12 Whopping Exciting Power Tips To Stop Rushing


We have more and more balls to keep up. Our solution to this is to live faster, work harder and get everything done in less time. We are in a hurry. But why actually? Why the hurry?

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Why are we in such a hurry these days?

Haste seems to be the norm. If things just happen quickly then it’s good – and if it can be done faster it’s better.

We are in a hurry because we don’t have enough time. We don’t have enough time to do everything we need to (read: want to ) do. We rush through the days, through the months and the years. And we get more and more done in less and less time.

Very efficient, but is it also effective?

The answer is, of course, ‘no’ – but you already understood that.

What do you want to achieve?

Haste is the result of a lack of priorities. If you don’t know what’s most important to you, everything is automatically equally important. And if you want to achieve everything at once, you never have enough time and you have to run and fly.

Everyone on Earth has to make do with 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds in a day . Some people have a nice life, take it easy and gradually achieve their goals. Other people run and fly, live out of chaos and feel like they can’t get a grip on their lives. They feel that they are being lived.

Only when you know what you really want can you make choices. Of course you want to be a great parent, a great friend, super healthy, successful, popular, have a nice house, grow personally, finish an education, be nice dressed and in the meantime make the world a better place.

But what are the 1-3 things that matter most to you? If you had to choose (and you have to if you don’t want to get burned out), what would you focus on? Where would you put your center of gravity?

Hurry back as the exception to the rule

Humans are not designed to be in a constant rush. It is not healthy for your body and not nourishing for your mind. The faster you live, the faster time seems to pass – it’s a downward spiral. You seem to have less and less time, which makes you live faster and faster.

Be still. Take a deep breath, drop your shoulders and let me tell you this: you don’t have to do anything . Hurry is your choice, and you can stop today. Try some of the tips below and learn how to slow down your life one step at a time:

  1. Don’t you dare do anything . Just sit for a few minutes and look out in front of you. No television, no iPad, no telephone and not even a magazine. Slow down cold turkey. How does that feel?
  2. Whenever you find yourself feeling rushed, ask yourself,  “Why am I rushing?”  You often come to the conclusion that out of habit you are running, tailgating or sighing in line at the checkout. Remind yourself to take a step back. Take your distance, lower your speed, raise your irritation threshold.
  3. Drive calmly on the road . Speeding is dangerous, environmentally harmful, expensive and usually saves you only a few minutes. Instead, put on some nice music (Youtube or online radio station(s)), and enjoy the journey.
  4. Take the time to prepare food . Leave the hustle and bustle behind for a while, and pay love and attention to your food. Cook without ready-made products. That is healthier, tastier, cheaper, better for the world and better for your stress level. Why does it always have to be so fast? Real taste takes time. Quality takes time .
  5. Try to do less instead of more . Do things that really matter, and leave the rest behind. Be critical of your todo list . Many things are ‘nice’ to achieve, very few things are ‘life-changing’. Work step by step towards your big goals, towards a better life and don’t be fooled by all the nonsense that comes in between.
  6. Consciously slow down time by slowing down your life and your thoughts every now and then . Really take half an hour to play with your daughter, to listen carefully to her. Play with your dog, take a nice walk, do something with your hands (gardening, painting, cooking or whatever). You will notice that you become calmer, and that you seem to have more time as a result .
  7. Realize that it is useless to race through life . All you achieve is that time flies by, and your life ends faster . Time is far too valuable to throw away. Use it, enjoy every second, appreciate your life as you travel through it. You only get once every second . So that’s one chance to enjoy it.
  8. Say goodbye to your watch . And while you’re at it, immediately get the clock out of the living room . Set a timer on your smartphone when you have something to do at a specific time. Furthermore, it is not at all necessary to continuously know what time it is.
  9. Take life step by step . While you’re working on one task, you don’t have to think about the task you want to perform later. First one, then the other . This way you keep your head empty, you maintain your focus and you prevent time from seeming to go faster.
  10. Plan your days less tightly . Give your calendar air to breathe. It is efficient to fully plan everything. But if your goal is to live a relaxed and happy life, this probably isn’t exactly effective.
  11. Immediately grab yourself by the scruff of the neck if you’ve had to rush for whatever reason. Don’t take the rush any further into your day, but stop rushing as soon as you can.
  12. Realize that you will never get everything done . There will always be unfinished tasks – and that’s okay. Realize that enjoying the beautiful things in life is more important than an empty to-do list.

Rushing less will help you significantly increase the quality of your life. There’s no point in rushing through your life, so don’t get rushed. Take it easy and focus on the things that are most important to you.

That way you will not only feel a lot better, you will also achieve your goals more easily and design the life of your dreams more easily.

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Do you have the urge to prove yourself? Try to learn about your inner engine. Do it now.


Urge to prove – I have to prove myself – is the search for recognition. Proving yourself is positive, but it also has a downside. If you feel like you are never doing enough, ask yourself the following questions:

– Who am I doing all this for?
– When is it enough?
– What do I want to achieve with this?
– What do I hope to get in the end?

First acknowledge and appreciate yourself, that saves a lot of energy!

Without inner peace, life is just a shadow of its possibilities.

Evidence can be positive. (Urge to Prove)

Wanting to prove yourself can be very positive. It ensures that you get the best out of yourself. It ensures that you keep developing yourself, that you continue to grow and that you create many beautiful things. It keeps you on your toes and ensures that you continue to grow. All positive, aren’t they?

But there is also a downside to the urge to prove it. Some of the people I talk to are very successful compared to the ‘average’ person. Yet they lack happiness, satisfaction and mental relaxation.

I can do so much more!

They are always performing, driven by an imaginary voice that chases them. They are usually not very satisfied with what they have already achieved. “I can do so much more!” they think…

Well, you may not have to do more. Maybe you just need to accept yourself a little more! The former does not solve much, but the second changes everything in your life!

You don’t have to do more, you just have to accept yourself.

An inner turmoil.

If you ask them why they are always on the way to more, you will hear the following:

1. I rarely feel like I’m doing enough.
2. If I underperform, then I fall short.
3. I don’t want to be inferior to others.
4. I have to get the most out of myself.
5. If I don’t do anything, I stop.

Apparently there is an inner turmoil that drives them forward. They constantly compare themselves – either with others or with a personal ideal. As long as they feel like they are proving themselves, they feel good. But when they have a bad day or when others are doing better, they feel inadequate.

What are you doing it all for?

If you recognize yourself in this, my question is: “What are you doing it all for?” All your efforts, all your sacrifices, what are you doing it for? Or even more specifically:

1. Who are you doing it all for?
2. When is it enough?
3. What do you hope to achieve in the end?

Who are you doing it all for? Are you doing it for yourself, or are you doing it for others? Some educators, such as parents or teachers, may have given a lot of criticism and little praise. This has permanently given us the idea that we should always do better. You may still hear the voice of one of your parents: “Don’t think this is so special. Just look at your brother / sister, he is doing much better… ”

Let go of expectations.

Forget all expectations of others, it is their responsibility, not yours. If I had done what others thought I should do, now I would have had a job I didn’t like, been in a relationship that gave me no energy, and had a life that didn’t suit me. You are here to live up to your own expectations, it is your life after all …

Speaking of your own expectations: what do you expect from yourself? That you always have to perform to the maximum? That you need to become an improved version of yourself? That you have to meet a self-conceived ideal image? Forget it all and see the reality: you are the way you are and that’s fine. You never become perfect and you don’t have to be happy. You just have to be yourself …

When is it enough?

Have you ever asked yourself that? Do you know what to do to get to the point where you can be satisfied and enjoy what you have achieved? This has nothing to do with others, this is purely to do with your own expectations. Success is not something you compare to others, success is in your own head. Only you decide whether you feel successful.

What do you hope to get?

Ultimately, the urge to prove is the search for recognition. We want to be appreciated, we want to hear that we did well. At the core we are looking for the feeling that we are worthwhile. That’s what it’s all about, right? We want to hear from our parents, friends or family: “Gosh, you are doing well! I’m proud of you!” And we are willing to do a lot for that feeling …

There is only one problem: You may never hear it. If your parents were generous with compliments, they would have shown it much earlier. I hope for you that everyone tells you that they are happy with your performance. That you have made it to the finish line and that you never have to prove yourself again. So that you can finally relax and enjoy. But what if that doesn’t happen?

Get off the treadmill!

In short, seeking external recognition is pointless. You will never hear from everyone that you are doing well. You will never be perfect. You will never reach your end goal (lasting recognition). If you have to prove yourself because others will tell you that you are worthwhile, then you are like a hamster on a treadmill: you run, but you never get to that finish.

Find Inner Peace by Loving Yourself | Healing Tree Wellness Center

Get out! Realize that you are pursuing an illusion. Turn it around and decide from now on that:

1. You are doing well enough.
2. You are worth it.
3. You recognize and value yourself.
4. Your performance does not determine your self-esteem.
5. The expectation of others is their responsibility, not yours.
6. You stop chasing an ideal image.
7. You enjoy what you have achieved.

Acknowledge and appreciate yourself.

You want to prove yourself to be recognized, don’t you? Reverse the whole process: First, give yourself credit and appreciation. Personally, I don’t expect anything from myself: I don’t have to get better, I don’t have to outperform others, I don’t have to push myself, I don’t even have to achieve my goals. Oh wait, there are two things I expect from myself: to be myself and to be happy. After all, that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?

4 Benefits of Mastering Inner Peace of Mind Through Meditation

Proving myself always starts from a lack, from a lack – from myself. It’s just another form of insecurity. My thesis is: You are fine already, just the way you are. You’ve done enough, you’re already worth it. Appreciate yourself. Appreciating yourself gives you self-confidence. Then you still do your best – but not because something is missing, but because you enjoy it!

Success in your life journey.

Extra link to read and learn: https:click this link




I have been giving the theme of business procedure a lot of thought recently and needed to share a couple of key thoughts that have ascended to the best. Likely you definitely know these things, yet I thought putting them down in one succinct note may be of esteem.

Toward the day’s end, it is basic to remember that all procedure and vital arranging depends on… speculating. There is no real way to know the future, yet key arranging still assumes an imperative part fit as a fiddle the future and settle on the kind of choices that will enable you to move towards your coveted results. It’s a figure about the future, yet it’s a figure that causes you make what’s to come.


Objective Is the objective clearly defined, and is it based on a realistic view of the marketplace?

Knowledge Is the strategy based on superior knowledge of your customer, marketplace, and competition and a realistic assessment of your own capabilities?

Initiative Does the strategy enable you to set the pace in the field and jump ahead of the competition?

Mass Are you focusing your efforts in those areas that provide the greatest opportunity?

Economy Are resources being economically and prudently deployed?

Flexibility Does the strategy enable you to shift resources easily if required?

Will the organization be able to react quickly to rapidly changing circumstances?

Unity of Leadership Is everyone working in unison to achieve a common goal?

If you ask fifteen people where the organization is heading, will you receive fifteen different responses?

Security Are plans being kept secret? Is it clear which information has to be kept secure?

Surprise Will you strike the competition when and where it’s least prepared?

Do you have enough speed and competitive intelligence to prevent competitors from following your lead?

Simplicity Is the strategy as simple as it can be?

Have you reduced any potential for misunderstanding?

Speed Can you mobilize “forces” at will?

Do bureaucracy, consensus management, undefined responsibility, and political infighting reduce your ability to move quickly?

Communication Has the strategy been made available to those who need to know?

Have individual responsibility and accountability been assigned?

Commitment Does everyone feel a part of the initiative and passionate about achieving its goals? Or do just a few people “own” the initiative?

Hopefully you as a reader, planner, strategist etc. have something to take away from this article.

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