Four technology trends we will see more and more in the coming years


The pandemic and all the restrictions that come with it have ensured that technological developments follow each other much faster over the past two years. Two years ago, few people could have predicted that it would be possible for everyone to work from home, that there would be online education, and that even a doctor’s appointment from home would be possible. 

These 25 Technology Trends Will Define The Next Decade

However, we can expect many more of these kinds of developments this year and in the years to come. In addition, the importance of sustainability and inclusivity in technology is also becoming increasingly important. Cisco has identified four trends that we will see more and more in the coming years, where sustainability, inclusiveness and innovation are becoming increasingly important.  

1. Data flows lead to predictive insights 

Modern companies are defined by the business applications they create and use. The pandemic has emphasized and magnified the importance of these business applications, and their use has grown significantly. Due to this increase in online interactions, more and more data is being collected. Every interaction on business platforms and applications adds data to an ever-growing data stream. From this data, predictive insights or  predictive insights are generated. In some cases, the data from these predictions will be centrally stored (in the Cloud), but in other cases data will first have to be processed in the Edge, closer to the user, for example Machine Learning and other capabilities.  

2. Ethical AI is a prerequisite for an inclusive future 

But how do we gain these predictive insights? And how can we understand this data flow? The extremely large amount of data that is collected is too large for this processing to be done by humans, but the data must be processed intelligently and sometimes even in real-time. This is done by Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, processing data through ML and AI to produce insights also poses privacy, ownership, sovereignty and compliance challenges. In addition, AI must be free of prejudice, thus guaranteeing inclusivity. AI must therefore be ethical, responsible and understandable so that everyone using the system can understand how insights are produced and why the data leads to these outcomes.  

3. Reliable, safe and cheap internet everywhere is the step towards less inequality 

The urge for unlimited connectivity and communication will continue to exist in the future. The Internet helps us reduce social and economic inequalities by providing everyone with equal, fair access to the modern global economy. In particular, this will reduce the difference between urban and non-urban areas and will create more jobs for everyone, regardless of where they come from. A permanent and reliable internet connection, available at a low price, is crucial. Using AI, we can better predict connectivity and connectivity issues and correct these issues faster, improving connectivity. In this way we will realize a seamless connection between any mobile and Wi-Fi connection, in the future even via LEO satellites.  

4. Are quantum computers and security the way to a crime-free internet? 

Quantum computers and security will work together in a different way than the classical communication networks we have at our disposal today. Our current networks stream bits and bytes to exchange data. Quantum technology, on the other hand, is fundamentally based on an inexplicable phenomenon in quantum physics – the entanglement of particles that allows them to share information. Quantum networks can provide a new secure connection between digital devices, making them impenetrable to hackers. For example, systems are better protected against fraud and other interruptions to online activity. A crime-free internet is a wonderful perspective! 
