The Circular Labor Market

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Stimulating a circular economy is an excellent way to make society more sustainable. Particular attention is paid to making material flows more sustainable. However, the possibilities to make the labor factor more circular are often underexposed.

With a circular economy, the intention is to make material flows not circular, but circular. This is done by making optimum use of the value of all materials. Examples of this are extending the lifespan of products, reusing materials and handling everything we use efficiently.

A circular economy creates new jobs, but it cannot be filled just like that, says Hans Stegeman, head of Research and Investment Strategy at Triodos Bank. For this, the labor market must also be made circular. The labor market is currently still too linear. If people do not fit the linear model, they lose value because they cannot perform optimally.

Optimal value

This applies less to a circular labor market. For example, people who lose their jobs are not immediately ‘lost’, but quickly find work again. This means that the value of manpower can be used optimally. This is important because the approaching aging wave will put more pressure on the working part of the population.

One way to get employees to work optimally is by having them retrain or retrain, so that they have more knowledge to do their job or have them change jobs if necessary. The happiness experienced by employees at work is of great importance for optimum output. If people are not satisfied with their job after a while and cannot change jobs, their productivity decreases.

Flexible employer

In a circular labor market, it is also important that knowledge that is available to employees is not lost. Perhaps the knowledge gained can be used in a completely different field. This requires a new balance between job security and flexibility. This balance can be achieved with flexible employership, whereby someone with certain characteristics is taken over by another employer with the same employment conditions. This keeps employees motivated.
