Fifteen Choices You Will Regret In 10+5 Years


Regret is not nice. But luckily you have enough time to avoid that feeling. Here are 15 choices you’ll regret in 15 years. My choices may not be equal with your choices. Anyway let us move further. Read further. Thanks in advanced for reading this blog as well.

Effective time management requires making wise choices. - Taylor in Time

1. Pretending to be different from who you are

Living with a mask is exhausting. And I would say that living with a mask means that you are not really alive .

You can only fully enjoy your life if you can really be yourself. Learn to accept yourself as you are. Self-acceptance is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself.

2. Taking your health for granted

Many people take their health for granted until they get sick . But that’s a risky strategy, as poor health can drastically lower your quality of life.

Your health belongs in your top 3 priorities in life . Because, after all, it is your body that makes this life possible in the first place.

Go Green > health

3. Spend all your money

Most people go through an endless cycle that creates a full house and an empty feeling inside . They always pin their hopes on the next purchase. But if it turns out that that new smartphone does not provide lasting happiness, they look for the next.

In 15 years you won’t be thinking about all that stuff. However , your life would be better off with a financial buffer . Such a buffer provides peace of mind, resilience and freedom.

With every euro you save, you are doing your future self a favor . Of course you also want to enjoy now. But don’t forget that working towards a better future also brings you a lot of satisfaction.

4. Thinking too much about yourself

The better you can relate to others, the smoother your relationships will be. And your relationships are a huge factor in your happiness in life.

Work on your empathy. Be kind and considerate to others . Not only do you become a light for your environment. It also brings a lot of satisfaction in the end. Plus, your environment is likely to get better for you too. Nice bonus.

The Importance of Creative Thinking Skills in Our Life

5. Let others determine your dreams for you

If I hadn’t fought for my own choices, I’d probably be working at an advertising agency right now with an empty feeling inside.

The beaten paths are the easiest paths to walk . But not necessarily the prettiest. When I drive to France I avoid the highways to enjoy all the beautiful villages. You can do that in your life too.

Avoid the boring highways and choose your own path. This is your life and you only get it once. Whatever others think, you decide for yourself how you organize this life.

6. Trying to control everything

As a control freak, you feel like you can get a handle on almost anything, and that’s a good thing . In reality you are wasting a lot of energy on an impossible battle.

Not only would life be boring if you could control everything. It is also simply impossible.

Be a little looser, and just dare to let life unfold . Of course you want to prepare. But you don’t want to manipulate and force. Things don’t always go your way, and that’s fine.

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7. Not daring to grow

You will find the most satisfaction in growing from within. By letting go of your fears, throwing unnecessary beliefs overboard, challenging yourself and getting out of your comfort zone.

But that is also scary from time to time .

However, don’t let that stop you from growing. A life that revolves around comfort and safety is fine, but not great. You have to keep growing if you want to wake up every day with a feeling of happiness, gratitude and joy.

8. Postpone Your Happiness

Get happy first, then go and achieve all those goals. Not the other way around.

If you keep postponing your happiness , you will never experience it. Think of happiness more as health. An aspect of your life that deserves attention every day. And as soon as you have too little of it, your quality of life decreases.

A happy foundation ensures that you can achieve your goals . And that ultimately ensures that you experience satisfaction . So be happy first, then the rest will follow.

9. Wasting your time on things that make you feel empty

There are more and more ways to have fun without experiencing satisfaction. Series on Netflix, great video games, TV, movies, outings.

Sometimes it seems that entertainment is one of the most important things in our lives. While in reality it is no more than a means to entertain you.

Optimize your life for satisfaction – not pleasure . Fun is important. But if it leaves you with an empty feeling, it won’t do you any good.

10. Not Spending Enough Time With Your Loved Ones

In 15 years, all the people you love will be 15 years older. Realize that you can not push working on relationships to the future .

Your relationships belong in your top 3 priorities. By giving all your attention to your work and neglecting your relationships, you end up selling yourself short. Especially when it comes to children. Because in 15 years they will no longer be children. If you want to enjoy their childhood, do it now.

11. Always live in the future or the past

If you are constantly lost in thought, your life will fly by. Why? Because then you never live in the moment. And the now is where life takes place.

The future and the past only exist in your head. They are memories and projections that do not exist . The only thing that is true is what is there now.

Mindfulness helps you experience your life on a deeper level. To really enjoy the moment. Because the more you live in your head, the faster you run through your life. And if we learn one thing from old people, it’s that life moves so fast .

Mindfulness helps you bring your life back to a more comfortable pace. While enjoying more at the same time.

12. Taking your life so seriously it makes you stressed

A lot of things are important. But few things are important enough to feel stressed about. Dare to put things in perspective a bit .

Focus your attention on contributing to the world in a way that makes you happy. But also learn to put everything in perspective. Grow old with smile lines, not worry lines.

13. Running after the money

Money is a great tool. But it is a very weak means of generating satisfaction.

So see and use money for what it is. A means to optimize your life for freedom, happiness and meaning. But don’t see money as an end in itself . Because that mainly means that you invest a lot of time and energy in a dead end street.

If you find that your relationships, your sense of meaning and your health are giving way to your quest for more money and status – then it is definitely time to make adjustments.

14. Missing the beauty in ugliness

Everything has beauty, if you are willing to see it. Normally we filter the world on very narrow criteria. What we consider ‘beautiful’ must meet very specific requirements. But these criteria can be stretched.

Why would you do that? Easy. The more beauty you see around you, the more beautiful the world becomes . You can learn to enjoy the full spectrum of being human on this planet.

Joy, love and fun are beautiful. But sadness, hatred and fear can also be beautiful. A blooming flower can be as disarming as the flower giving itself back to Earth.

Failure can contain as much beauty as success. And a funeral can be just as beautiful as a birth.

15. Constantly judging people and events

Judgment cramps everything and everyone. The more strongly you judge people, the less the people around you dare to be themselves in your presence .

And the more you judge yourself, the smaller you make yourself.

Try Acceptance . Accept yourself, accept people around you, accept the events in your life. Notice how much peace, freedom and love this can bring. It makes your life easier, less cramped and more fluid.

And you know – you will certainly not regret more freedom, peace and love in 15 years. †




Before our eyes, the old world collapses. The new world is forming and everything is still possible. This situation requires extreme alertness. Everyone is now invited to stand up, share information and provide assistance where necessary. I call on you all to participate in the whole.

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Everything is changing. The earth is in the middle of an energetic transformation that is also expressed on the physical level. We feel this deeply within this new running energy… an enormous desire for inner and outer freedom, for wisdom and self-determination.

A deep desire for more peace and loving fulfillments. Suriname is part of the whole. Do not underestimate this. Let us continue as a large group together and move stronger.

Suriname is our Heaven on Earth

The new world is characterized by this loving group awareness. The deeply felt recognition that we are all ONE. If we live by this invocation, we bring heaven to earth. Or rather, we will see that the earth IS heaven. And even more that we as Surinamese as a unity will and will continue to be a further example for the world. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

This new awareness/consciousness is accompanied by the realization that we have lived in a big bubble so far, in a world full of misconceptions and illusions. The drive for power and money prevailed and we had to work a lot to keep everything going.

Many people believed almost everything the media and politics told us. Their certainties were based on these destructive structures and were far removed from universal truth and thus from their own wisdom. I hope that you as a reader can still follow me.

Our way in the world is to create conditions in which others can find safety and satisfaction.

Learn to look through the eyes of your own soul. Because never forget …

We are divine beings who have an experience as a human being.

Changing of Power in Switi Sranang Kondre

The energetic change that we are now going through takes place on many levels, not just politically. At the geopolitical level, in local communities and in the soul of every individual. Yes, you too as a citizen of the country called Suriname.

Where the new awareness takes shape, the new world also begins to manifest itself. Whether this will be a long and painful process or a quick and smooth transition depends on the extent to which we are open to the new energy flow.

It will certainly not go by itself, because the old world is resisting a lot. This attempts to maintain the old structures with medical and military coercion, among other things. In its utmost consequence, the earth becomes a slave planet. Silenced and defiled individuals living under the knot of a ruthless world government. That is the dream of the old rulers, but not ours. No, not from our beloved Republic of Suriname.

In the end, the best dream wins.

Let’s help them with that! Above all, let us realize that we are all ourselves. The world is a reflection of our consciousness. So the fear of the old rulers is also our own fear. If we free ourselves from that, we also deliver these opponents.

Getting rid of your own fear

The Higher Self invites you to go in, relax first and let go of all your luggage. Not being busy with all kinds of assignments, but just BEING. We are not human doings but human beings.

If you can let go of everything, you can start by focusing your attention on something that you find pleasant and relaxing.

This way you learn to focus your attention effortlessly and in the meantime you also learn to really be present in the now, in the moment. Such a form of presence is strongly linked to your intuition. It is ubiquity, omniscience, multidimensional consciousness. It is the ENERGY. Living in connection with all that is around you, is making you feel free and positive. That’s how you’re led. Here you find the truth of the moment and you are free from fear.

The real truth is based on trust. There is nothing to lose because it knows that its origin is universal, a multidimensional consciousness. The real Self Truth knows where we come from and where we move collectively. But first… what is hidden must now be revealed.

In silence and full of confidence I keep feeding my idea, I see it as a perfect shape in my mind. I just have to wait for it to manifest. I fully realize that I can participate in the principle of abundance and that everyone can do it.

I know that the Universe is listening to me and that the universal substance and the power of my own soul will fill every pure desire, so that it will take its form on earth in Suriname. Because the development of our inner consciousness, the knowledge of our real nature and origin, belongs to every person. Only we have the ability to wake ourselves up and embrace new lifestyles, helping each other. Now is the time for a spiritual re-evolution. A new world is born from the old world. We are in the middle of heavy contractions. This transmutation is not without a struggle. Suriname is our Heaven on earth.

The old rulers do not like such powerful intentional groups and dynamic local networks. They prefer to see isolated individuals, because they are more manageable and controllable. Everything that contributes to these small, maneuverable, self-healing, self-sufficient and self-managing cores is thus crossed out by Mr. Global. Because of the transformation and the knowledge that is now released by many, we will remember who we really are: multidimensional beings. We used to be able to identify with, for example, a religion, now something else is asked from us these days. Your self –responsibility is needed. Dispel the illusion of separateness. We are ONE.

Dear all, with this article I hope that I have given everyone and in particular the population of the Republic of Suriname a real trigger to wake up and thus give their contribution and support to the new Government of Suriname.

Suriname a Unique Nation where it’s people live and work in Peace, Unity and Harmony.

It is a fantastic nation created by God.

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Always do something you love. . .