Unlocking the Power of Alpha Personality: A Pathway to Leadership Success


Numerous personality theories exist to provide insights into human behavior. One such theory relevant to aspiring leaders is the concept of the Alpha personality. So, what exactly does it entail? How can you determine if you possess an Alpha personality? Let’s delve into its dynamics! It’s important to note that this personality type is not gender-specific and applies to both men and women.

15 Signs Of An Alpha Male And Tips To Be Like Him

Do you exhibit leadership qualities? A key indicator of an Alpha personality is the natural inclination to assume leadership roles. They often find themselves assigned or actively seeking such positions without much effort. Their leadership abilities are recognized by various individuals and across different groups. Alphas generally relish being leaders, despite occasional frustrations with the associated challenges.

Do you speak up? Alphas tend to voice their dissatisfaction openly. They freely express their opinions and are unafraid to take things further when confronted with unresolved issues. They are willing to engage in challenging discussions, both with others and themselves, in order to achieve desired outcomes.

Do you recognize your self-worth? Alphas possess a strong sense of their own value. Occasionally, this self-assurance may come across as excessive confidence, but it is an integral part of their appeal. Alphas radiate power and exhibit confidence, making it clear that they know their position and won’t yield easily. Their speech, actions, and decision-making reflect their self-assuredness.

Do you embrace challenges? Alphas seldom shy away from challenges. The idea of testing their abilities and measuring their performance energizes them. It ignites a surge of motivation and prompts them to invest greater effort.

Are you a workaholic? Alphas tend to derive enjoyment from work and can sometimes become excessively engrossed in it. They may become so focused on reaching the top that they neglect self-care or breaks. Even when feeling overworked or stressed, Alphas persevere as long as they have a clear objective in sight.

Workaholic tendencies have their pros and cons. While Alphas may experience stress-related issues like hypertension, they also find fulfillment in striving towards their ambitions. They easily grow restless with a slow-paced life, constantly seeking new projects and seldom at rest.

Are you ambitious? Alphas dream big and pursue those dreams ardently. They are willing to venture beyond their comfort zones for greater achievements. Often, they aspire to positions like CEOs, seeking visibility for their work by involving numerous individuals.

While Alphas may sometimes exhibit overambition, it is usually a driving force that propels them forward, motivating them to work harder whenever necessary. Their ambitions are not mere fantasies; they are powerful motivators.

Do you prefer being in control? Alphas are reluctant to relinquish control, which can be advantageous in some situations but less desirable in others. They tend to remain vigilant and assertive, attempting to take charge in most circumstances, which can make it challenging for them to relax.

In a professional setting, Alphas sometimes need to learn to trust their team members more and relinquish control. However, their desire for control often leads them to involve themselves in various aspects of a project to ensure a certain level of quality.

An Alpha personality can facilitate leadership development, but like any personality type, it possesses both strengths and weaknesses. By addressing and working on these aspects, you can unlock your full potential.


Adopt These Practices for Increased Confidence


Confidence is a trait with a lot of advantages to it. Confident people can attract others and lead people more successfully. They can take risks and apply for new opportunities. But not everyone is born with a high level of confidence.

Here are a few strategies that will allow you to become more confident and make habits that keep you steadily improving this aspect of yourself every day.

Small Changes to Build Your Confidence - Make Me Better

Start each day by completing small tasks

You can build a morning routine that will feed your productivity and also your confidence. Make sure that your morning reminds you how well you are able to complete each task that the world sets before you, and start with small things like making the bed, cooking breakfast, taking a shower, and so on. Check them off your to-do list and feel the little burst of dopamine that will get you motivated.

When you start your day with completed tasks, it gives you a greater feeling of confidence. You know that you are productive, that you can be productive, and that you have already achieved something. It’s like giving yourself the right momentum to begin the day.

Destroy your limiting mindset

Consider the beliefs you have that might be limiting your confidence. Do you believe that you can’t do specific things? Do you set yourself up for failure when trying new things because you expect to fail? Consider the limiting beliefs that might be holding you back.

Challenge these beliefs and ideas. Don’t accept them as the truth, allow yourself the opportunity to find out how you are capable of more things than you might expect. You can achieve big things. Just start working towards them. Let go of your limiting beliefs to feel more confident and stop sabotaging yourself.

Keep up your health

Your health is a big element of your confidence. It’s hard to project security when you feel bad. It’s important to take care of your body and ensure that you are getting the right nutrition, the best exercise, and enough sleep as well. When you look like an exhausted zombie, confidence could not be further away from your mind.

You can also work on specific elements to improve your confidence. You might feel better about yourself when you have clear skin or good posture, and these are things you can achieve by using the right strategies and tools. Your appearance doesn’t need to be exceedingly polished for you to feel confident, but it helps if you look and feel good.

Walk with a purpose

You can feel more confident by using “fake it till you make it” techniques. One of the main ones is building the right posture and also the presence. Always walk as if you knew exactly where you were going. Move towards a goal and allow yourself to take as much space as you need. Don’t try to make yourself smaller.

You can also work on how you stand and sit. Use gestures that help your body feel confident: hands at your sides, a straight back, looking ahead. While at first you might feel stiff, eventually it will help you feel more comfortable in your own skin, as it becomes second nature.

Give every opportunity your all

Once you choose to commit to an opportunity, give it your all. Act as if you had nothing to lose and put your full focus and effort on achieving the current goal. Put your best effort into what you try; don’t hold back out of fear. Try and see what happens – it will rarely lead to the worst-case scenario you imagine.

You might find that this approach doesn’t always lead to success, but failing like this is not too bad either. It teaches you to embrace failure and treat it as a part of life. You can keep trying until you succeed, and you might find that you get what you want more times than you expect.

Throw yourself into every opportunity and don’t look back. This will ensure that you are going to come across as enthusiastic and committed, and also that you will feel motivated. You will also build your confidence by testing your skills and abilities against the world.

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Do you know the best way to get exhausted? Then ask yourself what others (of you) think:

Fantasize very intensely what they feel, think or want. Try to fill in all their thoughts, try to guess their opinion, try to take it into account.

Do that for a week and I’ll bet you’ll be dead …

Not a good idea!

Does this work?

Yet this is exactly what many people do. And it never works. That is not possible at all.

Short question: To what extent do you have your own thoughts under control? Do you determine exactly what you think? Is there never something unexpected or negative? Do you know exactly what your next thought will be?

No of course not…

A Gorilla in an astronaut suit

If you already have little control over your own thoughts, how much control do you have over what another person thinks?

Try to guess what I think now … (think carefully) …

I thought of a Gorilla in an astronaut suit!

Even if I had thought of something simpler, you would not have guessed it yet. Come on, see the reality: You have no control over what another person thinks!

Why are we so concerned about what others think? Why are we busy talking to others in our heads?

Oh yes, you do too: You see in your thoughts how someone else says something. You hear yourself respond. You feel the negative emotion.

And do you know what’s funny? Many of these conversations never took place! Not in reality, only in our fantasy …

Why do we fill in what others think?

Because we want to take this into account. We do not want them to say something bad. We worry what they think of us. We prefer to make a good impression. We want positive and healthy relationships with others. We want to be liked. We do not want a fight.

Because we are still nice?

All beautiful motives, but worrying about what someone else thinks, does not help you any further. Unless you have supernatural abilities. I do not have them and therefore prefer to do what someone else does or says.

What they think is entirely up to them. But what they do or say, I can respond to that.

Why are you responsible for the opinion of someone else?

Everyone has an opinion – about everything. But why are you responsible for that?

If I disapprove you because you (in my eyes) wear the wrong shoes, where is that the problem? The problem lies with my opinion about your shoes, not with you or the shoes themselves.

Do you see the difference?

Now you can worry about my mistaken opinion, but maybe I’m allergic to that kind of shoes. Maybe I knew someone who stood on my toes with that kind of shoes – and I had a lifelong trauma.

Maybe it all has little to do with you and therefore more with myself – and that is usually the case!

Can we change someone else’s opinion?

We often try to do it. We explain what we mean, we try to be extra nice, we do our best a bit more.

But why should we?

If someone else realizes that you are nice (and I assume that you are nice), then they will not see it later either.

Sometimes you can stand on your head, but the opinion of someone else just stands. Whatever you do, it does not change.

Suppose it would be the other way around: Would you appreciate it if the other person tried to change your opinion? Of course not. Everyone is entitled to an opinion …

This costs a lot of energy:

  1. Try to fill in what others think.

You have no control over my thoughts – nor do I have your own.

  1. You feel responsible for their opinion.

The opinion of another is only his or her responsibility.

  1. Try to change that opinion.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Let it go…

Here is a healthier and relaxed alternative: Just let go of what another person thinks.

Sticking your energy only in people who give you energy is one of the secrets of healthy relationships.

Of course you take account of others, of course you are social. That will not change. You only let go of what you do not have control over.

Three healthy alternatives:

  1. Only fill in what you think yourself. That is the only thing that you have control over.
  2. When in doubt about the opinion of another person: Just ask. Stop every fantasy and check reality. Then you do not have to doubt it either.
  3. Give someone an opinion that is not yours. You do not have to walk around all day, so why can not someone have another opinion?

Letting go of what another person thinks will give you a lot of positive energy and relaxation.

Moreover; it gives you a tremendous liberation!

How do you let go of what others think?

How do you stop worrying about others and pay more attention to what YOU think?

Work on your Self-Confidence This is a good starting point. This gives you a healthy self-respect so that you take more account of your own wishes and your own feeling.

Work on better relationships, teach yourself to find the right balance between yourself and others. With this you learn to determine your own limits and to stay more with yourself.

Whatever you choose, do not stay busy with what others think, you (fortunately) do nothing about it!

I would like to hear your experience or question(s) about this subject

On your success! … IT IS NOT AN EASY ROAD !!


I am also a professional ZENKAI Lifestyle Coach, specializing in my personal growth who also gladly assist others in their personal growth. So I try to help people like you and me find more self-confidence, less stress, better relationships, more fun work and more happiness in their lives.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail


FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailEveryone has a voice in his head. A voice that can say nice and unkind things. A voice that helps you further or what gets you down. How do you ensure that you continue to say the right things to yourself? Which habits provide more confidence? Beautiful questions with 7 beautiful answers …

1. Compare yourself with yourself
Why would you compare yourself with others? No one in the whole world can be better than you yourself. If you do not compare with anyone, you become who you are. Then you have a good focus on getting the best out of yourself.
Michael Jordan, the best basketball player of all times, has often said that he has been training a lot to defeat himself. To become better yourself. To grow yourself. A wonderful approach.

2. Be more friendly to others
If you are friendlier to others, you will look at yourself differently. In your mind you give yourself pat on the back of your own behavior. The friendlier you are, the easier you can appreciate yourself. And an additional (big) advantage is that your friendliness often recovers in the long term.

3. If you make a mistake, be your best friend yourself
Think of a mistake about what your best friend would say to you. Change perspective. Do the things that the other would say. Talk to yourself the way the other would help you. It helps to look more positively at your mistakes. Mistakes are proof that you are trying something new. Mistakes are growth opportunities.

4. Let go of perfectionism
Perfectionism blocks progress. Because of the fear that something will not be perfect, you will only be late in action. The fear that something will not go perfectly makes you constantly hesitate. A nice way to let go of perfectionism is to look less far ahead. Follow your heart and take small steps. Every small step forward gives you confidence. Focus on the effort you will make.

5. Celebrate your successes
Regularly reflect on the successes you achieve. With the things that have gone well through your efforts. At the beautiful things that you can be grateful for. Celebrate what you do well and share it with people who can be happy for you. By celebrating your successes, you become increasingly convinced of your own qualities, your own contribution, your own growth.

6. Say the right things to yourself
Make frequent use of affirmations. These are short, powerful sentences that reinforce your self-confidence. Think of a positive self-statement and write it down. Repeat these several times on a day for yourself. The more often, the better. Just keep repeating.

7. Consider yourself why your self-confidence is so important
– Life becomes a lot easier. You see fewer bears on the road.
– You are increasingly looking for acceptance by others and appreciation from others.
– You do not tackle yourself less often. This makes it easier to motivate yourself.
– Others would like to do with you. After all, you are easy to deal with.
– You win the trust of others.
– You believe in yourself and this has a big influence on where you end up.

What a wonderful reason. The more you work on your self-confidence, the belief in yourself and in your own possibilities, the better your life becomes and the easier it is to become more successful. A powerful development.



FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailStudies/researches in the world have shown that successful male and female entrepreneurs possess these characteristics:

  1. Self-confidence

This is that magical power of having confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities.

  1. Achievement Oriented

Results are gained by focused and sustained effort. They concentrate on achieving a specific goal, not just accomplishing a string of unrelated tasks.

  1. Risk Taker

They know very well that there is a chance of loss inherent in achieving their focused goals, yet they have the confidence/believe necessary to take calculated risks to achieve their goals.

Entrepreneurs are people who will make decisions, take action, and think that they can control their own destinies. They are often inspired/motivated by a spirit of independence which leads them to believe that their success depends on raw effort and very hard working, not luck.

So which of these three main characteristics is the most important? Believe it or not, it has to be self-confidence. Without self-confidence, nothing else is possible. If you don’t believe in your abilities, then the first challenge that arises may knock you off the path to achieving your goals. Here are a few things to keep in mind for maintaining a higher level of self-confidence.

4. Positive Thinking

Well, it all starts with a positive attitude, doesn’t it? Believing that something good will happen is the first step. Negative thinking simply is not allowed. You must truly believe that there are no circumstances strong enough to deter you from reaching your goals. Remember too, that positive thinking can be contagious. When positive thinking spreads, it can open doors to new ideas, customers, friends, etc.

5. Persistent Action

Now all of the positive thinking and believing in the world is useless if it is not applied towards a goal. You have to take action, no excuses are allowed. This action must also be persistent. Trying once and then giving up is not going to be enough. Keep at it one step at a time. If you can’t get by a certain step, then find a creative way to try again or just go around it.

At the beginning of this article we identified a few traits that are common among successful entrepreneurs. You should be able to look ahead and see yourself where you want to be. Now just maintain a strong belief in yourself and your skills, stick with it, and don’t give up. If you can do that, you’re already half way there!Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail