Slowing down aging- 4 natural techniques


Can you delay aging? The answer is yes. These are 4 proven anti-aging techniques.

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Slowing down aging – is it possible?

I know what you’re thinking: an article about anti-aging, Danny has passed 35! long time ago.

And yes – I have to admit – my stage of life definitely has to do with this new interest. But it’s more than that.

Aging is the cause of a lot of misery . And in recent years it has received more and more attention. There is a cautious optimism among a group of anti-aging scientists.

Why? Not only do there appear to be very practical ways to slow down aging – there may also be ways to reverse aging in the future .

You read it right.

Admittedly, there is still a lot of uncertainty. The positive results have been demonstrated in mice – and mice are not humans. In addition, this kind of technology is unlikely to be widely available until the 1940s or 1950s.

But that also means that many of us will have the opportunity to experience this revolution – if we live long enough, of course.

8 Ways To Slow Down The Ageing Process

Which brings us to the question, “How can we slow down aging?”

Serious anti-aging is a three-stage rocket:

  1. Slowing down aging – we can start with this today.
  2. Pause aging – this may be possible within 10-20 years.
  3. Reversing aging – this is still in the future for a while, but perhaps within a few decades.

The more researchers learn about how aging works, the more we also learn how to slow it down. Applying these kinds of insights can in itself possibly stick to your life for years – provided you are not hit by a self-driving truck in the meantime, of course.

Slowing down aging is a big topic. In this article, I want to take you through four scientifically proven (and natural) ways to slow down aging.

No exotic supplements or extreme measures, but things you can start with today. Moreover, they are habits that can directly increase your health, energy and overall quality of life.

Let’s see!

1. Get your body out of the comfort zone

If one common thread emerges from the anti-aging studies, it is this: too much physical comfort causes accelerated aging .

When your body is constantly too comfortable, it becomes ‘lazy’. When challenged a little it makes itself stronger (emphasis on a little – prolonged pressure on the system is actually harmful).

Your body cleans itself up (autophagy), renews itself more effectively and prepares for future misery – keeping it young longer as a by-product.

So you want to regularly get your body out of that comfort zone, so that it has to work a little harder. Then the trick is to do that in a relatively comfortable way , so that life still remains fun.

So you want to sit and hang out less, eat less, eat less often and not always live in room temperature.

How can you do that?

  • Intermittent fasting – by regularly not eating anything for a longer period of time, you set all kinds of desirable processes in motion. Fasting is an important and effective way to slow down aging. If slowing down aging is important to you, start here (combined with the next tip). Also listen: Lose weight & get healthier – discover 20 benefits of intermittent fasting (podcast)
  • Sports and exercise – by physically challenging your body you slow down aging and possibly extend your life considerably. You also feel a lot happier if you exercise regularly. Sports and exercise should definitely be part of an effective anti-aging routine.
  • Exposing yourself to the cold – there’s something behind the cold shower hype that really works. You may be able to slow down aging by regularly getting out in the cold. Incidentally, ice baths are not necessary. As soon as you get a little cold it starts to have an effect. Turn down the heat and challenge yourself not to put on a coat when you’re feeling a little chilly. Your body will eventually get used to it!
  • Exposing yourself to heat – there’s no definitive evidence yet on the life-prolonging effects of saunas, but there’s some evidence. It could very well be that a regular sauna visit slows down aging.
  • Eat less protein – a high-protein diet may be nutritious and effective for building muscle, but it’s not a recipe for longevity. A diet low in proteins ensures that your body ages less quickly.

By taking your body out of its comfort zone, you will age less quickly. All right, let’s move on.

2. Opt for a plant-based diet

Plant-based means you get most of your calories from unprocessed, plant-based foods . It is not necessarily the same as a plant-based diet, because sometimes it still contains a small amount of animal products.

Basically it’s very simple: avoid processed products to slow down aging .

Build your diet from unprocessed vegetables, leafy vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains. For example, use an 80/20 rule: 80% healthy, 20% possibly slightly less healthy.

The traditional Mediterranean diet has been the most researched and scores well for anti-aging. This diet is largely plant-based, with the occasional fish, a red wine here and there and no refined sugars .

It is not the same as our modern associations with Mediterranean food: pasta, wine, white bread, olive oil, meat, fish and cheese.

More vegetables, less mess – that’s how you add years to your life.

