Personal growth through radical candor

Emotions in Fencing – Ally or Enemy? - Academy of Fencing Masters Blog

Exposing your feelings is not recommended in many situations. Statements like “don’t say anything if you don’t have anything nice to say” and thoughts like “expressing feelings is unprofessional” seem deeply rooted in our society. This applies in private situations and in the workplace, but also applies to leaders. Yet radical candor actually contributes to personal growth and gives you the opportunity to be the best version of yourself.

When we hide our feelings from others, we often do it because we don’t want to cause a stir or because we want to protect ourselves from criticism or not be excluded from the group. However, concealing how you really think or feel about something now only helps you in the short term. The price you pay by continuously pleasing is at the expense of your creativity, passion and motivation.

When the Problem is Not the Problem: Emotions, Feelings and ...


With radical candor, we show our full selves to others. By practicing this you are authentic and you are vulnerable. You show that you support your own feelings, take others into account and give them the space to be candid. It is about connecting yourself and others, with care and feeling.

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Examples of frankness in the workplace can be admitting as a manager that a new business strategy frightens you, sharing with colleagues that things are not going well for you and that there is something in your private life that distracts you, or telling your employer that his or her comment feels uncomfortable to you.

Openness not only ensures that you stay close to yourself, set your limits and do not suppress your feelings, it also creates space to grow together. Because how great would it be if you knew how everyone felt, if everyone dared to discuss everything in a respectful way and everyone would be heard and seen?


Author: Danny Jibodh

Danny Jibodh is the MainBrain and founder of BLOGZYNERGY.COM. As a multi topic professional blogger, he is keeping his eyes 24/7 on different burning topics as they unfold on the internet. With this concept he and his team are providing people like you with tons of different useful sunrise data to update your brain.

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