when.
Really depends on the situation / circumstances.
Everything changes.
You have no influence on many things.

You might be watching the news all day.
Try to find something on social media.
But because you don't know exactly what, you keep scrolling.
You are stressing yourself over things that you have no influence on.
Hoping you recognize it when you see it.
Maybe it's a good time to stop scrolling.

How are you?
What have you discovered about yourself in recent days?

Where are you:

1. Disappointment / Anxiety -Why
2. Acceptance - Nothing can be done
3. Embrace - What an opportunity!
The faster you are in embrace, the sooner you will be ahead again.

This is it.

See it as it is, not as it should be.
(then there was no war, famine and chocolate made you slim and intelligent).
This is not tra la la science.
Get deeper into various skills during this period. Try to solve long drawn-out cases. You can do so much without feeling trapped.

In this COVID-19 quarantine time, look for new things and embrace them for later.
The world will never be the same as before the outbreak of COVID-19.
And right now it is important to move with it.

Speed ​​is everything now.

Whatever you do, remember
- Even if we are in quarantine, you are not alone
- Although the environment is now uncertain and miserable, you will find guidance in your own perseverance, resourcefulness and character.
- Even though everything is now chaos, know that every order always creates new order
Be strong.

Show who you are.

This is your chance.
In the meantime, I will continue to provide you with inspiration, love and positivity.

Greeting from
The Caribbean Blog Authority

8 Simple Steps To Long Lasting Happiness And Fulfillment


We all want to live happy lives, don’t we? But the sad truth is that many people don’t get to live happy lives – they just waste away in their negativity. If you want to achieve long-lasting happiness and fulfillment, here’s how:

  1. Know what you really want

You have to know what will make you happy, otherwise, no matter how hard you work, you’re never going to be satisfied. Having goals and dreams is important, but determining if it’s really going to make you happy is a more important question.

  1. Live life to the fullest

You only get to live once, so live your life to the fullest. Have a bucket list of things you would like to do before you leave this world behind. Every time you tick off an item on your list, you’ll feel very happy!

  1. Learn from your mistakes

Being afraid of failure is hard enough, but not learning from your mistakes is another matter altogether. If you never learn from your mistakes, then you wouldn’t be able to get to where you want to be!

  1. Do what you love to do

If you’re stuck in a job you hate, then seek out the right job for you. If you don’t, then you’ll be trapped, and you’ll end up bottling all your resentment inside which will ultimately lead to negative thoughts.

  1. Be grateful for what you have

You’ll always have something to be thankful for. Sometimes in our quest for happiness, we forget the people who’ve been behind us all along. Count your blessings and be grateful always.

  1. Go outside your comfort zone

If you’re too afraid to leave your comfort zone, then you’ll find it hard to chase your dreams! Don’t be afraid to push your boundaries to find what truly makes you happy.

  1. Have positive-minded friends

If you’re surrounded by positive people, then you’ll find yourself thinking positively all the time, too. You’ll feel happier and more fulfilled because you won’t be thinking bitter, negative thoughts.

  1. Connect with yourself

How well do you really know yourself? If you don’t know who you are, then you’ll find it hard to define what really makes you happy, and what doesn’t. Knowing who you are is an important part of discovering the path to long-lasting happiness and fulfillment!Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

Entrepreneurs Sex is also healthy for your business. Here Eight Benefits of Sex for you.

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailHello Everyone…

Don’t forget that who or whatever you are, you must know this as well. Keep in mind that your HOT sexual well-being is going hand in hand with your overall mental, physical and emotional health.Yes TRUE…So just don’t stop having fun doing SEX. This word can evoke tons of emotions. Let me share EIGHT sweet benefits of SEX for you and your partner.Boom Boom !!!

Research shows that subjects who had sex once or twice a week had thirty percent more immunoglobulin A in their saliva than students who were less active in bed. Immunoglobulin A is an antibody that protects you against intruders such as bacteria and viruses

People with an active sex life see honor five to seven years younger. The reason for this is not known, but it is probably due to a higher level of the anti-aging hormone DHEA.

Are you stressed? Sex helps you relax. Volunteers who underwent the stress test, such as speaking in public or having maths assignments, were found to suffer less from an increased blood pressure in an active sex life.

Burning calories
With half an hour of sex you burn 100 kilocalories or more. Maybe not as much as running or cycling around, but at least you do not have to go to the gym.

You live longer
Test subjects who have an orgasm at least three times a week are half less likely to have diseases. Sex twice a week reduces the chance of a heart attack in men. Sex namely boosts your heart rate. This makes your blood flow faster and that has a positive effect on your heart and blood vessels

You sleep better
Are you falling asleep? Sex helps! The liberated oxytocin has a soothing effect and makes it easier to get lost. Sleeping well has all kinds of other health benefits. This way you stay on weight better if you sleep enough.

You become more productive
Sex creates dopamine. As a result, you work with more pleasure the next day.

During sex you can use all your 657 muscles. A good muscle tone improves your metabolism, posture and bone strength.

There must be more SEX benefits so don’t hesitate to fill the list further.


In some other following blogs I will sure come back with some hot stuff. If you like it let me know in the comments.

GOOD MOOD CREATE GOOD SEX !!Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

Erection changes in men in third age

Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail1.The spontaneity of the erections. The first change concerns the spontaneity of the erection, as you know, at 18 year, everything is wonderful, a fantasy, the perception of a breast, the idea of looking in to a Playboy magazine, all this things could bring an erection instantly.But the reaction time of the erection grows with age,from 2,3 second at 18 years,to several minutes after 50 years.

These decreases are caused mainly by physiological factors: the weakening of the cardiac muscle, the contraction of the veins and artheris. These changes don’t mean the end of the sexual life, it’s necessary to accept this situation if you don’t want to aggravate it.If, however, this thing happens, the perception that ”the sexual life has come to an end”, the emotion that comes with it, sets off the reflex process of the erections, and blocks them from happening.

Did you know that it is not necessary to have an erection when you begin to make love? The caressing and hugs are welcomed, while waiting for an erection, you can enjoy the foreplay, and become aware of the sensual pleasures ( non-genital), that are attached to it.

2.The hardness of the erections. Another important change that comes with age is the hardness of your erections: the penis will no longer know the ”as hard as iron” erections, from the first sexual experiences. Practical, this loss will happen mostly during foreplay. As the excitation grows, the penis becomes harder,generally, reaching it’s maximal firmness point during the orgasm, but not always.

In any case, the firmness of the erection it’s necessary maybe during the penetration, but what makes you a good or mediocre lover, is the way you use it. A semi-firm penis or at three-quarter of it’s maximal erection capacity, can offer the same, even more pleasure to the partner, as long as it’s used in different ways, instead of a single, mechanical way.

3.The long erection without ejaculation. This is the most ”convenient” change that you can observe as you age: the rapidity of the ejaculation fades out with age, the woman can only congratulate you for this, especially if you were ”faster” when you were younger, and the ejaculation happened before or immediately after penetration.

The rapidity of the ejaculation, that others call early ejaculation as it’s a disease, is a normal sexual characteristic of the young male. This rapidity is an natural effect of several factors: the intensity of the teen sexual pulse, caused by a high level of testosteron; the high sensitively of the genital organs; the born tendency to orgasm of the male; the erotic charisma of the young partner and the biological necessity to reproduce when the male body is in it’s best shape (18-30 years).Far from being an impotent ( sexual dysfunction), the rapid ejaculation is, from a genetic and reproductive point of view, an advantage for the survival of the human race.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail