Why power napping is good for someone like you


What is a power nap? How long should a power nap be? What’s the ideal power nap time? Do you need to climb into a fancy nap pod to get the benefits of power naps?

We’re here to answer those questions in this blog article to power napping. We’ll talk about what power napping is, why it works, and how best to incorporate it into your life and routine.

How to Power Nap to Boost Your Productivity | Casper Blog

What is power napping?

A power nap is a short period of sleep. It’s meant to supplement normal sleep and give sleepers a burst of alertness and energy.

You know how preschoolers lay down in the middle of the afternoon to give their minds and bodies a chance to recharge? The same approach works for adults, too, and research reveils we need it: 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep.

How can power napping help?

We should all get 7-9 hours of sleep a night, say experts. But that’s sometimes difficult. Life gets in the way. We get hooked on a new show and don’t realize our bedtime passed three episodes ago. Work keeps us up late. Our children need us during the night. Anxiety wakes us up and makes it hard to fall back asleep.

When we get less sleep than we need, we build up a sleep deficit. Operating on less sleep impairs almost all aspects of body function. It worsens our reaction time, information processing, judgment, patience, and vision. Extended fatigue can also lead to stress, burnout, and moodiness.

Daytime naps can help us recover from sleep deprivation. They can reset our systems, replenish our energy levels, and improve our performance. A rested mind and body allow us to better engage in the activities that bring us meaning and with the people who bring us joy. Getting enough sleep, whether at night or during the day, helps us be more present in our lives.

Power napping works best if you already have a good sleep routine. If your body doesn’t fall asleep easily, you may want to work on improving that first. If not, taking naps during the day can make it even harder to fall asleep at night.

What are the benefits of power naps?

Quick answer: Return to the day more focused, present, and productive

Reaching for an espresso or a chocolate bar isn’t the only way to combat a mid-afternoon slump. Napping can actually be healthier than compensating for tiredness with coffee, according to the Behavioural Brain Research journal, since caffeine can decrease memory performance. You might get a burst of energy from a latte, but at the cost of lower-quality work.

Power naps, on the other hand, can help replenish energy while improving memory recall. They can also lead to more alertness and better mood.

Power napping and meditation both benefit the mind as well as the body. The benefits of taking a nap include reduced stress, lowered risk of heart attacks, and better concentration.

Healthy sleep is more about quality of rest than quantity of hours. A power nap, while short, can let our minds recharge and heal.

Setting up for a power nap

Many employers have recognized the benefits of power naps on work performance. Several companies offer opportunities to nap at work, including in dedicated spaces with sleek nap pods.

You don’t need fancy equipment to have a good power nap, though. Preschoolers get by with a dark room and a yoga mat, after all. With that in mind, consider these aspects of your napping set-up to get the most out of a power nap:

Location. If you don’t have a dedicated napping space available, find somewhere you won’t be disturbed and that has low noise levels. Is there an office or conference room you can use? A parked car can be a good option. If you work from home, try retreating into your bedroom.

Timing. Set an alarm for 20 minutes and make sure you don’t have anything to do right after it goes off. While you should wake up refreshed, not groggy, it’s best to give yourself a few minutes to transition back into work.

Distractions. Power down your computer and put your phone on silent. If you can’t get away from noise, try noise-canceling headphones, earplugs, or sleep music. You’ll get the best rest in a dark environment, so pull down the shades or try an eye mask.

Comfort. You’ll have an easier time falling asleep if you can lie down or at least recline. Our body temperature naturally drops in sleep, so pull a blanket or jacket over yourself so you stay warm as you nap.

To prepare the mind to get the most out of a power nap, we should approach it the same way we do sleep at night:

  • Start with a relaxed, gentle focus
  • Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes
  • Let your mind slow and your body power down

If you use a guided meditation to help ease yourself into sleep, follow the instructions. If sleep music’s soothing baseline of sound allows you to relax and fall asleep, press play. And if you prefer to let your mind do its own thing, go for it.

As your thoughts fade and you drift off, let your mind and body rest.

Other aspects of power napping

Consistency. As strange as it sounds, napping is a skill — one that many of us have forgotten. It takes patience and perseverance to learn to power nap. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t fall asleep immediately or if your alarm goes off and you don’t feel like a new person. Like meditation, napping is something you get better at with practice. Try again tomorrow.

Managing expectations. Science tells us power napping has certain benefits, but how you experience them will be unique to your mind and body. Let yourself nap with an open mind as to how you’ll feel afterwards.

Find the right environment. Maybe your bed is too comfortable. Maybe your office chair isn’t comfortable enough. Modify your routine as needed: switch up the location, position, or time of day of your next power nap and try for different results.

Happy Power Napping


21 small positive things you want to do more often


You can get everything done in small steps. Do you want to experience more happiness and positivity? These are 21 small positive things you want to do more often. Start changing your mindset to positivity and continue reading this blog.

Be Positive: Good Things are Going to Happen | Book by IglooBooks |  Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster

These are 21 little positive things

Small steps often have a big impact. Discover 21 little positive things you want to do more often. Which of these steps will you take today?

  1. Touch what makes you happy . Stop for a moment and become aware of the world around you. What are you grateful for right now? For example, when I’m on the train, I look around and just feel grateful for this simple moment.
  2. Telling your loved ones that you love them . You assume they know . But it is valuable and important to keep saying it – especially to your partner and your children. I tell Billy and Jake that I love them several times a week, and I think it makes us all happier.
  3. Catching a Negative Thought . Notice that you are driving yourself crazy with negative thoughts. Noticing it stops the spiral and allows you to shift your attention.
  4. Take a deep breath . Relax, inhale slowly and let the tension dissipate as you exhale. Pretty nice.
  5. To serve another . Not because the other person asks you to, but because you want it yourself. Get a cup of coffee, clean up, arrange something, make life a little easier for someone else.
  6. Do something nice anonymously . Such as straightening a fallen bicycle, cleaning up litter, making a donation or sending a present to someone who can use it.
  7. Make new memories with loved ones . You don’t need a special reason to get your loved ones together and do something fun. Organize a dinner at home, a trip or throw a party. Making beautiful new memories together is a great way to make a lot of lives better.
  8. Sit down and describe your dream life . What would you like your life to look like? Often when we describe our dream life we ​​come to the conclusion that many parts are easier to reach than we think. Such as being healthier (eating better and exercising more), being calmer ( meditating more often ) or doing more fun things (better planning).
  9. Take a small step towards a big dream . You can achieve everything in small steps, even your biggest dreams. And taking that first step is incredibly fun and exciting.
  10. Ask yourself: How can I contribute? If you wanted to use your life to make the lives of others better – what could you do with your talents and interests? By asking yourself this question, you make room for new, inspiring answers.
  11. Give yourself something to look forward to . Book a trip for a few months from now, reserve a ticket for a great show, plan a dinner with a friend. By sprinkling fun things through your year, you lighten up the challenges of everyday life.
  12. Make yourself a healthy meal . Taking good care of yourself is a matter of making healthy choices every time. Don’t worry about the big picture, just opt ​​for a healthy meal now.
  13. Give away something you don’t use . With less unnecessary stuff you make your life lighter and easier. What stuff can you miss?
  14. Read a chapter in a book that will help you move forward . A book that helps you with inspiration, skills or personal growth.
  15. Schedule a moment for complete relaxation . If you don’t plan it, it won’t happen or you’ll feel guilty. Plan a moment for relaxation and lounging – because in a busy life, such moments rarely arise automatically.
  16. Take a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle . What area of ​​your life could you tackle? Maybe switch to ecological cleaning products, replace your meat with tempeh, separate an extra waste stream or request a quote for solar panels. The transition to sustainability consists of a lot of steps that we take together, and you can come one step closer today.
  17. Go out without a smartphone . Even if it’s only an hour. Can’t make it happen? Then put it on silent so you don’t get distracted.
  18. Start a chat with someone nearby . Not only is it nice to know your neighbors, it also gives a sense of trust and security for both you and your neighbors. By investing in your neighborhood you feel more deeply rooted, more at ease and less lonely in your living environment. And that’s more important than most people think.
  19. Take the trouble to make it a little more fun . Light a candle, get special tea at home, crank up your record player. With a little extra effort, you can make a simple moment warmer.
  20. Be happy first . In India people frequently use the following statement; Just be happy . In the West we often think the other way around: first everything has to be perfect and then I’m happy . But you can choose to feel happy. For example, by focusing on gratitude and relaxation. From that basis you can then take steps to solve your problems.
  21. Take the time to meditate . Life is a pancake – that’s what you start to see when you meditate regularly. You discover that you are causing the drama yourself by taking your thoughts so seriously. Meditating is a small, positive step that will help you activate a powerful upward spiral in your life.
10 Positive Things You Should Say To Your Children

I really hope the above stated point will help you now to become happy and that you are motivated to transform your mind step by step. Remember small steps often have BIG IMPACT.


Here are my 11 ways to reduce stress right now…


You naturally want to avoid and prevent stress as much as possible. Doesn’t work? Then here are 11 ways to reduce stress right now. Read it !! Breathe In, Breathe Out…… Remember we are living in a world where you can not avoid getting stressed. Everyone is struggling even me, but don’t give up the stress fight.

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This is how you reduce stress

Stress makes no one happier. Among other things, stress causes you to become irritated quickly, sleep badly and enjoy yourself less. Due to increasing fatigue, the frustrations continue to rise and your stress level continues to rise .

The solution is of course obvious: tackling the cause or causes of the stress you are experiencing. Sometimes, however, that does not work one-two-three. For example, financial problems are not easily solved, it takes time to process a breakup and caring for a sick family member can cause a lot of worries.

However, there are also ways to directly reduce stress in those situations. This way you can relax better, you are less likely to become overstimulated and you make yourself more resilient.

1. Write down what you are grateful for

Especially when you experience a lot of negative stress, it is sometimes difficult to think positively. You soon end up in a negative spiral, which only causes you more stress.

Looking for positivity can help you get out of that negative spiral. After all, there is always something to be thankful for. Think about it and write it down – make a gratitude list.

To reduce stress, I write down three things in a book every night that I am grateful for that day. The sun that unexpectedly broke through, for example;  A nice offer in the supermarket that saved you some money can also do something.

It’s the little things that do it. And by writing them down, you become aware that there is quite a lot to be thankful for. That makes you happier and that in turn has a positive effect on your stress level.

2. Move more

When you are stressed, you tend to worry a lot. At least I do. Grind, grind and grind again. What helps? Clearing my head by moving.

Exercise has of course many benefits, including reducing stress. Movement inhibits the production of cortisol (the stress hormone) and promotes the production of endorphins (the happiness hormone). No wonder I feel reborn after a run.

3. Go outside

However, the latter is also due to the fresh air outside. Not only because fresh air gives you a boost, but also because nature has a relaxing effect. The sound of leaves rustling in the wind, the warmth of the sun on your face, and even the feeling of raindrops falling in your hair can help ease your stress.

4. Wash off the stress

Walking in the rain is probably nobody’s biggest hobby, but washing your worries away can be healing.

A nice shower or a relaxing bath can therefore also help to reduce stress. Especially when you close your eyes and visualize that all your worries disappear down the shower drain.

5. Reducing Stress By Meditating

There are many more visualizations and meditations that produce the same effect. My favorite is a body scan, in which I consciously tense and relax every part of my body with my eyes closed. On the Internet you will find a number of nice meditations that will immediately help you to reduce stress.

Just close your eyes for a few minutes and follow your breathing – this is often enough to feel more relaxed. Slow down and do nothing but be.

6. Do something creative

Is meditation not for you? Perhaps you can lose yourself in a creative activity. For example, crocheting, crafting or assembling something can be very relaxing.

An adult coloring book helps me personally: for a while all I have to worry about is coloring within the lines. It can be that simple.

7. Cleaning up your house

Cleaning up works a bit the same for me: it’s simple, it yields something and I hardly have to think about it.

An additional advantage is that a tidy house helps to reduce stress. After all, your head is already full and chaotic enough when you’re stressed, so a cluttered environment is counterproductive. When you tidy up, you create peace in your environment and therefore also in your head.

8. Do something you’ve been dreading for a long time

There are even more ways to immediately create more space in your head. Those tasks that you keep putting off because you don’t like them so much take up space in your head. Check one off and you have one less thing to worry about.

9. Write off you

You can write off all those other things. Get the worrying thoughts out of your head and put them on paper. This way you don’t have to store them all mentally and you create space in your head again.

Just writing off everything you want to lose can sometimes be a huge relief. However, it also ensures that you have a clear overview of what is going on. By writing down everything you worry about, you may get helpful insights that you can use to move on.

10. Reducing Stress By Sleeping Well

If not, at least you’ve vented your heart and cleared your head. This often helps, especially when you can’t sleep because you keep worrying. Still, a good night’s sleep is very important to reduce stress. Without sleep you cannot recover and the tensions only increase.

So also use something like writing down all your worrying thoughts or a meditation to calm yourself before going to sleep. And go to bed on time.

No matter how busy you are, always make time for enough sleep. Without a good night’s sleep, you are much more susceptible to stress and you soon end up in a vicious circle of stress, lack of sleep and even more stress.

11. Make physical contact

Whether you sleep alone or with a partner: physical contact also helps to reduce stress. For example, if you give your partner or a friend a hug, your body produces the hormone oxytocin. This so-called cuddle hormone gives you a sense of trust and connection and reduces your stress level. Are you both stressed out? A firm hug does wonders.

Reduce stress step by step

Stress sucks the happiness out of your day. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to quickly experience less stress.

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