
Let me start like this…

As the world community is growing day by day, we as people must think how to produce more food on long term, without hurting the nature. In this blog I would like to send some triggers to Governments/Policymakers and other important/relevant authorities in the Caribbean Region especially Suriname and Guyana. A certain mind set is needed in combination of a long term mission and vision on this subject.


 A foodscape is simply the integration of edible plants in traditional ornamentallandscapes (around our very own living space).  It is all about creating the most of the square footage you have access to.


  · Utilize an ornamental base for yourself

· Increase bio‐diversity step by step 

· Beneficial insects will be around you 

· Reduced disease/stress     

· Manage all organically 

· Select your own choice of plants to create an engaging space 

· Conversation starter all the time

· Grow in containers, window boxes and vertical systems 

 · Alternative growing systems are easy to do 

· Rooftops offer plenty plenty sunny square meters to run this business 

· Think outside of the box 

· Use the existing landscape  

· Full sun in the Caribbean 

· Easily irrigated 

· Maintain regularly 

· Grow on YOUR terms… it is a wonderful hobby 

Sample Mission Statement

Our/My mission is to empower our/my customers with foodscape structures, protocols and plants that make producing food simple and lasting, accessible and serviceable to a broad customer demographic.

We/I aim to be knowledgeable, innovative and uncommonly helpful as we foster a greener world for the future.

Sample Vision Statement

Our/My vision is to restore the balance between green space (plants) and hard space (concrete, steel, glass) wherever you are.

We aim to create a greener more hospitable planet Earth by proclaiming the benefits of plants and helping ourself/clients to successfully install and cultivate them (also on vertical surfaces).

Some Benefits of Foodscaping

Foodscaping offers a variety of benefits, many of which are a result of fulfillment of the human need to connect with nature. The research study which is also known as ‘biophilia,’ a growing field of study that emphasizes the physiological and resultant economic benefits that come from restoring natural connections in our built environment.

Performance + Productivity

Our innate need to connect with nature is known as biophilia.  This is the serious driving force behind our boost in mood, sharper focus, and stronger immune system when we are exposed to natural environments.  Foodscaping is a great way to trigger the biophilic response and improve performance and productivity (for everyone).

Better Attendance

Workplaces/enviroments which incorporate biophilic design elements such as access to nature have reduced absenteeism, fewer complaints, and improved staff retention. Happy people will be around.

Reduce Fatigue/Stress

Providing access to nature in the workplace can reduce eyestrain, relieve mental fatigue, and improve focus on tasks during the day, but also at night.

Increase Output

Integrating plants into workplaces yields productivity gains and reduced psychological stress and pshycological pressure.

Enhance Performance

Students exposure to nature has been correlated with higher academic performance in Mathematics and English.

Improve Focus

Studies/researches have also demonstrated that exposure to nature eases symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Attract Customers

Shoppers will stay longer in stores and visit more frequently when plants are heavily prevalent inside and outside retail settings. Believe it or not.

Stronger Sales

Consumers might purchase more merchandise and are surely willing to pay higher prices for goods when surrounded by nice nature.

Higher Rents

Foodscaping environments can be used to improve the view in leased space, translating into more dollars guests or tenants are willing to spend during their staying.

Recover Faster

Patients who physically interact with plants use less medication and experience significantly reduced recovery times after medical procedures.

Enhance Experience

Using plants and planted walls as well in healthcare enhances the experience of patients, visitors and staff, who report greater satisfaction and positive feelings in the presence of nature.

Ease Anxiety

Did you know that researchers have found lowered cortisol levels and reduced reported anxiety levels correlating with access and interaction with plants.

Positive Emotions

Colors can have an effect on our/my very own emotions. Green is linked to safety, so green foliage typical of indoor plantings create a comforting environment. Think about it.

Food Production

Food scaping and especially vertical gardens are a popular solution in the rising urban farming movement as horizontal space can be difficult to come by in densely populated areas. Yes even in rural and suburban areas, restaurateurs, senior caregivers, healthcare providers, and homeowners are turning to food scaping and vertical farming for affordable, low-maintenance food production.

