Do you have the urge to prove yourself? Try to learn about your inner engine. Do it now.


Urge to prove – I have to prove myself – is the search for recognition. Proving yourself is positive, but it also has a downside. If you feel like you are never doing enough, ask yourself the following questions:

– Who am I doing all this for?
– When is it enough?
– What do I want to achieve with this?
– What do I hope to get in the end?

First acknowledge and appreciate yourself, that saves a lot of energy!

Without inner peace, life is just a shadow of its possibilities.

Evidence can be positive. (Urge to Prove)

Wanting to prove yourself can be very positive. It ensures that you get the best out of yourself. It ensures that you keep developing yourself, that you continue to grow and that you create many beautiful things. It keeps you on your toes and ensures that you continue to grow. All positive, aren’t they?

But there is also a downside to the urge to prove it. Some of the people I talk to are very successful compared to the ‘average’ person. Yet they lack happiness, satisfaction and mental relaxation.

I can do so much more!

They are always performing, driven by an imaginary voice that chases them. They are usually not very satisfied with what they have already achieved. “I can do so much more!” they think…

Well, you may not have to do more. Maybe you just need to accept yourself a little more! The former does not solve much, but the second changes everything in your life!

You don’t have to do more, you just have to accept yourself.

An inner turmoil.

If you ask them why they are always on the way to more, you will hear the following:

1. I rarely feel like I’m doing enough.
2. If I underperform, then I fall short.
3. I don’t want to be inferior to others.
4. I have to get the most out of myself.
5. If I don’t do anything, I stop.

Apparently there is an inner turmoil that drives them forward. They constantly compare themselves – either with others or with a personal ideal. As long as they feel like they are proving themselves, they feel good. But when they have a bad day or when others are doing better, they feel inadequate.

What are you doing it all for?

If you recognize yourself in this, my question is: “What are you doing it all for?” All your efforts, all your sacrifices, what are you doing it for? Or even more specifically:

1. Who are you doing it all for?
2. When is it enough?
3. What do you hope to achieve in the end?

Who are you doing it all for? Are you doing it for yourself, or are you doing it for others? Some educators, such as parents or teachers, may have given a lot of criticism and little praise. This has permanently given us the idea that we should always do better. You may still hear the voice of one of your parents: “Don’t think this is so special. Just look at your brother / sister, he is doing much better… ”

Let go of expectations.

Forget all expectations of others, it is their responsibility, not yours. If I had done what others thought I should do, now I would have had a job I didn’t like, been in a relationship that gave me no energy, and had a life that didn’t suit me. You are here to live up to your own expectations, it is your life after all …

Speaking of your own expectations: what do you expect from yourself? That you always have to perform to the maximum? That you need to become an improved version of yourself? That you have to meet a self-conceived ideal image? Forget it all and see the reality: you are the way you are and that’s fine. You never become perfect and you don’t have to be happy. You just have to be yourself …

When is it enough?

Have you ever asked yourself that? Do you know what to do to get to the point where you can be satisfied and enjoy what you have achieved? This has nothing to do with others, this is purely to do with your own expectations. Success is not something you compare to others, success is in your own head. Only you decide whether you feel successful.

What do you hope to get?

Ultimately, the urge to prove is the search for recognition. We want to be appreciated, we want to hear that we did well. At the core we are looking for the feeling that we are worthwhile. That’s what it’s all about, right? We want to hear from our parents, friends or family: “Gosh, you are doing well! I’m proud of you!” And we are willing to do a lot for that feeling …

There is only one problem: You may never hear it. If your parents were generous with compliments, they would have shown it much earlier. I hope for you that everyone tells you that they are happy with your performance. That you have made it to the finish line and that you never have to prove yourself again. So that you can finally relax and enjoy. But what if that doesn’t happen?

Get off the treadmill!

In short, seeking external recognition is pointless. You will never hear from everyone that you are doing well. You will never be perfect. You will never reach your end goal (lasting recognition). If you have to prove yourself because others will tell you that you are worthwhile, then you are like a hamster on a treadmill: you run, but you never get to that finish.

Find Inner Peace by Loving Yourself | Healing Tree Wellness Center

Get out! Realize that you are pursuing an illusion. Turn it around and decide from now on that:

1. You are doing well enough.
2. You are worth it.
3. You recognize and value yourself.
4. Your performance does not determine your self-esteem.
5. The expectation of others is their responsibility, not yours.
6. You stop chasing an ideal image.
7. You enjoy what you have achieved.

Acknowledge and appreciate yourself.

You want to prove yourself to be recognized, don’t you? Reverse the whole process: First, give yourself credit and appreciation. Personally, I don’t expect anything from myself: I don’t have to get better, I don’t have to outperform others, I don’t have to push myself, I don’t even have to achieve my goals. Oh wait, there are two things I expect from myself: to be myself and to be happy. After all, that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?

