Don’t you get tired of all that thinking?

The Trap of Overthinking - Executive Support Magazine

Because let’s face it:
You are addicted to thinking.

The hallmark of an addiction is that you cannot stop it.
And you can’t stop thinking. However?

Give it a try. Just think nothing for a minute.
You can’t.

I know because I’m an old junkie.
I was also addicted to thinking.
And just like you – and the average person – I had 60,000 thoughts a day.
Those thoughts drove me crazy!

I bet you spend all day thinking too.
Until you fall asleep exhausted.
Tired of all that thinking.


• You can never really relax (because your head never stands still).
• You get physical complaints (because you store every tension in your body).
• Your relationships run less naturally (because you analyze everything).
• Your work suffers (unless you worry about your work, then your health suffers).
• You lie exhausted on the couch in the evening (to do the same again tomorrow).

Does all that worrying solve our problems?
Unfortunately not.
It just creates additional problems.
That’s why I always say:
“Be careful of thinking. Before you know it, you’ll have a problem.”

How do I turn off my thoughts?
This is what everyone is trying:
We try to think smarter, think differently, think better.
We think… about how we can stop… thinking.
You can never do this!

You may wake up one day with an empty head.
You get up and think, “Hey, how wonderful – no more thoughts for a while!”
But I wouldn’t bet on it…

The only way to get out of your head…
is to practice – in the right way.
A little practice every day to let go of that addiction to thinking.
The key is really up to you so do something about it.


What works and what doesn’t work. What the steps are, in the correct order.
With the RIGHT exercises I learned in a short time to turn off that eternal thinking.
To let it go.
Whenever I want.

And I can tell you – in one word – how that feels:
It feels like a liberation.
It feels like freedom.

It feels like you are on a beach with nothing but space around you.
As if all worries have blown away.

Pure peace of mind.

There are courses on the internet where you can learn how to stop overthinking. You can learn how to get out of your head when you want and where you want.

So that you can finally find inner peace.
• So that you stop worrying.
• So that you experience freedom.
• So that you enjoy your life.

Isn’t that what you want?
I hope this blog was valuable to you 🙂
Start now and look for methods that can help you.

I will give you my method and that is meditating more often and working on your breathing combined with sports.

To your success!


21 small positive things you want to do more often


You can get everything done in small steps. Do you want to experience more happiness and positivity? These are 21 small positive things you want to do more often. Start changing your mindset to positivity and continue reading this blog.

Be Positive: Good Things are Going to Happen | Book by IglooBooks |  Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster

These are 21 little positive things

Small steps often have a big impact. Discover 21 little positive things you want to do more often. Which of these steps will you take today?

  1. Touch what makes you happy . Stop for a moment and become aware of the world around you. What are you grateful for right now? For example, when I’m on the train, I look around and just feel grateful for this simple moment.
  2. Telling your loved ones that you love them . You assume they know . But it is valuable and important to keep saying it – especially to your partner and your children. I tell Billy and Jake that I love them several times a week, and I think it makes us all happier.
  3. Catching a Negative Thought . Notice that you are driving yourself crazy with negative thoughts. Noticing it stops the spiral and allows you to shift your attention.
  4. Take a deep breath . Relax, inhale slowly and let the tension dissipate as you exhale. Pretty nice.
  5. To serve another . Not because the other person asks you to, but because you want it yourself. Get a cup of coffee, clean up, arrange something, make life a little easier for someone else.
  6. Do something nice anonymously . Such as straightening a fallen bicycle, cleaning up litter, making a donation or sending a present to someone who can use it.
  7. Make new memories with loved ones . You don’t need a special reason to get your loved ones together and do something fun. Organize a dinner at home, a trip or throw a party. Making beautiful new memories together is a great way to make a lot of lives better.
  8. Sit down and describe your dream life . What would you like your life to look like? Often when we describe our dream life we ​​come to the conclusion that many parts are easier to reach than we think. Such as being healthier (eating better and exercising more), being calmer ( meditating more often ) or doing more fun things (better planning).
  9. Take a small step towards a big dream . You can achieve everything in small steps, even your biggest dreams. And taking that first step is incredibly fun and exciting.
  10. Ask yourself: How can I contribute? If you wanted to use your life to make the lives of others better – what could you do with your talents and interests? By asking yourself this question, you make room for new, inspiring answers.
  11. Give yourself something to look forward to . Book a trip for a few months from now, reserve a ticket for a great show, plan a dinner with a friend. By sprinkling fun things through your year, you lighten up the challenges of everyday life.
  12. Make yourself a healthy meal . Taking good care of yourself is a matter of making healthy choices every time. Don’t worry about the big picture, just opt ​​for a healthy meal now.
  13. Give away something you don’t use . With less unnecessary stuff you make your life lighter and easier. What stuff can you miss?
  14. Read a chapter in a book that will help you move forward . A book that helps you with inspiration, skills or personal growth.
  15. Schedule a moment for complete relaxation . If you don’t plan it, it won’t happen or you’ll feel guilty. Plan a moment for relaxation and lounging – because in a busy life, such moments rarely arise automatically.
  16. Take a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle . What area of ​​your life could you tackle? Maybe switch to ecological cleaning products, replace your meat with tempeh, separate an extra waste stream or request a quote for solar panels. The transition to sustainability consists of a lot of steps that we take together, and you can come one step closer today.
  17. Go out without a smartphone . Even if it’s only an hour. Can’t make it happen? Then put it on silent so you don’t get distracted.
  18. Start a chat with someone nearby . Not only is it nice to know your neighbors, it also gives a sense of trust and security for both you and your neighbors. By investing in your neighborhood you feel more deeply rooted, more at ease and less lonely in your living environment. And that’s more important than most people think.
  19. Take the trouble to make it a little more fun . Light a candle, get special tea at home, crank up your record player. With a little extra effort, you can make a simple moment warmer.
  20. Be happy first . In India people frequently use the following statement; Just be happy . In the West we often think the other way around: first everything has to be perfect and then I’m happy . But you can choose to feel happy. For example, by focusing on gratitude and relaxation. From that basis you can then take steps to solve your problems.
  21. Take the time to meditate . Life is a pancake – that’s what you start to see when you meditate regularly. You discover that you are causing the drama yourself by taking your thoughts so seriously. Meditating is a small, positive step that will help you activate a powerful upward spiral in your life.
10 Positive Things You Should Say To Your Children

