
Kegel-exercises have been the recommended way for women to strengthen the pelvic muscles for a number of years. Such exercises are often recommended after birth, and are often the first choice treatment for incontinence – but these exercises seem to have positive effects also iregarding sexuality. It has been found that Kegel-exercises also have an effect on men – especially when it comes to sexual performance and sexual health.

In the late 40’s, Dr. Alfred Kegel described what later became known as Kegel -exercises, as a way to strengthen pelvic floor muscles in women. Today, the method is recognized worldwide as the first choice in terms of stress incontinence and genital prolapse in women. In 1952 Dr.Kegel presented a report where he claimed that the Kegel exercises also increased both the orgasm frequency (how many orgasms) and orgasm’s strength among women who did these exercises.

For men, it has long been claimed that strengthening of pelvic and pelvic floor muscles may be successful in treating premature ejaculation (PE), and Kegel exercises may be useful in this regard. However, exercise of special pelvic floor muscles is also found to have a large positive effect when it comes to erectile dysfunction (ED) and impotence.

The kegel exercises are easy to perform. Find the muscles used to control urine flow or urination – and pinch these together repeatedly.

To find the right muscle and get used to “pinching” or “tightening” them, it’s useful to try to stop urine flow when urinating. One common way to do this is to stop the flow, count to ten, relax and resume water drainage.

This is repeated as often as possible during the water drain. In this way, you get a good «contact” with your muscles and get to know them.

The exercises can be done without urinating at the same time, but urination offers a nice opportunity to check that you are using the correct muscles.

Make between 10-20 such “contractions” or “cuts” three times daily, but as mentioned, this does not need to be associated with urination – just make sure you have found the right muscles and use urination to control the effect and that you are doing it in the right way.

The results of such Kegel-exercises for men can be quite impressive. After three months, erectile function significantly improved among the men who performed the Kegel-exercises. After six months, 40% of the men who performed Kegel-exercises regained normal erectile function, while 35% of men who performed the Kegel-exercises improved their erectile function. For 25 percent of men, Kegel-exercises had no effect – and these seem constitute a group of men with a special etiology (the cause of the disease) regarding ED.

Given how simple and effective these exercises are in relation to this disorder wich often have a major impact on the perceived quality of life and wich may lead to depression. For problems such as incontinence and impotence Kegel-exercises should be the obvious recommendation from a doctor, gynecologist or urologist to men and women suffering from any of these problems. Still, these exercises are so easy to perform on you own – so that many a visit to the doctor can be avoided – a minimal or small dedication can lead to great results.


Author: Danny Jibodh

Danny Jibodh is the MainBrain and founder of BLOGZYNERGY.COM. As a multi topic professional blogger, he is keeping his eyes 24/7 on different burning topics as they unfold on the internet. With this concept he and his team are providing people like you with tons of different useful sunrise data to update your brain.

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