Stop racing thoughts – 3 surprising insights


So Time To Sleep

Are you unable to sleep because you are bothered by racing thoughts? Do those racing thoughts keep you awake and would you like to stop them? These insights help.

How to fall asleep faster and sleep better - Every Mind Matters - NHS

1. Realize that you will still have this brain tomorrow

There is something you should not forget. At least, your brain doesn’t want you to forget it. For example, in your head you rehearse how you are going to tell that colleague the truth after the weekend. Or you’re wondering again what to do about that annoying problem that’s gnawing at you.

Well – good news. The fact that you can think about it like this in bed now – when you are most tired – means that you can think about it even more tomorrow .

When you wake up tomorrow you will still have this brain. In fact – tomorrow your brain will be rested, and it will be much better able to deal with the world in a constructive way.

So let it go. Trust that your brain knows what to do during that conversation with that colleague on Monday. And know that you can put it back to work tomorrow to solve that problem.

Now you can sleep.

2. Know that those racing thoughts are absolutely useless

All those rehearsals and contemplations cost you a lot of energy. They keep you awake and make your brain work overtime. And for what? For a false sense of control .

If you think long enough about the confrontation you want to face, it seems as if you are preparing yourself well. In reality, you mainly become cramped and restless. And that preparation leads nowhere.

Why not? Because life rarely unfolds the way we imagine it does late at night . The reality is always different. Then you are ready with the sharp comments that you have ‘rehearsed’ at night – but the confrontation turns out to be completely absent. Well.

You don’t think about the problems in your life in bed. You do this with a notebook in front of your face, a cup of coffee on the table and nice music. With an attitude of: “So, how are we going to wash that pig.”

So let it go. You can go to sleep. Because if you’re busy doing completely pointless things, you might as well go to sleep. At least that’s good for something.

3. Know that you have no control over it anyway

It is what it is. And you don’t always have control over how things are.

In fact, you have almost no control over most of the things you worry about. That is the reason you suffer from those racing thoughts . Because if you had control over it now, you would just fix the problem. Worrying thoughts give you – as I already wrote – a false sense of control.

By keeping the thoughts in the front of your brain, you seem to gain more control. In reality, you mainly get more stress hormones and a significant sleep deprivation.

You know – it can be hard not to have control over something. But you can also look at it differently. It is also liberating to realize this .

Why? Because then you can let it go. “We’ll see how it turns out” is quite a healthy way of thinking in such a situation. Because this is the only logical response when you have no control over something .

You don’t worry about whether the sun will rise tomorrow, do you? You have no say in that at all. If a black hole suddenly hurls Earth out of the solar system or a nearby supernova sterilizes the planet in an instant – that’s what it is. If we freeze to death, then we freeze to death, my grandmother would have said.

So please go to sleep. You ‘ll see again tomorrow . Life unfolds as it unfolds. That’s what it is. And that’s how it has always been. No reason to worry, but reason to relax. Tomorrow you will be ready again with a rested brain – so time to rest.

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Peace in your head – this is how you stop rattling thoughts


Silence in your upstairs room ha ha. Anyway read further

Rattling thoughts. When you want to sleep, when you want to relax in the garden, when you take a shower. It drives you crazy. How do you stop the flow of thoughts? You will finally find peace in your head.

Peace of Mind and Human Mind - Pictured As Word Peace of Mind Inside a Head  To Symbolize Relation between Peace of Mind and the Stock Illustration -  Illustration of idea, mind: 172328461

Thank you brain – leave me alone now

Yes, the Buddha knew how it worked. You become what you think. And often what we think is not exactly what we want to become . Fears, insecurities, worries, things you dread and bad memories.

Then you lie in bed – ready to fall asleep – after which your brain decides to remind you of that overwhelming project at work. Which you still have so much to do. After which the thoughts keep coming and you break out in a sweat . And falling asleep peacefully is off the job for now.

Or you decide to pick up the good habit and start your day with a meditation . Your brain opens the session by drawing up a kind of todo list. After which you become so restless that you get up to check your mail so that you feel useful again.

Thanks brain. Nice.

Fortunately, you can do a lot to quiet your mind . And it is much less difficult than it sometimes seems. Really – you don’t have to live like a monk to see results. Just wait and see.

1. Treat your brain like a little kid

Be kind to yourself. The more you judge yourself for “thinking too much,” the more negative thoughts you generate. As if it wasn’t busy enough in there already.

Think of your brain as an innocent child . It does what it does best: generate thoughts . And you can guide it to better deal with this talent. So that it generates fewer thoughts and above all better thoughts . Thoughts that nourish you , that support you in your personal development, that make you happy and happy.

Your brain isn’t bad. It’s actually very smart and creative. That’s why your head is so full! So don’t curse yourself. Accept yourself as you are – with your head full. You might not get to sleep right now, don’t worry.

With small positive steps, you can train your brain to better utilize its talents so that you both have a better time.

2. Think of yourself as a clear blue sky

Precisely. A clear blue sky with clouds floating past. You are the sky. Always blue, always in the same place, always present . The clouds are your thoughts. Sometimes there is not a cloud in the sky, sometimes there are so many that it thunders.

The sky is much bigger than the clouds. The clouds float in it, but they are not the blue sky . Just like you are not your thoughts .

When it’s overcast for days, you almost forget that the blue sky above still exists. Just like with an overloaded brain you almost forget that you are much bigger than the thoughts you see flying around.

But no matter how thick the clouds are – above the clouds there is still that blue sky. A place where the sun always shines. Where you can look down on all those clouds and see clearly that the sky and the clouds are two different things.

Is your head full? Then look for the blue sky. Find that place from where you can observe your thoughts . It’s like lying with your back in the grass and watching the clouds float by above you. Without judging them, without forming an opinion about them. You just let them be what they are.

Innocent thoughts generated by an innocent brain. No more. The clouds are not the blue sky, and your thoughts are not who you are.

3. Yes – meditate regularly

That place from which you can observe your own thoughts is easiest to reach from silence. You only need a few minutes a day to notice the effect. And even if it feels useless, you find out later that it was useful.

Why should you meditate? - Quora

Very simple: sit or lie down and inhale and exhale deeply . Close your eyes, and bring your attention to your breathing. For example, say “in” and “out” in your head with each inhalation and exhalation. When you find yourself getting distracted, gently bring your attention back.

No more. That’s all.

Do that for a few minutes. And notice how slowly but surely you create more distance between you and your thoughts. Not only can you observe them better – fewer thoughts are also generated.

Delicious. What a rest! And with so little effort – by doing nothing. Meditation is beautiful stuff. Keep diving deep in yourself to know yourself better and better.

Friday essay: how the West discovered the Buddha


Always busy – how do you find peace in the chaos?


Do you feel like you always have to keep busy? That you always have to do something useful? And do you crave silence and some inner peace? Good plan, let’s see.

We live in a rainbow of chaos." -Cezanne | Rainbow, Rainbow card, Succulent  tattoo

Always wanting to do something useful

I know how it feels, believe me. Living with the idea that you’d better do something useful. That you’d better finish one more task, take on one more project, and make one more change. Because when that task is done you can finally rest .

The problem with this, of course, is that this is rarely true. Yes – when you have completed all those tasks you should be able to rest. But you don’t. Because you are used to just moving on to the next task.

I hear this very often from people who like to work effectively: they have a hard time relaxing. They always want to do something useful. It feels impossible to just relax on the couch for an hour. Because you might as well pick up the vacuum cleaner, scrub the toilet or drive to the hardware store to finally get that one skirting board.

But you can’t go on forever

At least – it is possible. And there are many people who do it. But as far as I’m concerned, these are not always the examples you would like to aspire to. Because in a society in which so many people feel constantly stressed and overwhelmed, get stressed or even end up in a burnout, it is wise to question what we consider ‘normal’.

And of course it depends on your character. Because there are people who keep busy without any problems, and wouldn’t want it any other way. And if you feel happy and happy – why change it?

But if you feel like you should be doing useful things when you really don’t feel like it , it’s interesting to see if you can adjust something.

Rest is useful

Of course you already knew this, but we seem to forget it so often. Almost all of us believe that happiness, tranquility and contentment lie hidden in the future . And that we can experience it by doing and changing things .

  • When I finish this project I can finally rest.
  • If I earn this amount I will be happy.
  • As soon as I don’t have to do this anymore, I’m happy.

And if you really believe this, it makes sense that you will always be busy. Because we all want to feel happy and calm, so we do whatever it takes to make that happen.

But in this quest for future happiness, we lose sight of the fact that this seductive story is not true. And it doesn’t make sense for a few reasons:

  1. The future only exists in our minds, happiness cannot happen in the future.
  2. There is always only now, so you can only experience happiness in the moment.
  3. By pushing your happiness forward, you feel constantly dissatisfied in the moment, and you are endlessly working on solving that dissatisfaction so that you can be happy in the future. And that brings you back to point 1.

This is the rat race . Constantly working harder and harder to be happy in the future . While in the meantime you always feel a bit dissatisfied, tense and overwhelmed.

Rest, lounging, expecting nothing from yourself – these things are a cure for the endless cycle. Doing nothing is more useful than it seems.

7 Surprising Reasons You Keep Creating Chaos - | Live a Life You Love

Ways to weave doing nothing into your life

All nice. But if you are one of those people who prefers to be always busy with useful things, how do you weave this kind of tranquility into your life? How can you make more room for rest, without the unrest that you experience because you do nothing useful for a while?

Simple: you plant the uselessness in .

it is not that hard. You grab your agenda and choose a moment when you do ‘nothing’ for at least an hour. For example, a moment when you take a nap without feeling guilty. Or on which you take a walk while your smartphone is allowed to take a nap at home.

You organize small moments of peace and freedom in your week, and you challenge yourself to really lounge around and expect nothing of yourself .

And the crazy thing is, it can feel particularly useful. After all, you stick to your schedule and you help to keep yourself mentally healthy. Pretty nice.

you are not a robot

Exactly – this is the gist of the story. You are not a robot. You are human. Many people are trying to become more and more like robots – more and more productive, more and more efficient. But this is getting less interesting by the day.

Why? The more real artificial intelligence is incorporated in our lives, the more clearly we see that it is not so interesting to live as if you were a machine.

Always keep the machines running. That’s what they are made for. You thrive when you occasionally take the time to do nothing at all. If you give yourself the space to not be busy for a while .

  • Go for a walk for a few hours.
  • Visit family without expecting anything.
  • Walk around aimlessly and pet a dog or watch the ducks.
  • Sit down in a coffee shop with a nice book.
  • Give yourself an afternoon off.

Inhale deeply and exhale slowly . Happiness can only be experienced in this moment. Not later, not tomorrow – now. Don’t keep running endlessly. Make room for appreciation for your life as it is now. Even if your life isn’t perfect right now.

Because that is ultimately all that needs to be done. If you can be content with this moment, then you are happy. Then you’re done. Then you can finally relax. Give it a try – it’s quite nice.

Find more time for yourself

Finding time for yourself is challenging sometimes. Maybe because you have a busy life, maybe because you feel guilty or feel you don’t deserve it.


Entrepreneurs; Coping with fatigue: why rest is so important


Fatigue has something to tell you. The big question is: are you listening to your body’s wise message? in this article you will read how valuable it is to rest and relax. “It may seem that we are not productive during rest days, but the opposite is true.”

POTS: A Little Known Cause of Extreme Fatigue | Johns Hopkins Medicine

An important message

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You probably recognize it: the days when everything feels heavy, your body is not cooperating. You are already tired when you open your eyes in the morning… This is of course not a nice way to start the day. I give you some tips to deal with fatigue. It is important to know that your body has something to tell you. It’s very simple: take a step back, take it easy. We live in a society in which a lot is expected of us and in which we demand a lot from ourselves. We may have goals we want to achieve. But did you know that it is extremely important to build in a rest day to achieve your goals? It may seem that we are not productive during these days, but the opposite is true.

If you don’t listen to your body…

When we go beyond our limits, our body gives off a signal, the fatigue. With this we are, as it were, ‘forced’ to take a step back. But you may not be able to slow down because too much is required of you. As a result, you may not be able to listen to your body for a long time. You go on and on and your body starts producing adrenaline. It does this because it ‘thinks’ it is in danger. The adrenaline, a stress hormone, makes you feel like you have renewed energy.

Your body has given you a signal, namely the fatigue. You have not been able to listen and act upon it. This puts you in a state of readiness: there is a constant adrenaline rush in your body. If this continues for a longer period of time, you are prone to burnout.

Yin and Yang energy

Life is made up of yin and yang. Yang is a dynamic energy, of doing and activities. Yang energy cannot exist without yin energy. Yin stands for relaxation and softness. Yin energy is greatly needed if you have lived in the yang energy for too much or too long. Yin is about reflection, seeking silence and meditation. Coming home to yourself. If you build in space for yourself, there is a good chance that you will come to new insights. Research what makes you relax: listening to calm music, walking in nature, visiting a sauna, reading a book… You probably know what helps you to recharge.

File:Yin yang.svg - Wikimedia Commons
Yin and Yang Symbol

The many benefits of rest

As I wrote before: rest gives new ideas. And these new ideas ensure that you can take steps again. And there’s more: sleep and relaxation allow your body cells to renew and process the events of the day. They are hugely important. So prioritize at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Your cells renew during sleep, which has a positive effect on your body and mind. Enough reasons to give yourself some rest. It is essential to be the best version of yourself. Not only do you benefit from this, but also your environment.

Be inspired by the jaguar

We can learn a lot from nature, from the animal kingdom. Take a jaguar. This animal can easily reach 80 kilometers per hour when running. It naturally has a good balance of activity and rest. The jaguar lives instinctively and does not think about tomorrow or next week. He takes rest when needed. This is how he charges himself for the moment he wants to catch his prey. After hunting, the jaguar takes time to eat its meal. Then he rests and can digest the meal well. He then charges for the next hunt. We as humans can learn a lot from this. We also need this charging time. After we are recharged, we can resume activities with new and fresh energy.

jaguar wildlife leopard animal stalking hunt ferocious ecuador attack front  angry deadly wilderness tiger racing toward the camera with his violent  look pointing the photographer Stock Photo | Adobe Stock
Learn and be inspired by the jaguar

Long live slowing down!

It’s not easy to sit still. Sometimes it is even very hard work to stand still. We are faced with a little voice in our head that tells us to be productive and keep going. Because that’s how we are programmed. In our society it is all about economic growth and we are focused on matter. Still, it’s more than worth the effort to ‘slow down’. Start today. 


12 Whopping Exciting Power Tips To Stop Rushing


We have more and more balls to keep up. Our solution to this is to live faster, work harder and get everything done in less time. We are in a hurry. But why actually? Why the hurry?

Free Hurry Vectors, 3,000+ Images in AI, EPS format

Why are we in such a hurry these days?

Haste seems to be the norm. If things just happen quickly then it’s good – and if it can be done faster it’s better.

We are in a hurry because we don’t have enough time. We don’t have enough time to do everything we need to (read: want to ) do. We rush through the days, through the months and the years. And we get more and more done in less and less time.

Very efficient, but is it also effective?

The answer is, of course, ‘no’ – but you already understood that.

What do you want to achieve?

Haste is the result of a lack of priorities. If you don’t know what’s most important to you, everything is automatically equally important. And if you want to achieve everything at once, you never have enough time and you have to run and fly.

Everyone on Earth has to make do with 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds in a day . Some people have a nice life, take it easy and gradually achieve their goals. Other people run and fly, live out of chaos and feel like they can’t get a grip on their lives. They feel that they are being lived.

Only when you know what you really want can you make choices. Of course you want to be a great parent, a great friend, super healthy, successful, popular, have a nice house, grow personally, finish an education, be nice dressed and in the meantime make the world a better place.

But what are the 1-3 things that matter most to you? If you had to choose (and you have to if you don’t want to get burned out), what would you focus on? Where would you put your center of gravity?

Hurry back as the exception to the rule

Humans are not designed to be in a constant rush. It is not healthy for your body and not nourishing for your mind. The faster you live, the faster time seems to pass – it’s a downward spiral. You seem to have less and less time, which makes you live faster and faster.

Be still. Take a deep breath, drop your shoulders and let me tell you this: you don’t have to do anything . Hurry is your choice, and you can stop today. Try some of the tips below and learn how to slow down your life one step at a time:

  1. Don’t you dare do anything . Just sit for a few minutes and look out in front of you. No television, no iPad, no telephone and not even a magazine. Slow down cold turkey. How does that feel?
  2. Whenever you find yourself feeling rushed, ask yourself,  “Why am I rushing?”  You often come to the conclusion that out of habit you are running, tailgating or sighing in line at the checkout. Remind yourself to take a step back. Take your distance, lower your speed, raise your irritation threshold.
  3. Drive calmly on the road . Speeding is dangerous, environmentally harmful, expensive and usually saves you only a few minutes. Instead, put on some nice music (Youtube or online radio station(s)), and enjoy the journey.
  4. Take the time to prepare food . Leave the hustle and bustle behind for a while, and pay love and attention to your food. Cook without ready-made products. That is healthier, tastier, cheaper, better for the world and better for your stress level. Why does it always have to be so fast? Real taste takes time. Quality takes time .
  5. Try to do less instead of more . Do things that really matter, and leave the rest behind. Be critical of your todo list . Many things are ‘nice’ to achieve, very few things are ‘life-changing’. Work step by step towards your big goals, towards a better life and don’t be fooled by all the nonsense that comes in between.
  6. Consciously slow down time by slowing down your life and your thoughts every now and then . Really take half an hour to play with your daughter, to listen carefully to her. Play with your dog, take a nice walk, do something with your hands (gardening, painting, cooking or whatever). You will notice that you become calmer, and that you seem to have more time as a result .
  7. Realize that it is useless to race through life . All you achieve is that time flies by, and your life ends faster . Time is far too valuable to throw away. Use it, enjoy every second, appreciate your life as you travel through it. You only get once every second . So that’s one chance to enjoy it.
  8. Say goodbye to your watch . And while you’re at it, immediately get the clock out of the living room . Set a timer on your smartphone when you have something to do at a specific time. Furthermore, it is not at all necessary to continuously know what time it is.
  9. Take life step by step . While you’re working on one task, you don’t have to think about the task you want to perform later. First one, then the other . This way you keep your head empty, you maintain your focus and you prevent time from seeming to go faster.
  10. Plan your days less tightly . Give your calendar air to breathe. It is efficient to fully plan everything. But if your goal is to live a relaxed and happy life, this probably isn’t exactly effective.
  11. Immediately grab yourself by the scruff of the neck if you’ve had to rush for whatever reason. Don’t take the rush any further into your day, but stop rushing as soon as you can.
  12. Realize that you will never get everything done . There will always be unfinished tasks – and that’s okay. Realize that enjoying the beautiful things in life is more important than an empty to-do list.

Rushing less will help you significantly increase the quality of your life. There’s no point in rushing through your life, so don’t get rushed. Take it easy and focus on the things that are most important to you.

That way you will not only feel a lot better, you will also achieve your goals more easily and design the life of your dreams more easily.

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