I really hope the above stated point will help you now to become happy and that you are motivated to transform your mind step by step. Remember small steps often have BIG IMPACT.


Here are my 11 ways to reduce stress right now…


You naturally want to avoid and prevent stress as much as possible. Doesn’t work? Then here are 11 ways to reduce stress right now. Read it !! Breathe In, Breathe Out…… Remember we are living in a world where you can not avoid getting stressed. Everyone is struggling even me, but don’t give up the stress fight.

The Unstress Course is Now Open for Enrollment (but Closes on Monday)

This is how you reduce stress

Stress makes no one happier. Among other things, stress causes you to become irritated quickly, sleep badly and enjoy yourself less. Due to increasing fatigue, the frustrations continue to rise and your stress level continues to rise .

The solution is of course obvious: tackling the cause or causes of the stress you are experiencing. Sometimes, however, that does not work one-two-three. For example, financial problems are not easily solved, it takes time to process a breakup and caring for a sick family member can cause a lot of worries.

However, there are also ways to directly reduce stress in those situations. This way you can relax better, you are less likely to become overstimulated and you make yourself more resilient.

1. Write down what you are grateful for

Especially when you experience a lot of negative stress, it is sometimes difficult to think positively. You soon end up in a negative spiral, which only causes you more stress.

Looking for positivity can help you get out of that negative spiral. After all, there is always something to be thankful for. Think about it and write it down – make a gratitude list.

To reduce stress, I write down three things in a book every night that I am grateful for that day. The sun that unexpectedly broke through, for example;  A nice offer in the supermarket that saved you some money can also do something.

It’s the little things that do it. And by writing them down, you become aware that there is quite a lot to be thankful for. That makes you happier and that in turn has a positive effect on your stress level.

2. Move more

When you are stressed, you tend to worry a lot. At least I do. Grind, grind and grind again. What helps? Clearing my head by moving.

Exercise has of course many benefits, including reducing stress. Movement inhibits the production of cortisol (the stress hormone) and promotes the production of endorphins (the happiness hormone). No wonder I feel reborn after a run.

3. Go outside

However, the latter is also due to the fresh air outside. Not only because fresh air gives you a boost, but also because nature has a relaxing effect. The sound of leaves rustling in the wind, the warmth of the sun on your face, and even the feeling of raindrops falling in your hair can help ease your stress.

4. Wash off the stress

Walking in the rain is probably nobody’s biggest hobby, but washing your worries away can be healing.

A nice shower or a relaxing bath can therefore also help to reduce stress. Especially when you close your eyes and visualize that all your worries disappear down the shower drain.

5. Reducing Stress By Meditating

There are many more visualizations and meditations that produce the same effect. My favorite is a body scan, in which I consciously tense and relax every part of my body with my eyes closed. On the Internet you will find a number of nice meditations that will immediately help you to reduce stress.

Just close your eyes for a few minutes and follow your breathing – this is often enough to feel more relaxed. Slow down and do nothing but be.

6. Do something creative

Is meditation not for you? Perhaps you can lose yourself in a creative activity. For example, crocheting, crafting or assembling something can be very relaxing.

An adult coloring book helps me personally: for a while all I have to worry about is coloring within the lines. It can be that simple.

7. Cleaning up your house

Cleaning up works a bit the same for me: it’s simple, it yields something and I hardly have to think about it.

An additional advantage is that a tidy house helps to reduce stress. After all, your head is already full and chaotic enough when you’re stressed, so a cluttered environment is counterproductive. When you tidy up, you create peace in your environment and therefore also in your head.

8. Do something you’ve been dreading for a long time

There are even more ways to immediately create more space in your head. Those tasks that you keep putting off because you don’t like them so much take up space in your head. Check one off and you have one less thing to worry about.

9. Write off you

You can write off all those other things. Get the worrying thoughts out of your head and put them on paper. This way you don’t have to store them all mentally and you create space in your head again.

Just writing off everything you want to lose can sometimes be a huge relief. However, it also ensures that you have a clear overview of what is going on. By writing down everything you worry about, you may get helpful insights that you can use to move on.

10. Reducing Stress By Sleeping Well

If not, at least you’ve vented your heart and cleared your head. This often helps, especially when you can’t sleep because you keep worrying. Still, a good night’s sleep is very important to reduce stress. Without sleep you cannot recover and the tensions only increase.

So also use something like writing down all your worrying thoughts or a meditation to calm yourself before going to sleep. And go to bed on time.

No matter how busy you are, always make time for enough sleep. Without a good night’s sleep, you are much more susceptible to stress and you soon end up in a vicious circle of stress, lack of sleep and even more stress.

11. Make physical contact

Whether you sleep alone or with a partner: physical contact also helps to reduce stress. For example, if you give your partner or a friend a hug, your body produces the hormone oxytocin. This so-called cuddle hormone gives you a sense of trust and connection and reduces your stress level. Are you both stressed out? A firm hug does wonders.

Reduce stress step by step

Stress sucks the happiness out of your day. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to quickly experience less stress.

Unstress Yourself - Home | Facebook

Always busy – how do you find peace in the chaos?


Do you feel like you always have to keep busy? That you always have to do something useful? And do you crave silence and some inner peace? Good plan, let’s see.

We live in a rainbow of chaos." -Cezanne | Rainbow, Rainbow card, Succulent  tattoo

Always wanting to do something useful

I know how it feels, believe me. Living with the idea that you’d better do something useful. That you’d better finish one more task, take on one more project, and make one more change. Because when that task is done you can finally rest .

The problem with this, of course, is that this is rarely true. Yes – when you have completed all those tasks you should be able to rest. But you don’t. Because you are used to just moving on to the next task.

I hear this very often from people who like to work effectively: they have a hard time relaxing. They always want to do something useful. It feels impossible to just relax on the couch for an hour. Because you might as well pick up the vacuum cleaner, scrub the toilet or drive to the hardware store to finally get that one skirting board.

But you can’t go on forever

At least – it is possible. And there are many people who do it. But as far as I’m concerned, these are not always the examples you would like to aspire to. Because in a society in which so many people feel constantly stressed and overwhelmed, get stressed or even end up in a burnout, it is wise to question what we consider ‘normal’.

And of course it depends on your character. Because there are people who keep busy without any problems, and wouldn’t want it any other way. And if you feel happy and happy – why change it?

But if you feel like you should be doing useful things when you really don’t feel like it , it’s interesting to see if you can adjust something.

Rest is useful

Of course you already knew this, but we seem to forget it so often. Almost all of us believe that happiness, tranquility and contentment lie hidden in the future . And that we can experience it by doing and changing things .

  • When I finish this project I can finally rest.
  • If I earn this amount I will be happy.
  • As soon as I don’t have to do this anymore, I’m happy.

And if you really believe this, it makes sense that you will always be busy. Because we all want to feel happy and calm, so we do whatever it takes to make that happen.

But in this quest for future happiness, we lose sight of the fact that this seductive story is not true. And it doesn’t make sense for a few reasons:

  1. The future only exists in our minds, happiness cannot happen in the future.
  2. There is always only now, so you can only experience happiness in the moment.
  3. By pushing your happiness forward, you feel constantly dissatisfied in the moment, and you are endlessly working on solving that dissatisfaction so that you can be happy in the future. And that brings you back to point 1.

This is the rat race . Constantly working harder and harder to be happy in the future . While in the meantime you always feel a bit dissatisfied, tense and overwhelmed.

Rest, lounging, expecting nothing from yourself – these things are a cure for the endless cycle. Doing nothing is more useful than it seems.

7 Surprising Reasons You Keep Creating Chaos - | Live a Life You Love

Ways to weave doing nothing into your life

All nice. But if you are one of those people who prefers to be always busy with useful things, how do you weave this kind of tranquility into your life? How can you make more room for rest, without the unrest that you experience because you do nothing useful for a while?

