For when you want to have a blast; today 11 practical tips to get more out of your day


Do you want to make today a great day? With these tips you will get more out of your day than usual. To work!

13 Helpful Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Day - Solutions With Rush

Get more out of your day

Do you want to make today a great day? Then it’s best to start yesterday . With a little preparation you can give yourself a flying start. And not only that, the simple decision that tomorrow is going to be a great day increases the chance that it will actually work out.

I am a big fan of preparing my day, and below I have listed 11 super effective tips that also regularly help me get more out of my day.

11 Tips to get more out of your day

  1. Don’t leave your day to chance . Take some time the night before to go over the day and write down what you want to accomplish today. Write down 1-3 important tasks. This way you don’t have to think about what you need to do today, and you can get started right away.
  2. Give yourself a flying start . Prepare your breakfast the day before. I eat overnight oats with fresh fruit every day. The oatmeal is ready, I just throw in some fruit. Do you want to start flying? Then lay out your clothes for the day.
  3. Get up earlier . Getting up earlier than usual feels very productive. It saves you time and makes your day feel longer. Go to bed earlier the day before to avoid getting less out of your day because you are tired.
  4. Do something constructive immediately . It could be anything. Some people like to start the day with meditation or some exercise. I start my day by writing an article. It’s nice to do something useful right away, because then your day immediately feels a bit successful.
  5. Start your most important task in the morning . Are you dressed and ready to start the day? Then grab your to-do list from the night before and start on the task that is most important to you. Ask yourself: what task will bring me closer to my goals, or contribute most to the quality of my life right now?  Take on that task, even if you find it difficult or annoying. He better be out of the way.
  6. Give yourself a competition you can win . Yes, you want to get a lot out of your day today. But also realize that you want to prove to yourself that you can succeed. So don’t set too high standards for yourself. If you disappoint yourself every day, you damage your self-confidence , which means you get less and less out of your day in the long term.
  7. Give yourself extra time . A smart way to do this is to cook in large quantities the day(s) before. For example, make a healthy soup that you freeze. You can eat these for lunch. Or save time in the evening by simply grabbing a healthy meal from the fridge that you prepared earlier.
  8. Keep it simple . Getting the most out of your day doesn’t mean you have to run and fly, or fill your head with several tasks at the same time. Getting the most out of your day mainly means that you work in a structured and focused manner. Don’t worry, calm down . Then you will get much more done.
  9. Get into some good habits . You don’t have to stop at one super effective day. Take these tips one by one and make them habits. For example, prepare every day in the evening and develop an evening routine in which you lay out your clothes and prepare your breakfast in advance. This way you get more out of your day time and time again.
  10. Keep yourself upbeat . Your day feels better when you feel cheerful, optimistic and loving. Focus on the things that are going well and assume the good. Don’t get carried away by negativity or paralyzing thoughts.
  11. Enjoy your day . Getting more out of your day doesn’t mean you have to just be busy and live in your head. You get the most out of your day if you live in the moment. You’ve already prepared your day, so you don’t have to think so much anymore. You just have to do it . In the meantime, you can experience the day with full attention and truly enjoy it.

This way you get even more out of your day

With more discipline you get more out of your day every day. Why? Because with more discipline you can simply do things that you don’t really feel like doing.


Prevent misery 15 signs you’re stressed

it is STRESS O'Clock
It Is Stress O’Clock Somewherer

As an active blogger my brains are all the time at work. I am writing this article from a base jungle camp, deep in the jungle of the Republic of Suriname where I spent some time to relax and to unite with the nature elements. So I was cleansing my body for stress as well. I really hope you enjoy this blog.

Do you realize in time that you are stressed? Or do you keep letting stress overwhelm you? In this article you can read what you should pay attention to so that you can hit the brakes in time.

Stress starts small

Stress often starts small and subtle. This makes it easy to overlook the first signals. Especially if you are busy with other things. Your mental and physical health will then become less of a priority.