3. Prevent Accelerated Aging

There are factors that simply make us age faster. By avoiding these things we can gain a lot of ground:

  • Do not smoke
  • Drinking little or no alcohol
  • Eating little or no refined sugar
  • Avoiding unprotected sun exposure
  • Avoiding Excessive Stress
  • Working on good, stable, regular and sufficient sleep
  • Avoid being overweight
  • Avoid processed and red meat

Of course you already knew that these factors are not good for you . People who do all these things tend to look older. The factors don’t just reduce your health – they statistically have a direct negative impact on your longevity.

4. Reduce your chance of premature death

Most people die from a handful of diseases linked to aging – such as:

  • Cancer
  • Heart and vascular disease
  • Dementia

However, your biological aging does not equate to your calendar age.

If you’ve been smoking, drinking excessively, sleeping badly, sunbathing, feeling stressed, and constantly eating processed meats , your body is biologically older than the body of a peer who largely avoids these things.

The stronger that biological aging, the greater your chance of dying from a disease linked to aging. Yet it is never too late to adjust your lifestyle and repair (some of) the damage.

What can you do to reduce your risk of premature death?

  • For the most part, it comes down to following the aforementioned lifestyle advice. Make your body stronger, eat healthy, exercise more and avoid negative influences.
  • Protect yourself from the sun.
  • Reduce your exposure to (potentially) harmful chemicals, pollutants and pollution.
  • Take your health seriously . It is wise to have your health checked regularly, for example by the doctor. You can also pay for various preventive examinations yourself.
  • Participate in population studies when you receive an invitation. It may be exciting and uncomfortable, but timely diagnosis can significantly extend your life.
  • Increase insight into your health. For example, by wearing a smartwatch. These can tell you a lot about the state of your body in the long run.
  • Stay informed about innovations in preventive medicine and technological breakthroughs around anti-aging. In the coming years, many new tools will come on the market to gain more insight into your health and to make adjustments where necessary.

By being actively involved in your health, you can potentially add decades to your life. Who knows, maybe you’ll get old enough this way to be able to use real anti-aging therapies!

Happy Aging !!!

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7 Immaculate Ways to Love Yourself


I love myself, I love myself

With more self-love, you don’t just make your own life more fun. You also build a foundation to pass on more love. Here are 7 ways to develop more self-love.

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1. Accept yourself fully

It’s hard to have the self-love to accept yourself completely as you are. Including the properties you’d rather not know about.

But still, it’s important. It’s important because it helps you to truly love yourself. Including your ‘dark sides’. One way to do that is to make it explicit for yourself.

For example:

“Although I [insert your trait here], I fully accept myself and love myself.”

Fill in your problem, and say the phrase out loud a few times.


  • “Although sometimes I get angry and angry easily, I fully accept myself and love myself.”
  • “Although I currently find myself lazy and worthless, I fully accept myself and love myself.”
  • “Although I am dissatisfied with my life right now, I fully accept myself and love myself.”

Another exercise you can perform – popularized by Kamal Ravikant – is the following:

Constantly repeat these words within yourself: I love myself.

  • While brushing your teeth.
  • While vacuuming.
  • During feeding the chickens.
  • While driving.
  • While waiting for your turn.
  • During the se.. or no. Better not during sex – that’s weird.

Bit crazy – but it works. Because your subconscious is quite naïve, and many things that you present it with are true. After a while, you really start to believe it. And from then on, it’s simply your new truth.

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2. Dare to be yourself

Listen to what you want, not what your environment requires of you. And discover that the greatest pressure from the outside actually comes from within.

It’s your beliefs, ingrained patterns, and fixed thinking habits that most keep you from being completely yourself.

If you have little self-love, you are used to conforming to the world around you. You discount yourself so that others can be satisfied.

For example, if you grew up with the idea that you’d better do “normal,” then you might be holding yourself back when you actually want to let yourself go. Out of shame, and for example because you do not want to disappoint others.

Stay close to yourself. Notice what you feel, what your intuition tells you. And try to follow it more and more. Regardless of what others think.

3. Let go of your ego

Your ego is that rattling voice in your head. The side of you who can be offended, disappointed, scared, and constantly worrying and thinking.

Developing self-love is not the same as becoming arrogant. In that case, you feed your ego – then it gets bigger and bigger. And the bigger your ego, the more complicated your life becomes.

Try to make your ego smaller to get closer to yourself.

  • Meditate regularly, and discover how you and your thoughts are two separate things.
  • Recognize how the thoughts you have determine what kind of feelings you experience.
  • Experience how new thoughts allow you to feel new feelings.
  • Feel grateful for the moment, for your life, and for the good things in your life. Gratitude humbles you. And humility shrinks your ego.

4. Take care of yourself – you’re worth it

A lack of self-love is the cause behind many health problems. If you don’t find yourself valuable, you’re less likely to take good care of your body.

If you genuinely love yourself, then you take care of yourself with love. Then you feed your body with healthy food. Then you don’t put any rubbish in your body. Then you ensure rest, exercise and good daily care.

Start by taking better care of yourself. Think “my body deserves better than this,” and trade that bag of chips for a piece of fruit. Think better about yourself so that you take better care of yourself.

5. Be less yourself

We are often more cruel to ourselves than we are to others. That makes sense, but it’s also tragic. Since we see others now and then, but have to live with ourselves 24 hours a day.

If someone else makes a mistake, you quickly ignore it. Can happen.

If you make a mistake yourself, things will be different. Especially if you have little self-love. Then you keep reminding yourself of your mistake, you keep whipping yourself. You feel worthless, inferior, and maybe even feel shame.

That is not the way to a more enjoyable life. Try to treat yourself with love. Put your own behavior into perspective just as you put your friends’ behavior into perspective. Nothing to do about it can happen, tomorrow another day.

6. Live with attention

Life isn’t always fun, and that’s fine. Accept that your life has ups and downs, and quietly ride the tides. Do everything with attention and live in the moment as much as possible.

Don’t believe everything you think. Observe thoughts that come and go, and inspect the feelings that evoke those thoughts.

The more you can live in the moment, the easier it becomes to recognize and let go of self-critical thoughts.

7. Guard your boundaries

You need to educate your environment to treat you the way you want. You do that by setting boundaries and maintaining them when they are exceeded.

People with self-love guard their boundaries because they believe they are worthy of being treated well. And so are you.

The Caribbean Blog Authority.


My 10 tips for a simple life


Remember: A simple life is not for sale

Do you also crave a simple life? By simplifying your life step by step, you can avoid a lot of stress and crowds. Nice and simple living and at the same time adding more meaning.

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Simple LIFE doesn’t happen by itself

No stress, no hassle – and yet a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Simple life – I’m a huge fan of it. In fact – simple living has been one of my main areas of development over the past year. Every month I take steps to make my life easier, and with each step I feel a little lighter, freer and happier.

Simple life sounds romantic and sometimes too good to be true . It is anything but self-evident in our society – where it seems impossible to live simply and peacefully. Because of the pressure to do everything at once, but also because of the endless stream of distractions.

But it is possible, and it is worth it.

A simple life does not come about by itself – you have to choose it consciously. If you don’t clean your house regularly, it will become a mess. And so it is with simple living. If you don’t consciously work on it, your life will automatically become complicated and probably overwhelming.

Below you will find 12 simple living tips that will help you make your life more fun, more valuable and easier.

10 simple LIFE [living] tips:

Experience less stress and more satisfaction by making your life easier step by step.

  1. A simple life is not about living with as little as possible – that’s poverty. A simple life is about removing and adding meaning .
  2. Wipe your figurative board clean, then decide what responsibilities you would put on it again . Often we make commitments and promises that we don’t want in our lives at all. By starting with a clean slate, you can consciously choose the things that suit you.
  3. Free your life from distractions step by step . We often use distraction to “flee” from the overwhelming feeling that life can give us. When you live with fewer distractions, you feel calmer, your work becomes higher quality, and the world becomes simpler. So go, throw that phone into airplane mode and achieve something meaningful .
  4. Realize that there is always more to do than you can do . Once you can accept this — and tolerate the feeling of inevitable chaos — you make everything easier.
  5. You don’t have to do everything that sounds fun . The fuller you make your life, the less space is left for air, simplicity and . Cramming harder is not going to make your life easier, but fuller.
  6. The most important things in life don’t happen automatically . In fact – the unimportant things always seem to happen first. If you want to achieve your goals, make your dreams come true and shape your ideal life , you have to consciously make time and space for this. The fewer unnecessary things you do, the easier it becomes to make time for the things that really matter.
  7. It is difficult – and probably impossible – to simply ‘buy’ your life . Yes, investing in good products can help (a decent bike can help you live without a car, and a flat laptop can help you work anywhere in the world), but don’t stare at it. Try to detach yourself from the consumption cycle – it is among other things that cycle that makes your life so complicated.
  8. The more stuff you buy – the more money you spend – the more you have to work to pay for it . If you can be happy and satisfied without these purchases, then you don’t have to work as hard . Or, you can use your leftover income to become freer and make your life easier. Don’t get sucked into other people’s drama . Yes, you can support people and be there for them. But remember that people benefit more when you are happy . No one benefits from more unhappy people.
  9. Living with a healthy body is easier than being sick, unhealthy, exhausted and lifeless . It’s one of those areas of life that deserves the highest priority and rarely gets it. When you simplify your life, there is more room to work on your health. And when you increase your health, many other things become easier on their own. Moreover , healthy living is super simple .
  10. More often feel satisfied with what you have – and not dissatisfied with what you don’t (yet) have . Enjoy the journey, don’t wait until you arrive at the destination to enjoy it. Because life is only the journey – that destination will never come. And your life already has a lot of beautiful aspects, and you can work to make it even more beautiful step by step. Do you find it difficult to be satisfied? Then write down every day what you are grateful for that day, and you will soon master it.

Simple living is not always easy. It does help you towards more satisfaction, more contentment, peace, happiness and quality of life. And it’s all well worth it. And you don’t have to do it all at once.

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In fact, it is precisely taking small steps that makes simplification so much fun. So enjoy the process, and enjoy the progress you make. If there’s one thing that makes your life simple, it’s contentment.

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Peace in your head – this is how you stop rattling thoughts


Silence in your upstairs room ha ha. Anyway read further

Rattling thoughts. When you want to sleep, when you want to relax in the garden, when you take a shower. It drives you crazy. How do you stop the flow of thoughts? You will finally find peace in your head.

Peace of Mind and Human Mind - Pictured As Word Peace of Mind Inside a Head  To Symbolize Relation between Peace of Mind and the Stock Illustration -  Illustration of idea, mind: 172328461

Thank you brain – leave me alone now

Yes, the Buddha knew how it worked. You become what you think. And often what we think is not exactly what we want to become . Fears, insecurities, worries, things you dread and bad memories.

Then you lie in bed – ready to fall asleep – after which your brain decides to remind you of that overwhelming project at work. Which you still have so much to do. After which the thoughts keep coming and you break out in a sweat . And falling asleep peacefully is off the job for now.

Or you decide to pick up the good habit and start your day with a meditation . Your brain opens the session by drawing up a kind of todo list. After which you become so restless that you get up to check your mail so that you feel useful again.

Thanks brain. Nice.

Fortunately, you can do a lot to quiet your mind . And it is much less difficult than it sometimes seems. Really – you don’t have to live like a monk to see results. Just wait and see.

1. Treat your brain like a little kid

Be kind to yourself. The more you judge yourself for “thinking too much,” the more negative thoughts you generate. As if it wasn’t busy enough in there already.

Think of your brain as an innocent child . It does what it does best: generate thoughts . And you can guide it to better deal with this talent. So that it generates fewer thoughts and above all better thoughts . Thoughts that nourish you , that support you in your personal development, that make you happy and happy.

Your brain isn’t bad. It’s actually very smart and creative. That’s why your head is so full! So don’t curse yourself. Accept yourself as you are – with your head full. You might not get to sleep right now, don’t worry.

With small positive steps, you can train your brain to better utilize its talents so that you both have a better time.

2. Think of yourself as a clear blue sky

Precisely. A clear blue sky with clouds floating past. You are the sky. Always blue, always in the same place, always present . The clouds are your thoughts. Sometimes there is not a cloud in the sky, sometimes there are so many that it thunders.

The sky is much bigger than the clouds. The clouds float in it, but they are not the blue sky . Just like you are not your thoughts .

When it’s overcast for days, you almost forget that the blue sky above still exists. Just like with an overloaded brain you almost forget that you are much bigger than the thoughts you see flying around.

But no matter how thick the clouds are – above the clouds there is still that blue sky. A place where the sun always shines. Where you can look down on all those clouds and see clearly that the sky and the clouds are two different things.

Is your head full? Then look for the blue sky. Find that place from where you can observe your thoughts . It’s like lying with your back in the grass and watching the clouds float by above you. Without judging them, without forming an opinion about them. You just let them be what they are.

Innocent thoughts generated by an innocent brain. No more. The clouds are not the blue sky, and your thoughts are not who you are.

3. Yes – meditate regularly

That place from which you can observe your own thoughts is easiest to reach from silence. You only need a few minutes a day to notice the effect. And even if it feels useless, you find out later that it was useful.

Why should you meditate? - Quora

Very simple: sit or lie down and inhale and exhale deeply . Close your eyes, and bring your attention to your breathing. For example, say “in” and “out” in your head with each inhalation and exhalation. When you find yourself getting distracted, gently bring your attention back.

No more. That’s all.

Do that for a few minutes. And notice how slowly but surely you create more distance between you and your thoughts. Not only can you observe them better – fewer thoughts are also generated.

Delicious. What a rest! And with so little effort – by doing nothing. Meditation is beautiful stuff. Keep diving deep in yourself to know yourself better and better.

Friday essay: how the West discovered the Buddha
