5 simple questions to find yourself again.


Have you lost yourself a little lately? Use these questions to find yourself.

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Looking for yourself

We sometimes lose ourselves a bit. For example, it happened to me a few years ago when I became overwrought , but it happens to all of us from time to time:

  • Life is so busy that we don’t realize we are drifting away from ourselves .
  • We lose sight of what really makes us happy, and get carried away by things like status, money, or perfectionism .
  • We become overstrained or end up in a burn-out, and have (in our opinion) to completely reinvent who we are .
  • Someone might come into your life who won’t accept you for who you are, causing you to hide your unique qualities .
  • You feel insecure and feel that you are not good enough , which makes you appear different from who you are.

It’s not nice – no.

But on the other hand, once you are in this situation you will have to deal with it. It can be stressful and miserable at times – but at the same time, these kinds of periods in your life present a huge opportunity for growth and renewal .

Why? Because it forces you to reflect. It forces you to look for yourself and find yourself step by step.

And that’s exactly what we’re going to start with today.

You don’t find the same person again

This is good to realize: when you go through a rough period you change . And when you then start looking for yourself again, you can get frustrated.


You are looking for the person you were before you went through this intense period. The one you were before you got divorced, who lost a loved one, burned out or became depressed.

It is important to realize that you will not find your old self again .

When you start looking for yourself you will end up with a new version of yourself . A little wiser, with new priorities, perhaps a new motivation – a new view of the world and life.

The old you is gone. You are now looking for a new you .

Sometimes that may feel difficult, because you just want to get back to “your old self” quickly. But at the same time it is a sign of growth. Growth is often uncomfortable – but when we look back, it almost always proves worth it.

I also wanted to quickly return to the Danny that I was before I became overwrought. But I soon learned that while my perfectionism dance itself felt comfortable because I was used to it – it also made me feel stressed and frustrated .

So going back to who I was turned out not to be an option. That old version of myself is gone.

So good to remember when looking for yourself.

Get started with the questions

Below I have listed a number of simple questions for you that can help you find yourself again .

Take a sheet of paper and go through the questions. If you prefer to type, that is also possible. Answer them honestly and comprehensively .

Take your time and calmly come back to it later. Let’s start!

1. What do you want?

Sounds like a simple question – but let it sink in.

  • What does your ideal life look like?
  • What does a day in this life look like? How do you want to spend your time?
  • Which people do you want to be with?
  • Where do you want to be?
  • What would you like to experience more of in your life?
  • What experiences do you want to have?
  • What feelings do you want to experience?
  • Etc.

Start writing and just throw it out. You can always adjust it later. What do you want? What would make you happy?

2. What do you not want (anymore)?

Time to get negative. What don’t you want?

  • What do you want to experience less of in your life?
  • What things cost you a lot of energy right now?
  • What makes you unhappy now?
  • What makes you negative?

Draw a picture of the things in your life that are dragging you down.

3. What are you good at?

What are your natural talents? What are you normally good at?

  • What talents did you have as a child?
  • What can you usually do better than others?
  • What skills have you developed?
  • Also consult with a number of loved ones and/or colleagues to better answer this question.

In general, we feel happier when we do more things that come naturally to us .

4. What do you like?

What interests you? What do you like?

  • What makes you happy?
  • What activities or subjects are you naturally drawn to?
  • What things did you like to do as a child?

We lose ourselves when we lose sight of what brings us joy . For example, we lose ourselves in work, upbringing, money matters, etc. And we completely forget how happy we become from nature walks, an evening of dancing, jumping on trampolines or reading bad novels.

We sometimes forget that life can’t just be “useful” and productive . We should also play and do things purely because we like them .

5. What would you do if you could choose freely?

This is an exercise that will help you let go of all limitations. Instead of thinking within the framework of your current life, you let everything go.

What would you do with your life if you could choose completely free now?

  • If time wasn’t an issue;
  • If your location was free to choose;
  • If you could decide for yourself which people you would like to live with;
  • If you don’t have to think about money;
  • Etc.

Really put yourself in this picture. Maybe now you think all you want to do is sleep on a luxury yacht somewhere in the Caribbean. But think further – what are you going to do with your life when you’re rested after a week of recovery?

What do you want to use your life for? How would you spend your time?

This exercise helps to break free from your limiting thoughts and to dare to dream .

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Find yourself in small steps

By answering the above questions honestly and attentively, everything starts to move. While filling in, but also in the weeks that follow.

It may sound a bit too simple, but most people never bother to think about these simple questions.

They linger in the victim role and focus their attention on the struggle, without taking steps to lift themselves out of the situation.

And it is understandable. Because it’s comfortable in the victim role. Really looking for yourself is sometimes uncomfortable – but it’s worth it.

 I hope to have shown you how you can get to answers faster so that you quickly experience more direction, meaning and satisfaction in your life.

The most important thing is that you just get started . Finding yourself takes time. And the sooner you start (seriously), the sooner you will feel strong and confident again. Success in finding your new you !!


21 small positive things you want to do more often


You can get everything done in small steps. Do you want to experience more happiness and positivity? These are 21 small positive things you want to do more often. Start changing your mindset to positivity and continue reading this blog.

Be Positive: Good Things are Going to Happen | Book by IglooBooks |  Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster

These are 21 little positive things

Small steps often have a big impact. Discover 21 little positive things you want to do more often. Which of these steps will you take today?

  1. Touch what makes you happy . Stop for a moment and become aware of the world around you. What are you grateful for right now? For example, when I’m on the train, I look around and just feel grateful for this simple moment.
  2. Telling your loved ones that you love them . You assume they know . But it is valuable and important to keep saying it – especially to your partner and your children. I tell Billy and Jake that I love them several times a week, and I think it makes us all happier.
  3. Catching a Negative Thought . Notice that you are driving yourself crazy with negative thoughts. Noticing it stops the spiral and allows you to shift your attention.
  4. Take a deep breath . Relax, inhale slowly and let the tension dissipate as you exhale. Pretty nice.
  5. To serve another . Not because the other person asks you to, but because you want it yourself. Get a cup of coffee, clean up, arrange something, make life a little easier for someone else.
  6. Do something nice anonymously . Such as straightening a fallen bicycle, cleaning up litter, making a donation or sending a present to someone who can use it.
  7. Make new memories with loved ones . You don’t need a special reason to get your loved ones together and do something fun. Organize a dinner at home, a trip or throw a party. Making beautiful new memories together is a great way to make a lot of lives better.
  8. Sit down and describe your dream life . What would you like your life to look like? Often when we describe our dream life we ​​come to the conclusion that many parts are easier to reach than we think. Such as being healthier (eating better and exercising more), being calmer ( meditating more often ) or doing more fun things (better planning).
  9. Take a small step towards a big dream . You can achieve everything in small steps, even your biggest dreams. And taking that first step is incredibly fun and exciting.
  10. Ask yourself: How can I contribute? If you wanted to use your life to make the lives of others better – what could you do with your talents and interests? By asking yourself this question, you make room for new, inspiring answers.
  11. Give yourself something to look forward to . Book a trip for a few months from now, reserve a ticket for a great show, plan a dinner with a friend. By sprinkling fun things through your year, you lighten up the challenges of everyday life.
  12. Make yourself a healthy meal . Taking good care of yourself is a matter of making healthy choices every time. Don’t worry about the big picture, just opt ​​for a healthy meal now.
  13. Give away something you don’t use . With less unnecessary stuff you make your life lighter and easier. What stuff can you miss?
  14. Read a chapter in a book that will help you move forward . A book that helps you with inspiration, skills or personal growth.
  15. Schedule a moment for complete relaxation . If you don’t plan it, it won’t happen or you’ll feel guilty. Plan a moment for relaxation and lounging – because in a busy life, such moments rarely arise automatically.
  16. Take a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle . What area of ​​your life could you tackle? Maybe switch to ecological cleaning products, replace your meat with tempeh, separate an extra waste stream or request a quote for solar panels. The transition to sustainability consists of a lot of steps that we take together, and you can come one step closer today.
  17. Go out without a smartphone . Even if it’s only an hour. Can’t make it happen? Then put it on silent so you don’t get distracted.
  18. Start a chat with someone nearby . Not only is it nice to know your neighbors, it also gives a sense of trust and security for both you and your neighbors. By investing in your neighborhood you feel more deeply rooted, more at ease and less lonely in your living environment. And that’s more important than most people think.
  19. Take the trouble to make it a little more fun . Light a candle, get special tea at home, crank up your record player. With a little extra effort, you can make a simple moment warmer.
  20. Be happy first . In India people frequently use the following statement; Just be happy . In the West we often think the other way around: first everything has to be perfect and then I’m happy . But you can choose to feel happy. For example, by focusing on gratitude and relaxation. From that basis you can then take steps to solve your problems.
  21. Take the time to meditate . Life is a pancake – that’s what you start to see when you meditate regularly. You discover that you are causing the drama yourself by taking your thoughts so seriously. Meditating is a small, positive step that will help you activate a powerful upward spiral in your life.
10 Positive Things You Should Say To Your Children

I really hope the above stated point will help you now to become happy and that you are motivated to transform your mind step by step. Remember small steps often have BIG IMPACT.
