Prevent misery 15 signs you’re stressed

it is STRESS O'Clock
It Is Stress O’Clock Somewherer

As an active blogger my brains are all the time at work. I am writing this article from a base jungle camp, deep in the jungle of the Republic of Suriname where I spent some time to relax and to unite with the nature elements. So I was cleansing my body for stress as well. I really hope you enjoy this blog.

Do you realize in time that you are stressed? Or do you keep letting stress overwhelm you? In this article you can read what you should pay attention to so that you can hit the brakes in time.

Stress starts small

Stress often starts small and subtle. This makes it easy to overlook the first signals. Especially if you are busy with other things. Your mental and physical health will then become less of a priority.

Moreover, stress looks different for everyone. One person suffers from vague physical complaints, while another feels extra irritable , for example .

The problem is, you can get on with these subtle symptoms just fine. You take a painkiller, pour yourself another cup of coffee – and when you don’t feel up to it in the evening, you put a pizza in the oven.

Of course, I don’t have to tell you that this only works in the short term . In the long run you will only make the problem worse.

Do you want to experience less stress on a structural basis and live life more lightly? Then it is smart to hit the brakes at the first signals.

Physical stress signals

A physical response to stress occurs because your brain receives a signal that you need to be extra alert. For our ancestors, this was a useful tool for survival.

This means that your brain, heart and muscles are put on high alert. So that you can give just that little bit extra in the event of danger.

Other parts of your body receive less attention. After all, what good is good digestion if you’re about to be eaten yourself?

Once the danger has passed, your body can relax and recover. At least, that’s how the stress system is intended. But in our modern age there are constant stimuli that activate our stress system. This gives you no time to recover.

These are physical stress signals:

  • An accelerated heart rate and breathing
  • Fatigue, but still having difficulty sleeping
  • The unconscious tightening of muscles, for example in your neck, jaw, back or shoulders
  • Tension headache
  • Dizziness or ringing in the ears
  • Abdominal pain or intestinal cramps
  • Cold hands, dry mouth and excessive sweating

Emotional and mental stress signals

Stress also affects the way your brain works. Just think of an acute stressful situation such as a car running a red light – which requires you to react in a split second. The instinctive part of your brain takes over.

Complicated brain functions such as planning, organizing, concentrating and keeping an overview are temporarily pushed into the background. This also applies to regulating your thoughts and emotions.

Does the stressful situation last longer? Then you become mentally out of balance.

Fatigue also plays a role in this. Because you get little rest during stressful periods, you can cope less and you are more likely to suffer from a bad mood.

Emotional and mental stress signals are:

  • Difficulty concentrating and prioritizing
  • Worry a lot or suffer from negative thoughts
  • Be easily angry, irritated or sad
  • Forgetting appointments or arriving late
  • Feeling gloomy and depressed
  • Not wanting to have sex anymore
  • Snacking a lot or not being hungry at all
  • Avoiding social contacts

Hit the brakes

Do you recognize a large number of these 15 signals? Then investigate where they come from.

Do you have a to-do list that will help you wallpaper the living room? Are you an informal caregiver with a busy family and demanding job? Or do you set the bar so high for yourself that even a pole vaulter can’t clear it?

Then it’s time to hit the brakes. Put your own well-being and health first. This means that sometimes you have to say no to someone else to say yes to yourself.

In addition, ensure sufficient rest and relaxation. Take plenty of breaks and do something every day that helps you relax, such as:

  • Walking or cycling in nature
  • Listen to music
  • Read a nice book
  • To play sports
  • Pursue a hobby

Have you calmed down a bit? Then think about why you keep falling into that stress trap. Why are you so busy? Why do you set the bar so high? What’s behind that? Maybe you have the urge to prove yourself, you are a perfectionist or you think you can only be successful with a full agenda.

Only when you address the underlying cause can you truly free yourself from stress and the annoying symptoms that come with it.

Are you unsure about the cause of your complaints? Then make an appointment with your doctor. A Checkup can rule out whether there is something else going on, such as a (chronic) illness, allergies or a vitamin deficiency.

Reduce stress step by step

Stress sucks the joy out of your day. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to quickly experience less stress. Look for yourself and discover what is the best thing to do.

So that happiness can flow back into your day. 


Why power napping is good for someone like you


What is a power nap? How long should a power nap be? What’s the ideal power nap time? Do you need to climb into a fancy nap pod to get the benefits of power naps?

We’re here to answer those questions in this blog article to power napping. We’ll talk about what power napping is, why it works, and how best to incorporate it into your life and routine.

How to Power Nap to Boost Your Productivity | Casper Blog

What is power napping?

A power nap is a short period of sleep. It’s meant to supplement normal sleep and give sleepers a burst of alertness and energy.

You know how preschoolers lay down in the middle of the afternoon to give their minds and bodies a chance to recharge? The same approach works for adults, too, and research reveils we need it: 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep.

How can power napping help?

We should all get 7-9 hours of sleep a night, say experts. But that’s sometimes difficult. Life gets in the way. We get hooked on a new show and don’t realize our bedtime passed three episodes ago. Work keeps us up late. Our children need us during the night. Anxiety wakes us up and makes it hard to fall back asleep.

When we get less sleep than we need, we build up a sleep deficit. Operating on less sleep impairs almost all aspects of body function. It worsens our reaction time, information processing, judgment, patience, and vision. Extended fatigue can also lead to stress, burnout, and moodiness.

Daytime naps can help us recover from sleep deprivation. They can reset our systems, replenish our energy levels, and improve our performance. A rested mind and body allow us to better engage in the activities that bring us meaning and with the people who bring us joy. Getting enough sleep, whether at night or during the day, helps us be more present in our lives.

Power napping works best if you already have a good sleep routine. If your body doesn’t fall asleep easily, you may want to work on improving that first. If not, taking naps during the day can make it even harder to fall asleep at night.

What are the benefits of power naps?

Quick answer: Return to the day more focused, present, and productive

Reaching for an espresso or a chocolate bar isn’t the only way to combat a mid-afternoon slump. Napping can actually be healthier than compensating for tiredness with coffee, according to the Behavioural Brain Research journal, since caffeine can decrease memory performance. You might get a burst of energy from a latte, but at the cost of lower-quality work.

Power naps, on the other hand, can help replenish energy while improving memory recall. They can also lead to more alertness and better mood.

Power napping and meditation both benefit the mind as well as the body. The benefits of taking a nap include reduced stress, lowered risk of heart attacks, and better concentration.

Healthy sleep is more about quality of rest than quantity of hours. A power nap, while short, can let our minds recharge and heal.

Setting up for a power nap

Many employers have recognized the benefits of power naps on work performance. Several companies offer opportunities to nap at work, including in dedicated spaces with sleek nap pods.

You don’t need fancy equipment to have a good power nap, though. Preschoolers get by with a dark room and a yoga mat, after all. With that in mind, consider these aspects of your napping set-up to get the most out of a power nap:

Location. If you don’t have a dedicated napping space available, find somewhere you won’t be disturbed and that has low noise levels. Is there an office or conference room you can use? A parked car can be a good option. If you work from home, try retreating into your bedroom.

Timing. Set an alarm for 20 minutes and make sure you don’t have anything to do right after it goes off. While you should wake up refreshed, not groggy, it’s best to give yourself a few minutes to transition back into work.

Distractions. Power down your computer and put your phone on silent. If you can’t get away from noise, try noise-canceling headphones, earplugs, or sleep music. You’ll get the best rest in a dark environment, so pull down the shades or try an eye mask.

Comfort. You’ll have an easier time falling asleep if you can lie down or at least recline. Our body temperature naturally drops in sleep, so pull a blanket or jacket over yourself so you stay warm as you nap.

To prepare the mind to get the most out of a power nap, we should approach it the same way we do sleep at night:

  • Start with a relaxed, gentle focus
  • Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes
  • Let your mind slow and your body power down

If you use a guided meditation to help ease yourself into sleep, follow the instructions. If sleep music’s soothing baseline of sound allows you to relax and fall asleep, press play. And if you prefer to let your mind do its own thing, go for it.