4 Benefits of Mastering Inner Peace of Mind Through Meditation

Proving myself always starts from a lack, from a lack – from myself. It’s just another form of insecurity. My thesis is: You are fine already, just the way you are. You’ve done enough, you’re already worth it. Appreciate yourself. Appreciating yourself gives you self-confidence. Then you still do your best – but not because something is missing, but because you enjoy it!

Success in your life journey.

Extra link to read and learn: https:click this link


What will our world look like in five years time? 2025

Keshet Starts Teasing Top-Secret New Reality Show '2025' – Variety

The world after COVID-19 will look very different in the days, months and years that follow one of the greatest crises of our time. In this blog I am going to share predictions about a world after the corona virus. Every facet of our society is currently being affected, such as politics, the economy, business and technology. With all its consequences.

What Technology Will Look Like In Five Years | TechCrunch

We do not know how long the current restrictions will last, but it is clear that COVID-19 is changing a lot. A lot of organizations around the world are doing research and make their own predictions, what the corona crisis will ultimately mean for government, healthcare, education, retail and the travel and technology industries. There are lots of report already rolling on the internet all written from a future perspective, which looks at the state of affairs in 2025. The changes that are expected will occur in the years after the pandemic.

The world of me and you in 2025
Some predictions are technical, such as body scans of visitors to a building or event, the creation of a ‘Health Security Agency’ and a future virtual workforce. Other predictions are more diverse, such as tackling the costs of aging, creating a more sustainable future and giving up privacy for the common good.

InsurTech in 2025: Will it Fade or Dominate? - Strategy Meets Action

I gathered nine contemplative predictions which you can read about here:

  1. The online Big Bang: The development around user experience will connect seamlessly with collaboration platforms such as Muzzle and Trello . The use of Mixed Reality (MR) can also get a big boost if companies design virtual workplaces like The Wild or hub cultures like Emerald City .
  2.  Working from home becomes the norm: Working remotely becomes the norm for most companies instead of the exception. In 2025, houses and apartments will be built or equipped with soundproofing, separate voice-controlled entrances and futuristic glass walls on which we can work.
  3. Fewer business trips: There are a lot fewer business trips, because new technologies bridge the distance. Most business meetings and events are virtual and flight shame has increased significantly.
  4.  Health screening is everywhere: just as the TSA was formed in the US after 9/11, a Health Security Agency is being established to ensure that people travel healthily and move with an ‘OK2GO’ scan that is mandatory for everyone.
  5. Gaia and Greta:  Greta Thunberg forced the world to look at climate change, and now everyone knows the immediate impact of staying home. For example, fish can be seen in the water in Venice again because gondolas sail less and the amount of smog in China has decreased sharply.
  6. Human in the machine: multi-sensory virtual interaction has grown strongly due to the rise of haptic interfaces, such as gloves and full-body suits (such as Teslasuit or HaptX textiles ). These virtual reality interfaces make it possible for users to feel certain objects in real life. So we will not only be able to see and hear information on request, but also feel it.
  7. The Sacrifice of Privacy: Governments have recognized the long-term consequences of a permanent surveillance infrastructure, and the personal data that flows from it provides a new source of economic prosperity.
  8. Aging costs in a post-corona world: As the world’s population ages, Gerontechnology is emerging as a new area of ​​research. Gerona technology focuses on ensuring good health, social participation and independence of the elderly. This is achieved through research and the development of products and services that improve the quality of life. This reduces the costs of our global healthcare.
  9.  A cleaner regime: the fight against viruses is fought differently than before the corona crisis. Companies are introducing a general company hygiene policy and new startups like Blueland and Truman’s have made sustainable hygiene and cleaning sexy.

Both the future of work and the future of Everything that is happening in our society, at the moment Technology is at the heart of the recovery from the crisis, but there will also be unexpected consequences. It remains to be seen how governments, education, business and health care are recovering worldwide to serve a new world order.


13 Best Practices of KAIZEN for you


Kaizen management best practices.Do It !!!

This article describes the following 13 kaizen management Best Practices in detail:

  1. Define clear objectives and expectations
  2. Focus on the process, not on the goal
  3. Involve all stakeholders in the decision-making process
  4. Go after the low-hanging fruit (quick wins)
  5. “Do it better, make it better”
  6. Remove waste in all forms & variations
  7. Choose the right fight
  8. Appoint a leader (facilitator) for the event
  9. Provide training for all participants
  10. Use available software
  11. Treat the Kaizen event as a business process
  12. Have a good plan
  13. Make sure that the improvement lasts (continuous improvement).

1: Define clear objectives and expectations

Prior to the event, you want a well-defined set of goals and expectations. This means that you must develop a list of the statistics that you will use to define success. It is now a good time to implement the “SMART” technology goals. Goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

2: Focus on the process, not on the goal

Kaizen is based on a philosophy of small, incremental, continuous improvement. When this style is fully operational, it creates a self-sustaining cycle of opportunities and solutions aimed at reducing waste of time, money and resources. Targeted management focuses on control with a limited definition of success, while kaizen is flexible and adaptive. It uses statistics for evaluation instead of measuring improvements and reaching a predetermined number.

3: Involve all stakeholders in the decision-making process

Employees often feel powerless to influence change in their workplace. They are your biggest source for ideas and skills, but they believe that their voice is not heard. Token attempts at involvement such as the typical suggestion course do not provide meaningful action. Kaizen management includes employees in the improvement process, from identification to implementation and recognition. Seeing their position in the validated company gives them the confidence and motivation to look further for more opportunities to improve.

4: Go after the low-hanging fruit (quick wins)

As mentioned, kaizen management focuses on small, incremental improvement. Employees are encouraged to look for opportunities for change that have a low risk and low costs. This allows change to be influenced quickly, creating a momentum that will continue to the next project. It also keeps the energy level high and ensures more employee involvement.

5: “Do it better, make it better”

Everyone knows the saying: “If it is not broken, do not repair it.” In traditional business models, it is assumed that the process or system functions reasonably well, with maximum effectiveness. Kaizen management assumes that every element of a company can be improved. Employees are encouraged to take a fresh look at established policies and methods. Instead of thinking of why something cannot be done, they are encouraged to ignore conventional limitations and find out how it can be done.

6: Remove waste in all forms & variations

For many companies, waste is viewed from a financial perspective. For Kaizen’s management, waste applies to all resources. A resource that can never be supplemented is time. Every promotion should add value to the business, and employees are encouraged to find ways to increase efficiency and prevent waste. The workplace is constantly being adjusted to be organized so that unnecessary measures are not taken.

7: Choose the right fight

Not all problems can be solved with the short timeframe of a Kaizen event. It is important to be aggressive but realistic when choosing which challenge will be addressed during the event. It should be something that can be tackled by a limited number of people within a few days.

8: Appoint a leader (facilitator) for the kaizen event

Although we believe that Kaizen events should be a collaborative process and that all voices should be heard, it is important to have one person responsible for guiding the team during the event. This person can be called the event leader or the facilitator. They must have some experience with Kaizen events.

9: Provide training for all participants

People should not be thrown into a Kaizen event without the required knowledge to make them successful. They must understand the principles of Kaizen and understand how this is applied in the corporate culture. They must be introduced to any enhancement technique such as PDSA, value stream mapping, the 5 whys and others used during the event. All team members must understand their role and the goals for rapid improvement events.

People do not automatically know how a quick improvement action works. Take the time to teach all participants about the Kaizen mindset, the flow of the event, their specific role and what you can expect before, during and after. Training is important, but practice is also necessary to keep participants in top form.

10: Use supporting software

Kaizen software helps guarantee success by providing a uniform platform for all the work that will take place. Relevant document can be saved, tasks can be assigned and progress can be measured at one online location. The best solutions provide notifications and alerts that help maintain momentum and provide a structure for collaboration. This is especially important if the problem being addressed requires a functional effort. It is quite common for new opportunities for improvement to be discovered during a Kaizen event. Software helps them capture for future projects.

11: Have a good plan

Prior to the event, the leader should work with the team to find out what will happen during the event. For example, most event plans include a number of versions of the following steps:

  • Document and agree with the current status
  • Define the desired status 
    Discuss possible solutions and agree to changes
  • Implement improvements
  • Refine refinements and develop new standard work
  • Institutionalize the improvement

12: Treat the Kaizen event as a business process

The first thing we mean by this is that the event must have a route map and documentation. You would not let employees work on a different business process without a clear set of expectations and desired results. The same should be true for your Kaizen event. It is a process with a defined beginning, middle and end. The second we mean by treating the Kaizen event as a business process is to acknowledge that this should also be the subject of improvement. Before you start your next appointment, you must review the previous one and determine if it could have been more efficient or effective. If this is the case, make the necessary adjustments.

13: Ensure that the improvement lasts (continuous improvement)

Nobody wants to go through the effort of a Kaizen event only to see that the improvements deteriorate over time. To guarantee long-term success, you build up periodic check-ins and report on the follow-up plan for the event. Keep track of the immediate results of the improvement, but also keep the team responsible for reporting results on a month, six months, a year or any intervals that are relevant to the situation.

Once the event has been completed and the desired improvements have been made, it is essential to make a follow-up plan to measure the results and ensure that the improvement is maintained. We find it useful to follow after 2 weeks, a month, three months, six months and a year. You may notice that additional adjustments to new processes are needed or that some of the changes have not been fully applied. Although the ‘event’ is a one-off thing, Kaizen is continuous improvement(s).
