
This article explains the formula for change in a practical way. After reading you will understand how the analysis works in this formula that helps organizations to successfully implement their change processes.

The Formula for Change - Sam Vaghefi


The purpose of this formula is to analyze the success or failure of change processes that companies implement at work. The analysis is always aimed at achieving success for the organization. The formula for change is intended to remove the resistance between the different processes and the employees of the company.

Gleicher formula

In the 1960s, the model was basically designed by business consultant David Gleicher, but in the 1980s the model was further developed by theorists RICHARD BECKHARD and Reuben T. Harris. They adapted the model with a formula for change and resistance in organizations and published this in the book ‘Organizational Transitions: Managing Complex Change’ .

Also known as the change formula or change model, this method provides an easy way to analyze the potential success of a change in an organization.


The steps in the process are important for the change within the organization to run smoothly.

1. Analysis of the internal organization

In this step the attitude towards possible changes in the company is analyzed. This means identifying which employees may feel resistance to the changes and which external factors may have an influence. In addition, the arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’ the changes are weighed up. The company must consider the benefits of future changes.

2. Identify the need for change

It is very important to be clear about which way you want to go and why the change is needed. Link adverse situations in your company to the positive effects that the change will bring to create new benefits that can be used to achieve success for the company.

Compare current business performance with the new results of possible future changes. Sketch a tangible picture to show what doesn’t work and what works. This makes it clear which improvements are the result of the changes and how the company benefits from them, despite the resistance that employees will initially feel.

3: Perform a gap analysis

Before changes are implemented, leaders must identify weaknesses or negative factors hindering the development of the business. They must have a realistic view of the current situation of the company and be sure that the changes they want to implement are yielding positive results. Therefore, perform a GAP ANALYSIS.

4. Action plan

The change plan is implemented in this phase. Determine the main factors and who are the actors in the change process (who will implement the change and who the changes will have the most influence on). Those who will implement the changes need to know their responsibilities at every step of the process.

Formula for change

This model also includes a mathematical formula for change that complements the model’s theory.

Dissatisfaction x Vision x First steps> Resistance
The formula for change takes into account the factors necessary for a change to take place. The change model shows that companies and people change through change:


The current level of satisfaction of employees or stakeholders in the organization. This is the most important factor for change.

It is important to remember that those involved must be motivated to make the changes. Take their views into account so that you get a good idea of ​​the situations that need to be changed.

Inevitably, some will defend their responsibilities and will not want to change. That’s why it’s important that you listen to what each employee has to say before deciding to make the change.


Responsibility in the future. This is for managers and executives who are driving the changes in the company.

Leadership is a fundamental part of the vision of the changes taking place in the company in the short and long term. It is therefore important to explain the changes and to guide employees in this process. Explain why changes are needed, what the responsibilities of those involved are and why this is in the best interest of the company.

The best way to make employees and those directly involved receptive to changes within the organization is to explain, reassure and support them.

First steps (F)

The first steps are the tasks that must be performed to achieve the set goals so that success can be achieved. Every employee must understand what role he or she has in implementing the changes. The steps must be clear and easy to perform and to achieve the ultimate goal, it is important that motivation is maintained.

Raising awareness among employees is very important to be able to take the right steps in the change process. Employees must understand that their role is important in driving current changes and for the future of the company.

Resistance (R)

Addressing resistance to change. Most people don’t like or resist change at work.

It often makes people anxious. They try to avoid risk, maintain the status quo and avoid change because they are faced with conflicting thoughts or actions.

Such thoughts or actions can change over time if properly guided and motivated. Resistance to change is simply a “force” that must be overcome in order for an initiative for change to succeed.

Does D x V x F> R provide quantitative results? It’s troublesome to form a quantitative comparison, however the modification formula is your guide to making pregnant and economical modification. Among alternative things, the utilization of overviews and reportage of conversations and opinions is vital for analyzing resistance (R) to alter (C) and discontentedness (D). the primary steps (F) and also the vision (V) square measure factors that executives should management if they need to introduce changes within the company. This equation is intentionally designed as a multiplication. meaning that once a personal issue on the left is zero, no matter whether or not that issue is discontentedness (D), vision (V), or resistance (R) to alter (C), the whole left facet of the equation is zero which the new initiative can’t be enforced. These 3 factors should have a particular weight so as to initiate the modification method. The formula suggests that the 3 strands of discontentedness (D), vision (V) and also the 1st steps (F) should show a positive score so as to handle the resistance to alter.


Changes in an organization are always intended to improve factors that do not work well. However, these changes often lead to discussions or resistance from the people involved. There must be a basis of trust, motivation and confidence in employees. This is an important factor in making changes that lead to business success.

Human resources are the basis of these changes. Many people question the adjustments during the change process. Some say the change should take place without regard to personnel, as no one is indispensable in managing the processes. Others believe that the change should be analyzed and discussed with those involved. They believe that collaboration is the key to success, despite the resistance that was there in the beginning.

With this formula it is possible to get a clearer picture of the changes and how big the effect will be for the company in the short, medium and long term; the eye always focused on the pursuit of success for the company.

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Author: Danny Jibodh

Danny Jibodh is the MainBrain and founder of BLOGZYNERGY.COM. As a multi topic professional blogger, he is keeping his eyes 24/7 on different burning topics as they unfold on the internet. With this concept he and his team are providing people like you with tons of different useful sunrise data to update your brain.


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