1. Your business is not what you say it is, your business is what Google says it is. If people Google your company, what do they think? If ideal customers search in Google for the services / products that you sell, they will find your company 2. Everything shifts to video. 3. Google owns YouTube. Already guessed on which platform I want you to publish like crazy? Exact, YouTube. For each company, what they have to do on that platform differs. But every company must be present there. The one must vlog. The other must post instructional videos. And yet another must report all major symposia and events from the industry. But from a sole trader to a multinational: make sure you take this 'wave'. The .com rise was a wave. Whoever got in at the time could do everything wrong and still get rich. The Crypto market was a wave. Those who entered at the beginning were a millionaire a few years later. Mobile apps was a wave. Google and Facebook advertising was a wave (warm leads for 10 cents, can you still remember?) YouTube is a wave. And we are still in the middle of the wave. You are not late. And just like with Google and Facebook ads, there are (especially large) companies that shout: No that does not work for our target group. In the meantime, companies such as: Lego (product for kids) BMW (cars) Google (software) Nike (clothing) Red Bull (Energy drink) Chanel (makeup) Millions in their YouTube channel. While there are also thousands of examples of singles that reach millions of people through their YouTube channel. So say it. Are you the exception? I do not think so. That is why I am planning now to invest a lot more in YouTube. Better productions for you. More questions answered. - Personal leadership - Power build-up - Lifestyle - Organization Leadership - Business financial mastery - Growth strategy Name them down, move on with the wave... For now: think about what I wrote in this email. What can you do to grab this YouTube wave? And to reap the benefits of that by the end of 2020?