Moreover, stress looks different for everyone. One person suffers from vague physical complaints, while another feels extra irritable , for example .

The problem is, you can get on with these subtle symptoms just fine. You take a painkiller, pour yourself another cup of coffee – and when you don’t feel up to it in the evening, you put a pizza in the oven.

Of course, I don’t have to tell you that this only works in the short term . In the long run you will only make the problem worse.

Do you want to experience less stress on a structural basis and live life more lightly? Then it is smart to hit the brakes at the first signals.

Physical stress signals

A physical response to stress occurs because your brain receives a signal that you need to be extra alert. For our ancestors, this was a useful tool for survival.

This means that your brain, heart and muscles are put on high alert. So that you can give just that little bit extra in the event of danger.

Other parts of your body receive less attention. After all, what good is good digestion if you’re about to be eaten yourself?

Once the danger has passed, your body can relax and recover. At least, that’s how the stress system is intended. But in our modern age there are constant stimuli that activate our stress system. This gives you no time to recover.

These are physical stress signals:

  • An accelerated heart rate and breathing
  • Fatigue, but still having difficulty sleeping
  • The unconscious tightening of muscles, for example in your neck, jaw, back or shoulders
  • Tension headache
  • Dizziness or ringing in the ears
  • Abdominal pain or intestinal cramps
  • Cold hands, dry mouth and excessive sweating

Emotional and mental stress signals

Stress also affects the way your brain works. Just think of an acute stressful situation such as a car running a red light – which requires you to react in a split second. The instinctive part of your brain takes over.

Complicated brain functions such as planning, organizing, concentrating and keeping an overview are temporarily pushed into the background. This also applies to regulating your thoughts and emotions.

Does the stressful situation last longer? Then you become mentally out of balance.

Fatigue also plays a role in this. Because you get little rest during stressful periods, you can cope less and you are more likely to suffer from a bad mood.

Emotional and mental stress signals are:

  • Difficulty concentrating and prioritizing
  • Worry a lot or suffer from negative thoughts
  • Be easily angry, irritated or sad
  • Forgetting appointments or arriving late
  • Feeling gloomy and depressed
  • Not wanting to have sex anymore
  • Snacking a lot or not being hungry at all
  • Avoiding social contacts

Hit the brakes

Do you recognize a large number of these 15 signals? Then investigate where they come from.

Do you have a to-do list that will help you wallpaper the living room? Are you an informal caregiver with a busy family and demanding job? Or do you set the bar so high for yourself that even a pole vaulter can’t clear it?

Then it’s time to hit the brakes. Put your own well-being and health first. This means that sometimes you have to say no to someone else to say yes to yourself.

In addition, ensure sufficient rest and relaxation. Take plenty of breaks and do something every day that helps you relax, such as:

  • Walking or cycling in nature
  • Listen to music
  • Read a nice book
  • To play sports
  • Pursue a hobby

Have you calmed down a bit? Then think about why you keep falling into that stress trap. Why are you so busy? Why do you set the bar so high? What’s behind that? Maybe you have the urge to prove yourself, you are a perfectionist or you think you can only be successful with a full agenda.

Only when you address the underlying cause can you truly free yourself from stress and the annoying symptoms that come with it.

Are you unsure about the cause of your complaints? Then make an appointment with your doctor. A Checkup can rule out whether there is something else going on, such as a (chronic) illness, allergies or a vitamin deficiency.

Reduce stress step by step

Stress sucks the joy out of your day. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to quickly experience less stress. Look for yourself and discover what is the best thing to do.

So that happiness can flow back into your day. 


Are you not laughing enough? Laugh more

Laughing is good for your mind and your body – here's what the research  shows

When we are kids, we laugh a lot. Children laugh dozens of times a day, and they laugh at small things and at big things, they laugh at silly jokes and serious things. But as we become adults, it is much more difficult to laugh so easily. Do you laugh too little in your life? Should you remember how you used to laugh before, as a child?

