Caribbean [CARICOM] Leaders Need More Design Thinking In Government


Hello folks. Hope you are doing well so far in this COVID-19 period.

As I follow what is happening in and around the world, I want to stick in this blog to Design Thinking in Government. Especially that Caribbean Leaders need more Design Thinking in Government to succeed more.

I am design and created by mother nature. Everything is designed. Design is not only just what it will looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. Everywhere you can use design thinking. Yes even my car insurance company uses design.

Design Thinking is nothing more then a user-centered (people centered) approach to problem solving.

Actually in my own opinion Design Thinking is less about thinking, but more about doing. You just start from what people, users, customers, consumers etc. need or want to do.

In this case EMPATHY is the key. It is not about you. You need the ability to understand and share the feelings of others a very good way.

Design Thinking stimulates you to look at situations differently and come up with new effective solutions that go beyond and improve existing alternatives.

Integrative thinking is key. You need the ability to look at the different aspects of a problem.

Stop discussing start working. Make ideas tangible. Prototyping is thinking with your hands. Test your hypnotises. I do hope you can follow me so far.

In daily life, we experience how leaders are struggling to succeed. The road to success does not follow a straight line. The more you are able to loop through (understand, create, learn), the higher the chance you have for good results.

When things aren’t running your way, this is the frustrating whirlwind ride we all go on. Disagreements between people and parties keep us from making any stable form of progress. They happen very often, and we are so uncompromising that Government Shutdown might as well be considered a trend.

I my humble opinion politicians live in a bubble, where they shut themselves in a cave for a period of time only to emerge gloriously with ludicrously lengthy bills, preaching their so called glory as if they reached their solution by grace and wisdom of God. Furthermore they simply pass what they think they should pass; sometimes they pass what has an earmark with their name on it.  And if or when things fail, they repeal the entirety of it, and try again.

In order for Government especially in the Caribbean region to better serve their people, their process should be user-centered9 people centered). Yes clear by the people, for the people.

Leaders need to thoroughly research the problems themselves. Who are the people most affected by the problem. What is the problem, really! How does it impact the people and how can we try to solve it, and never taking biased view from the perspective of special interest groups or corporate entities that seek financial or regulatory gain. Once we identify a problem and hypothesis, we test, Test and iterate.

The easiest way for us to start is to iterate upon that which already exists. The best solutions come with research and iteration. And the iterations must be watched with a sharp, keen eye, as to identify problems the instant they become visible, so as to buffer any major impact they may create down to road.

For myself, I work within the realm of user- centered design and its benefits are very familiar to me. Design Thinking is a scientific, human-centered, and empathetic process that yields the best designed solutions. It gets us together in to a platform of understanding the people and their problems; with firm understanding and empathy, along with daily continuous innovation, we can create the best solutions.

With this blog I hope that more people can and will agree that regardless of political party of stance, a government educated and practicing design thinking methodologies will help us all to establish/create a more perfect running country, community, union etc.

Design Thinking is not always the answer to every single problem. Keep that in mind.

For some questions you will need rational thinking, spreadsheets, presentations and even more women and men in suits to come to a valid answer. If you as a leader want to become more effective train yourself in Design Thinking.

I am leaving you with the following words : Empathise, Observe, Engage, Watch and Listen….



Now that the new government has been formed in Suriname, it is more than ever time to think carefully about how to make Nickerie a top district of Suriname. We don't have to keep inventing the wheel. So many things are obvious to start with. In this blog I start generating electricity by the local population. We have the sun with us. Policymakers must work towards promoting the green economy. By bringing the people with you, 

Nickerie will eventually grow into a sustainable energy district. Together with the local population and other actors, the self-generation of sustainable zone energy will give the district enormous support. Together, the energy transition will have an impact elsewhere in the country. Suriname is getting greener and greener.

As awareness increases, more people will contribute together to biodiversity, nature conservation and the quality of life of local communities.


We must all go for more and more Green. It means that in our future (the new normal) many more people will use energy which they have generated themselves. Even if the sun is not shining, or if there is no wind and the generation of green electricity at that time is minimal, this is no problem. 

A bit of technology is available for everything. It requires new developments and behavioral change. It is ambitious, but it is possible. If we do it together. Dare to dream big. Who knows, we may see a lot of people driving around with solar panels on the roof of their car[s].

As an active blogger, from time to time I will also focus on Suriname where I come from and stay. Sometimes the triggers may be less beautiful, but they are certainly constructive and offer eye openers to policy makers and other interested parties.


What will our world look like in five years time? 2025

Keshet Starts Teasing Top-Secret New Reality Show '2025' – Variety

The world after COVID-19 will look very different in the days, months and years that follow one of the greatest crises of our time. In this blog I am going to share predictions about a world after the corona virus. Every facet of our society is currently being affected, such as politics, the economy, business and technology. With all its consequences.

What Technology Will Look Like In Five Years | TechCrunch

We do not know how long the current restrictions will last, but it is clear that COVID-19 is changing a lot. A lot of organizations around the world are doing research and make their own predictions, what the corona crisis will ultimately mean for government, healthcare, education, retail and the travel and technology industries. There are lots of report already rolling on the internet all written from a future perspective, which looks at the state of affairs in 2025. The changes that are expected will occur in the years after the pandemic.

The world of me and you in 2025
Some predictions are technical, such as body scans of visitors to a building or event, the creation of a ‘Health Security Agency’ and a future virtual workforce. Other predictions are more diverse, such as tackling the costs of aging, creating a more sustainable future and giving up privacy for the common good.

InsurTech in 2025: Will it Fade or Dominate? - Strategy Meets Action

I gathered nine contemplative predictions which you can read about here:

  1. The online Big Bang: The development around user experience will connect seamlessly with collaboration platforms such as Muzzle and Trello . The use of Mixed Reality (MR) can also get a big boost if companies design virtual workplaces like The Wild or hub cultures like Emerald City .
  2.  Working from home becomes the norm: Working remotely becomes the norm for most companies instead of the exception. In 2025, houses and apartments will be built or equipped with soundproofing, separate voice-controlled entrances and futuristic glass walls on which we can work.
  3. Fewer business trips: There are a lot fewer business trips, because new technologies bridge the distance. Most business meetings and events are virtual and flight shame has increased significantly.
  4.  Health screening is everywhere: just as the TSA was formed in the US after 9/11, a Health Security Agency is being established to ensure that people travel healthily and move with an ‘OK2GO’ scan that is mandatory for everyone.
  5. Gaia and Greta:  Greta Thunberg forced the world to look at climate change, and now everyone knows the immediate impact of staying home. For example, fish can be seen in the water in Venice again because gondolas sail less and the amount of smog in China has decreased sharply.
  6. Human in the machine: multi-sensory virtual interaction has grown strongly due to the rise of haptic interfaces, such as gloves and full-body suits (such as Teslasuit or HaptX textiles ). These virtual reality interfaces make it possible for users to feel certain objects in real life. So we will not only be able to see and hear information on request, but also feel it.
  7. The Sacrifice of Privacy: Governments have recognized the long-term consequences of a permanent surveillance infrastructure, and the personal data that flows from it provides a new source of economic prosperity.
  8. Aging costs in a post-corona world: As the world’s population ages, Gerontechnology is emerging as a new area of ​​research. Gerona technology focuses on ensuring good health, social participation and independence of the elderly. This is achieved through research and the development of products and services that improve the quality of life. This reduces the costs of our global healthcare.
  9.  A cleaner regime: the fight against viruses is fought differently than before the corona crisis. Companies are introducing a general company hygiene policy and new startups like Blueland and Truman’s have made sustainable hygiene and cleaning sexy.

Both the future of work and the future of Everything that is happening in our society, at the moment Technology is at the heart of the recovery from the crisis, but there will also be unexpected consequences. It remains to be seen how governments, education, business and health care are recovering worldwide to serve a new world order.
