Calm Your Mind : Attack The Strong Unrest In Your Head


Does your head feel like a washing machine with thoughts tumbling over each other? Don’t panic, with these tips you can reduce the anxiety in your head.

The Unrest of Mind During Exam Time by The Hermitage Rehab - Issuu

A head that always rattles

Work stress, stimuli, tasks, ideas, inspiration, information and various distractions ensure that your mind is never turned off.

My head is never quiet either. There is always something to remember, work on, think about or worry about. So you are not alone.

Such a busy head is of course very tiring. It makes it difficult for you to concentrate and makes you feel tense or rushed. This makes you feel less good about yourself and can become irritated more quickly.

Small changes can reduce this unrest. So that you feel light, fresh and focused again. Sounds good, right? Let’s get started!

Accept the unrest

It may sound a bit contradictory. But by accepting that your mind never stands still, you create more peace for yourself.

There is a little voice in your head that interferes with everything . That in itself is not surprising. Everyone has a voice like that. However, some people’s voices are a bit louder than others.

The trick is not to ignore that voice. You better accept him. You will always have thoughts about what is happening in your life. That doesn’t mean you actually have to do anything with all those thoughts.

You decide which thoughts are worthwhile and which thoughts can float happily by like clouds in the sky.

Sounds familiar? That may be true, because this tactic is also used in meditation. Meditation is not about clearing your head. That is impossible. Meditation is about directing your attention and not getting carried away by your thoughts.

Get a grip on your thoughts

There’s one more thing you need to know about your brain: it can’t handle loose ends. An email you still need to answer, your sister waiting for your call, an argument that’s bothering you, a gift you need to buy, the babysitter you need to arrange.

Your brain will continue to do this until you have taken action. You would think it would be useful to have those daily pop-ups in your head. Or not?

Well, not actually. The problem is that you get those pop-ups at the most inconvenient times. Your brain is not a reliable system that sends you a reminder at the right time. Moreover, it considers every loose end equally important. There is no priority filter.

That is why it is much more convenient to regularly collect all loose ends or thoughts and write them down in a notebook or note-taking app. You can then put them in order of importance and attach concrete actions to them.

And things over which you have no influence? You can let that go. Such as someone else’s opinion or frustrations about something that is beyond your control.

This way you ensure that your brain does not have to constantly worry about loose ends. You can use the space this creates to come up with creative or smart solutions for really important issues.

Do one thing at a time

Multitasking is out. Single-tasking is in. By focusing on one task at a time, you work more effectively, achieve better results and are less stressed.

Multitasking or quickly switching between different tasks, on the other hand, costs a lot of energy. You are actually always starting and stopping a task, so you always need restart time to get back into it. Moreover, this way of working increases the chance of errors.

I notice this effect myself in the car, for example. When I’m driving in a busy, unfamiliar city where I don’t know the way, I automatically turn off the radio so I can concentrate on one thing at a time.

Do you get distracted or bored easily? Then set a timer for half an hour, for example. Agree with yourself that you will work for half an hour and that you can then check your email or look at your phone for five minutes. Try to extend this focus time further and further.

Make your life less busy and complicated

If you are naturally busy in your head, it is nice if the rest of your life is simple and clear. Think of: less stuff, fewer obligations, less stress and less hassle.

A fresh and tidy living and working environment helps you to relax. Throw out unnecessary junk, regularly sweep through your digital files with a virtual broom – and give everything a permanent place so you can easily find it again.

It’s also nice to have fixed routines that you don’t have to think about. Such as a fixed evening and morning routine. This may sound boring, but it helps you streamline your life so you experience more peace.

Ask yourself what small steps you can take to make your life less busy and complicated. Some examples:

  • Start your day with the most important task.
  • Don’t check your email until mid-morning.
  • Stop checking the news frequently.
  • Unsubscribe from newsletters and advertising.
  • Make a weekly menu or cook meals that you freeze for later.
  • Express disagreements immediately, before they take on a life of their own.
  • Set up automatic payments and automatic savings.
  • Cancel unnecessary insurance or memberships.
  • Stop obligations that give you a lot of stress and little pleasure.
  • Find out if you can automate or outsource tasks.

Reduce restless and agitated feelings

A restless and agitated feeling can ruin your life. Everything feels harder, more viscous, your world feels smaller and it’s hard to relax and simply be happy.

Keep doing your best all the time to control your Mind !!!