As your thoughts fade and you drift off, let your mind and body rest.

Other aspects of power napping

Consistency. As strange as it sounds, napping is a skill — one that many of us have forgotten. It takes patience and perseverance to learn to power nap. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t fall asleep immediately or if your alarm goes off and you don’t feel like a new person. Like meditation, napping is something you get better at with practice. Try again tomorrow.

Managing expectations. Science tells us power napping has certain benefits, but how you experience them will be unique to your mind and body. Let yourself nap with an open mind as to how you’ll feel afterwards.

Find the right environment. Maybe your bed is too comfortable. Maybe your office chair isn’t comfortable enough. Modify your routine as needed: switch up the location, position, or time of day of your next power nap and try for different results.

Happy Power Napping


My 10 tips for a simple life


Remember: A simple life is not for sale

Do you also crave a simple life? By simplifying your life step by step, you can avoid a lot of stress and crowds. Nice and simple living and at the same time adding more meaning.

See the source image

Simple LIFE doesn’t happen by itself

No stress, no hassle – and yet a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Simple life – I’m a huge fan of it. In fact – simple living has been one of my main areas of development over the past year. Every month I take steps to make my life easier, and with each step I feel a little lighter, freer and happier.

Simple life sounds romantic and sometimes too good to be true . It is anything but self-evident in our society – where it seems impossible to live simply and peacefully. Because of the pressure to do everything at once, but also because of the endless stream of distractions.

But it is possible, and it is worth it.

A simple life does not come about by itself – you have to choose it consciously. If you don’t clean your house regularly, it will become a mess. And so it is with simple living. If you don’t consciously work on it, your life will automatically become complicated and probably overwhelming.

Below you will find 12 simple living tips that will help you make your life more fun, more valuable and easier.

10 simple LIFE [living] tips:

Experience less stress and more satisfaction by making your life easier step by step.

  1. A simple life is not about living with as little as possible – that’s poverty. A simple life is about removing and adding meaning .
  2. Wipe your figurative board clean, then decide what responsibilities you would put on it again . Often we make commitments and promises that we don’t want in our lives at all. By starting with a clean slate, you can consciously choose the things that suit you.
  3. Free your life from distractions step by step . We often use distraction to “flee” from the overwhelming feeling that life can give us. When you live with fewer distractions, you feel calmer, your work becomes higher quality, and the world becomes simpler. So go, throw that phone into airplane mode and achieve something meaningful .
  4. Realize that there is always more to do than you can do . Once you can accept this — and tolerate the feeling of inevitable chaos — you make everything easier.
  5. You don’t have to do everything that sounds fun . The fuller you make your life, the less space is left for air, simplicity and . Cramming harder is not going to make your life easier, but fuller.
  6. The most important things in life don’t happen automatically . In fact – the unimportant things always seem to happen first. If you want to achieve your goals, make your dreams come true and shape your ideal life , you have to consciously make time and space for this. The fewer unnecessary things you do, the easier it becomes to make time for the things that really matter.
  7. It is difficult – and probably impossible – to simply ‘buy’ your life . Yes, investing in good products can help (a decent bike can help you live without a car, and a flat laptop can help you work anywhere in the world), but don’t stare at it. Try to detach yourself from the consumption cycle – it is among other things that cycle that makes your life so complicated.
  8. The more stuff you buy – the more money you spend – the more you have to work to pay for it . If you can be happy and satisfied without these purchases, then you don’t have to work as hard . Or, you can use your leftover income to become freer and make your life easier. Don’t get sucked into other people’s drama . Yes, you can support people and be there for them. But remember that people benefit more when you are happy . No one benefits from more unhappy people.
  9. Living with a healthy body is easier than being sick, unhealthy, exhausted and lifeless . It’s one of those areas of life that deserves the highest priority and rarely gets it. When you simplify your life, there is more room to work on your health. And when you increase your health, many other things become easier on their own. Moreover , healthy living is super simple .
  10. More often feel satisfied with what you have – and not dissatisfied with what you don’t (yet) have . Enjoy the journey, don’t wait until you arrive at the destination to enjoy it. Because life is only the journey – that destination will never come. And your life already has a lot of beautiful aspects, and you can work to make it even more beautiful step by step. Do you find it difficult to be satisfied? Then write down every day what you are grateful for that day, and you will soon master it.

Simple living is not always easy. It does help you towards more satisfaction, more contentment, peace, happiness and quality of life. And it’s all well worth it. And you don’t have to do it all at once.

See the source image

In fact, it is precisely taking small steps that makes simplification so much fun. So enjoy the process, and enjoy the progress you make. If there’s one thing that makes your life simple, it’s contentment.

See the source image

If Life Has Exhausted You Read This Quickly


I know what it’s like to feel tired – and not just physically. 

The world we live in is an exhausting place. It wears off. It’s ungrateful. It challenges you endlessly and it hardly rewards you.

Mentally exhausted? Symptoms and tips to overcome mental exhaustion

You are only tired because you live in this world. You are tired of loving too much, giving too much business, giving too much to a world that never gives you anything in return.

You are tired of putting effort into an uncertain outcome. You are tired of uncertainty. You’ve had enough of the gray. 

I know you haven’t always been so exhausted – there was a moment when you were hopeful and pure. When your optimism was stronger than your cynicism and you had an endless amount of optimism to spread.

I know you’re carved and worn out piece by piece – a broken heart here and an empty promise there.

I know the world hasn’t always been fair about the games you’ve played and you’ve lost far more often than you won.

I Know You’re Out of Inspiration to Try Again. i Know.

The truth is that we are all tired. Everybody. At a certain age we are all just an army of broken hearts and sore souls, desperate to feel fulfilled.

We want more, but we’re too tired to ask. We’re tired of being here, but we’re too scared to start again.

We have to take risks, but we’re too scared to see it collapse. After all, we’re not quite sure how many times we can start over. 

We all think we are alone in our fatigue. But the truth is we’re tired of each other – the games we play and the lies we tell and the insecurity we put on each other.

We don’t want to be the villain, but we don’t want to be the sucker either. So we are on our guard. We develop an immune system. And we fulfill the role we despise because we are not sure if there is any other choice. 

I know it can feel impossible to keep trying and giving and getting when you’re dead tired. I know that the merry ideals you were once promised now seem old and hopeless.

But I beg this when you’re about to give up: try one more time, with feeling. I know you’ve had enough of all the attempts. I know you’re at your wits’ end.

But the truth about that new attempt is that you’ll never realize you’ve found it if you don’t first leave your previous one behind.  

We are all more resilient than we think and that is the undeniable truth. We are always able to give more love, have more hope, spread more passion and let loose on the world.

We just don’t walk far enough to realize that our actions have benefited. We want to see immediate results and when we don’t, we give up.

We let the fatigue stop us. The lack of feedback frustrates us and we assume that means throwing the effort out the window completely.  

This is something we all don’t want to admit: nobody feels inspired every day. We all get tired.

We are all discouraged. And we get to process those feelings. Sitting down and being weary and tired of life doesn’t mean you don’t make a change.

Everyone you have ever admired has experienced situations where they felt completely defeated as they tried to pursue their dreams.

But that didn’t stop her from making those dreams come true. You may slowly stumble to achieve your greatest transformations. It doesn’t always have to be spectacular.   

Some things in life happen quietly. They happen slowly. They happen because we’ve made some small, careful choices, choices that make us a better version of ourselves.

We have to allow those adjustments to happen. That we watch them evolve. That we don’t get hopelessly frustrated in the meantime.

If you are tired, take it easy. Be quiet. Be shy. But don’t stop. It makes sense that you are tired. You’re tired because there was no other way.

You are tired because you are making a change. It’s only natural that you’re tired and it’s just a clue to keep going.

You are tired because you are blooming. And one day that growth will give way to the rejuvenation you need. 