Laughter has a lot of benefits. It can reduce your blood pressure. It’s a great way to relax, not just on a purely emotional level, but also physically. Laughter contributes to the release of hormones and neurotransmitters that are good for our health: if we are laughing it means that all is well.

In addition to this, laughing has a social function. It helps us feel more at ease around new people and also connects us with others. Laughing together is great for bonding, no matter the situation.

Sometimes, we might feel like there is not much cause to laugh. Life can be tough. Maybe we just want to appear somber to be taken seriously. But laughter is, if not the best medicine, a good support to have there for tough times and for good times as well. Allow yourself to laugh as you used to, full belly laughs, that you don’t have to stifle.

Cultivate situations that promote laughter in your life. Watch funny films and videos, read funny articles and book. Be silly with your friends, make jokes and laugh at jokes. Make a conscious effort to include things, people, and events that make you chuckle and laugh in your daily life.

A good idea is to give yourself permission to play. Play is a natural activity that promotes a lot of laughter, whether it’s through video games, outdoor games, or board games. Discover what you like to play and have fun with it!

Laughter comes from being with others. Try to see your friends more often. Hang out with family members that are nice to be around, with whom you can make have fun, laugh, and enjoy yourself. Give your time to those who can share your laughter.

More than anything, learn to cultivate humor. Don’t take yourself so seriously. Laugh at your mistakes and learn to laugh at yourself. You don’t have to be mean, just a little sillier than you would be otherwise. When you do, you will be surprised by the changes you will see in your life.

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Fifteen Choices You Will Regret In 10+5 Years


Regret is not nice. But luckily you have enough time to avoid that feeling. Here are 15 choices you’ll regret in 15 years. My choices may not be equal with your choices. Anyway let us move further. Read further. Thanks in advanced for reading this blog as well.

Effective time management requires making wise choices. - Taylor in Time

1. Pretending to be different from who you are

Living with a mask is exhausting. And I would say that living with a mask means that you are not really alive .

You can only fully enjoy your life if you can really be yourself. Learn to accept yourself as you are. Self-acceptance is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself.

2. Taking your health for granted

Many people take their health for granted until they get sick . But that’s a risky strategy, as poor health can drastically lower your quality of life.

Your health belongs in your top 3 priorities in life . Because, after all, it is your body that makes this life possible in the first place.

Go Green > health

3. Spend all your money

Most people go through an endless cycle that creates a full house and an empty feeling inside . They always pin their hopes on the next purchase. But if it turns out that that new smartphone does not provide lasting happiness, they look for the next.

In 15 years you won’t be thinking about all that stuff. However , your life would be better off with a financial buffer . Such a buffer provides peace of mind, resilience and freedom.

With every euro you save, you are doing your future self a favor . Of course you also want to enjoy now. But don’t forget that working towards a better future also brings you a lot of satisfaction.

4. Thinking too much about yourself

The better you can relate to others, the smoother your relationships will be. And your relationships are a huge factor in your happiness in life.

Work on your empathy. Be kind and considerate to others . Not only do you become a light for your environment. It also brings a lot of satisfaction in the end. Plus, your environment is likely to get better for you too. Nice bonus.

The Importance of Creative Thinking Skills in Our Life

5. Let others determine your dreams for you

If I hadn’t fought for my own choices, I’d probably be working at an advertising agency right now with an empty feeling inside.

The beaten paths are the easiest paths to walk . But not necessarily the prettiest. When I drive to France I avoid the highways to enjoy all the beautiful villages. You can do that in your life too.

Avoid the boring highways and choose your own path. This is your life and you only get it once. Whatever others think, you decide for yourself how you organize this life.

6. Trying to control everything

As a control freak, you feel like you can get a handle on almost anything, and that’s a good thing . In reality you are wasting a lot of energy on an impossible battle.

Not only would life be boring if you could control everything. It is also simply impossible.

Be a little looser, and just dare to let life unfold . Of course you want to prepare. But you don’t want to manipulate and force. Things don’t always go your way, and that’s fine.

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7. Not daring to grow

You will find the most satisfaction in growing from within. By letting go of your fears, throwing unnecessary beliefs overboard, challenging yourself and getting out of your comfort zone.

But that is also scary from time to time .

However, don’t let that stop you from growing. A life that revolves around comfort and safety is fine, but not great. You have to keep growing if you want to wake up every day with a feeling of happiness, gratitude and joy.

8. Postpone Your Happiness

Get happy first, then go and achieve all those goals. Not the other way around.

If you keep postponing your happiness , you will never experience it. Think of happiness more as health. An aspect of your life that deserves attention every day. And as soon as you have too little of it, your quality of life decreases.

A happy foundation ensures that you can achieve your goals . And that ultimately ensures that you experience satisfaction . So be happy first, then the rest will follow.

9. Wasting your time on things that make you feel empty

There are more and more ways to have fun without experiencing satisfaction. Series on Netflix, great video games, TV, movies, outings.

Sometimes it seems that entertainment is one of the most important things in our lives. While in reality it is no more than a means to entertain you.

Optimize your life for satisfaction – not pleasure . Fun is important. But if it leaves you with an empty feeling, it won’t do you any good.

10. Not Spending Enough Time With Your Loved Ones

In 15 years, all the people you love will be 15 years older. Realize that you can not push working on relationships to the future .

Your relationships belong in your top 3 priorities. By giving all your attention to your work and neglecting your relationships, you end up selling yourself short. Especially when it comes to children. Because in 15 years they will no longer be children. If you want to enjoy their childhood, do it now.

11. Always live in the future or the past

If you are constantly lost in thought, your life will fly by. Why? Because then you never live in the moment. And the now is where life takes place.

The future and the past only exist in your head. They are memories and projections that do not exist . The only thing that is true is what is there now.

Mindfulness helps you experience your life on a deeper level. To really enjoy the moment. Because the more you live in your head, the faster you run through your life. And if we learn one thing from old people, it’s that life moves so fast .

Mindfulness helps you bring your life back to a more comfortable pace. While enjoying more at the same time.

12. Taking your life so seriously it makes you stressed

A lot of things are important. But few things are important enough to feel stressed about. Dare to put things in perspective a bit .

Focus your attention on contributing to the world in a way that makes you happy. But also learn to put everything in perspective. Grow old with smile lines, not worry lines.

13. Running after the money

Money is a great tool. But it is a very weak means of generating satisfaction.

So see and use money for what it is. A means to optimize your life for freedom, happiness and meaning. But don’t see money as an end in itself . Because that mainly means that you invest a lot of time and energy in a dead end street.

If you find that your relationships, your sense of meaning and your health are giving way to your quest for more money and status – then it is definitely time to make adjustments.

14. Missing the beauty in ugliness

Everything has beauty, if you are willing to see it. Normally we filter the world on very narrow criteria. What we consider ‘beautiful’ must meet very specific requirements. But these criteria can be stretched.

Why would you do that? Easy. The more beauty you see around you, the more beautiful the world becomes . You can learn to enjoy the full spectrum of being human on this planet.

Joy, love and fun are beautiful. But sadness, hatred and fear can also be beautiful. A blooming flower can be as disarming as the flower giving itself back to Earth.

Failure can contain as much beauty as success. And a funeral can be just as beautiful as a birth.

15. Constantly judging people and events

Judgment cramps everything and everyone. The more strongly you judge people, the less the people around you dare to be themselves in your presence .

And the more you judge yourself, the smaller you make yourself.

Try Acceptance . Accept yourself, accept people around you, accept the events in your life. Notice how much peace, freedom and love this can bring. It makes your life easier, less cramped and more fluid.

