If Life Has Exhausted You Read This Quickly


I know what it’s like to feel tired – and not just physically. 

The world we live in is an exhausting place. It wears off. It’s ungrateful. It challenges you endlessly and it hardly rewards you.

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You are only tired because you live in this world. You are tired of loving too much, giving too much business, giving too much to a world that never gives you anything in return.

You are tired of putting effort into an uncertain outcome. You are tired of uncertainty. You’ve had enough of the gray. 

I know you haven’t always been so exhausted – there was a moment when you were hopeful and pure. When your optimism was stronger than your cynicism and you had an endless amount of optimism to spread.

I know you’re carved and worn out piece by piece – a broken heart here and an empty promise there.

I know the world hasn’t always been fair about the games you’ve played and you’ve lost far more often than you won.

I Know You’re Out of Inspiration to Try Again. i Know.

The truth is that we are all tired. Everybody. At a certain age we are all just an army of broken hearts and sore souls, desperate to feel fulfilled.

We want more, but we’re too tired to ask. We’re tired of being here, but we’re too scared to start again.

We have to take risks, but we’re too scared to see it collapse. After all, we’re not quite sure how many times we can start over. 

We all think we are alone in our fatigue. But the truth is we’re tired of each other – the games we play and the lies we tell and the insecurity we put on each other.

We don’t want to be the villain, but we don’t want to be the sucker either. So we are on our guard. We develop an immune system. And we fulfill the role we despise because we are not sure if there is any other choice. 

I know it can feel impossible to keep trying and giving and getting when you’re dead tired. I know that the merry ideals you were once promised now seem old and hopeless.

But I beg this when you’re about to give up: try one more time, with feeling. I know you’ve had enough of all the attempts. I know you’re at your wits’ end.

But the truth about that new attempt is that you’ll never realize you’ve found it if you don’t first leave your previous one behind.  

We are all more resilient than we think and that is the undeniable truth. We are always able to give more love, have more hope, spread more passion and let loose on the world.

We just don’t walk far enough to realize that our actions have benefited. We want to see immediate results and when we don’t, we give up.

We let the fatigue stop us. The lack of feedback frustrates us and we assume that means throwing the effort out the window completely.  

This is something we all don’t want to admit: nobody feels inspired every day. We all get tired.

We are all discouraged. And we get to process those feelings. Sitting down and being weary and tired of life doesn’t mean you don’t make a change.

Everyone you have ever admired has experienced situations where they felt completely defeated as they tried to pursue their dreams.

But that didn’t stop her from making those dreams come true. You may slowly stumble to achieve your greatest transformations. It doesn’t always have to be spectacular.   

Some things in life happen quietly. They happen slowly. They happen because we’ve made some small, careful choices, choices that make us a better version of ourselves.

We have to allow those adjustments to happen. That we watch them evolve. That we don’t get hopelessly frustrated in the meantime.

If you are tired, take it easy. Be quiet. Be shy. But don’t stop. It makes sense that you are tired. You’re tired because there was no other way.

You are tired because you are making a change. It’s only natural that you’re tired and it’s just a clue to keep going.

You are tired because you are blooming. And one day that growth will give way to the rejuvenation you need. 

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