I Feel Exhausted All The Time, Am I Sick? - Elite Care 24 Hour Emergency  Room


The Next Optimistic Big Thing: RELAX YOURSELF IN three STEPS


If you would like to relax further, we’ve a bent to ought to first discover where the availability of tension lies. you will only solve one factor you understand, can’t you? The following 3 queries will assist you notice that provide. Use the knowledge with each question to unhitch that tension.

Relax | Florida Counseling Centers

Question 1:

What do i need from myself if necessary? The first offer of tension is your own high expectations. you have got need to attempt to to everything, but why? unit of measurement you not too exhausting on yourself? you will forever do further, but can that give you with further relaxation? for the most part not. Relaxation arises from rental go of high expectations that are not realistic. So raise yourself: What do I expect from myself? And why exactly?

therefore someone once same to conifer State, “I expect to be the nicest.” area unit you able to imagine what amount tension that creates? there is forever someone United Nations agency is even further fun. “I’ll merely be myself”, sounds much more relaxed and realistic …

Tip 1: Allow Yourself to Relax

Take a ways in which from that vital voice in your head. It offers energy to not got to do everything any more. you will do one thing, but do i want to? that’s what it’s about…

Question 2: What Am I Creating A Trial to Check?

The second offer of tension is desperate to keep management. significantly relating to the things we’ve little influence on. Others desperate to modification or management the long-standing time might be a direction for tension. you can’t combine anyway, thus you’d higher accept that. The reason for management is concern. we’ve a bent to stand live afraid that if we have a tendency to don’t check one factor, it should fail. thus raise yourself:

What exactly am I afraid of? do not be afraid by this question, it’s very positive! it’s given that you perceive what you concern that you {just} just have discovered the second offer of tension. Are you terrified of what another person would say? unit of measurement you distressed what might happen? many of these things unit of measurement out of your management – a minimum of not presently. In our head we’ve a bent to undertake and management what we’ve a bent to cannot management in purpose of truth. This realization is one in all the variations between stressed and relaxed people

Tip 2: Trust Yourself

Trust your own ability to shock the challenges that come your manner. as a results of the only real answer to concern is trust. With enough confidence in yourself, you’re troubled less relating to the things you have got got no management over.

Question 3: What Am I Examination my things to now?

The third offer of tension is examination yourself. you will compare yourself to others. but there is forever someone United Nations agency can on top of you. you will compare your current state of affairs in conjunction with your past, but why would you? The past is not on top of presently, as a results of you reside presently, not before. It’s very exhausting to be tense if you are doing not compare yourself. Try it out. raise yourself: What am I examination my things to now? once you are feeling tension, there is nearly forever a comparison. Or with others, or with the past, or in conjunction with your own ideal image …

TIP 3: Jettisoning of any equation

This takes follow, but with patience you will undoubtedly succeed. you are doing not got to compare yourself or your state of affairs to one thing. you are doing not got to be higher, you merely got to be yourself. Relaxed living is not difficult . You just need to be compelled to analyze where your tension comes from. they are sometimes an analogous sources of tension that come back daily. They call this a pattern, one factor that repeats itself. that is smart news!

Why? Well, for two reasons: First, it is not many patterns that build tension. There unit of measurement generally merely variety of. thus you are doing not got to modification m things. With these 3 tips you will already convert ninetieth of your stress into relaxation and positive energy. If your bicycle tire is flat, there is generally only one hole that you {just} just need to be compelled to repair. One – not three hundred.

Now you will continue! Second, a pattern that you {just} just acknowledge and resolve rarely returns. According to the bicycle metaphor: several folks still cycle with a tyre. They never discover the gap at intervals the bicycle tire. If you’re doing take the issue to investigate where your tension comes from, then you will solve it. And everything you solve won’t come back!

Also Read this article:


Hey How are you there …

Okay, we'll stay in until I don't know when.
Really depends on the situation / circumstances.
Everything changes.
You have no influence on many things.

You might be watching the news all day.
Try to find something on social media.
But because you don't know exactly what, you keep scrolling.
You are stressing yourself over things that you have no influence on.
Hoping you recognize it when you see it.
Maybe it's a good time to stop scrolling.

How are you?
What have you discovered about yourself in recent days?

Where are you:

1. Disappointment / Anxiety -Why
2. Acceptance - Nothing can be done
3. Embrace - What an opportunity!
The faster you are in embrace, the sooner you will be ahead again.

This is it.

See it as it is, not as it should be.
(then there was no war, famine and chocolate made you slim and intelligent).
This is not tra la la science.
Get deeper into various skills during this period. Try to solve long drawn-out cases. You can do so much without feeling trapped.

In this COVID-19 quarantine time, look for new things and embrace them for later.
The world will never be the same as before the outbreak of COVID-19.
And right now it is important to move with it.

Speed ​​is everything now.

Whatever you do, remember
- Even if we are in quarantine, you are not alone
- Although the environment is now uncertain and miserable, you will find guidance in your own perseverance, resourcefulness and character.
- Even though everything is now chaos, know that every order always creates new order
Be strong.

Show who you are.

This is your chance.
In the meantime, I will continue to provide you with inspiration, love and positivity.

Greeting from
The Caribbean Blog Authority

Living to the MAX in this so busy world


Flexibilisation of society makes people restless and restless. For some, this endless life is a pleasure and a privilege, and for others it is a curse. We are all intertwined in a society that surrenders itself completely to the rat race in order to get the most out of life. Especially the elitist nature of this phenomenon and the problem of maintaining control over your life must be kept in mind when you hear a hymn of praise about endless life.

Restless people
Living life to the max, taking out what’s in it. That seems to be the motto of our time. We want to progress in our work, maintain a large circle of friends, have a healthy lifestyle, be a good parent and partner, and develop ourselves. The flexibilisation of society and a variety of new technologies also makes it possible to do all this interchangeably. It’s just as easy to do an errand or exchange the latest whatsapps while you’re at work as it is to prepare a meeting for the next day on the couch in the evening. No wonder we’re busy and sometimes need some rest.

Restlessness, a plea for an endless life, the ‘busy, busy, busy’ that we hear all around us is not a call to take it easy. Nor is it a phenomenon that is particularly new. We are restlessly looking for new challenges.
We prefer hunting to loot. When the booty is in, boredom and restlessness are imminent. It is true that we reward ourselves with a temporary moment of dispersion, but then the next item on the infinite agenda soon follows.

Our fundamental motive is the continuous pursuit of progress.
Who you are and what you do is no longer a fixed fact, which means that you have to make choices over and over again without knowing whether they are the right ones. That creates restlessness. We live like an acrobat who doesn’t know exactly which exercises will keep him from falling. All that remains for us to do is to be constantly alert to the risks of life and then plunge fully into active life. This is how we build an existential CV. This construction project only ends when death occurs. I don’t scare you as a reader, but read on…

…who are also looking for peace and silence

At the same time, modern man is regularly visited by a little devil who offers us a quiet and ascetic existence. In order to (temporarily) escape the hectic existence we regularly resort to zen or other forms of meditation, mindfulness and yoga. It does not bring real peace, because the lesson, exercise or course has not yet ended or the project ‘life’ has been revived.
As long as we remain at the mercy of our wishes – with all the hope and fear that this entails – as long as we are subject to our will, we will never have lasting happiness or peace.
At the same time, our life, combined with the constant acceleration of our existence, which is accompanied by a strong increase in means of communication, the fact that we are always online and the pursuit of ever more fleeting goals, can affect the quality of our existence. The continuous flow of communication that results from this leads to superficiality.

For me, that’s a side issue. I especially see the opportunities, the challenges, the possibilities to lead a passionate, exciting turbo life and advocates for an endless immersion in the ‘vita assets’. Why should we live a quiet or balanced life? Many will repeat it to me and live by it, because blogger, speaker, husband, friend, etc. and probably much more, an exponent of my own philosophy.
Personally, I am also very sympathetic to things and try to get the most out of it, just like others.
In my opinion, two aspects remain underexposed, which are important to understand whether restlessness really is such a blessing for the modern man of our time. The first concerns the question of the distribution of opportunities and possibilities to live a passionate life.
The second question concerns the organisation of restless life and the fact that each individual is part of numerous networks and associations which make demands on him or her or at least have expectations about the active involvement of the individual.