And you know – you will certainly not regret more freedom, peace and love in 15 years. †


Being happy with yourself – 3 deep insights


How do you really become happy with yourself? Good question. And the answer is surprisingly simple. Let’s see.

10 Proven Habits of Happy People |

How do you really become happy with yourself?

There’s only one clear answer to this question, and it’s one I’ve been throwing around every few weeks for years. Just until it sticks. Not just for you – but also as a reminder to myself.

Because being happy with myself is also a continuous challenge for me.

What is this answer? Radical Self-Acceptance .

You will only be truly happy with yourself – with who and what you are – if you develop the guts to fully accept yourself as you are .

Sounds simple enough. But in a society that motivates us to do the opposite , self-acceptance is not always easy. Fortunately, things are starting to change. The blogs, videos, series and podcasts with a self-love theme are springing up like mushrooms.

More and more people are realizing that love and compassion starts with love for ourselves . And true self-love thrives in a soil of self-acceptance. These are three insights I gained.

1. You don’t have to add anything

You cannot be happy with yourself if you are constantly working to improve yourself. Why not? Because self-improvement implies that something is missing .

Nothing is missing. That is the insight you want to realize for yourself. There is nothing that is missing, nothing that needs to be added. You are exactly as you are.

No melons grow on a blackberry bush . As much as the blackberry bush invests in self-improvement, blackberries will just grow on its branches next season.

We go through life like that frolicking blackberry bush. And along the way we lose sight of the fact that blackberries are great. You’re not like you’re not , that’s right. But you are exactly as you are.

It seems so logical to lose our focus on the melons. To all the things we are not. But we are so many things . The trick is to relax, get out of our heads  and see who and what we are.

Embrace yourself as you are. That’s all you need to do.

2. You are too hard on yourself

All those negative things you think and say about yourself, all those ways you put yourself down in your mind, all those beliefs that say you’re not good enough— it’s all hot air .

Thoughts are just thoughts. Just sensations in your consciousness. They are not special, particularly important, or inherently true . Your heart beats, your eyes see and your brain experiences thoughts—that’s all.

When you think false thoughts that say you’re not good enough, do yourself a favor and don’t go with them. Don’t delve deeper into misery.

Look around you, see what’s happening. The world around you is an expression of natural processes . Clouds pass by, the trees grow, the wind blows, the rain falls. The earth produces everything you see. Trees, plants, animals and – yes – people.

You are an expression of nature. A bulge of this planet. You are not separated from nature, from that which is . it’s you .

Fighting against yourself – pretending you’re not good enough – is just as futile as fighting the color of grass. At this moment in time and space you are exactly as you need to be . Otherwise it would not be as it is.

Just as the trees, the glaciers, the highest waterfalls and the deepest canyons are expressions of nature – so you are an expression of nature. Perfect in your apparent imperfection. And once you see it that way, it’s madness not to accept yourself.

3. You are not alone

There are cultures that take the above for granted, so that self-acceptance appears to be a logical consequence. We don’t live in such a culture .

Our society is based on a clear separation between man and nature. In fact – for centuries the West was engaged in a proud battle against Mother Nature .

That tide is starting to turn, and that gives room for new ways of looking. In the traditional way of looking, we view self-love as even more selfishness and vanity. Characteristics that we usually label as undesirable.

In the new way of looking at things, we see that self-love forms the basis for a more loving and effective society. Simply because we see that self-love is a logical consequence of acceptance. Loving reality, that which is , is a breeding ground for relaxation and love.

You cannot give what you do not have. If you hate yourself inside that is what you will spread. When you fully accept yourself you will spread peace, understanding, compassion and love.

And that is ultimately great news. Because how do you really become happy with yourself? By living according to your own nature. By daring to be completely yourself . Without fear, without shame. That is a difficult task for many people. But it is a path worth walking.

You really become happy with yourself when you don’t just accept that you are producing blackberries and not melons. But by learning to love those blackberries . Because apparently this is what you are now .

Also Read:

Stay Power Relax When You Are Busy – 4 Tips


Seven (7) Differences between happy and unhappy relationships

How To Be Happy In A Relationship By Doing These 10 Subtle Things Every Day

Happy relationships are no accident. Neither are unhappy relationships. They are the result of conscious choices:

1 – Love and trust are handled differently from unhappy relationships.
2 – There is more depth and more is shared.
3 – Both partners are emotionally independent and appreciate this in each other.

Do you have to end your relationship immediately in case of relationship problems? No Fortunately not!

Learn from the lessons of happy relationships and apply them to avoid a lot of relationship problems.

Just read the comments below …

How do you get a happy relationship with someone else?

What is a Happy Relationship? Very simple, that is a relationship that gives you energy and where you and the other feel good. The secret to a happy relationship is to stay yourself and let the other person remain themselves.

How do you get a happy relationship? By working on it. But… you have to know very well if you have the right partner to do that. You cannot fly with a boat, so the choice of your relationship partner is very important.

Happy without a relationship or happier with a relationship?

Better happy without a relationship than not happy while you are in a relationship, isn’t it? In a happy relationship you don’t test each other, you trust and support each other. If not, then you may be better off without the other. You don’t have to have a huge spiritual relationship, but love and trust do have to be there.

These pillars of a relationship always remain important, whether you are in a long relationship or a short relationship with someone.

These are the seven TOP tips for a happy relationship:

1. Love makes for a happy relationship.

In unhealthy relationships, love is a bargaining chip: “I only love you if you do this for me. And when it does, I hate you. “

Love is a means to an end, which is to gain control over the relationship.

Unfortunately, control and happiness are at odds with each other. So trying to get control in your relationship (by trying to control the other) and being happy in your relationship don’t usually go together.

For example: As long as you do what the other wants, there is love. And otherwise there is the opposite: anger, aversion, jealousy or envy. So love is very limited and usually just a snapshot.

Set conditions for your happiness.

In happy relationships, few conditions are placed on love. “I love you just the way you are.” Or: “As long as you do what makes you happy, I’m too happy.” This allows love to grow.

And love only grows in trust, not in control, because control is based more on fear and fear hooks on love.

So let go of control:

The more you feel that the other person loves you the way you are, the more you can be yourself – and the more love you can give back.

2. No happy relationships without trust.

There is little trust in unhappy relationships. Whenever you are hurt by the other person’s behavior, trust diminishes. In the end you take everything the other says with a grain of salt. Without trust there is no love, depth, intimacy or understanding, so the relationship becomes increasingly distant.

People in happy relationships trust each other blindly. They know exactly what they can do for each other. Perhaps it took a long time for this confidence to be established. But once present, it continues to feed the relationship with positive energy. You know that the other person wants the best for you – and vice versa of course.

Trust is the most important ingredient to a happy relationship, be it a relationship with your partner, with your friends or with colleagues. Trust is everything.

3. Depth is necessary for every relationship.

In less good relationships communication is superficial. You never know what is really on the other’s mind – or you don’t feel the need to tell them what’s on your mind . As a result, conversations never get to the core: what someone really thinks or feels. There is a lot of talk about situations (what messages have been done, what the weather forecast is), but little about deeper feelings.

In happy relationships, that depth is there. There is talk about what really concerns the other. When you share the bed, you are physically intimate. When you share feelings, you are emotionally intimate. Without intimacy, there is only distance. Depth is essential to avoid that.

4. Sharing makes happy relationships even better.

Little is shared in superficial relationships. It seems as if everyone leads their own life and only lives together by chance. Interests are not shared, experiences are not exchanged and ideas are not discussed. The relationship resembles two islands with a very long bridge in between. You can only share by crossing. But usually that is a bridge too far. Everyone stays on their own island …

In happy relationships, a lot is shared (not everything, as there may be a part that you would rather share with others or keep to yourself). That sharing creates a bond. Sharing is giving something away and then receiving it twice back. As they say: “Sharing is caring.” Two islands have converged …

5. Laughter is healthy for any relationship.

There is little laughter in bad relationships. Everything is heavy and serious. There is usually no ability to put things into perspective. Sometimes people escape this by seeking pleasure outside of the relationship. “She’s always so serious, I just want to have fun with my friends.” Or: “He sees everything so black, at least with my best friend I can laugh …”

Happy relationships do involve a lot of laughter. Laughing together – even if it’s just about your own shortcomings – is so liberating! What do you do when you’ve had a rough day? Sometimes you just don’t feel like talking about it. Then you feel better at a comedy or a pillow fight. A day without laughter is a day wasted. Laughter provides light, warmth and relaxation. Smile, damn!

6. Without independence there is only dependence.

In difficult relationships there is always some form of dependence. One partner is dependent on the other. It doesn’t even have to be financial dependence. More often it is an emotional dependence. It’s as if one of the two cares less about what the other does. The person who has the least to lose if the relationship ends is the one who determines the relationship.

In healthy relationships there is equality. Two people decide: “We feel fine without each other, but even better together. We choose to be together. Not out of necessity or poverty, but out of love. ” Both people value each other and do not allow one to prevail or determine the relationship.

7. Appreciation is necessary for all happy relationships.

In bad relationships, the focus is very much on what the partner is doing wrong. “I say it every time, but you never get it right!” Or: “When will I get through to you?” Since the focus is on the other person ‘s shortcomings , there is a lot of dissatisfaction. More attention is paid to what is not there than to what is.

Happy couples appreciate each other.

1 – You know that the other is not perfect.

2 – You have no desire to change him or her.

3 – You forget the small mistakes and focus on what you do appreciate.

You cannot appreciate someone until you stop focusing on their flaws. That does not only apply to your relationship, but also to yourself!

Do you want a happy relationship with other people?

With your partner, or with your family, friends or colleagues?

Then you need more insight – and you also need to work on yourself. Because a good relationship always starts with a good relationship with yourself .

To your success.

Keep your relation moving.


8 Simple Steps To Long Lasting Happiness And Fulfillment


We all want to live happy lives, don’t we? But the sad truth is that many people don’t get to live happy lives – they just waste away in their negativity. If you want to achieve long-lasting happiness and fulfillment, here’s how:

  1. Know what you really want

You have to know what will make you happy, otherwise, no matter how hard you work, you’re never going to be satisfied. Having goals and dreams is important, but determining if it’s really going to make you happy is a more important question.

  1. Live life to the fullest

You only get to live once, so live your life to the fullest. Have a bucket list of things you would like to do before you leave this world behind. Every time you tick off an item on your list, you’ll feel very happy!

  1. Learn from your mistakes

Being afraid of failure is hard enough, but not learning from your mistakes is another matter altogether. If you never learn from your mistakes, then you wouldn’t be able to get to where you want to be!

  1. Do what you love to do

If you’re stuck in a job you hate, then seek out the right job for you. If you don’t, then you’ll be trapped, and you’ll end up bottling all your resentment inside which will ultimately lead to negative thoughts.

  1. Be grateful for what you have

You’ll always have something to be thankful for. Sometimes in our quest for happiness, we forget the people who’ve been behind us all along. Count your blessings and be grateful always.

  1. Go outside your comfort zone

If you’re too afraid to leave your comfort zone, then you’ll find it hard to chase your dreams! Don’t be afraid to push your boundaries to find what truly makes you happy.

  1. Have positive-minded friends

If you’re surrounded by positive people, then you’ll find yourself thinking positively all the time, too. You’ll feel happier and more fulfilled because you won’t be thinking bitter, negative thoughts.

  1. Connect with yourself

How well do you really know yourself? If you don’t know who you are, then you’ll find it hard to define what really makes you happy, and what doesn’t. Knowing who you are is an important part of discovering the path to long-lasting happiness and fulfillment!Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail