Trust yourself when you don’t know anymore


It’s nice if you have a purpose and a plan in your life. But what if you lose your direction and get lost along the way? Do not panic! Trust yourself. Your inner compass shows you the way.

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Missing a turn is not a disaster

If you’ve ever got lost – in a strange city, dense forest or driving on remote mountain roads – you probably recognize the slight panic. A feeling that slowly turns into fear and doubt.

At first you think: “I missed a turn somewhere – I’ll find my way back in no time” . Then you find yourself moving in circles and you start to doubt yourself. Finally, ask a random passerby for directions to get back on the familiar path as quickly as possible.

If this sounds familiar to you, then you also know that eventually you will always find your way back. How? By looking around you and trusting in yourself. That’s how you get there. Even if you have to take a detour first. That detour often takes you to unexpectedly beautiful places.

You can also get lost in your own life

This does not only apply to walks, bike rides – or car trips where your navigation suddenly no longer has range. You can also get lost in your own life. Because you doubt your own talents, for example. Or because you don’t know what you want to do with the rest of your life.

In short, you no longer see the forest for the trees. This makes it feel like you have lost your sense of direction and are walking in circles. About 5 years ago a reorganization at work made me overwhelmed and I also felt lost. Suddenly the path I had mapped out for myself was no longer correct.

The result? Discomfort and doubt. Not a nice feeling. I wanted to get rid of that as soon as possible. But how? In any case, don’t just keep going. If you’re lost, the best thing you can do is stop and look around.

Look for signposts

When you feel lost, you often start to worry. Or you tend to escape from that chaos by endlessly scrolling on your phone. Makes sense, but it doesn’t help. Try to stay in the here and now. Get out of your head . Take a few deep breaths and trust your inner compass.

Look for the signposts in your life. How do you recognize it? Simple, it’s the things that make you happy and that give you energy. Think of:

  • Little moments of happiness such as the sun shining, your dog snoring contentedly or freshly baked apple pie.
  • The things you like to do in your spare time. Sports, reading, watching movies, taking a walk on the beach, cooking, being creative, making or listening to music, doing puzzles, gaming, photography or maybe something completely different.
  • The people you love: your partner, children, family, close friends, dear neighbors. Think about what they mean to you and let them know that too.
  • Your own dreams, big or small. In your dreams you are the hero and anything is possible. Are you the conductor of a large orchestra? Do you sail around the world on your own ship? Can you help stray animals on a sunny island? Or do you have your own bookshop?
  • The things you care about. For example: freedom, love, health, success, family, friendship, personal development, justice, social connection, comfort, adventure or sustainability.
  • All these things show you the way. They give pleasure and remind you who you are and what is important to you.

Getting lost can be fun!

Also think about the fine sides of getting lost and wandering aimlessly . The curiosity about a new environment, the promise of the unknown and the surprise of an unexpectedly beautiful view. Getting lost takes you to places you would never have gone otherwise.

Now see if you can replace the feeling of fear and despair with hope and curiosity . The situation is still the same, but your feeling about the situation changes. That makes a world of difference. With a positive mindset you see more opportunities and possibilities.

That scary alley in that unknown city? That suddenly turns out to be a very photogenic view. And that dark forest? A perfect place to discover special bird species, deer and other animals.

Take your first steps on an unknown path

Of course, this does not immediately answer all your questions and solve all your problems – but it does create more space in your head. Space you can use to continue your way. Trust the signposts in your life. You don’t have to map out a whole plan right away, one direction is enough.

Are you a true outdoorsman and dream of a meaningful life in a warm country? Then just start with a few small actions. Take the first steps without seeing the rest of the path.

  • Do more outdoor activities and discover what suits you. Starting a vegetable garden, walking dogs, guiding historical city walks, setting up scavenger hunts, organizing camping trips. The possibilities are endless.
  • Find out in which countries you would like to live and try living there for a while.
  • Take a language course.
  • Find like-minded people. Join an online forum. Listen to experience stories and ask for tips.

This is of course just an example, but anyone can take steps. Trust your own strength and wisdom to make the right decisions. Moreover, you now know much better what you need and you can therefore also ask for help. This can be a coach or course, but also financial advice, practical help at home or, for example, a sports buddy.

And maybe you’ll discover that the destination you always had in mind doesn’t suit you at all. Then you can safely change it, because if it rains in Barbados then you can continue to Sint Maarten, ​​right?

Find direction in your life

Go look for it and discover more about yourself !!!

