7 Immaculate Ways to Love Yourself


I love myself, I love myself

With more self-love, you don’t just make your own life more fun. You also build a foundation to pass on more love. Here are 7 ways to develop more self-love.

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1. Accept yourself fully

It’s hard to have the self-love to accept yourself completely as you are. Including the properties you’d rather not know about.

But still, it’s important. It’s important because it helps you to truly love yourself. Including your ‘dark sides’. One way to do that is to make it explicit for yourself.

For example:

“Although I [insert your trait here], I fully accept myself and love myself.”

Fill in your problem, and say the phrase out loud a few times.


  • “Although sometimes I get angry and angry easily, I fully accept myself and love myself.”
  • “Although I currently find myself lazy and worthless, I fully accept myself and love myself.”
  • “Although I am dissatisfied with my life right now, I fully accept myself and love myself.”

Another exercise you can perform – popularized by Kamal Ravikant – is the following:

Constantly repeat these words within yourself: I love myself.

  • While brushing your teeth.
  • While vacuuming.
  • During feeding the chickens.
  • While driving.
  • While waiting for your turn.
  • During the se.. or no. Better not during sex – that’s weird.

Bit crazy – but it works. Because your subconscious is quite naïve, and many things that you present it with are true. After a while, you really start to believe it. And from then on, it’s simply your new truth.

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2. Dare to be yourself

Listen to what you want, not what your environment requires of you. And discover that the greatest pressure from the outside actually comes from within.

It’s your beliefs, ingrained patterns, and fixed thinking habits that most keep you from being completely yourself.

If you have little self-love, you are used to conforming to the world around you. You discount yourself so that others can be satisfied.

For example, if you grew up with the idea that you’d better do “normal,” then you might be holding yourself back when you actually want to let yourself go. Out of shame, and for example because you do not want to disappoint others.

Stay close to yourself. Notice what you feel, what your intuition tells you. And try to follow it more and more. Regardless of what others think.

3. Let go of your ego

Your ego is that rattling voice in your head. The side of you who can be offended, disappointed, scared, and constantly worrying and thinking.

Developing self-love is not the same as becoming arrogant. In that case, you feed your ego – then it gets bigger and bigger. And the bigger your ego, the more complicated your life becomes.

Try to make your ego smaller to get closer to yourself.

  • Meditate regularly, and discover how you and your thoughts are two separate things.
  • Recognize how the thoughts you have determine what kind of feelings you experience.
  • Experience how new thoughts allow you to feel new feelings.
  • Feel grateful for the moment, for your life, and for the good things in your life. Gratitude humbles you. And humility shrinks your ego.

4. Take care of yourself – you’re worth it

A lack of self-love is the cause behind many health problems. If you don’t find yourself valuable, you’re less likely to take good care of your body.

If you genuinely love yourself, then you take care of yourself with love. Then you feed your body with healthy food. Then you don’t put any rubbish in your body. Then you ensure rest, exercise and good daily care.

Start by taking better care of yourself. Think “my body deserves better than this,” and trade that bag of chips for a piece of fruit. Think better about yourself so that you take better care of yourself.

5. Be less yourself

We are often more cruel to ourselves than we are to others. That makes sense, but it’s also tragic. Since we see others now and then, but have to live with ourselves 24 hours a day.

If someone else makes a mistake, you quickly ignore it. Can happen.

If you make a mistake yourself, things will be different. Especially if you have little self-love. Then you keep reminding yourself of your mistake, you keep whipping yourself. You feel worthless, inferior, and maybe even feel shame.

That is not the way to a more enjoyable life. Try to treat yourself with love. Put your own behavior into perspective just as you put your friends’ behavior into perspective. Nothing to do about it can happen, tomorrow another day.

6. Live with attention

Life isn’t always fun, and that’s fine. Accept that your life has ups and downs, and quietly ride the tides. Do everything with attention and live in the moment as much as possible.

Don’t believe everything you think. Observe thoughts that come and go, and inspect the feelings that evoke those thoughts.

The more you can live in the moment, the easier it becomes to recognize and let go of self-critical thoughts.

7. Guard your boundaries

You need to educate your environment to treat you the way you want. You do that by setting boundaries and maintaining them when they are exceeded.

People with self-love guard their boundaries because they believe they are worthy of being treated well. And so are you.

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