

Fire Nation,

Yes I have some big news to share with all of you. Let me start like this:

What’s the difference between a successful entrepreneur and everyone else? People who build an empire from a product or idea are the ones who take themselves off auto-pilot and ask: is there a better way to do this?


Let me introduce you to the mighty Social Media Revolution Platform named FUTURENET.CLUB

Yes we are talking about the future which starts and move with you as digital entrepreneur.

Just go to my link and watch the videos first.

Here is the link to your future, Copy the link in a new tab on your browser

Yes if you have watched those video, I now hope you have a bright idea whats it all about. You get paid for your own social media activities and much more. You are investing in your own online business. AND you can start as a free member with the opportunity to grow further in the system.

If you like to join me for free, CLICK on the following web link;

As soon you become my Team Partner the digital online business starts.

I hope to welcome you on board and grow together. How more friends you introduce to join with us how faster we will grow and EARN more profits.

On your success,



Download the Futurenet Business Presentation in English here: FutureNet_business_presentation_EN





Sweet Fire Nation,

Look I am feeling Cold, I want to be the Blogger to blog up your soul

You can also start blogging like me


Professional bloggers come from all walks of life and have various levels of expertise. However, many aspiring bloggers think they need to have complete mastery over a subject matter before attempting to write about it. That is simply not based on the truth. Here are some reasons why passion for a topic will help you prevail as a blogger and find success regardless of your expertise. I am taking my readers on a journey.

Believe me people love a success story or any other interesting stuff. They love to see the “before” and “after” of things and maybe also the “betweens”. Even if you have a lot to learn on a subject that you want to blog about, it’s okay to jump right in. Be that honest. Let the readers know where you stand and what your ultimate goals are for the blog.

The cool thing about blogging is that it’s a bit of a blend of many types of writing. Like it or not, blogs have become the only way that many people read throughout their online day. It’s perfect to do a lot of research for a blog entry; just be sure to link to any sources that were used when you’re not sharing a personal story or experience. With the spider web at your fingertips, you can easily research any topic that you want to discuss with your readers whether or not you are an expert.

Just be completely forthcoming about your skills or lack thereof. You never want to sing your own praises if you can’t back them up. An inspiring rock star can start a blog before they’ve picked up a guitar and still have a lot to offer their readers. It is the burning passion and the journey that counts.

A successful blogger is one who’s popular among readers, and you’ll be far more likable as an honest enthusiast than a self-proclaimed expert or guru. When you simply start blogging with what you have to offer and be real with your readers, they’ll discover that you’re worthy of their trust.

The biggest mistake that potential bloggers make is procrastination. I experience this, because every time I talk to myself in the mirror I was receiving feedback that you have good writing/communication skills, use them somewhere. Now it is a fact, suddenly I Stopped learning and I start applying these skills. With all the time that you spend waiting to be skilled enough or a sufficient expert, you could be attracting loyal readers and inspiring others to learn more about a subject you love. Kick procrastination to the curb. Instead, start blogging today and share your passion with others. I am the living example and if you would like to follow me, welcome on board.

Ignite & explode my dear Fire Nation.

See you NEXT




Fire Nation,

Let me ask you this BIG NORMAL Question…..

How regularly do you wake up feeling like you’re going to win?

Like fate has been sealed, and that no matter what happens today, you’ve got this. You will follow through on your goals, you will overcome any obstacle in your path. Can you FOLLOW ME ?? OK LET US ROLE FURTHER IN THE STUFF………..

If you’re like most people, probably very rarely to never.

Most people wake up feeling like they’ve lost before the day has even begun.

Most people don’t even bother trying because they wake up feeling defeated.

There’s no way you’ll ever live a life on your terms if you wake up having already lost.


If you want to wake up productive and excited about your life, you need to take back control of your day. But that can be a daunting task for most. I recommend that you start small (but think BIG), that you start with something doable. Something you can control. Crafting a morning ritual of empowerment and working on your own terms, I was slowly able to build up a side hustle that maybe could replace my day job income in the near future. I am working hard on it. Full speed and motivation. It’s my goal in 2016 and beyond to help you not just know what to do, but to execute. Try to build a bulletproof morning ritual, so you can dominate the first hours of your day. I know it is hard but it is executable my dear friends.

If you can even take back ONE hour of your day, you can get a foothold to take back control of your DAY and eventually, your LIFE.


