Embrace Self-Love: Unlocking the Power of Self-Compassion in 5 Simple Steps


Self-criticism makes you feel small and weak when you don’t need to be. These steps will quickly pull you out of the endless diarrhea – it’s about time.

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Marinate endlessly in toxic self-criticism

No one likes a braggart, but should we marinate ourselves in self-criticism?

No – not a good plan.

Yet we do it on a massive scale – I participate in it myself.

I am regularly unnecessarily critical of myself, and many people around me struggle with it too.

Perfectionism, comparing yourself to others, parents who were hard to please, experiences of public failure, low self-esteem – there are countless reasons why people experience self-criticism.

Self-criticism makes you small, weak and miserable . It damages your self-confidence and thus your quality of life on a deep level.

But you know what’s fun? The solution is already packed in the word. Self-criticism comes from ourselves. And so we have the opportunity to do something about it ourselves.

Pretty nice.

There are all kinds of steps we can take to reduce self-criticism. Below I share 5 steps that are particularly effective , require little effort and also work quickly.

It’s a dirty story. Let’s see.

1. Observe the diarrhea

Yes – I see self-criticism as a constant flow of diarrhoea.

It stinks, it gets stuck in everything, it’s a hassle to clean up and nobody really wants it.

But as with so many things in life: you get used to everything .

If you function every day between that misery, you don’t even notice it anymore. But as soon as you take a fresh look at it, you realize with horror the situation you’ve ended up in .

And what do you do then?

Exactly – then you will take steps to change something about it.

The first step is simply to observe your self-criticism:

  • You don’t have to change anything.
  • You don’t have to run away from it.
  • You don’t have to spice it up.

No – just observe. That’s all.

  1. You can jot down self-criticism as soon as it comes along. For example in your notes app on your smartphone. Jot down that poisonous thought, and go about your day.
  2. You can mentally notice self-criticism when it passes. For example, label such a miserable thought as “self-criticism” and go about your business.
  3. You can get rid of all self-criticism by writing it all down in a journal. Take ten minutes to put all that diarrhea on paper – it’s a great relief.

Try noticing self-criticism throughout your day . It often won’t work, but just do it when you think about it. You don’t have to observe all the self-criticism, a little is good enough.

By consciously noticing self-criticism you will automatically bring about change.

Not because you suddenly have all the answers, but simply because no one of their own free will remains in such a miserable situation .

2. Let it be quiet

The less effort something takes, the more likely you are to actually do it.

That’s why I say don’t do anything now . Let that self-criticism be there and notice it. That’s all.

Give it some time and observe what is happening in your head . The more self-criticism you observe, the less seriously you begin to take it. You start to see that you’re just playing a boring tape that keeps shouting the same things:

  • “You can’t do this.”
  • “You’re not good enough.”
  • “You’re not pretty enough.”
  • “You are too stupid.”
  • Etc.

It can sometimes help to visualize that critical voice as a childish troll .

That troll is looking for comfort and security, so he tries to keep you down by convincing you that you should n’t do anything that challenges you.

Fine and logical. But we’re not going to let a grumpy troll determine the direction of this wonderful life – are we?

No – better not.

Just let that troll chat and you can enjoy your day in the meantime.

3. Make room for something better

Do you have something like: “doing nothing doesn’t sound good enough” ? Then there is something you can do: shift your attention .

Where to? To aspects of yourself that you value.

Focus your attention on:

  • Things you accomplished today (no matter how small);
  • Properties of yourself that you like;
  • Aspects of your body that you like;
  • Moments when you have overcome something;
  • The precious people who love you despite all the negative beliefs you have about yourself;
  • Other positive aspects of your day.

Often when I’m working on a bigger project (like a new course), I suddenly feel insecure. The troll knows how to tell me that I am a worthless writer and that no one cares about what I have to say.

When I experience that, I leaf through old articles and read the sweet reactions of readers. It helps me to establish that my work is going to make someone happy, and that I can continue to challenge myself.

It helps me establish that there really is something wrong with my skills, and that I was fooled by that troll again.

Everything that gives you attention grows – and that self-criticism does not deserve your attention.

Focus on the nice, positive sides of yourself. It helps you move to a place of less misery and more joy.

4. Lovingly let yourself slip

Diarrhea can be slippery.

Even if you walk carefully, you will occasionally fall. Not nice, but nothing you can do about it.

Even with all the good intentions in the world, you will find yourself caught up in a downward spiral of self-criticism from time to time . You are not waiting for it but you can wait for it to happen.

What to do?

There’s one thing you don’t want to do: feel sorry for yourself that you failed to practice self-love again . That sounds logical but it is the most common reaction:

We’re trying to solve the problem with more diarrhea, when you just slipped into it.

It just makes the story dirtier and I think we’ve both had enough of this metaphor now – so let’s get smarter:


We change the internal dialogue of the troll who shouts, “You never learn! AWFUL! You’re a loser! Everyone is better at this than you. You’re worthless. You can’t do anything! Ugh, I can’t see you anymore!”

To (voiced by Mary Poppins): “Oops slipped in the diarrhea, that’s not nice. Can happen. Come on, I’ll run a bath for you. Yes, I’m going to throw in the whole bottle because you do smell a little – but I love you anyway. Just lie back and I’ll go mop up with a few bottles of bleach and burn your clothes.”

Feels better, right?

5. Don’t be in a hurry, just pay attention

You usually don’t turn around a life full of self-criticism in one afternoon.

But you know what? We are in no hurry. As soon as you start with the first step, you can also effortlessly defuse most self-criticism .

It is special how more attention – more mindfulness – immediately makes the situation milder.

It helps you see that you are experiencing self-criticism and are not those thoughts – let alone that those thoughts are true.

More awareness leads to more self-compassion and self-love. Slowly but surely it’s getting quieter up there. And before you know it you’ll be making friends at a get-together where you don’t know anyone, or you’ll be taking on tasks you normally couldn’t take on due to self-sabotage.

You feel more confident, stronger, more powerful – happier!

That troll isn’t going anywhere, but you’re getting better and better at approaching him with patience and understanding.

Living with self love lives a lot better

So the message is simple: be kind to yourself .

There is only one you. You are unique and you are good just the way you are. Don’t put yourself down, rather get yourself up.

Not only does that live a lot better – from that position you can also reach out to others and help them take the same step.

Increasing self-love is your most important step towards a more loving world .

It makes everything better, so dare to take it seriously. Let go of that self-criticism and rather marinate yourself in self-compassion – works much better. 💛

Are you ready to get started right away? Go AHEAD !!


Believing in yourself – 4 tips to become powerful and unstoppable


By believing in yourself you increase your chance of success, happiness and growth in your life. These tips will help you believe in yourself.

Believe in Yourself

Do you believe in yourself for a better life?

Believing in yourself is important. Because the more you believe in your own strength, skills and possibilities – the more you will get done.

If you believe you can do something, you are more likely to take the step to do it. You get over self-doubt and do whatever it takes to shape your ideal life.

What happens when you believe in yourself?

  • You get more done . You dare to take on more challenges and are less plagued by the limiting thought “I can’t”. This allows you to get more done.
  • You radiate more self-confidence . You feel stronger and happier with yourself. This appearance ensures that you make contact with people more easily and thus create more possibilities in your life.
  • You see the world more positively . If you believe in yourself, the world will look more positive. Like a place full of possibilities.
  • You step over obstacles more easily . If it doesn’t work out for a while, believing in yourself will help you get through. This increases the chance that you will eventually achieve your goals – even when it gets challenging.
  • You grow more easily . Believing in yourself makes it easier for you to get out of your comfort zone. As a result, your personal growth takes flight.

In this article I share four tips that have helped me believe in myself more over the past 15 years. They work like a charm. Are you reading along?

1. Stop comparing yourself

Precisely. And if you want to compare yourself, then compare yourself with people who are less advanced in certain areas than you.

Social media tends to emphasize the exceptional: beautiful people in beautiful homes with beautiful clothes and beautiful children who behave beautifully.

But these images are rarely a correct reflection of reality. And it is also the exception . Most people don’t lead an Insta-worthy existence – and that’s fine!

Of course you can use the lives of others as a source of inspiration. But it’s important that you don’t keep comparing yourself to another person – because two people cannot be compared. Use what inspires you as your dot on the horizon and set your own goals to get there .

Then let go of the other.

It’s hard to believe in yourself when you’re constantly comparing your life to exceptional people and lives.

The solution? Stop following people who make you doubt yourself. Reduce your exposure to these kinds of series and people.

Don’t look at what someone else can do. Rather compare yourself to your former self . Have you grown compared to last year? What have you achieved? What lessons have you learned?

Spend less time on social media and more time with your journal, for example. Reflect on your own growth and progress and stop comparing. You will soon believe in yourself more.

2. Don’t put yourself down anymore

How do you talk about yourself? How do you talk to yourself? If you’re like most people, you tend to put yourself down.

  • “I’m just doing something too.”
  • “I really can’t do this.”
  • “I’m not that attractive.”

It’s hard to believe in yourself when a little voice keeps whispering in your ear how weak, inferior, and worthless you are.

Notice when you bring yourself down, and turn it around . You don’t even have to make it overly positive, as long as you stop making yourself smaller than you are.

Do you get a compliment? Say thank you and believe the compliment . Notice how that little voice in your head tries to sabotage it: “If she knew who I really am, she’d say something else…”


You are a great person . You’re not perfect – neither am I. That’s nobody. Everyone struggles. Everyone thinks that others do know how life works. That others are all constantly happy and happy.

It’s not like that. We all doubt ourselves. But one takes those doubts seriously, and the other puts them aside.

You don’t have to take that negative voice in your head seriously. It’s even better not. Let’s not put ourselves down – let’s celebrate ourselves .

3. Build in small steps

Believing in yourself becomes easier when you notice that you are making progress. That you succeed in achieving your goals. You do this by proving to yourself that you can actually get things done.

And what’s the best way to get things done? Simple: take a small step every day .

Do you find it difficult to imagine that you will ever really clean your house? Clean up a little today , and do it again tomorrow. That way you will eventually get it done and you can feel proud of yourself.

The same goes for healthy living, achieving your work goals or building better relationships: take one small step every day .

Taking small steps helps me time and time again when I start to doubt myself. I then let go of my perfectionism and just do something in the right direction. Soon I feel positive and fulfilled again, which creates an upward spiral.

In this way you avoid self-sabotage (a small step is taken in no time) and you actually make progress. You will soon believe in yourself more.

4. Work on self-acceptance

Many of us walk around with the feeling that we should be different . Slimmer, prettier, more successful, more productive, smarter, more organized, more empathetic – you know the thing.

There is nothing wrong with striving for growth, improvement and progress. But it is important to examine within yourself what the actual motivation is .

Do you want to lose weight because you allow yourself a healthier body? Or because you worry about what others think of you?

Do you want to build that business because you love the creative challenges? Or are you trying to get an “I’m proud of you” from your sober father in this way ?

Does your urge to change come from a place of self-love or self-doubt?

By working on self-acceptance you come closer to yourself. You feel more rooted in who you are and therefore less insecure. This will make you believe in yourself more and more. Because you know who you are and what your path is in this life.

Believing in yourself is the secret to success - SIAL

Whatever is happening, Believe in yourself


Seven Tips For Inner Peace


You will not find inner peace in the offer at Albert Heijn. It is not something that just comes your way, it is something you have to work on yourself.

Are you constantly restless? Have you had enough of that turmoil in your head and in your life? You cannot download inner peace for a moment, but everyone – without exception – can find inner peace if you want it enough.

If your inner peace is important enough, then you put many things aside to experience and enjoy that peace.

Personally, I find inner peace the most important thing in my life. Everything will be fine with inner peace. Almost nothing makes sense without inner peace!

I only found it when I was in my mid thirties.

Only then did I realize: “Ah, this is what I was always looking for!”

Inner peace begins with insight into yourself and what you really want in your life.

In this article you will find SEVEN tips for more peace in your life.

What is inner peace?

Inner peace is the feeling of calmness in yourself. It is the feeling that you are at peace with who you are and what you do.

They call it comfortable in your skin down , calm radiate or live from your heart . You usually see who has it and who doesn’t. Inner peace is – in my opinion – the ultimate goal of everyone. We all look for it in our own way.

Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Accept yourself.

More peace in your life starts with inner peace. The core of inner peace is self-acceptance.


Because the biggest fight in our lives is the fight against ourselves.

We believe that we must be perfect and make the most of our efforts. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. So there is a big difference between our ideal image and how we really are. That struggle creates unrest.

How can you be calm when fighting yourself? You can’t do that.

Some people think that the solution lies in doing your best even harder . Just reprogram yourself, switch on the turbo and tjakka: You will solve another human problem! But that is only short-lived.

In the end there is only one solution – have peace with who you are.

No inner peace without self-acceptance.

2. Let go of your past.

Much unrest is caused by two thoughts about the past: “That should never have happened” and “I should have done it differently .”

Do you want to drive yourself crazy? Then go over and worry about that!

Do you want inner peace? Then realize that those thoughts don’t give you anything. It happened and you did it that way. That is it and not different.

You do not get inner peace by denying reality. You actually get inner peace in your life through acceptance of reality.

I myself am very bad at worrying about the past. As soon as I start, I immediately think: “That has happened and I can never change.” Then all the stories about what things should have been like, and that also stops the stress.

Because most of the stress comes from the stories we tell ourselves …

3. Postpone the future.

The future is uncertain: “What will happen? How would I respond? What if this happens to me? How do I deal with that? “

How can you stay calm if you try to control something that hasn’t happened at all?

As if you could make a monkey on Borneo dance the lambada next Thursday by thinking very hard NOW – exactly the same! You just can’t do that …

Tiring isn’t it? Thinking about the future always makes you restless, because it is just as elusive as the average monkey.

My suggestion: postpone the future until it actually happens.

And if you are on Borneo next Thursday and happen to meet a monkey who also wants to learn the lambada – well, then it’s your moment!

4. Relate your thoughts.

The more seriously you take all your thoughts, the more unrest you experience. Our thoughts are often critical, negative and worrying.

We fantasize about it and then think it’s the truth.

If you believe everything you think, you are lost. Only when you examine your thoughts – are they actually correct? – find your way back again.

The better you learn to distinguish fantasy from reality, the more you experience inner peace.

For example, I fantasize that everyone thinks this article is great , that I win a prize with it and that I am named Coach of the Year! But don’t I take myself (and my thoughts) too seriously? Fortunately I don’t believe everything I think …

5. Follow your own way.

Nothing creates more resistance than doing things that don’t suit you.

In essence you have two choices: whether you do what you want – or you do n’t do it . Either you do what you want – or you do what your others want. More inner peace in your life is always an extension of your own path .

Only your own vision, your own way, your own choices gives you the peace that you are looking for so hard.

The realization that you do what suits you is so valuable!

It is not for sale, nor can anyone ever give it to you. It is the decision to make that you feel comfortable with.

Every other choice gives you inner resistance. If your feeling says, “I want something else,” that’s exactly what you have to do! Only then do you listen to your feelings and only then do you get peace …

6. Make space in your life.

It’s hard to have room in your head when the rest of your life is packed: If you run from appointment to appointment, if your house is one big mess, if your ambition is greater than your daily list of tasks.

Make space in your life in all these areas and you automatically get more peace in your head.

Wanting to do everything is a scenario for frustration. Everyone wants to plea, want to appear everywhere, always want to be reachable: it is not going to bring you peace.

Say no more often to things that cause unrest. Hey, you can always say yes later, but usually the other way around! Better to do a few things well than half everything. Time management does not give you rest, but your limits indicate it.

7. Have preferences, but no requirements.

Read the following two wishes:

The first is: “I want a great relationship that makes me feel good.”

The second is: “I want a relationship with a woman between 31 and 32, with dark red hair. She has to be able to cook Caribbean, just like I love cross-country travel, scrabble well, weigh up to 74 kilos, work in maternity care and live in a nice location. ”

Who do you think finds what he is looking for earlier?

Claiming something is also a recipe for frustration, because sometimes life does not give us what we want. You get more peace in your life by fighting less against life …

Sometimes life gives us what we need , sometimes what we don’t want , sometimes what we have never thought of .

But it rarely gives us what we demand …

Lower your expectations and be thankful for everything that comes your way. You can learn something from every situation. The less you demand how things should be, the more you accept how they really are.
