Getting Out of Your Head – 3 Ridiculously Simple Techniques


Do you live in your head a lot? Don’t worry – you’re not alone. These 3 techniques will help you get out of your head quickly.

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Get out of your head and live in the moment

The better you manage to live in the moment, the calmer your life becomes. Getting out of your head sometimes feels challenging, especially if you’re used to being lost in thought all day.

But don’t worry, there are all kinds of really simple things you can do to get out of your head quickly.

We don’t need to make it harder (or more spiritual) than it needs to be. These are three effective and ridiculously simple techniques for getting out of your head quickly with little effort.

1. Doing nothing for a few minutes

This is the most difficult exercise and at the same time the most interesting.

Turn off distractions (phone on do not disturb , laptop closed, TV off) and sit somewhere. Then set a timer of, for example, five minutes (you can build it up slowly).

What you’re going to do now is nothing .

Do not meditate . Don’t repeat the mantra. Don’t think or plan. Don’t even adjust your breathing. Just being in space and observing what happens.

What you will notice is that everything happens after a few seconds. Mainly in your head. The more restless you are in your upstairs room right now, the more aggressive the thoughts will become.

You will probably see these kinds of thoughts fluttering around:

  • This is boring.
  • I do not want this.
  • This is painful.
  • This is uncomfortable.
  • I want to do something fun.
  • I want distraction.

Next, you will find that your attention is sucked back into your head:

“I’m hungry. What are we going to eat tonight? I still have some broccoli. What can I do with that? I’m not in the mood for curry. But I don’t feel like shopping either. I also have to think about the groceries for the party next week. How many people will come? I wonder how Maaike is. Maybe I should text her. Yes, I’m going to app. Oh no, I was doing that exercise. Oh shit, I’m in my head again. Okay.”

And you’re back in the moment. Welcome!

Doing nothing is extremely challenging . And by experiencing that regularly, you become much more aware of the noise in your head. This quickly makes it easier to observe your thoughts and live in your head less often.

2. Focus your attention on something very physical

Sometimes we are struck by a thought attack . You get stuck in a complicated vortex of thoughts, and it feels impossible to get out of your head.

Moments like these often arise when you’re trying to sleep, when your brain prefers to deal with all the worries and fears about the future.

What can you do to get out of your head at times like this? I often use this trick when I’m in bed: I shift my attention to the feel of the sheets on my skin .

Shifting your attention to a physical sensation can help you get out of your head quickly and effectively. Perfect for those times when you seem stuck in a spiral of negativity.

How it works? Simple: I admit that I am stuck in a spiral of thoughts. I decide to turn my attention to the sensation of the sheets on my skin. For example, I move my arm or legs, and observe very closely how this feels. Then, when I get sucked into my head again (and I notice this), I return my attention to the sheets.

After a few times my brain starts to calm down and I manage to get out of my head and fall asleep.

You can also do this in other ways:

  • The feeling of your feet on the ground.
  • The sensation of your buttocks pressing against the seat, or your back against the backrest.
  • The feeling of ‘heaviness’, experiencing how the earth pulls your body towards itself.
  • Rub your hands over your book.
  • The feeling of running water over your back or hands.

The sharper you focus, the better it will be to get out of your head. The more often you do it, the easier it becomes to stay out of your mind.

3. Use your body

This technique works perfectly if, for example, you’ve been working on your head all day. You can’t seem to leave work at work, or you find yourself just lingering on recurring thoughts.

In such a case, use your body to get out of your head . Not by focusing on one sensation as above, but above all by letting the movement dominate .

For example, many people see running as a form of meditation because it helps them get out of their heads. Exercise, hiking, biking, and yoga are great ways to get out of your head. But also active play – such as frolicking, playing tag, playing football or throwing – helps you to get out of your head.

In addition, other physical activities are very effective. Have you been in your head all afternoon? Go sweep the garden, clean up the room, grab the vacuum cleaner, take away the empty bottles or scrub the kitchen. Simple, physical activities help you get out of your head quickly and easily.

Step out of your head and move on !!!

Being in your head… being out of your head… choose one

8+ Two Power Words That Can Punch Up Your ATTENTION

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailYou almost want to find a paddle and hit yourself across the face to wake up a little or inject coffee directly into your synapses.

The words below have the same effect: They squirt a little fun juice into boring old messages and other documents you have to write ad nauseam.

Ad Nauseam: Talk about something so much that it become BORING.

If you are looking to spruce up a customer pitch or get the attention of, say, a former journalist like myself, use these words and we might pay attention a little more. Remember there is a living, breathing, thinking person on the other end of that e-mail! Spice things up and see the results yourself. Keep reading alive by writing living words.

  1. Immediately [Instantly]

Go ahead and tell people you’ll take care of something immediately. It’s one word but it carries some serious power: you are confident about taking action, it will be done quickly and efficiently, and you are communicating a timeline without any hesitation.

  1. Fervent

This power word means to display something passionately, so it implies action and immediacy. If you are fervently pursuing a customer support issue or you are fervent about your marketing plan, it means you are excited, passionate, motivated, and persistent.

  1. Sharp [Clear]

Use the word sharp when you want to focus someone’s attention; it has an unusual power. You can say you’ve seen a sharp rise in Web traffic on your site or a sharp decrease in customer support calls and people will understand exactly what you mean.

  1. Renewed [Recondition]

This is a power word with two meanings. When used to describe a product or service, it means something was new at one time (that’s a plus, right?) and is new again. You might say you have a renewed investor commitment to the brand, which implies a once and future glory.

  1. Shining

Avoid saying you have a shiny new gadget you are selling (that expression is overused and worn-out), but go ahead and say you have a shining example. It creates a word picture for people, an aura of importance. Something is shining–so pay attention.

  1. Instantly

If you’ve used the word immediately too much in your e-mail and in your documentation to let everyone know you mean business, try the word instantly instead. It also implies action and power, that you will take care of something and not let it slide. It will happen now.

  1. Invigorated

Do you have a newly invigorated plan to reach customers? That’s good, because the word means to pass on energy or to enliven something. Suddenly, the word “plan” seems more important. It’s as though the word invigorated itself has spruced up your sentence.

  1. Responsive

The employee on your team who is responsive is probably getting paid a little more than everyone else. He or she is ready to tackle a tough subject and solve a problem. That’s why EMTs say someone is “responsive”–they’re completely coherent and aware.

  1. Relevant

Here’s one of the best power words you can use. Send an e-mail to someone today and use the word relevant–it packs a hefty punch. The word means closely connected and appropriate–in other words, it’s helping the company instead of hindering it.

  1. Known

One last power word for you. Try using it in a business document. The word known has an interesting effect on your prose. It means someone is doing the knowing about a topic, there’s interest and importance, and something is worth considering. It’s known.

Hopefully the above information will help you a lot to boost your readers attention. Let they Ignite and Explode and keep reading.