Simple: you plant the uselessness in .

it is not that hard. You grab your agenda and choose a moment when you do ‘nothing’ for at least an hour. For example, a moment when you take a nap without feeling guilty. Or on which you take a walk while your smartphone is allowed to take a nap at home.

You organize small moments of peace and freedom in your week, and you challenge yourself to really lounge around and expect nothing of yourself .

And the crazy thing is, it can feel particularly useful. After all, you stick to your schedule and you help to keep yourself mentally healthy. Pretty nice.

you are not a robot

Exactly – this is the gist of the story. You are not a robot. You are human. Many people are trying to become more and more like robots – more and more productive, more and more efficient. But this is getting less interesting by the day.

Why? The more real artificial intelligence is incorporated in our lives, the more clearly we see that it is not so interesting to live as if you were a machine.

Always keep the machines running. That’s what they are made for. You thrive when you occasionally take the time to do nothing at all. If you give yourself the space to not be busy for a while .

  • Go for a walk for a few hours.
  • Visit family without expecting anything.
  • Walk around aimlessly and pet a dog or watch the ducks.
  • Sit down in a coffee shop with a nice book.
  • Give yourself an afternoon off.

Inhale deeply and exhale slowly . Happiness can only be experienced in this moment. Not later, not tomorrow – now. Don’t keep running endlessly. Make room for appreciation for your life as it is now. Even if your life isn’t perfect right now.

Because that is ultimately all that needs to be done. If you can be content with this moment, then you are happy. Then you’re done. Then you can finally relax. Give it a try – it’s quite nice.

Find more time for yourself

Finding time for yourself is challenging sometimes. Maybe because you have a busy life, maybe because you feel guilty or feel you don’t deserve it.


Entrepreneurs; Coping with fatigue: why rest is so important


Fatigue has something to tell you. The big question is: are you listening to your body’s wise message? in this article you will read how valuable it is to rest and relax. “It may seem that we are not productive during rest days, but the opposite is true.”

POTS: A Little Known Cause of Extreme Fatigue | Johns Hopkins Medicine

An important message

94,865 BEST Important Message IMAGES, STOCK PHOTOS & VECTORS | Adobe Stock

You probably recognize it: the days when everything feels heavy, your body is not cooperating. You are already tired when you open your eyes in the morning… This is of course not a nice way to start the day. I give you some tips to deal with fatigue. It is important to know that your body has something to tell you. It’s very simple: take a step back, take it easy. We live in a society in which a lot is expected of us and in which we demand a lot from ourselves. We may have goals we want to achieve. But did you know that it is extremely important to build in a rest day to achieve your goals? It may seem that we are not productive during these days, but the opposite is true.

If you don’t listen to your body…

When we go beyond our limits, our body gives off a signal, the fatigue. With this we are, as it were, ‘forced’ to take a step back. But you may not be able to slow down because too much is required of you. As a result, you may not be able to listen to your body for a long time. You go on and on and your body starts producing adrenaline. It does this because it ‘thinks’ it is in danger. The adrenaline, a stress hormone, makes you feel like you have renewed energy.

Your body has given you a signal, namely the fatigue. You have not been able to listen and act upon it. This puts you in a state of readiness: there is a constant adrenaline rush in your body. If this continues for a longer period of time, you are prone to burnout.

Yin and Yang energy

Life is made up of yin and yang. Yang is a dynamic energy, of doing and activities. Yang energy cannot exist without yin energy. Yin stands for relaxation and softness. Yin energy is greatly needed if you have lived in the yang energy for too much or too long. Yin is about reflection, seeking silence and meditation. Coming home to yourself. If you build in space for yourself, there is a good chance that you will come to new insights. Research what makes you relax: listening to calm music, walking in nature, visiting a sauna, reading a book… You probably know what helps you to recharge.

File:Yin yang.svg - Wikimedia Commons
Yin and Yang Symbol

The many benefits of rest

As I wrote before: rest gives new ideas. And these new ideas ensure that you can take steps again. And there’s more: sleep and relaxation allow your body cells to renew and process the events of the day. They are hugely important. So prioritize at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Your cells renew during sleep, which has a positive effect on your body and mind. Enough reasons to give yourself some rest. It is essential to be the best version of yourself. Not only do you benefit from this, but also your environment.

Be inspired by the jaguar

We can learn a lot from nature, from the animal kingdom. Take a jaguar. This animal can easily reach 80 kilometers per hour when running. It naturally has a good balance of activity and rest. The jaguar lives instinctively and does not think about tomorrow or next week. He takes rest when needed. This is how he charges himself for the moment he wants to catch his prey. After hunting, the jaguar takes time to eat its meal. Then he rests and can digest the meal well. He then charges for the next hunt. We as humans can learn a lot from this. We also need this charging time. After we are recharged, we can resume activities with new and fresh energy.

jaguar wildlife leopard animal stalking hunt ferocious ecuador attack front  angry deadly wilderness tiger racing toward the camera with his violent  look pointing the photographer Stock Photo | Adobe Stock
Learn and be inspired by the jaguar

Long live slowing down!

It’s not easy to sit still. Sometimes it is even very hard work to stand still. We are faced with a little voice in our head that tells us to be productive and keep going. Because that’s how we are programmed. In our society it is all about economic growth and we are focused on matter. Still, it’s more than worth the effort to ‘slow down’. Start today. 


The Next Optimistic Big Thing: RELAX YOURSELF IN three STEPS


If you would like to relax further, we’ve a bent to ought to first discover where the availability of tension lies. you will only solve one factor you understand, can’t you? The following 3 queries will assist you notice that provide. Use the knowledge with each question to unhitch that tension.

Relax | Florida Counseling Centers

Question 1:

What do i need from myself if necessary? The first offer of tension is your own high expectations. you have got need to attempt to to everything, but why? unit of measurement you not too exhausting on yourself? you will forever do further, but can that give you with further relaxation? for the most part not. Relaxation arises from rental go of high expectations that are not realistic. So raise yourself: What do I expect from myself? And why exactly?

therefore someone once same to conifer State, “I expect to be the nicest.” area unit you able to imagine what amount tension that creates? there is forever someone United Nations agency is even further fun. “I’ll merely be myself”, sounds much more relaxed and realistic …

Tip 1: Allow Yourself to Relax

Take a ways in which from that vital voice in your head. It offers energy to not got to do everything any more. you will do one thing, but do i want to? that’s what it’s about…

Question 2: What Am I Creating A Trial to Check?

The second offer of tension is desperate to keep management. significantly relating to the things we’ve little influence on. Others desperate to modification or management the long-standing time might be a direction for tension. you can’t combine anyway, thus you’d higher accept that. The reason for management is concern. we’ve a bent to stand live afraid that if we have a tendency to don’t check one factor, it should fail. thus raise yourself:

What exactly am I afraid of? do not be afraid by this question, it’s very positive! it’s given that you perceive what you concern that you {just} just have discovered the second offer of tension. Are you terrified of what another person would say? unit of measurement you distressed what might happen? many of these things unit of measurement out of your management – a minimum of not presently. In our head we’ve a bent to undertake and management what we’ve a bent to cannot management in purpose of truth. This realization is one in all the variations between stressed and relaxed people

Tip 2: Trust Yourself

Trust your own ability to shock the challenges that come your manner. as a results of the only real answer to concern is trust. With enough confidence in yourself, you’re troubled less relating to the things you have got got no management over.

Question 3: What Am I Examination my things to now?

The third offer of tension is examination yourself. you will compare yourself to others. but there is forever someone United Nations agency can on top of you. you will compare your current state of affairs in conjunction with your past, but why would you? The past is not on top of presently, as a results of you reside presently, not before. It’s very exhausting to be tense if you are doing not compare yourself. Try it out. raise yourself: What am I examination my things to now? once you are feeling tension, there is nearly forever a comparison. Or with others, or with the past, or in conjunction with your own ideal image …

TIP 3: Jettisoning of any equation

This takes follow, but with patience you will undoubtedly succeed. you are doing not got to compare yourself or your state of affairs to one thing. you are doing not got to be higher, you merely got to be yourself. Relaxed living is not difficult . You just need to be compelled to analyze where your tension comes from. they are sometimes an analogous sources of tension that come back daily. They call this a pattern, one factor that repeats itself. that is smart news!

Why? Well, for two reasons: First, it is not many patterns that build tension. There unit of measurement generally merely variety of. thus you are doing not got to modification m things. With these 3 tips you will already convert ninetieth of your stress into relaxation and positive energy. If your bicycle tire is flat, there is generally only one hole that you {just} just need to be compelled to repair. One – not three hundred.

Now you will continue! Second, a pattern that you {just} just acknowledge and resolve rarely returns. According to the bicycle metaphor: several folks still cycle with a tyre. They never discover the gap at intervals the bicycle tire. If you’re doing take the issue to investigate where your tension comes from, then you will solve it. And everything you solve won’t come back!

Also Read this article:




Image result for walking people transparent

Did you know that the average person like me and you spends nearly nine hours a day sitting? While scientific research has shown that it is not good for you. For example, it increases the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, but also of type 2 diabetes. All the more reason to take the leg wagon more often: 9 reasons to walk more today.

1. Good for muscles and bones

First of all, walking is good for your muscles and bones. It makes them stronger and therefore reduces the chance of developing osteoporosis (bone loss).  
Frequent loading of bones makes them stronger and you even build new bone mass. In addition, it is also good for the cartilage, the elastic tissue between the bones.

2. Good for the heart and blood vessels

Walking for at least thirty minutes every day lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol. It also improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels. The risk of heart problems already falls by 50 percent if people are active for one hour a week.

3. Good for diabetes

Walking or walking every day gives a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. It not only lowers the risk of developing diabetes. Even if you have diabetes, it is good to walk.

4. Good for the brain

For people who remain physically (and mentally) active throughout their lives, the risk of Alzheimer’s is reduced by 20 to 50 percent. Walking is also healthy for those who already suffer from dementia. Walkers are more cheerful and their memory functions better.

5. Good for the lungs

Those who walk a lot increase the capacity of the lungs to absorb oxygen.

6. Good for depression

Walking works against STRESS and depressive feelings. Anxiety disorders decrease by almost half.

7. Good for the night’s rest

Walking and daylight is good for the biological clock, which makes falling asleep and sleeping better. The quality of your sleep will also improve.

8. Good for being overweight

Running well for an hour (5 kilometers per hour) costs around 240 kilo calories. If you walk for half an hour every day, you can lose a lot of weight: one kilo in two months and six kilos in a year.

9. Good for digestion

Moving and therefore also walking stimulates digestion and prevents clogging of the intestines.

By taking a one-off walk, these health effects do not, of course, occur immediately. You will only notice the benefits if you regularly walk and walk. Start today, because what you immediately notice is the positive effect on your mood! So why not start now after you have read this blog.

Image result for people walking


The Significance of Internal Harmony and Ventures to Accomplishing it in Day by day Life

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailDo you find that your life is loaded up with pressure? Does it appear as though there is continually something happening that includes your whole consideration, and in this way depletes positive or high-vibrational vitality?

As our general public develops increasingly perplexing, discovering genuine inward harmony turns out to be progressively similar to attempting to discover a desert garden in the desert. So I figured it may be useful to impart to you a portion of the techniques that I use in my life to encounter internal harmony and disengage from my feverish day by day schedule.

Acknowledge what is

There is just so much we can influence. What we can’t change, what we can’t impact, require not concern us. What I have seen with such a significant number of individuals is that they center and wait around things they have no power over. The point here is the reason stress over something that all the stressing on the planet won’t change? Why care about what other individuals consider us when we’re not in any case beyond any doubt what it is they are really considering?

Calming the brain

Contemplation is incredible method for calming the brain and it’s an imperative movement that can transform you. In any case, not every person needs to contemplate or realizes how to do it. Thinking for only 10 minutes daily can have a tremendous effect in all parts of your life. In the event that you have a great deal at the forefront of your thoughts and feel as though your contemplations are making you insane, reflection can enable you to discover inward harmony. To calm the mind basically close everything, sit back, close your eyes and clear your brain of each and every idea. Concentrate on the void. You will be astounded what a minor 10 minutes of calming the brain can do to turn things around for you.

Invest energy in nature

We invest so much energy kept in structures either at work or at home that we have overlooked where we originated from. It is normal for us to be in nature, and this is the reason it feels so great and it is so serene when you go out for a stroll in a recreation center, cycle on a trail in the woodland or stand watching the waves come in at the shoreline. Viewing is stillness, watching nature sustains us. We normally adjust to the musicality of the seasons and the vibration of mother earth.

Get familiar with the intensity of a grin

At whatever point you chuckle or grin, something occurs on a substance level to improve you feel, and stress and pessimism are kept from entering your mind. Giggling yoga is a splendid instrument to use as an example intrude.

A basic grin can have such an effect. You rapidly understand that harmony discovers its direction substantially more effectively to you when you grin and trifle with yourself.

See the Master plan

We are so devoured inside our very own issues that we can never again observe the wood from the trees. It’s useful to remind ourselves how enormous the world is. Read up about some different nations, societies or religions. Know that the world does not spin around your issues. On catching wind of a torrent or a seismic tremor murdering a great many individuals it puts my little considerations and stresses into point of view. My issues aren’t generally “issues”. Looking past ourselves is imperative in finding internal harmony.

Care about others, however don’t turn into a rescuer

Inward harmony is elusive while acting naturally expended and just stressing over your very own requirements and needs. When you start to truly think about other individuals, supernatural occurrences occur. Be that as it may, be sympathetic, not humane.

Sympathy is placing yourself in another person’s shoes and regarding them as you would wish to be dealt with. It carries with it endless persistence and elegance. Sympathy can without much of a stretch transform into rescuer conduct; it’s deceptive and can prompt attempting to fix somebody, which separated from being the tallness of presumption, can likewise occupy you from your very own internal harmony.

A demonstration of irregular thoughtfulness and altruism enables you to facilitate your way towards internal harmony.

Grasp trust

Expectation is the thing that helps your life. With expectation you generally have a way towards inward harmony. At whatever point we get worried and overpowered inside our own life, we overlook that trust. We overlook that the sun dependably sparkles following a stormy day, and this is just a hindrance. With expectation, I realize that whatever is apparently awful is just brief and that soon enough, things will be simply incredible. This lifts off the majority of that antagonism and gross vibrational vitality from my general existence, and I feel in order right away.

Find your convictions, qualities and gauges

I don’t support one conviction framework over another, so whatever it is that you put stock in, grasp it with your whole existence. Be inside your confidence/conviction 100 percent and inward harmony will discover its way into your heart. We may all differ on one another’s conviction framework, and that is alright. Nonetheless, one thing we have to concur on is that having a strong, sound confidence is the most ideal approach to fabricate a still, small voice that guides us towards internal harmony and astuteness. Research has demonstrated that individuals who are profoundly given to their confidence have a higher future and are more averse to have ailments, for example, malignant growth. This is on the grounds that they encounter increasingly internal harmony, which is critical in the event that you need to enhance a mind-blowing nature.

Focus on yourself

One thing that gives us much worry in life is the way that we generally stress over not having every one of the appropriate responses. Simply tolerating that you don’t know everything and that you are available to unending learning is a gigantic advance to take towards accomplishing internal harmony. I discover extraordinary satisfaction in adapting a wide range of things, and simply staying alert that I am developing as an individual every single day gives me incredible sentiments of internal harmony. Acknowledge that life is one major adventure of ceaseless learning and you will get yourself closer to encountering genuine internal harmony.

Live in the at this very moment

More often than not, what we stress over is identifying with something either before, or something that hasn’t occurred. Living in the at this very moment eradicates every such idea. Why stress over something in the past that we can’t change? Why stress over something that we are not in any case beyond any doubt will occur or not?


Breathing is the main capacity in the human body that is done either totally unwittingly or totally intentionally. It very well may be a deliberate or automatic act and along these lines it is administered by two particular arrangements of muscles and nerves, contingent upon which mode is being used – the automatic nerves and muscles or the willful.

Each arrangement of muscles and nerves can completely drive and deal with the framework. In this way the breath has this incredible, exceptional trademark that empowers it to influence the automatic sensory system. It is the main capacity in the human body that has this capacity.

I am certain that this article can enable you to locate your internal harmony.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailEveryone is bothered by it. From those days that you overflow with stress, that everything and everyone is just too busy and you prefer to crawl under a stone. After a normal working week or during work it can be difficult and before you realize it, you have handed out the first snail again. Emotions blur your decision making. The tension has to slip away from you, just how do you provide more peace and relaxation and how to ensure that it has a lasting effect?

Of course it is not fair if others are the victim of your chagrin. And you yourself do not become happier. Sometimes it seems that nothing helps. Holiday, weekly yoga sessions, massages. Nothing helps. Perhaps you even consider the doctor, because you come to rest so hard. The pressure in the 24-hour society is of course high. You want to get your business done at work. Often it is also pressure that we impose ourselves or that is imposed from home and we maintain an old pattern. Previously, for example, it was expected that everything could be better and career was very important. This is partly it, but it is what you demand of yourself. You may have received a deeply rooted perfectionism.

Yet it is true that we are all human and we are (unfortunately?) None of them perfect. Maybe that’s why it’s time to adjust your expectations a little and be a bit milder for yourself? We put nine tips in a row to get a bit to yourself. It should not be natural, but it is for your own good. We recommend applying it with some regularity, so that it brings relaxation that is permanent or at least easier to come back.

1. Space

Find the space to relax, but also give your limits at work or at the home front. The unrest that you feel is of course a signal that you need something. Dare to choose for yourself and that can be done in tig ways. For example, go dancing, horseback riding, walking, running, surfing and / or sauna. Take free. In other words, take care of time for yourself. It can also be coffee, tea, lunch or a game of pool with a friend. It is important to discharge.

2. Cry

It sounds like an open door, but we are all people with feelings. So pull back if necessary and find a place where you can just be human. Does it help to go to the forest or sit in the attic? Then do that. Too much tension is stuck in your body and that has to be removed. Just let the tears run free, without judging or thinking about what that will bring. It is just there and you can get rid of it better than being rich.

3. Feel

Do you find it difficult to allow emotions? Then learn to feel step by step. It is also better to feel than to worry. And worrying about those feelings is not good either, so just try to accept them. It is what it is. Easier said than done of course. We admit that, it does require some time and attention, but the creed is ‘not thinking but feeling’. Just try switching.

4. Breath

When we are tense, we often sit high in our breath. In other words, breathing quickly. Breathing often does not go beyond the diaphragm, whereas it is important to breathe in the stomach or even deeper. So you notice that you are in a hurry. Try to breathe calmly and deeply. Maybe it’s even good to sit down or just stop what you do. If only for a few seconds, just go back to yourself. Feel the cold as you breathe in and the warmth of your breath as you exhale. Follow him all the way to your belly. Will not this work immediately? No worries, will come naturally. Try to do this a number of times (per day). At the desk, on the toilet, outside, in the car or at the station, you name it. Breathing is something that you can always go back to. It can be a very powerful way to come to grief if there is room for it.

5. Focus

We are not all the same, but probably we all know the feeling that we are feeling unstable or that we feel that we have fallen off our pedestals. Sometimes it’s because of something someone said and you got a bit of a hit or it’s just busy around you, making it come your way. The emotion just grabs you by the scrubs and of course you do not feel like it. Then try to focus a moment on yourself or to perpetuate your energy. The one calls it earthen, the other back to the core, but actually it is bundling your own power. You stand or sit with your feet on the floor, breathe down as far as possible and follow the rhythm of your breathing. Also try to make contact with your heart and try to let love or peace flow. Imagine that you are completely compact. If you want to go one step further, do a body scan, feel the tension, try to let go. Then fill your body with white light. Relax.

6. Attitude

The body gets stuck due to a one-sided posture and / or overload. More and more people have neck, shoulder and back complaints. Especially in today’s culture where many people are confined to their desks and lean forward over our smartphone.
In fact, we would have to disconnect from our computer every half an hour. Yet people are always inclined to continue. Maybe such a kitchen timer or a little pause is not such a crazy idea yet? Or get that round of coffee? A Mensendieck therapist can also tell very well what a good posture is and what kind of exercises may be needed for relaxation. Often we are so conditioned that we unconsciously raise our shoulder (s), sit on our chair or hang out. What are you doing? Can it be more relaxed?

7. Pause

Busy busy busy. The work has to be finished, but if something is bad, it is the pause. In the past it was still commonplace that you had four breaks a day. Half an hour from your boss and half an hour from yourself. Not that crazy yet, and that takes fifteen minutes. Should actually be a sting. It is nevertheless a balance between work and relaxation. Even if you work at home. Often you get more done with a short break and you have a different view when you return to your workplace. Maybe still enter that lunch (together) instead of eating the sandwich for the computer? Of course you can also walk around. And do not be ashamed if you occasionally do a (relaxation) exercise at your workplace. The only one who can protect himself is you.

8. Structure

Provide structure. Only in the event of repetition can new behavior actually be tapped or changes can be experienced as lasting. Research shows that for real change more than two months is needed. Some people even say 21 days. Maybe three weeks is good to start with, but of course it is true that some tension has been building for years. Of course that is not gone at once. Actually it is just trial and error. So be gentle to yourself, be patient, but also have discipline. If it does not work one time, try again another time. Then it will most likely be better.

9. Help

Not everyone needs help, but sometimes it does not work or is difficult. The deep breathing stagnates, endless sports sessions work against and tension do not get lost. Do not be ashamed. It is, however, an idea to ask what it can be. Psychologists, mental coaches, mindfulness courses or just the masseur or physiotherapist. It does not exist for nothing. Of course, talking to friends can also purchase a series of self-help books. Tai Chi, silence or yoga retreats may also be an idea.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

4 Ways Exercise Can Help Develop Your Positive Thinking

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailExercise is fun. Exercise is healthy. Exercise is important. Exercise is also tiring, and the sweat makes you feel icky.

For those who agree with the first three sentences, you’re on your way to developing your positive thinking! On the other hand, the last statement is what most negative thinkers would say whenever someone reminds them to go exercise, so I hope you didn’t agree with that!

Here are four ways exercising regularly can help you become a positive thinker.

  1. It boosts your energy levels

If you feel tired and sluggish and all you want to do is lie down in bed, but you’ve still got a lot of work to do, then you may want to go for a quick run around your neighborhood. Try brisk walking or jogging for 5 or 10 minutes and see how you feel afterward.

Alternatively, you can also try skipping rope or doing sit ups or push ups during your breaks. Ask yourself if you felt good after. If you did, then that’s exercise boosting your energy levels right there!

  1. It helps improve your social skills

If you like to work out alone, in the comfort of your house, then it’s obviously not going to help improve your social skills. However, if you go to the gym or join a running club, or something similar, then you’ll be around people who like to take care of their bodies.

As long as you don’t confine yourself to the corner, and learn how to make new friends, then you’ll greatly improve your social skills.

  1. Better sleep at night

Getting a good night’s sleep is important. And one of the best ways you can get it is by exercising regularly. Exercise helps you fall asleep faster, and it helps you sleep deeply, too.

If you’re tired of waking up cranky in the morning because you keep waking up in the middle of the night, then try exercising to improve the quality of your sleep!

  1. Improves mood

When you exercise, you experience an increase of endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that make us happy and feel positive. It makes us feel good while at the same time it diminishes pain.

When you exercise, you feel good afterward, provided, of course, you did not abuse your body or worked it way too hard. If you’ve ever heard of ‘runner’s high,’ it’s the endorphins that cause that feeling of euphoria!Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail