Believing in yourself – 4 tips to become powerful and unstoppable


By believing in yourself you increase your chance of success, happiness and growth in your life. These tips will help you believe in yourself.

Believe in Yourself

Do you believe in yourself for a better life?

Believing in yourself is important. Because the more you believe in your own strength, skills and possibilities – the more you will get done.

If you believe you can do something, you are more likely to take the step to do it. You get over self-doubt and do whatever it takes to shape your ideal life.

What happens when you believe in yourself?

  • You get more done . You dare to take on more challenges and are less plagued by the limiting thought “I can’t”. This allows you to get more done.
  • You radiate more self-confidence . You feel stronger and happier with yourself. This appearance ensures that you make contact with people more easily and thus create more possibilities in your life.
  • You see the world more positively . If you believe in yourself, the world will look more positive. Like a place full of possibilities.
  • You step over obstacles more easily . If it doesn’t work out for a while, believing in yourself will help you get through. This increases the chance that you will eventually achieve your goals – even when it gets challenging.
  • You grow more easily . Believing in yourself makes it easier for you to get out of your comfort zone. As a result, your personal growth takes flight.

In this article I share four tips that have helped me believe in myself more over the past 15 years. They work like a charm. Are you reading along?

1. Stop comparing yourself

Precisely. And if you want to compare yourself, then compare yourself with people who are less advanced in certain areas than you.

Social media tends to emphasize the exceptional: beautiful people in beautiful homes with beautiful clothes and beautiful children who behave beautifully.

But these images are rarely a correct reflection of reality. And it is also the exception . Most people don’t lead an Insta-worthy existence – and that’s fine!

Of course you can use the lives of others as a source of inspiration. But it’s important that you don’t keep comparing yourself to another person – because two people cannot be compared. Use what inspires you as your dot on the horizon and set your own goals to get there .

Then let go of the other.

It’s hard to believe in yourself when you’re constantly comparing your life to exceptional people and lives.

The solution? Stop following people who make you doubt yourself. Reduce your exposure to these kinds of series and people.

Don’t look at what someone else can do. Rather compare yourself to your former self . Have you grown compared to last year? What have you achieved? What lessons have you learned?

Spend less time on social media and more time with your journal, for example. Reflect on your own growth and progress and stop comparing. You will soon believe in yourself more.

2. Don’t put yourself down anymore

How do you talk about yourself? How do you talk to yourself? If you’re like most people, you tend to put yourself down.

  • “I’m just doing something too.”
  • “I really can’t do this.”
  • “I’m not that attractive.”

It’s hard to believe in yourself when a little voice keeps whispering in your ear how weak, inferior, and worthless you are.

Notice when you bring yourself down, and turn it around . You don’t even have to make it overly positive, as long as you stop making yourself smaller than you are.

Do you get a compliment? Say thank you and believe the compliment . Notice how that little voice in your head tries to sabotage it: “If she knew who I really am, she’d say something else…”


You are a great person . You’re not perfect – neither am I. That’s nobody. Everyone struggles. Everyone thinks that others do know how life works. That others are all constantly happy and happy.

It’s not like that. We all doubt ourselves. But one takes those doubts seriously, and the other puts them aside.

You don’t have to take that negative voice in your head seriously. It’s even better not. Let’s not put ourselves down – let’s celebrate ourselves .

3. Build in small steps

Believing in yourself becomes easier when you notice that you are making progress. That you succeed in achieving your goals. You do this by proving to yourself that you can actually get things done.

And what’s the best way to get things done? Simple: take a small step every day .

Do you find it difficult to imagine that you will ever really clean your house? Clean up a little today , and do it again tomorrow. That way you will eventually get it done and you can feel proud of yourself.

The same goes for healthy living, achieving your work goals or building better relationships: take one small step every day .

Taking small steps helps me time and time again when I start to doubt myself. I then let go of my perfectionism and just do something in the right direction. Soon I feel positive and fulfilled again, which creates an upward spiral.

In this way you avoid self-sabotage (a small step is taken in no time) and you actually make progress. You will soon believe in yourself more.

4. Work on self-acceptance

Many of us walk around with the feeling that we should be different . Slimmer, prettier, more successful, more productive, smarter, more organized, more empathetic – you know the thing.

There is nothing wrong with striving for growth, improvement and progress. But it is important to examine within yourself what the actual motivation is .

Do you want to lose weight because you allow yourself a healthier body? Or because you worry about what others think of you?

Do you want to build that business because you love the creative challenges? Or are you trying to get an “I’m proud of you” from your sober father in this way ?

Does your urge to change come from a place of self-love or self-doubt?

By working on self-acceptance you come closer to yourself. You feel more rooted in who you are and therefore less insecure. This will make you believe in yourself more and more. Because you know who you are and what your path is in this life.

Believing in yourself is the secret to success - SIAL

Whatever is happening, Believe in yourself


What I do when I don’t feel like working


Like everyone else, sometimes I don’t feel like working. Fortunately, I found a way to deal with that productivity.

I’m a bit drawn out

I Dont Want To Work Today – T-Shirt – Enjoy Denial

I like my job. I love writing blogs. But not always. And sometimes that’s a problem, because things just have to happen . When you work for an employer, you pull yourself together and just do as you are asked. But that’s not how it works when you work for yourself.

I can manage my own time. So if I don’t feel like working I can just daydream all afternoon without anyone getting mad at me. With the exception of my future self, of course. Because if I’ve procrastinated in the past, I’ll have to pay for it now , and that doesn’t make me happy.

Anyway, if I don’t feel like working then I will postpone. Hanging out on YouTube, playing useless games or chatting about useless games.

But like I said, sometimes things just have to happen.

So what do I do? I’m doing something crazy.

I release myself

Precisely. I release myself. Now I have a huge toolkit of techniques to reduce procrastination (you can create your own toolkit) . But if the task has some slack, this is my favorite technique. If I find that I don’t want to work, I give myself permission not to work .

I say to myself, “Fine, you don’t have to work. You have the rest of the day off.”

That feels very nice. Why? In the first place because being free is just nice. It means I can get on with YouTube and do other things guilt-free . Being lazy without feeling like you should be doing something is the best form of being lazy.

It feels like summer vacations when I was a teenager. No responsibilities, no obligations, no homework. Pure fantastic-ness.

By letting go of myself, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Because if I think I should write a great article, but I can’t do it, I feel bad. Then I consider myself a loser. And that feels terrible.

But if I tell myself it’s fine. I do not need to write if I do not want. Then I feel light and free.

And then something even crazier happens .

I feel like working!

Yep. That’s how it almost always works. I tell myself, “I can game for the rest of the day if I want.”

And then I feel so free that I often think, “Okay, you know what – I’ll just write this article and then I’ll just relax.”

And suddenly there is an article on my screen . And that feels good. After which I think to myself: “Hmm – I’ll answer these emails before I start gaming.” And voilà, the mailbox is empty!

Sometimes I put my laptop away at this point and do indeed relax. But often one leads to the other. And my to-do list is finished and I don’t even feel the need to game anymore.

In fact, I often feel so happy and energized from completing tasks that I decide to go for a run or do something useful.

Nice stuff.

I Just change my mind

High paying jobs for people who don't want to grow up or work in an office  - Workopolis Blog

The situation does not change. Just changing my mind about the situation. And this makes me suddenly behave very differently.

Because if I don’t, I’m going to stare at my screen all afternoon without doing anything. That I might as well do something else useless that makes me happy. And as soon as I allow myself that, it suddenly becomes much less annoying to work for a while.

And you know – often this is also the best remedy for procrastination in the future. For the bow cannot always be tense. If I don’t feel like working, it’s often because I’m tired or stressed. A bit of lounging around will make me feel like tomorrow.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Perhaps the strange technique will help you too. Give yourself the freedom to your tasks do not perform, and see what happens.

You may also suddenly feel like finishing a few tasks. Doesn’t it help you? No worries. Set up your own list to help you reduce procrastination.




A relevant question after that immense heat is knocking us daily in the Caribbean and in other parts of the world. Fortunately, the warm weather helps us to drink more water, although we have to drink even more than usual on those days. As the Caribbean Blog Authority, I like to shoot into your brains that you have to drink more water to stay in shape. Keep reading this blog and find out why drinking more water.

15 benefits of drinking water and other water facts

Fact: our bodies are made up of more than half of water.
In order to function properly, you must therefore also get enough water. Water serves as a building material, solvent, it helps you with the removal of waste products and it regulates your body temperature.

In practice I notice that drinking enough water is a challenge. Against all odds, some glasses of water are drunk during the day, but 1500 to 200 milliliters is by no means achieved. Maybe if all those cups of coffee are counted, but unfortunately, you guessed it: we don’t count those.

I therefore start almost every nutritional process with making sure that someone drinks enough water. But more importantly: I start to explain why water is so important, what dehydration can do to you and how you can find out that you are drinking too little.

Fact: the brain doesn’t distinguish between hunger and thirst.

Hunger and thirst are regulated by the hypothalamus (a part of the brain). We only think of hunger more quickly than of thirst and that is why we eat first and then drink. So it is wise to drink a large glass of water first. If your hunger/thirst doesn’t go away, it may be time to eat something.


1. Fatigue. Dehydration can cause fatigue and drowsiness, which can reduce daily activities and endurance during your workout.

2. The recovery of your muscle tissue slows down after training.

3. Low blood pressure. Low blood pressure in turn also causes fatigue and dizziness (mainly when standing up too quickly).

4. Your skin dries out and therefore feels tight. This causes skin aging faster.

5. Headaches! Too little fluid can cause the brain to temporarily shrink, causing it to separate from the skull. In addition to headaches, this can also cause other complaints, such as poor concentration, a bad memory, a negative mood and you can be less alert.

Fact: you can tell by the color of your urine whether you have drunk enough water.
The lighter your urine is more water you drank. If your urine is dark yellow, then you know that you really need to drink a little more water.

We Conclude with a Tip, Because How Can You Easily Drink More Water ?

Link drinking water to one or more events during your day. For example, drink one bottle of water (about half a liter) as soon as you get up, the next bottle of water during your coffee breaks and the last when you drive home or are cooking. Preferably you drink a larger amount in one go (also called bulk drinking) and not small sips throughout the day. In addition, it is much better for your body and digestion not to drink during or right after eating, but well before or well after eating.

Note :

Exaggerating is also a profession of course; you really don’t need to drink more than two liters of water a day, unless you have been exercising intensively or if you lose a lot of fluids due to the heat. Keep Drinking, Stay Safe and Healthy !!


If Life Has Exhausted You Read This Quickly


I know what it’s like to feel tired – and not just physically. 

The world we live in is an exhausting place. It wears off. It’s ungrateful. It challenges you endlessly and it hardly rewards you.

Mentally exhausted? Symptoms and tips to overcome mental exhaustion

You are only tired because you live in this world. You are tired of loving too much, giving too much business, giving too much to a world that never gives you anything in return.

You are tired of putting effort into an uncertain outcome. You are tired of uncertainty. You’ve had enough of the gray. 

I know you haven’t always been so exhausted – there was a moment when you were hopeful and pure. When your optimism was stronger than your cynicism and you had an endless amount of optimism to spread.

I know you’re carved and worn out piece by piece – a broken heart here and an empty promise there.

I know the world hasn’t always been fair about the games you’ve played and you’ve lost far more often than you won.

I Know You’re Out of Inspiration to Try Again. i Know.

The truth is that we are all tired. Everybody. At a certain age we are all just an army of broken hearts and sore souls, desperate to feel fulfilled.

We want more, but we’re too tired to ask. We’re tired of being here, but we’re too scared to start again.

We have to take risks, but we’re too scared to see it collapse. After all, we’re not quite sure how many times we can start over. 

We all think we are alone in our fatigue. But the truth is we’re tired of each other – the games we play and the lies we tell and the insecurity we put on each other.

We don’t want to be the villain, but we don’t want to be the sucker either. So we are on our guard. We develop an immune system. And we fulfill the role we despise because we are not sure if there is any other choice. 

I know it can feel impossible to keep trying and giving and getting when you’re dead tired. I know that the merry ideals you were once promised now seem old and hopeless.

But I beg this when you’re about to give up: try one more time, with feeling. I know you’ve had enough of all the attempts. I know you’re at your wits’ end.

But the truth about that new attempt is that you’ll never realize you’ve found it if you don’t first leave your previous one behind.  

We are all more resilient than we think and that is the undeniable truth. We are always able to give more love, have more hope, spread more passion and let loose on the world.

We just don’t walk far enough to realize that our actions have benefited. We want to see immediate results and when we don’t, we give up.

We let the fatigue stop us. The lack of feedback frustrates us and we assume that means throwing the effort out the window completely.  

This is something we all don’t want to admit: nobody feels inspired every day. We all get tired.

We are all discouraged. And we get to process those feelings. Sitting down and being weary and tired of life doesn’t mean you don’t make a change.

Everyone you have ever admired has experienced situations where they felt completely defeated as they tried to pursue their dreams.

But that didn’t stop her from making those dreams come true. You may slowly stumble to achieve your greatest transformations. It doesn’t always have to be spectacular.   

Some things in life happen quietly. They happen slowly. They happen because we’ve made some small, careful choices, choices that make us a better version of ourselves.

We have to allow those adjustments to happen. That we watch them evolve. That we don’t get hopelessly frustrated in the meantime.

If you are tired, take it easy. Be quiet. Be shy. But don’t stop. It makes sense that you are tired. You’re tired because there was no other way.

You are tired because you are making a change. It’s only natural that you’re tired and it’s just a clue to keep going.

You are tired because you are blooming. And one day that growth will give way to the rejuvenation you need. 

I Feel Exhausted All The Time, Am I Sick? - Elite Care 24 Hour Emergency  Room