Living Art

Good food scaping (vertical green walls) can serve as a means of expression, creating a unique space for people to express themselves in various ways.

Balanced Solutions

Good Landscaped communities are more attractive to tourists and shoppers, and community planners can balance the desire for greenness with the desire for wide, welcoming sidewalks through green food producing walls.

The plants in the living wall cool and beautify neighborhoods without taking up ground space, and surface runoff can be collected, treated and used for irrigation, reducing site runoff.

Community Bonds on Long Term

Similarly, nice green communities correlate with increased sense of pride and place, levels of trust, and civic participation.  Residents in nice green communities spend more time outdoors and forming bonds with neighbors. You don’t have to agree with me.

Increased positive public sentiment can support other community goals, such as maintaining population levels that bolster a community’s economic sustainability and stability. This will increase more love for food scaping.

Healthy Food

When used to grow herbs and vegetables, produce from a living vertical wall provides supplemental food that is healthy for our body and the environment.

Children—and adults—who are involved in the process of growing their own food are more likely to have healthier diets.

Closing Statement

I really hope to have triggered you with this short blog.

Let us collectively spread this message further and start to create lovely green producing communities not far from home.

If you have any other suggestions/ideas, feel free to drop them down in the comments here below.

If everyone join together and do their part, the results will be sun shining very quickly. Meh done talk ! Do deh Ting…

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Are you bored in this COVID-19 PERIOD? Use it to your advantage


One is too busy to get bored, while the other slowly but surely no longer knows what to do with himself. Do you recognize yourself in the latter? Then this is the time to look at the deeper layer that lies beneath your boredom. If you get bored you can easily use that to your advantage, you just have to know how.

Researchers around the world are trying to figure out exactly what causes boredom, what we can do about it and whether there is a link between boredom and depression. Lead researcher and psychology professor James Danckert describes boredom as follows: “We define boredom as an uncomfortable desire to be busy with something, but fail to fulfill that desire.” So this definition may well explain why you might get bored during this corona crisis, since your routine is upset and your sense of freedom is limited. You are not alone in it, me too and more people around the globe.


Before we can get deeper into boredom, ask yourself if you are really bored. You can also confuse boredom with emotions such as fear or fatigue. Try to identify what you feel to find out.

Change it

In essence, boredom tries to tell you that you don’t spend your time the way you actually want it to. It is an important signal that you want to change the situation. Whenever you get bored, remember that you probably need and can change something about the situation. What counts is the action you take after this awareness, which can keep you busy and make you a more creative and successful person.


And we don’t like that very much, because who knows what deep-seated problems will emerge as soon as we take the time to get bored.

We don’t like boredom for three reasons:

  • First of all, boredom gives us a sense of concern – “something is missing”. We are so used to being amused by a constant stream of external stimuli that when they are missing we experience the feeling that something is not right.
  • In addition, boredom triggers our ‘fear response’ . We find it scary to be alone with our thoughts, fearing that they would be confrontational. To keep out the mirror that keeps boredom out, you stay busy – whether it is really productive or fun .
  • Finally, boredom forces you to step out of your comfort zone , which feels unnatural. As soon as you realize that you may have to do a number of things differently , in order to feel lively – for example, even after starting to read/write that book – it is safer to maybe watch some good series after all.

To shake off these feelings above, you should therefore quickly turn to external stimuli such as Netflix, your smartphone or another distractor to avoid feeling this boredom 

So a luxury problem, boredom. We have so many options to choose what we want to spend our attention and time on that we get overwhelmed when we don’t use it – we get bored .

That’s why you take every opportunity to stay busy. You do not notice the boredom (and dissatisfaction) and therefore do not have to be alone with any confrontational thoughts.

So in order to reap the benefits of boredom – an opportunity for introspection – you should not look for more stimuli and novelty, but as little as possible.


So you are not going to build a vegetable garden. What is it? Absolutely nothing except a good put to reorganize your thoughts in order.

  • Meditate regularly – make room   for confrontational thoughts.

Meditation would have been the last thing on your mind if you wanted to tackle boredom.

Now that you know that boredom is a mental state , it may make sense that meditation helps you see boredom differently. It helps you to understand that boredom is not a threatening thing, and it helps you place those negative and confrontational thoughts.

Meditating gives you the opportunity to look at the underlying causes why you avoid rest and are always busy.

And that doesn’t have to be lengthy sessions –   5 minutes a day is enough to use the unrest that boredom creates as a moment of introspection.

  • Get creative with your thoughts –   let them run wild.

Instead of looking for external stimulus, use your boredom to feed your brain with creativity. After all, as soon as you are bored, your thoughts get the chance to roam freely – allow it.

So stop entertaining yourself with your smartphone and see where your thoughts are stranded. Write them down, articulate them using ‘free writing’ or capture them in color – in a mind map for example!

  • Get creative with your thoughts –   let them run wild.

Instead of looking for external stimulus, use your boredom to feed your brain with creativity. After all, as soon as you are bored, your thoughts get the chance to roam freely – allow it.

So stop entertaining yourself with your smartphone and see where your thoughts are stranded. Write them down, articulate them using ‘free writing’ or capture them in color – in a mind map for example!

Who knows what brilliant ideas you come up with during the CORONA LOCKDOWN!

Let me know in the comments how you solve your boredom things.


Eat Yourself A Good Memory


Nutrition can help maintain your brain. For example, certain foods contribute to a good memory, but you can leave other things in a better position if you want a sharp and vital brain.

Eat this

– Omega 3 fatty acids can inhibit mental decline. These fats are mainly found in wild fatty fish, such as herring, mackerel, salmon and sardines.
– Antioxidants are also good for our brains. These substances are in dark chocolate, coffee and tea.
– Anthocyanins, the dyes that occur in the peel of (red) berries, protect the brain against harmful influences. Blueberries also contain this color.
– Turmeric, also known as turmeric, can protect the brain against Alzheimer’s.
– An organic egg also belongs to good nutrition for the brain. This is due to the substances choline, lutein and omega 3.
– Walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts and almonds are good for the brain.
– Drinking water. Hydration contributes to optimal mental abilities.

Better leave this alone

– Sugar is the number one priority. If you eat too much of this, research can lead to a high inflammatory value of the hippocampus. Damage to this is related to memory problems. It is also better to skip drinks that contain a lot of sugar, this was scientifically associated with the development of Alzheimer’s.
– Avoid trans fats. These are often found in products that contain ‘partially cured vegetable fat’.
– You can also leave your favorite alcoholic drink for what it is. Alcohol has been shown to shrink the brain.
– Avoid ingesting heavy metals such as mercury. This includes fish such as tuna, swordfish and shark.


Best Case Scenario Climate 2050

Image result for climate

Two founders of the Paris Climate Agreement and chief UN negotiators, Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac, released the book The Future We Choose on 25 February 2020. In it they outline, among other things, a scenario of a future world that they believe we should create. The translation of the book appeared on February 27: We determine the future. Team Blogzynergy shares some passages from this ‘best case scenario’ for the climate in 2050.

The world we have to create

It is 2050. We have managed to halve emissions every decade since 2020. We are on our way to a world that will be no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer in 2100.

In most places in the world the air is humid and fresh, even in cities. It looks like you are walking in a forest and you probably do that too. The air is cleaner than it has been since the industrial revolution. For that you have to thank the trees. They are everywhere.

Afforestation was not the only solution, but the trees gave us the time we needed to overcome carbon emissions. Donations from companies and individuals provided funding for the largest tree planting campaign ever. When we started, it was purely practical, a tactic to combat climate change by moving the carbon: the trees removed the carbon dioxide from the air, separated oxygen and returned the carbon where it belongs: into the ground. Of course this helps to reduce climate change, but there were more benefits. At every sensory level, the feeling of living on what has again become a green planet has changed completely, especially in cities. Cities have never been so good to live in. With more trees and much fewer cars, it has proved possible to make entire streets suitable for urban agriculture and playgrounds for children. Every empty spot and every dark, dead-end alley has been given a new purpose and is now planted with a shady grove. A vegetable or flower garden has been installed on every roof. Blind walls that were once filled with graffiti are now covered with green climbing plants.

For the developed countries, the general change that required a shift to renewable energy was sometimes an uncomfortable transition, as old infrastructure often had to be adjusted and old things had to be done in new ways. But for the developing countries it marked the beginning of a new era. The majority of the infrastructure needed for economic growth and poverty reduction was built according to the new standards: low carbon emissions and a high capacity for recovery. In remote areas, the billion people who did not have electricity at the start of the 21st century now get energy from the solar collectors on their own roof or from jointly managed wind turbines. This new access opened the door for so much more. Large population groups have made a leap towards improved sanitation, education and health care. People who only had trouble getting clean water can now provide the entire family with it. Children can also learn in the evening. Hospitals can now also work efficiently in remote areas.

Construction works all over the world make more of what they need than just electricity. All buildings collect rainwater and manage their own water use. With sustainable electricity sources, local desalination became possible, which means that clean drinking water can now be produced wherever needed in the world. We also use this water for hydroponics (growing plants on water to which nutrients have been added), flushing the toilet and for the shower. We have successfully rebuilt, organized and structured our lives to live more locally. Although energy prices have fallen enormously, we still opt for life and work close to home rather than commuting. Thanks to the better connections, many people now also work at home,

We make communities stronger. As a child you may have seen the neighbors only fleetingly. But to make things cheaper, cleaner and more sustainable, every part of your life is now more locally designed. Things that you did alone are now being carried out jointly – growing vegetables, collecting rainwater, composting. Resources and responsibilities are now shared. At first you resisted this solidarity – you were used to doing things yourself and within the privacy of your own home. But soon the camaraderie and the unexpected new support network started to feel good, something to hold high. For most people, the new way of life has proven to be a better recipe for happiness.

International air traffic has changed completely. Biofuels have replaced kerosene. Communication technology is now so advanced that we can participate in meetings anywhere in the world without having to travel. Civil air traffic still exists, but is used much less and is extremely expensive. Thanks to the fact that a lot of work is becoming more and more decentralized and can be carried out almost anywhere, people save for their ‘big vacation’: international journeys of weeks or months instead of trips of a few days. If you live in Europe and want to visit the United States, you can even plan to stay a few months or longer and view the entire continent using local public transportation with zero emissions.

Although we have successfully reduced carbon dioxide emissions, we are still confronted with the effects of record levels in the atmosphere of the past. The poorly degrading greenhouse gases can go nowhere else than to our already highly polluted atmosphere and they cause increasing extreme weather conditions – albeit less than if we had continued to burn fossil fuels. Glaciers and polar ice are still melting and the sea level keeps rising. Severe droughts and desertification are taking place in areas such as the western United States, the Mediterranean and parts of China. The constant extreme weather and the decline of resources continue to reinforce existing differences in income, health, food security and water availability. But now governments have acknowledged the factors of climate change as the amplifiers of the threat they are. Thanks to that awareness, we are now able to predict problems and to fight them before they end up with humanitarian disasters. So while many people are still in danger every day, the situation is not as dramatic or chaotic as it could have been. The economies in developing countries are strong and surprising global coalitions have formed with a new sense of confidence. If a population needs help right now, there is political will and money available to give that help. Thanks to that awareness, we are now able to predict problems and to fight them before they end up with humanitarian disasters. So while many people are still in danger every day, the situation is not as dramatic or chaotic as it could have been. The economies in developing countries are strong and surprising global coalitions have formed with a new sense of confidence. If a population needs help right now, there is political will and money available to give that help. Thanks to that awareness, we are now able to predict problems and to fight them before they end up with humanitarian disasters. So while many people are still in danger every day, the situation is not as dramatic or chaotic as it could have been. The economies in developing countries are strong and surprising global coalitions have formed with a new sense of confidence. If a population needs help right now, there is political will and money available to give that help.

The refugee situation that has lasted for decades is still a source of disagreement and conflict. But fifteen years ago we stopped calling it a crisis. Countries agreed on guidelines for controlling the influx of refugees – on how to assimilate populations without problems, on how to distribute aid and money, and on how tasks should be distributed within a certain region. The agreements are adhered to most of the time, but occasionally problems arise when a country tends to fascism after a few elections.

The spirit of the times has also changed enormously. How we think about the world is now very different. And unexpectedly how we think about the other person.

When the alarm bells started to ring in 2020, mainly thanks to the youth, we realized that we had gone too far with our consumption, competition and greedy self-interest. Our dedication to those values ​​and our pursuit of profit and status had led us to deal with our environment like a steamroller. As a species, we continued uncontrollably, resulting in the near-demise of our world. We can no longer close our eyes to what is happening on a tangible, geophysical level, if you despise recovery, cooperation and a sense of community: imminent destruction.

To withdraw ourselves from this self-destruction would have been impossible if we had not shifted our mindset and priorities, if we had not realized that doing what is good for humanity goes hand in hand with doing what is good for the earth. The most fundamental change was that we, collectively, as governments, citizens and companies, started to adopt a new adage: “Is it good for humanity?”



FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailHello Entrepreneurs,

As entrepreneur you are moving frequently in many ways. Did you know that you also must pay attention to your own beauty and health situation. O yes don’t get too busy. In this blog You will find some good steps to help you look youthful like entrepreneur.

The mystery of the young has been looked since long time prior. Numerous scientists have done a few examinations to discover approaches to back off the maturing procedure.

There are a few strategies which have been actualized, however the most critical things for us to do are being predictable in executing sound way of life and dietary patterns.

We can’t stop the common change, yet we can in any case look more youthful in the event that we need to endeavor to back off the maturing procedure.

In this manner, I will help you with 10 simple strides to make you look more youthful:

Detox – It’s vital to begin detoxification, disposing of poison from our body. Our body digestion has done that procedure, yet in regular daily existence we are presented to such a large number of substance dangers from air, sustenance and condition. Fasting or simply expending foods grown from the ground are approaches to detoxify our body.

Rest – Having enough rest no less than 6-8 hours a day will make our skin more advantageous. Having a decent rest is additionally imperative since development hormone is working amid that time. It recharges the old cell of our body, incorporate the skin cell. Our skin will look crisp and youthful in the event that we have enough rest.

Sustenance – Eating sound and safe nourishment ordinary will make our body fit, thin and furthermore look more youthful. Endeavor to eat more fish rather than red meat. Fiber nourishment, vegetables, natural products, and supplements are imperative sustenance to devour. Drink less espresso and other caffeine refreshments.

Exercise – Through routine exercise, we will feel more joyful, lively, and certain. It likewise builds our bone thickness and muscle which can make our body look 15-20 years more youthful. Alongside oxygen consuming, strolling, and swimming, goes additionally to the rec center to do lifting exercise.

Unwind – By attempting to be casual, our face will look more youthful. Stress and stresses show up all over. On the off chance that we can deal with our anxiety and feel settled, our face will look more youthful and appealing.

Be Positive – A positive personality and certification we said can convey constructive life to us. Negative idea have a tendency to bring disappointment and make us look more established and ugly. Contemplation is one approach to make positive considerations.

Therapeutic Check-up – Just like an auto, our body additionally needs consideration and care so it can function admirably regular. Having routine restorative checkups amid our sound time is imperative to perceive infections as quickly as time permits.

Dynamic Life – Always attempt to be dynamic amid your life. Exercises can build well being; and in the event that you are in your senior age, your memory will increment as well.

Social Life – Happy social life can expands our soul, bring serene personality, and make us feel and look more youthful. Correspondence with our companions, family, neighbors, associates, and others can convey bliss to us.

Execution – Start to take a gander at our execution. Is our body weight perfect for us? If not, endeavor to settle that to the best perfect weight. Likewise look to the skin, hair, nail and teeth. Those are critical as they will demonstrate our age. Looks great and feels cooperative attitude increment our execution.