Read this blog as well:

These 4 techniques will help you overcome your procrastination


Getting Grip On Your Life Is Simple & Cheap



Know yourself

If you want to get what you want, you first have to know what you want.
Many people have no idea what they really want.
Too busy scrolling, running and clicking.
By definition, if you don’t know what you want, you can never get what you want.
Because even if you had what you really long for, you wouldn’t recognize it as such.
Think of the entrepreneur with a laptop on his lap.
Working hard until late at night.

Get A Grip On Life - YouTube

So that one day there.
Time is for the other.

The other one who is now staring glassily ahead.
Next to that entrepreneur on the couch.

Who is so busy with that screen.
And has no eye for the other.

Make it measurable

As soon as you know what you really want (that’s less than you think) you have to break that life mission into concrete goals.


A word I like to use.
In a world where I see more and more people using more and more vague language.
The benefit of vague language: Vague goals.
The advantage of vague goals: It is not clear that you will not achieve them.

The advantage of being unclear about not controlling your shit: less pain.

The advantage of less pain: No incentive to change anything.

And so everything remains as it is.
The result of the above cycle: Anesthesia for the pain that you feel that you are not living the way you want to live.
I wish you pain if you don’t live the way you want to live now.
So that you can do something about it.
Now it’s still possible.


If you have made your goals concrete, you want to look for the leverage for each goal:
That one thing that takes care of almost all the results.
Remember: Sometimes you have to do one thing right and the rest changes along with it.

If you want to live a healthier life, you can buy the most expensive supplements, worry about what material your yoga mat is made of and how many degrees the perfect angle is for your shoulder press and hardly achieve results. Or you don’t worry about anything and only focus on one thing: eating 500 grams of vegetables every day (leverage).

And you will notice that everything starts to improve positively. From your appearance to your energy, injuries and emotions.

Break up and schedule
You then break that lever down into small concrete tasks and processes.
And after all, you plan it in your agenda with a start and end time.

Dream big and blurry.
Plan small and concrete.

I have gone through the above process for you on the four most important pillars of life:
• Vitality
• Power
• Link
• Trust

Getting a grip on your life before you die is simple and cheap.
As long as you use the right structure and always keep refining.

Join the winning minority.
Be the antivirus and break through

What are the Advantages of Using Antivirus Software?
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Seven (7) Differences between happy and unhappy relationships

How To Be Happy In A Relationship By Doing These 10 Subtle Things Every Day

Happy relationships are no accident. Neither are unhappy relationships. They are the result of conscious choices:

1 – Love and trust are handled differently from unhappy relationships.
2 – There is more depth and more is shared.
3 – Both partners are emotionally independent and appreciate this in each other.

Do you have to end your relationship immediately in case of relationship problems? No Fortunately not!

Learn from the lessons of happy relationships and apply them to avoid a lot of relationship problems.

Just read the comments below …

How do you get a happy relationship with someone else?

What is a Happy Relationship? Very simple, that is a relationship that gives you energy and where you and the other feel good. The secret to a happy relationship is to stay yourself and let the other person remain themselves.

How do you get a happy relationship? By working on it. But… you have to know very well if you have the right partner to do that. You cannot fly with a boat, so the choice of your relationship partner is very important.

Happy without a relationship or happier with a relationship?

Better happy without a relationship than not happy while you are in a relationship, isn’t it? In a happy relationship you don’t test each other, you trust and support each other. If not, then you may be better off without the other. You don’t have to have a huge spiritual relationship, but love and trust do have to be there.

These pillars of a relationship always remain important, whether you are in a long relationship or a short relationship with someone.

These are the seven TOP tips for a happy relationship:

1. Love makes for a happy relationship.

In unhealthy relationships, love is a bargaining chip: “I only love you if you do this for me. And when it does, I hate you. “

Love is a means to an end, which is to gain control over the relationship.

Unfortunately, control and happiness are at odds with each other. So trying to get control in your relationship (by trying to control the other) and being happy in your relationship don’t usually go together.

For example: As long as you do what the other wants, there is love. And otherwise there is the opposite: anger, aversion, jealousy or envy. So love is very limited and usually just a snapshot.

Set conditions for your happiness.

In happy relationships, few conditions are placed on love. “I love you just the way you are.” Or: “As long as you do what makes you happy, I’m too happy.” This allows love to grow.

And love only grows in trust, not in control, because control is based more on fear and fear hooks on love.

So let go of control:

The more you feel that the other person loves you the way you are, the more you can be yourself – and the more love you can give back.

2. No happy relationships without trust.

There is little trust in unhappy relationships. Whenever you are hurt by the other person’s behavior, trust diminishes. In the end you take everything the other says with a grain of salt. Without trust there is no love, depth, intimacy or understanding, so the relationship becomes increasingly distant.

People in happy relationships trust each other blindly. They know exactly what they can do for each other. Perhaps it took a long time for this confidence to be established. But once present, it continues to feed the relationship with positive energy. You know that the other person wants the best for you – and vice versa of course.

Trust is the most important ingredient to a happy relationship, be it a relationship with your partner, with your friends or with colleagues. Trust is everything.

3. Depth is necessary for every relationship.

In less good relationships communication is superficial. You never know what is really on the other’s mind – or you don’t feel the need to tell them what’s on your mind . As a result, conversations never get to the core: what someone really thinks or feels. There is a lot of talk about situations (what messages have been done, what the weather forecast is), but little about deeper feelings.

In happy relationships, that depth is there. There is talk about what really concerns the other. When you share the bed, you are physically intimate. When you share feelings, you are emotionally intimate. Without intimacy, there is only distance. Depth is essential to avoid that.

4. Sharing makes happy relationships even better.

Little is shared in superficial relationships. It seems as if everyone leads their own life and only lives together by chance. Interests are not shared, experiences are not exchanged and ideas are not discussed. The relationship resembles two islands with a very long bridge in between. You can only share by crossing. But usually that is a bridge too far. Everyone stays on their own island …

In happy relationships, a lot is shared (not everything, as there may be a part that you would rather share with others or keep to yourself). That sharing creates a bond. Sharing is giving something away and then receiving it twice back. As they say: “Sharing is caring.” Two islands have converged …

5. Laughter is healthy for any relationship.

There is little laughter in bad relationships. Everything is heavy and serious. There is usually no ability to put things into perspective. Sometimes people escape this by seeking pleasure outside of the relationship. “She’s always so serious, I just want to have fun with my friends.” Or: “He sees everything so black, at least with my best friend I can laugh …”

Happy relationships do involve a lot of laughter. Laughing together – even if it’s just about your own shortcomings – is so liberating! What do you do when you’ve had a rough day? Sometimes you just don’t feel like talking about it. Then you feel better at a comedy or a pillow fight. A day without laughter is a day wasted. Laughter provides light, warmth and relaxation. Smile, damn!

6. Without independence there is only dependence.

In difficult relationships there is always some form of dependence. One partner is dependent on the other. It doesn’t even have to be financial dependence. More often it is an emotional dependence. It’s as if one of the two cares less about what the other does. The person who has the least to lose if the relationship ends is the one who determines the relationship.

In healthy relationships there is equality. Two people decide: “We feel fine without each other, but even better together. We choose to be together. Not out of necessity or poverty, but out of love. ” Both people value each other and do not allow one to prevail or determine the relationship.

7. Appreciation is necessary for all happy relationships.

In bad relationships, the focus is very much on what the partner is doing wrong. “I say it every time, but you never get it right!” Or: “When will I get through to you?” Since the focus is on the other person ‘s shortcomings , there is a lot of dissatisfaction. More attention is paid to what is not there than to what is.

Happy couples appreciate each other.

1 – You know that the other is not perfect.

2 – You have no desire to change him or her.

3 – You forget the small mistakes and focus on what you do appreciate.

You cannot appreciate someone until you stop focusing on their flaws. That does not only apply to your relationship, but also to yourself!

Do you want a happy relationship with other people?

With your partner, or with your family, friends or colleagues?

Then you need more insight – and you also need to work on yourself. Because a good relationship always starts with a good relationship with yourself .

To your success.

Keep your relation moving.


A successful CEO has these five leadership qualities


A good CEO creates a pleasant working environment in which employees feel good. Satisfied employees are essential for the success of a company. But not everyone can just take a leadership position. How do you recognize a good and strong CEO? These five leadership qualities are indispensable.

Image result for successful CEO

1. Positive setting

A positive attitude works wonders for the working atmosphere within a company. It is up to the CEO to set a good example. One negative comment can already influence the motivation of your employees. But it also works the other way around: a sincere thank you or sincere compliment – preferably as concrete as possible, because that increases its positive impact – immediately creates an enormous motivation boost. Therefore try to give the efforts of your team sufficient recognition.

2. Passion

To do something well, you have to do it with passion. A good CEO is not easily satisfied and is keen to tackle things better and better. By explaining your vision to your employees, they themselves will also be more motivated to pursue the goals of the organization. Regularly remind your team what their contribution means and how that fits in with the bigger picture. People who think they do meaningful and interesting work are on average 2.4 times happier than people who think they do ‘normal work’ –

3. Honest

Being treated fairly and with respect is one of the most important drivers for happiness at work in the Netherlands. With a transparent attitude you win the trust and the benefit factor of your employees. Always be yourself and communicate as honestly as possible about decisions regarding salary, promotions and projects. It must be clear to your employees what they must do to get a new title or pay raise. That way your employees know what they can expect from you and vice versa what you can expect from them. This way no one will be confronted with surprises.

4. Open-minded and emotionally intelligent

A broad-minded person is not only better able to establish important business relationships, but also to enter into positive relationships with employees. Open-minded CEOs empathize more with their employees. These in turn feel better understood and deal with stress more easily. People who have a good relationship with their colleagues and boss also enjoy going to work more happily. In addition, emotional intelligence makes a major contribution when it comes to leadership. Someone who is able to understand his own emotional reality and that of others may contribute more to success than pure thinking(IQ).

5. Trust

A strong CEO easily gains the confidence of his or her employees, but also blindly trusts the qualities of the team. By giving employees a sense of ’empowerment’, you improve work satisfaction. Anyone who gets the feeling that they can make their own decisions automatically feels more important. In this way employees gain confidence and develop their professional skills. And as an employer, you in turn reap the benefits.


The Significance of Internal Harmony and Ventures to Accomplishing it in Day by day Life

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailDo you find that your life is loaded up with pressure? Does it appear as though there is continually something happening that includes your whole consideration, and in this way depletes positive or high-vibrational vitality?

As our general public develops increasingly perplexing, discovering genuine inward harmony turns out to be progressively similar to attempting to discover a desert garden in the desert. So I figured it may be useful to impart to you a portion of the techniques that I use in my life to encounter internal harmony and disengage from my feverish day by day schedule.

Acknowledge what is

There is just so much we can influence. What we can’t change, what we can’t impact, require not concern us. What I have seen with such a significant number of individuals is that they center and wait around things they have no power over. The point here is the reason stress over something that all the stressing on the planet won’t change? Why care about what other individuals consider us when we’re not in any case beyond any doubt what it is they are really considering?

Calming the brain

Contemplation is incredible method for calming the brain and it’s an imperative movement that can transform you. In any case, not every person needs to contemplate or realizes how to do it. Thinking for only 10 minutes daily can have a tremendous effect in all parts of your life. In the event that you have a great deal at the forefront of your thoughts and feel as though your contemplations are making you insane, reflection can enable you to discover inward harmony. To calm the mind basically close everything, sit back, close your eyes and clear your brain of each and every idea. Concentrate on the void. You will be astounded what a minor 10 minutes of calming the brain can do to turn things around for you.

Invest energy in nature

We invest so much energy kept in structures either at work or at home that we have overlooked where we originated from. It is normal for us to be in nature, and this is the reason it feels so great and it is so serene when you go out for a stroll in a recreation center, cycle on a trail in the woodland or stand watching the waves come in at the shoreline. Viewing is stillness, watching nature sustains us. We normally adjust to the musicality of the seasons and the vibration of mother earth.

Get familiar with the intensity of a grin

At whatever point you chuckle or grin, something occurs on a substance level to improve you feel, and stress and pessimism are kept from entering your mind. Giggling yoga is a splendid instrument to use as an example intrude.

A basic grin can have such an effect. You rapidly understand that harmony discovers its direction substantially more effectively to you when you grin and trifle with yourself.

See the Master plan

We are so devoured inside our very own issues that we can never again observe the wood from the trees. It’s useful to remind ourselves how enormous the world is. Read up about some different nations, societies or religions. Know that the world does not spin around your issues. On catching wind of a torrent or a seismic tremor murdering a great many individuals it puts my little considerations and stresses into point of view. My issues aren’t generally “issues”. Looking past ourselves is imperative in finding internal harmony.

Care about others, however don’t turn into a rescuer

Inward harmony is elusive while acting naturally expended and just stressing over your very own requirements and needs. When you start to truly think about other individuals, supernatural occurrences occur. Be that as it may, be sympathetic, not humane.

Sympathy is placing yourself in another person’s shoes and regarding them as you would wish to be dealt with. It carries with it endless persistence and elegance. Sympathy can without much of a stretch transform into rescuer conduct; it’s deceptive and can prompt attempting to fix somebody, which separated from being the tallness of presumption, can likewise occupy you from your very own internal harmony.

A demonstration of irregular thoughtfulness and altruism enables you to facilitate your way towards internal harmony.

Grasp trust

Expectation is the thing that helps your life. With expectation you generally have a way towards inward harmony. At whatever point we get worried and overpowered inside our own life, we overlook that trust. We overlook that the sun dependably sparkles following a stormy day, and this is just a hindrance. With expectation, I realize that whatever is apparently awful is just brief and that soon enough, things will be simply incredible. This lifts off the majority of that antagonism and gross vibrational vitality from my general existence, and I feel in order right away.

Find your convictions, qualities and gauges

I don’t support one conviction framework over another, so whatever it is that you put stock in, grasp it with your whole existence. Be inside your confidence/conviction 100 percent and inward harmony will discover its way into your heart. We may all differ on one another’s conviction framework, and that is alright. Nonetheless, one thing we have to concur on is that having a strong, sound confidence is the most ideal approach to fabricate a still, small voice that guides us towards internal harmony and astuteness. Research has demonstrated that individuals who are profoundly given to their confidence have a higher future and are more averse to have ailments, for example, malignant growth. This is on the grounds that they encounter increasingly internal harmony, which is critical in the event that you need to enhance a mind-blowing nature.

Focus on yourself

One thing that gives us much worry in life is the way that we generally stress over not having every one of the appropriate responses. Simply tolerating that you don’t know everything and that you are available to unending learning is a gigantic advance to take towards accomplishing internal harmony. I discover extraordinary satisfaction in adapting a wide range of things, and simply staying alert that I am developing as an individual every single day gives me incredible sentiments of internal harmony. Acknowledge that life is one major adventure of ceaseless learning and you will get yourself closer to encountering genuine internal harmony.

Live in the at this very moment

More often than not, what we stress over is identifying with something either before, or something that hasn’t occurred. Living in the at this very moment eradicates every such idea. Why stress over something in the past that we can’t change? Why stress over something that we are not in any case beyond any doubt will occur or not?


Breathing is the main capacity in the human body that is done either totally unwittingly or totally intentionally. It very well may be a deliberate or automatic act and along these lines it is administered by two particular arrangements of muscles and nerves, contingent upon which mode is being used – the automatic nerves and muscles or the willful.

Each arrangement of muscles and nerves can completely drive and deal with the framework. In this way the breath has this incredible, exceptional trademark that empowers it to influence the automatic sensory system. It is the main capacity in the human body that has this capacity.

I am certain that this article can enable you to locate your internal harmony.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

My Very Own 4 Reasons Why I Use Social Media To Gain Trust

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailHello world friends, as a PRO Blogger, I like to share the 4 reasons why I push on Social Media to gain trust and much more positivism. I know you will think that hey social media is a sales tool, a damn medium to share out business updates or just a roadway to race in the daily competition. You might be right too, but no way, it is a fantastic opportunity for you and me to gain invaluable trust from my and your target audience. Can you feel me … Here is the why, yes my WHY:


I Know What I Am Talking About

Whether you’re a pilot, lawyer or a plumber, your client/customer wants to know that you are the right person for the job. Sure they can confer with a friend or family member or any other social network, but these days it’s much easier to pull up a Facebook page and see for themselves.

Showing or sharing tips and tricks on social media for instance will instil confidence in prospective clients. They will see and believe that you are the real deal and feel safer about using your services. Moreover, they may feel compelled and propelled to reach out to you immediately with a private message or comment in your mailbox

 I Am Not Afraid of Negative Feedback

A well known and one of the most common reasons [certain] professionals choose not to engage in social media activity is because they scare negative feedback. This is WRONG in my very own opinion. Comments can be moderated, especially if they contain/have anything inappropriate. And hell yeah, you can expect to get the occasional negative comment, however this provides you with a unique opportunity to change methods. The right and bright opportunity to flex your customer service muscles and resolve potential issues right away. Imagine for yourself how good that makes you look to your prospective clients/customers!

 I Perceive  Being Modern

Let’s be positive honest. We want to know that people we are doing business with are “with the times.” Imagine you went to a dental location and the dentist was still using tools from 30 years ago. You might be a little concerned, right?

The key: don’t be the dinosaur at all. Show your customers that your business is modern and adapted to the world of today, by showcasing/demonstrating your some of your work on social media networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or even YouTube.

 I Am Contributing To The World Society

Whether your blog content educates, informs or makes people explode in a laugh, you are contributing value to their lives. By understanding this concept is perhaps the most important aspect of social media marketing. It’s really not about pure selling, it’s about providing useful and relevant information/content that will, in turn, inspire your audience to come to you when they are in need of your services/products.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail