Being happy with yourself – 3 deep insights


How do you really become happy with yourself? Good question. And the answer is surprisingly simple. Let’s see.

10 Proven Habits of Happy People |

How do you really become happy with yourself?

There’s only one clear answer to this question, and it’s one I’ve been throwing around every few weeks for years. Just until it sticks. Not just for you – but also as a reminder to myself.

Because being happy with myself is also a continuous challenge for me.

What is this answer? Radical Self-Acceptance .

You will only be truly happy with yourself – with who and what you are – if you develop the guts to fully accept yourself as you are .

Sounds simple enough. But in a society that motivates us to do the opposite , self-acceptance is not always easy. Fortunately, things are starting to change. The blogs, videos, series and podcasts with a self-love theme are springing up like mushrooms.

More and more people are realizing that love and compassion starts with love for ourselves . And true self-love thrives in a soil of self-acceptance. These are three insights I gained.

1. You don’t have to add anything

You cannot be happy with yourself if you are constantly working to improve yourself. Why not? Because self-improvement implies that something is missing .

Nothing is missing. That is the insight you want to realize for yourself. There is nothing that is missing, nothing that needs to be added. You are exactly as you are.

No melons grow on a blackberry bush . As much as the blackberry bush invests in self-improvement, blackberries will just grow on its branches next season.

We go through life like that frolicking blackberry bush. And along the way we lose sight of the fact that blackberries are great. You’re not like you’re not , that’s right. But you are exactly as you are.

It seems so logical to lose our focus on the melons. To all the things we are not. But we are so many things . The trick is to relax, get out of our heads  and see who and what we are.

Embrace yourself as you are. That’s all you need to do.

2. You are too hard on yourself

All those negative things you think and say about yourself, all those ways you put yourself down in your mind, all those beliefs that say you’re not good enough— it’s all hot air .

Thoughts are just thoughts. Just sensations in your consciousness. They are not special, particularly important, or inherently true . Your heart beats, your eyes see and your brain experiences thoughts—that’s all.

When you think false thoughts that say you’re not good enough, do yourself a favor and don’t go with them. Don’t delve deeper into misery.

Look around you, see what’s happening. The world around you is an expression of natural processes . Clouds pass by, the trees grow, the wind blows, the rain falls. The earth produces everything you see. Trees, plants, animals and – yes – people.

You are an expression of nature. A bulge of this planet. You are not separated from nature, from that which is . it’s you .

Fighting against yourself – pretending you’re not good enough – is just as futile as fighting the color of grass. At this moment in time and space you are exactly as you need to be . Otherwise it would not be as it is.

Just as the trees, the glaciers, the highest waterfalls and the deepest canyons are expressions of nature – so you are an expression of nature. Perfect in your apparent imperfection. And once you see it that way, it’s madness not to accept yourself.

3. You are not alone

There are cultures that take the above for granted, so that self-acceptance appears to be a logical consequence. We don’t live in such a culture .

Our society is based on a clear separation between man and nature. In fact – for centuries the West was engaged in a proud battle against Mother Nature .

That tide is starting to turn, and that gives room for new ways of looking. In the traditional way of looking, we view self-love as even more selfishness and vanity. Characteristics that we usually label as undesirable.

In the new way of looking at things, we see that self-love forms the basis for a more loving and effective society. Simply because we see that self-love is a logical consequence of acceptance. Loving reality, that which is , is a breeding ground for relaxation and love.

You cannot give what you do not have. If you hate yourself inside that is what you will spread. When you fully accept yourself you will spread peace, understanding, compassion and love.

And that is ultimately great news. Because how do you really become happy with yourself? By living according to your own nature. By daring to be completely yourself . Without fear, without shame. That is a difficult task for many people. But it is a path worth walking.

You really become happy with yourself when you don’t just accept that you are producing blackberries and not melons. But by learning to love those blackberries . Because apparently this is what you are now .

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Seven Tips For Inner Peace


You will not find inner peace in the offer at Albert Heijn. It is not something that just comes your way, it is something you have to work on yourself.

Are you constantly restless? Have you had enough of that turmoil in your head and in your life? You cannot download inner peace for a moment, but everyone – without exception – can find inner peace if you want it enough.

If your inner peace is important enough, then you put many things aside to experience and enjoy that peace.

Personally, I find inner peace the most important thing in my life. Everything will be fine with inner peace. Almost nothing makes sense without inner peace!

I only found it when I was in my mid thirties.

Only then did I realize: “Ah, this is what I was always looking for!”

Inner peace begins with insight into yourself and what you really want in your life.

In this article you will find SEVEN tips for more peace in your life.

What is inner peace?

Inner peace is the feeling of calmness in yourself. It is the feeling that you are at peace with who you are and what you do.

They call it comfortable in your skin down , calm radiate or live from your heart . You usually see who has it and who doesn’t. Inner peace is – in my opinion – the ultimate goal of everyone. We all look for it in our own way.

Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Accept yourself.

More peace in your life starts with inner peace. The core of inner peace is self-acceptance.


Because the biggest fight in our lives is the fight against ourselves.

We believe that we must be perfect and make the most of our efforts. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. So there is a big difference between our ideal image and how we really are. That struggle creates unrest.

How can you be calm when fighting yourself? You can’t do that.

Some people think that the solution lies in doing your best even harder . Just reprogram yourself, switch on the turbo and tjakka: You will solve another human problem! But that is only short-lived.

In the end there is only one solution – have peace with who you are.

No inner peace without self-acceptance.

2. Let go of your past.

Much unrest is caused by two thoughts about the past: “That should never have happened” and “I should have done it differently .”

Do you want to drive yourself crazy? Then go over and worry about that!

Do you want inner peace? Then realize that those thoughts don’t give you anything. It happened and you did it that way. That is it and not different.

You do not get inner peace by denying reality. You actually get inner peace in your life through acceptance of reality.

I myself am very bad at worrying about the past. As soon as I start, I immediately think: “That has happened and I can never change.” Then all the stories about what things should have been like, and that also stops the stress.

Because most of the stress comes from the stories we tell ourselves …

3. Postpone the future.

The future is uncertain: “What will happen? How would I respond? What if this happens to me? How do I deal with that? “

How can you stay calm if you try to control something that hasn’t happened at all?

As if you could make a monkey on Borneo dance the lambada next Thursday by thinking very hard NOW – exactly the same! You just can’t do that …

Tiring isn’t it? Thinking about the future always makes you restless, because it is just as elusive as the average monkey.

My suggestion: postpone the future until it actually happens.

And if you are on Borneo next Thursday and happen to meet a monkey who also wants to learn the lambada – well, then it’s your moment!

4. Relate your thoughts.

The more seriously you take all your thoughts, the more unrest you experience. Our thoughts are often critical, negative and worrying.

We fantasize about it and then think it’s the truth.

If you believe everything you think, you are lost. Only when you examine your thoughts – are they actually correct? – find your way back again.

The better you learn to distinguish fantasy from reality, the more you experience inner peace.

For example, I fantasize that everyone thinks this article is great , that I win a prize with it and that I am named Coach of the Year! But don’t I take myself (and my thoughts) too seriously? Fortunately I don’t believe everything I think …

5. Follow your own way.

Nothing creates more resistance than doing things that don’t suit you.

In essence you have two choices: whether you do what you want – or you do n’t do it . Either you do what you want – or you do what your others want. More inner peace in your life is always an extension of your own path .

Only your own vision, your own way, your own choices gives you the peace that you are looking for so hard.

The realization that you do what suits you is so valuable!

It is not for sale, nor can anyone ever give it to you. It is the decision to make that you feel comfortable with.

Every other choice gives you inner resistance. If your feeling says, “I want something else,” that’s exactly what you have to do! Only then do you listen to your feelings and only then do you get peace …

6. Make space in your life.

It’s hard to have room in your head when the rest of your life is packed: If you run from appointment to appointment, if your house is one big mess, if your ambition is greater than your daily list of tasks.

Make space in your life in all these areas and you automatically get more peace in your head.

Wanting to do everything is a scenario for frustration. Everyone wants to plea, want to appear everywhere, always want to be reachable: it is not going to bring you peace.

Say no more often to things that cause unrest. Hey, you can always say yes later, but usually the other way around! Better to do a few things well than half everything. Time management does not give you rest, but your limits indicate it.

7. Have preferences, but no requirements.

Read the following two wishes:

The first is: “I want a great relationship that makes me feel good.”

The second is: “I want a relationship with a woman between 31 and 32, with dark red hair. She has to be able to cook Caribbean, just like I love cross-country travel, scrabble well, weigh up to 74 kilos, work in maternity care and live in a nice location. ”

Who do you think finds what he is looking for earlier?

Claiming something is also a recipe for frustration, because sometimes life does not give us what we want. You get more peace in your life by fighting less against life …

Sometimes life gives us what we need , sometimes what we don’t want , sometimes what we have never thought of .

But it rarely gives us what we demand …

Lower your expectations and be thankful for everything that comes your way. You can learn something from every situation. The less you demand how things should be, the more you accept how they really are.
