How To Win Friends And Influence People with The magic of blog writing


When I started writing, I didn’t think of myself as a writer. I doubted my skills. I didn’t know whether I had enough ideas.

But every time I had to write an article, I learned more about writing. I followed my curiosity. I discovered what I’m passionate about, and I learned what resonated with my audience.

You might think you don’t have enough to share. Or you might doubt your writing skills.

This is what I’d like to tell you:

You’re unique. You have unique experiences. And you’ll discover your voice and your passions when you write more. Writing brings clarity, deepens your understanding, and strengthens your ideas.

So, commit to writing. To creating valuable content. To being helpful to your readers.

Start making tiny ripples.

That’s how change begins.




Fire Nation,

Let me ask you this BIG NORMAL Question…..

How regularly do you wake up feeling like you’re going to win?

Like fate has been sealed, and that no matter what happens today, you’ve got this. You will follow through on your goals, you will overcome any obstacle in your path. Can you FOLLOW ME ?? OK LET US ROLE FURTHER IN THE STUFF………..

If you’re like most people, probably very rarely to never.

Most people wake up feeling like they’ve lost before the day has even begun.

Most people don’t even bother trying because they wake up feeling defeated.

There’s no way you’ll ever live a life on your terms if you wake up having already lost.


If you want to wake up productive and excited about your life, you need to take back control of your day. But that can be a daunting task for most. I recommend that you start small (but think BIG), that you start with something doable. Something you can control. Crafting a morning ritual of empowerment and working on your own terms, I was slowly able to build up a side hustle that maybe could replace my day job income in the near future. I am working hard on it. Full speed and motivation. It’s my goal in 2016 and beyond to help you not just know what to do, but to execute. Try to build a bulletproof morning ritual, so you can dominate the first hours of your day. I know it is hard but it is executable my dear friends.

If you can even take back ONE hour of your day, you can get a foothold to take back control of your DAY and eventually, your LIFE.


