Do you still believe in the goodness of people?

Plant a seed of goodness

Welcome to the first 2024 blog

In a time of disasters, wars and diametrically opposed opinions, it can be difficult to continue to believe in the goodness of people. Yet I would like to challenge you to look for the beautiful and good in people, especially now.

The Inherent Goodness Of People - Optimum Consulting

Focus on the positive

I admit, it is not always easy to continue to see the good in people. There are days when everyone is in a hurry and seems to have a short fuse.

When you then see in the news what people are doing to each other and to the Earth, your heart sinks.

At such a moment you can choose to become frustrated and bitter, but you can also focus on beautiful and positive things.

Even when humanity shows its ugliest side, there are people who spread love, hope and light. Heroes exist, you just can’t recognize them by a cape.

Naive or smart?

Some people think such a positive worldview is naive. Or they say you’re an ostrich with its head in the sand.

This is not right. There is a difference between fooling yourself and consciously choosing to focus on the good instead of the bad.

A positive outlook has many benefits:

  • You experience more happiness, love and pleasure in your life.
  • You feel connected to the people around you.
  • Optimistic people are often healthier and live longer.
  • It helps you achieve more in your life.
  • You inspire others to be happier and more positive too.

Keep faith in the future

People who have faith in the goodness of others have faith in the future . They dare to look ahead. These are the people who want to become the best version of themselves and thereby inspire others to do the same.

While fear, despair and doom-mongering actually cause paralysis. If you only see the bad in people, you are less likely to start a positive movement.

It is not without reason that dictators and extremist leaders like to spread fear and turn people against each other. That’s so oppressive.

Plant a seed of goodness

The talent to help someone else

Do you doubt the goodness of people? Then consider that it has been scientifically proven that every person is born with a sense of justice and the talent to help others. You just have to develop that talent. Upbringing, culture and living conditions play a role in this.

It also matters how connected someone feels to the people around them. Ultimately, we are all connected. As family members, friends, colleagues, local residents, Dutch people and residents of this Earth.

How we behave, what we do and what we say affects the people around us. This quickly creates a domino effect. A smile or friendly gesture can make a big difference.

For example, I recently read a story of a woman who had just lost her father. When she dropped a container of yogurt from her hands at the supermarket checkout, she burst into tears.

Almost immediately there were people around her. One person put an arm around her shoulder, others helped with cleaning up, paying and packing the groceries. She never forgot this small gesture of compassion .

It shows that we are all essentially the same. Sooner or later we all face adversity, sadness and loss. When you have experienced for yourself how important humanity is at such a moment, you are more likely to do the same for someone else.

Look beyond the outside

You never know what someone is struggling with. A colleague who is unreasonably fierce may not have slept for weeks – because he is worried about a sick child, has money problems or is going through a divorce.

That doesn’t make him a bad person, it makes him human.

You have probably said something at a bad time that you didn’t mean – or that you later regretted.

Therefore, always look beyond the words someone says. See the person behind it. A person with fears, insecurities, doubts, pain, sadness, love and hope.

Instead of reacting angrily or irritated to that colleague, you can try to find out what is really going on.

This can be uncomfortable. You must be willing to go along with the other person for a while in the darkness. Don’t give unsolicited advice, but make room for uncomfortable emotions, listen and encourage.

By shining your light on the good in people, it also becomes visible to others. In this way you break the negative spiral and ensure more connection, understanding and progress in the world.


Author: Danny Jibodh

Danny Jibodh is the MainBrain and founder of BLOGZYNERGY.COM. As a multi topic professional blogger, he is keeping his eyes 24/7 on different burning topics as they unfold on the internet. With this concept he and his team are providing people like you with tons of different useful sunrise data to update your brain.

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