Eat Yourself A Good Memory


Nutrition can help maintain your brain. For example, certain foods contribute to a good memory, but you can leave other things in a better position if you want a sharp and vital brain.

Eat this

– Omega 3 fatty acids can inhibit mental decline. These fats are mainly found in wild fatty fish, such as herring, mackerel, salmon and sardines.
– Antioxidants are also good for our brains. These substances are in dark chocolate, coffee and tea.
– Anthocyanins, the dyes that occur in the peel of (red) berries, protect the brain against harmful influences. Blueberries also contain this color.
– Turmeric, also known as turmeric, can protect the brain against Alzheimer’s.
– An organic egg also belongs to good nutrition for the brain. This is due to the substances choline, lutein and omega 3.
– Walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts and almonds are good for the brain.
– Drinking water. Hydration contributes to optimal mental abilities.

Better leave this alone

– Sugar is the number one priority. If you eat too much of this, research can lead to a high inflammatory value of the hippocampus. Damage to this is related to memory problems. It is also better to skip drinks that contain a lot of sugar, this was scientifically associated with the development of Alzheimer’s.
– Avoid trans fats. These are often found in products that contain ‘partially cured vegetable fat’.
– You can also leave your favorite alcoholic drink for what it is. Alcohol has been shown to shrink the brain.
– Avoid ingesting heavy metals such as mercury. This includes fish such as tuna, swordfish and shark.




No matter who you are, but as human I like to share the following with all of you…

Be honest: how well do you take care of yourself? Or are you also such a hard worker? The care for your health should actually come first, even before your work. If you are not healthy, you can not be successful. In this way, nutrition, sleep and exercise (not) contribute to your success:

 Nutrition If you are at work from early in the morning, you will have a raging hunger at lunchtime. You long for a hearty lunch, such as a thick slice of bread or pasta salad. Whether you give in to high-calorie food, such as a croquette. Recognizable? Have you ever thought about what a carbohydrate and calorie-rich lunch does with your productivity? A few hours later, the inevitable energy dip follows. For that reason, many people drop in at noon. Research shows that if you eat more fruit and vegetables during lunch, your afternoon is not only more productive. You also feel more involved in your work and even happier. The best you can eat in the course of the morning,so that you have enough of a tasty salad with fresh vegetables or fruit during lunch.

Work can take a lot of time. Do you already work before the sun goes up and do you stop working when the sun is (almost) under? Do you check your email in the evenings or do you just walk behind the computer to finish something after dinner? Small chance that your body gets enough rest. Rest is important, because a sleep deprivation can not only lead to more stress. You can also suffer from your cholesterol. A lack of sleep can even lead to reduced cognitive abilities. In other words, your performance will suffer if you do not get enough rest. What to do? Maintain fixed work and sleep times. Get up when the alarm goes off and plan some time at the end of the day to let go of your work. Avoid sleeping late, because then you disturb your sleep rhythm.


Exercise helps to relieve stress and to get away from daily worries at work. In addition, sports protect you from depression and other mental barriers to success. Often it does not work to allow yourself to go for a walk during the lunch or to exercise as soon as you get home. In the issues of the day you forget your intention easily. In the evening you often give priority to your work (or TV). Therefore make movement a part of your daily schedule. Put in your agenda for half an hour to an hour and stick to it. After exercising you feel lighter, more energetic and happier. You can do more physically and also mentally you can have more. That too contributes to success.

What are you doing to take care of yourself? Share it below in the comments!Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail