What you think daily determines your life


The power of your thoughts is enormous. Your thoughts determine your feelings. Your feelings determine your behavior. Your behavior determines your habits. Your habits determine your character – and your character determines your life. It all starts with what you think every day. Watch with me and find out for yourself:

Quotes about Power of thoughts (98 quotes)

Your thoughts determine your feelings.

Almost every feeling arises from a thought. Let’s take two people with two different thoughts on the same subject: The first person thinks, “Change is scary, I want to leave things as it is.” The second person thinks, “New things are interesting, I like change.”

The first person gets a bad feeling about change. The second gets excited and overcomes every challenge. That difference in feeling is no coincidence, it can hardly be otherwise. What you think about a particular topic determines how you feel about that topic.

Your feelings determine your behavior.

How you feel about a situation determines your behavior in that situation. That is why one person will love to be the center of attention, while the other likes to crawl under the table. The former can be found on the stage in the karaoke bar and act like a professional entertainer. Behavior that the other will rarely display, because there is no feeling for it.

Your daily behavior determines your habits.

Your behavior slowly becomes a habit. Maybe you have a habit of being around people a lot, or withdrawing from yourself on a regular basis. Regular exercise becomes a habit, going out regularly becomes a habit. It is my habit to read daily. What is your habit?

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Your habits determine your character.

Does someone have a cheerful character, a difficult character, a critical character, a strong character, a social character? That does not happen automatically, it takes a lot of repetition! Much of our character comes from our habits – which we do every day. At birth everything is still free, but slowly our character takes shape.

When people say, “That’s just how I am”, they are referring to their character. Their character is their identity, it is who they are. They are unaware that they were not born with this. A character is the result of what we think, feel and do every day. That’s why people don’t just change. All those daily thoughts, feelings and habits have now become ingrained..

Your character determines your life

Tell me what you do on a daily basis and I predict where you are likely to be in five years. That’s no hocus-pocus. If you eat a bag of chips every day, you will probably be fatter in five years. If you read a book every day, you’ll probably be smarter in five years. If you walk and your course doesn’t change, we can see where your final destination is, can’t we?

What you think, feel or do every day is reinforced. The power of this is enormous. Change rarely comes in one huge step. Change is usually the result of hundreds of small steps. So the steps you take consistently every day. The steps you take in your work, in your relationships, in your health, in your personal growth. That determines where you go.

And the circle is complete!

Now we’ve come to the end – but it’s a circle, not a dead end. The experiences in your life reinforce your character. Your character reinforces what you do. That in turn reinforces how you feel. And that reinforces what you think. Now we are back at the beginning – to your thoughts. It is a continuous circle. Everything influences each other..

This whole story has only one point: Everything starts with what you think every day. If you generally have constructive and positive thoughts, you will feel good every day. From that good feeling you will make choices that suit you – and you will achieve your personal goals. This slowly shapes your habits and character. Be aware of what you think every day, because this determines your life..

The Power Of Thoughts - Trainerize.me

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Opportunities thanks to crisis: from responding to adapting


Money rolls a lot faster in times of crisis than in times of prosperity.
Wherever someone is currently losing money, someone else is going to be very rich.

Money cannot evaporate.
It can only switch hands.

It rolls out of panicky hands.
Quiet hands.

Many entrepreneurs are now paralyzed.
They don’t do anything. “Because nothing is possible!”

Others do little.
“Because not much is happening now.”

Some respond.
They request support.
They send staff home.
Communicate with their customers.

You can respond for a while.
But it is not a sustainable business model.

For that you will have to adjust.
Adapt to reality as it is.
And do not respond and in the meantime wait until reality becomes as it should be again.

Adjusting means seeing the way it is.
Take current reality as a starting point.
And from that position, looking for opportunities.

To mention some current reality:

  • There is a bunch of intelligent people at home with a lot of time on their hands, and a desire to earn some money to continue paying their rent: students. Who will provide that group with work? Opportunity.
  • People Googly go to “How to make soap yourself”, “How to install zoom / Skype / Microsoft Teams / Slack”, “How to work together remotely”, etc. Who will answer their questions in the form of video training? Opportunity.
  • A gang of online events will be organized in the coming weeks / months. Companies are looking for all kinds of possibilities to dress up those online events by, for example, having (lunch) packages delivered to participants at home, or to connect people more easily. Who will facilitate that? Opportunity.
  • Many seniors are even more lonely than usual, as they also have to miss their children’s monthly visit. Opportunity.
  • Millions of people are at home. They are bored. Opportunity.

Remember, the only thing that has changed is the circumstances.
People still have exactly the same needs.

Survival of the fittest is continuously mistranslated as “survival of the fittest”.
What it really means is survival of those who can best adapt.

Everyone can respond.
Competent people and entrepreneurs can also adapt.

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Four things that managers need to be able to do

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailBecome the local reseller of computers/printers within fifteen years to become one of the largest suppliers of the digital workplace somewhere in this world. Does that sound something in your brain….Nothing impossible. What does that require from a manager? 

The most important thing is a listening ear, self-knowledge, a clear goal and discipline: successful business wants to work hard,” says one of my friends, who, operates an online business, and is in the stormy growth of his company in the right direction. What should managers be able to do? 

Make choices
Whether the economy is running well or is in the doldrum, doing business always means that the wind must be sailed sharply. Someone’s leadership style must also reflect that, my friend knows from his own experience. That means you have to dare to make choices, no matter how difficult it can sometimes be – if a company has an excellent financial manager at a certain point in time, that does not mean that the same manager will also have the right man or woman on the right one ten years later. place. In order to be able to manage well, you need to be able to get the insights you need from your people, he says. If your people are not able to bring the info that you need unanimously, you must dare to make a decision – painful or not, and if you do not, then you must accept that your growth is likely to stagnate.

Being creative
Entrepreneurship is never without risks. This requires a creative manager, especially in economically bad times. By Jumping, thinking out-of-the-box we were able to do a major acquisition, which gave us national coverage in one go.

Listening to good advice
In retrieving information there is another, indispensable characteristic for successful managers, according to my friend: a listening ear. Although it is important to keep your goal clear, it is good to never forget that as an entrepreneur there are often several ways to achieve that goal. Some entrepreneurs lack that flexibility in their management style and believe too much in their own right, which is simply unwise. If you want to grow a company quickly, you must be able to take the good insights and smart advice of others to heart. you as a manager know where you want to go, it is only very good if someone else knows a better way to that goal at that moment.

Hard work
Perhaps the last tip is an open door: lots of hard work. In my friends opinion, you never deserve leadership: this has to be awarded, which means that if you want people to work hard for you, you must set a good example yourself. In his experience, the height of the salary does not determine how hard people work, but the vision that a manager shows. Anyone who manages to enthuse employees and take them on a trip to a particular destination will be able to lift his or her company to a higher level much faster. You should not just want to do it: you are in front of the club, but in the end you do it all together. 
