Busy People Get Things Succesfully Done? WHY?


Look at your very own environment and ask yourself the question why some people can accomplish so much things and other not even one thing. At work at home well it doesn’t really matter, but they are doing it. At the other hand you will surely realize that some people are complaining steady about their work load etc. They are keeping their self, running in circles.

For example take a look at a one parent person, who is working at different locations to then take care of their children and normal house holding. Believe me they are able to keep this all together somehow. People like this are thinking and planning straight forward and they are capable enough to run their things. Is it that they are doing something or not doing anything. Clear the answer is both.

These kind of successful persons are in action to get their things done properly. They don’t have time to complain and make excuses or procrastinate.

Let me share some  Factors That Kill Productivity

Some people never get their stuff done? Unproductive people I call them :

  1. They Lack interest or energy.
  2. They suffer from a poor work ethic.
  3. They Lack organization.
  4. They are easily overwhelmed — and panic.
  5. They Start things, but never finish them.
  6. They Procrastinate.
  7. They Spend time worrying rather than working.
  8. They constantly complain.
  9. They are easily distracted.
  10. They Look over their shoulder — and cover their behind.
  11. They Play politics.
  12. They Fight change.
  13. They Resist learning.
  14. They Fear making a mistake.
  15. They fail to make decisions.
  16. They reinvent the wheel.
  17. They Demand perfection of themselves.
  18. They fail to set deadlines.

Here is a listing of Traits/Characteristics of Highly Productive Persons/People:

If you want something done ask a busy person how. These group of productive people are the following

Ambitious.  They Believe there’s no time like the present.

Self-confident. They Are battle-tested. They believe that “If I did it once, I can do it again.”

Single-minded. They Know what matters most and are relentless in pursuit of those priorities.

Goal-oriented.  They Establish fixed deadlines instead of going with the flow. They know that Parkinson’s Law holds true — “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

Forward thinking. They Prepare in the morning; reflect at night.

Focused. They Don’t allow themselves to be disrupted or sidetracked by others’ priorities.

Trusting. They Do things that matter to them and find ways to get the rest of it done.

Action-oriented. They Rarely complain. They’re too busy getting things done.

Positive. They Don’t let obstacles get in their way. When they confront a barrier, they find a way around it.

Accountable. They Don’t make excuses or cast blame. They know their mission, accept responsibility, and are determined to get it done.

Modest. They Don’t spend time promoting their accomplishments. They know that results speak for themselves.

Resourceful. They Make use of dead time rather than letting valuable minutes fritter away.

Organized. They Rarely waste time reinventing the wheel, repeating mistakes, or looking for misplaced items.

Project-oriented. They Say “no” to one idea so they can say “yes” to another.

Decisive. They Make bold decisions. When you do nothing, nothing happens.

Realistic. They Strive for excellence rather than perfection.

Check for yourself if your habits are helping or hurting your productivity activities. If so start to change your inside.

In life you will reach moments of challenges. You will be confronted with big fear or maybe asked to do things beyond your limits. As this take place, always remember that getting things done is as much a mindset as it is. If you start spending time and start worrying about the future you are stressing yourself out, you are not only wasting expensive time, you are helping yourself to create a powerful hurricane in your mind that makes it very tough to succeed. The real fact is, just as a pep talk inspires you to climb new heights, chronic negativity is taking over and will drag you down in the valley. Sometime people work very hard to make their lives even harder.

On the off chance that you need to complete more stuff, you can! It won’t occur by doing things a similar way. It’ll require a purposeful exertion to grasp new propensities that push you forward and to take out conduct that is keeping you down. The truth of the matter is, the main thing holding you up is yourself. It doesn’t take a mind specialist to make sense of how to turn out to be increasingly profitable. You simply need to dedicate yourself to it.

Do You Get More Things Done after reading this. Just let me know! During this CORONA PERIOD you will have to become more productive and think out of the box.



Author: Danny Jibodh

Danny Jibodh is the MainBrain and founder of BLOGZYNERGY.COM. As a multi topic professional blogger, he is keeping his eyes 24/7 on different burning topics as they unfold on the internet. With this concept he and his team are providing people like you with tons of different useful sunrise data to update your brain.

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