Four things that managers need to be able to do


Become the local reseller of computers/printers within fifteen years to become one of the largest suppliers of the digital workplace somewhere in this world. Does that sound something in your brain….Nothing impossible. What does that require from a manager? 

The most important thing is a listening ear, self-knowledge, a clear goal and discipline: successful business wants to work hard,” says one of my friends, who, operates an online business, and is in the stormy growth of his company in the right direction. What should managers be able to do? 

Make choices
Whether the economy is running well or is in the doldrum, doing business always means that the wind must be sailed sharply. Someone’s leadership style must also reflect that, my friend knows from his own experience. That means you have to dare to make choices, no matter how difficult it can sometimes be – if a company has an excellent financial manager at a certain point in time, that does not mean that the same manager will also have the right man or woman on the right one ten years later. place. In order to be able to manage well, you need to be able to get the insights you need from your people, he says. If your people are not able to bring the info that you need unanimously, you must dare to make a decision – painful or not, and if you do not, then you must accept that your growth is likely to stagnate.

Being creative
Entrepreneurship is never without risks. This requires a creative manager, especially in economically bad times. By Jumping, thinking out-of-the-box we were able to do a major acquisition, which gave us national coverage in one go.

Listening to good advice
In retrieving information there is another, indispensable characteristic for successful managers, according to my friend: a listening ear. Although it is important to keep your goal clear, it is good to never forget that as an entrepreneur there are often several ways to achieve that goal. Some entrepreneurs lack that flexibility in their management style and believe too much in their own right, which is simply unwise. If you want to grow a company quickly, you must be able to take the good insights and smart advice of others to heart. you as a manager know where you want to go, it is only very good if someone else knows a better way to that goal at that moment.

Hard work
Perhaps the last tip is an open door: lots of hard work. In my friends opinion, you never deserve leadership: this has to be awarded, which means that if you want people to work hard for you, you must set a good example yourself. In his experience, the height of the salary does not determine how hard people work, but the vision that a manager shows. Anyone who manages to enthuse employees and take them on a trip to a particular destination will be able to lift his or her company to a higher level much faster. You should not just want to do it: you are in front of the club, but in the end you do it all together. 


Author: Danny Jibodh

Danny Jibodh is the MainBrain and founder of BLOGZYNERGY.COM. As a multi topic professional blogger, he is keeping his eyes 24/7 on different burning topics as they unfold on the internet. With this concept he and his team are providing people like you with tons of different useful sunrise data to update your brain.

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