Many of you all experience the same restlessness and are satisfied with it because it gives a feeling of real life: performance on many fronts simultaneously leads to the feeling of a fulfilled life. In principle, this should apply regardless of rank or status – and in a way, of course, this is the case. The nurse, agent, garbage collector, teacher, bank employee or shed can all go down in a restless existence. They can throw themselves into their work to make the best of it. As a thoughtful person, I can also say that restless life is mainly reserved for the Goliaths of our world.

That brings me to my next point. To what extent is the individual still at the helm when the social relationships in which he or she participates demand more and more of him or her? What is the space to say no or to do anything other than what the environment demands of us? If we are part of different (sub)systems in which we play a role – be it within our immediate family, our work, the sports club, or any other context – then we are expected to be actively involved.

It is not enough, then, to say that crowdedness is not an exclusive challenge for our time, nor that a lack of experienced meaningfulness of life can also arise in an environment that is free from social pressure. The central question is whether the organisation of our life and work leaves the individual in all his or her subsystems the (control) space to operate the accelerator of restlessness.
Differences in degrees of freedom and control space between different groups of individuals require further analysis in order to determine where and when the risks of restlessness also leading to serious forms of stress increase. This is not just about the ‘coping behaviour’ of an agile acrobat, but about creating safe structures in which others can also enjoy their restlessness. Where that does not happen, restlessness seems to be the privilege for those who can afford it.

There is always a sacred need in the working environment and in the private sphere. However, this is not only a sacred must that is imposed from the outside, but is also stimulated from the inside. The challenge, however, will be to find the control panel and gain control of it, because ‘Living to the max’ explicitly includes risks – for ourselves and for the connections and networks of which we are a part.

I hope that with this somewhat philosophical approach I have informed you as a reader enough to press your brake pedal and to evaluate yourself and make adjustments where necessary.



The Common Denominator of Burnout


Your load was apparently greater than your capacity. Have you burned out, do you no longer have any fut, or can you barely concentrate? Do you have a noise in your head or the feeling that your head consists of cotton wool? Do you cry, are you frustrated? You bet you’re burned out.

In ninety percent of the cases, burnout is followed by a non-real fear. It happens to entrepreneurs and managers who often set high standards and find it difficult to accept that they cannot do something.

As a woman, do you have a dual function such as work and family and are you also an informal caregiver? Then you are soon in the danger zone. You get disappointed in yourself, which in turn leads to stress, fatigue, fear of failure, all kinds of other complaints and finally to exhaustion.

Hard to comprehend 

If you are burned out mentally, then your mind can hardly contain burnout. It is going to lead a life of its own and you become increasingly stressed.

“Flip a button”

Not only you, but everyone who is burned out, has the feeling that somewhere ‘a knob must be turned’. If this does not happen quickly, your complaints will get worse! Compare it with a broken leg.

Broken leg

You break it in one go and it is also set in one go. Only then will your healing begin. If you continue to walk with it without having to let your leg get stuck, then it will crochet together.

Put first

It is the same with burnout. First ‘set’ by ‘turning the right buttons’ and then the healing starts. It took you a while to become burned out, but the first symptoms suddenly appeared and got worse.

Unknowingly know

You unknowingly know that you have the ability to change negative or positive in one go. Hence the feeling of that button.

The best approach

A correct approach does not therefore have to take long. Positive change is faster than you think. Unfortunately it does not happen automatically. The condition is that you are motivated and willing to fully commit yourself.


From holiday pleasure to work pleasure


Holidays are over. So it’s time to get back to work. It was a great time spent but everything has an end.So Holidays are over…

Image result for holiday

The SUMMER vacation is over and work has started again. You are bothered by a colleague who says: ‘And how was your vacation? Did you have fun? Did you enjoy it? Too bad you have to start again now, don’t you? Well, get your chest wet. We have been dying here. There is a considerable workload, so you can handle it a lot. ” You think about that for a moment. It is actually special that our experience of leisure and work is seen as two extremes. We see holidays as something fun and relaxing that you can enjoy. But when it comes to work, this association is made less. No, that is rather seen as necessary, serious, boring and sometimes stressful. Can’t it be otherwise? You are more at work than on vacation.

Job satisfaction or success?
You think back to the time that you applied. You were looking for a job that would make you happy. You were happy that you got the job and you were looking forward to a pleasant time. You enjoyed the prospect of the variation and the challenges that the work would offer. This was your idea about job satisfaction. Have those expectations come true? Do you (still) enjoy your work? And I do not mean that you are satisfied with your job, but that you really enjoy it. That after a few days off you cannot wait to get back to work and you will enjoy the highlights that the work offers. It would be nice if we could look at our work that way. Yet we rarely do that. Fun is not the first word we think about when we talk about work. We wish someone who goes on holiday a lot of fun. Is he going to work, then we wish him every success. Apparently with such a wish we focus on performance and results instead of pleasure.



If the amount of work suddenly doubles


Sometimes the circumstances force you to take on more work than you can actually handle. How do you cram twice as much work in the same time….


In my student days it was a frequently used assessment, the card catalog. The applicant receives an enormous amount of information and does not get enough time to go through it. How the applicant deals with it says a lot about his ability to prioritize. But what if your entire working week is a large card catalog. If you have chronically too much work?

You can be busy and you can be busy. In one case you are focused all day, do lots of work and at the end of the day you have a very satisfied feeling about yourself. You fixed that nicely.

Behind the facts

In the second case of being busy you follow the facts. Every mail that comes in feels like an extra amount of work, colleagues who drop by to ask something(s) are unwelcome , and if someone asks how things are going, you can only produce some sort of incomprehensible murmur. Not feeling satisfied at the end of the day, just the question of what you have done with your time all day. What you were so stressed out, you can’t even reproduce anymore.

It is that second form of pressure that leads to burnout. Because if something leads to stress, it is the loss of control, the feeling of being lived.

It’s hard enough to keep control of your own work. Books have been written full of techniques to increase your concentration, set priorities and close yourself off for distraction. But what if the circumstances are just not going well? What if the amount of work suddenly increases, for example because a colleague is sick who is not being replaced? If a big new project comes in and the people are not in favor of it or if a lot of extra work is just put down for you?

No more hours

Whatever the reason may be, many people have to deal with increasing amounts of work and keeping up with that can be difficult. So how do you prevent this by working more and then buffering in the evening and at the weekend, and in this way working yourself into a burnout? A few simple steps can help.

The first step is to stand still and see how you stand. Are you unmotivated, do your colleagues snub and are you actually always tired? Then there is a good chance that you are already well on the way to a burnout. If that is the case, you must change your habits as quickly as possible. For more about recognizing a burnout in time.

Larger whole

Then it is important to zoom out to get the bigger picture back in sight. Accept that you will not get everything done. So don’t start doing things like a headless chicken, but take the time to set priorities. The chance is small that there are things in it that you can skip, but start with the most urgent things.

Then it is good to remember that you are not alone in your company and that there are people you can ask for help. Even though it’s not what you want, and it feels like you’re failing, it’s your boss’s job to make sure you can do your job well. So make use of that. Nobody can do anything about it if you fall over because of the stress because you did not ring the bell in time.

The team

To prevent you from feeling that you are lazy or to moan, it helps to frame the reasons that you do not want to do extra work in the interest of the team. With all the work you get put on your plate, ask yourself: am I the best person to do this, and who on the team can help me with this?

And an important lesson that I am now learning: no is also an answer. So is there a colleague next to your desk with a request for something he could do well himself? Does your boss have a nice plan again that will give you a lot of extra work? Just say no. That not only works best for you, but also for your team. If everyone knows where he stands, you will get further.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail