Unlock Harmony: The Profound Benefits of Massage and Pranic Healing for Mind, Body, and Soul


The Healing Touch of Massage Therapy:

Massage therapy, with its roots tracing back thousands of years, has long been revered for its therapeutic properties. Beyond mere relaxation, massage unlocks a myriad of benefits that permeate every aspect of our being.

1. Physical Rejuvenation: Massage stimulates circulation, relieving muscle tension and promoting the release of toxins from the body. This not only enhances physical vitality but also boosts immune function, facilitating the body’s innate healing mechanisms.

2. Emotional Restoration: The power of touch is profound—it communicates care, compassion, and comfort. Through massage, emotional stress melts away, fostering a deep sense of relaxation and emotional well-being. It acts as a sanctuary where worries dissipate, and inner peace blossoms.

3. Mental Clarity: In the gentle embrace of skilled hands, the mind finds respite from the relentless chatter of daily life. Massage promotes mental clarity by calming the nervous system, reducing anxiety, and enhancing focus. It is a sanctuary where the mind unwinds, paving the way for profound insights and inner stillness.

Pranic Healing: Illuminating the Soul’s Path:

Healing, a holistic energy healing modality, complements the physical benefits of massage by addressing the subtle energy body. Rooted in the principle that the body possesses an innate ability to heal itself, Pranic Healing harnesses the universal life force to harmonize and balance the body’s energy systems.

1. Energetic Alignment: Just as a river flows freely when unobstructed, optimal health is attained when energy flows smoothly throughout the body. Pranic Healing clears energetic blockages, restoring balance and vitality to the chakras and meridians. This harmonization fosters a profound sense of well-being and vitality.

2. Emotional Resilience: Emotions are energetic currents that shape our experiences and perceptions. Pranic Healing dissolves negative energetic patterns, liberating us from the grip of fear, anger, and sadness. By cultivating emotional resilience, it empowers us to navigate life’s challenges with grace and equanimity.

3. Spiritual Awakening: At its core, Pranic Healing is a journey of spiritual evolution—a pathway to self-realization and enlightenment. By purifying the energetic body, it unveils the radiant essence of the soul, awakening us to our inherent divinity and interconnectedness with all of creation.







    Silence at last :Finding peace within yourself – 3 insights


    Do you long for more peace within yourself? In small steps you can find more peace within yourself. These tips help.

    Find peace within yourself

    It’s quite ironic when you think about it. A lot of things we do – things that make us restless and in a hurry – we do so that we can finally experience peace.

    For example, we work very hard on a project, because when it is finally finished we have peace of mind. Or we feed our dissatisfaction with an endless list of things that need to be done differently . Because when we have made all those changes, “we will finally experience peace.”

    The challenge of inner peace is that you cannot look for it – you can only give it space . The harder you push, the more difficult it is to experience true peace.

    What can you do to find more peace within yourself? These 3 insights help me, maybe they will help you too.

    1. You don’t have to change anything

    That feeling that peace and happiness are always just around the corner is an illusion. And it is an illusion that can keep us entertained endlessly .

    No, your next purchase will not give you inner peace. Even though you now know for sure that it is true. The same applies to all those changes you want to make within yourself.

    Losing weight does not lead to inner peace. Nor is a perfect morning routine. Certainly not becoming rich and famous.

    You will experience more peace if you observe your dissatisfaction and then let it go . See the unrest in your head. Notice how your ego is constantly looking for all kinds of ‘external solutions’ to find peace. And let it go quietly.

    Rest doesn’t come when you run faster and faster. Peace comes when you come to a standstill.

    2. Peace is what remains

    The more often you manage not to act on your chronic dissatisfaction , the more inner peace you will experience.

    Why? Because this way you step out of your own shadow .

    You can compare it to a clear, smooth pond – this is inner peace. But a breath of wind causes waves to come into the water – this is dissatisfaction.

    Instead of watching these waves until they disappear on their own, you decide to do something about them .

    In your attempt to restore peace, you step into the pond to stop the waves. But this actually creates more waves. And not only that – your feet stir up the bottom, which also makes the pond cloudy.

    Do you want to experience peace? Practice mindfulness: observe the waves and be patient . The water calms down, the mud sinks to the bottom – the pond becomes clear again. Dissatisfaction comes and goes.

    The more you practice patience and mindfulness, the easier it will become for you.

    3. Inner peace is the basis – not the goal

    Inner peace is – just like health and happiness – the foundation of your daily life , not the goal.

    What do I mean by that? Simple: your life runs better when you are calm. The deeper your inner peace becomes, the less you are carried away by life.

    Here you can see your life as a river. In some places it flows calmly, in other places the water is very wild. Living from unrest is like being carried away on a small boat.

    Sometimes the ride is pleasant but sometimes it is completely overwhelming and you are in danger of falling overboard.

    Living from inner peace is more like resting on the bottom like a big boulder. Life flows through you , instead of the other way around. And because you are so stable, life cannot easily push you over.

    This is a great foundation to start from. To work, take on challenges, make dreams come true, help others and spread your love. Not from that restless boat that can tip over at any moment when things get wild, but from your position of inner peace.


    For when you want to have a blast; today 11 practical tips to get more out of your day


    Do you want to make today a great day? With these tips you will get more out of your day than usual. To work!

    13 Helpful Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Day - Solutions With Rush

    Get more out of your day

    Do you want to make today a great day? Then it’s best to start yesterday . With a little preparation you can give yourself a flying start. And not only that, the simple decision that tomorrow is going to be a great day increases the chance that it will actually work out.

    I am a big fan of preparing my day, and below I have listed 11 super effective tips that also regularly help me get more out of my day.

    11 Tips to get more out of your day

    1. Don’t leave your day to chance . Take some time the night before to go over the day and write down what you want to accomplish today. Write down 1-3 important tasks. This way you don’t have to think about what you need to do today, and you can get started right away.
    2. Give yourself a flying start . Prepare your breakfast the day before. I eat overnight oats with fresh fruit every day. The oatmeal is ready, I just throw in some fruit. Do you want to start flying? Then lay out your clothes for the day.
    3. Get up earlier . Getting up earlier than usual feels very productive. It saves you time and makes your day feel longer. Go to bed earlier the day before to avoid getting less out of your day because you are tired.
    4. Do something constructive immediately . It could be anything. Some people like to start the day with meditation or some exercise. I start my day by writing an article. It’s nice to do something useful right away, because then your day immediately feels a bit successful.
    5. Start your most important task in the morning . Are you dressed and ready to start the day? Then grab your to-do list from the night before and start on the task that is most important to you. Ask yourself: what task will bring me closer to my goals, or contribute most to the quality of my life right now?  Take on that task, even if you find it difficult or annoying. He better be out of the way.
    6. Give yourself a competition you can win . Yes, you want to get a lot out of your day today. But also realize that you want to prove to yourself that you can succeed. So don’t set too high standards for yourself. If you disappoint yourself every day, you damage your self-confidence , which means you get less and less out of your day in the long term.
    7. Give yourself extra time . A smart way to do this is to cook in large quantities the day(s) before. For example, make a healthy soup that you freeze. You can eat these for lunch. Or save time in the evening by simply grabbing a healthy meal from the fridge that you prepared earlier.
    8. Keep it simple . Getting the most out of your day doesn’t mean you have to run and fly, or fill your head with several tasks at the same time. Getting the most out of your day mainly means that you work in a structured and focused manner. Don’t worry, calm down . Then you will get much more done.
    9. Get into some good habits . You don’t have to stop at one super effective day. Take these tips one by one and make them habits. For example, prepare every day in the evening and develop an evening routine in which you lay out your clothes and prepare your breakfast in advance. This way you get more out of your day time and time again.
    10. Keep yourself upbeat . Your day feels better when you feel cheerful, optimistic and loving. Focus on the things that are going well and assume the good. Don’t get carried away by negativity or paralyzing thoughts.
    11. Enjoy your day . Getting more out of your day doesn’t mean you have to just be busy and live in your head. You get the most out of your day if you live in the moment. You’ve already prepared your day, so you don’t have to think so much anymore. You just have to do it . In the meantime, you can experience the day with full attention and truly enjoy it.

    This way you get even more out of your day

    With more discipline you get more out of your day every day. Why? Because with more discipline you can simply do things that you don’t really feel like doing.


    Prevent misery 15 signs you’re stressed

    it is STRESS O'Clock
    It Is Stress O’Clock Somewherer

    As an active blogger my brains are all the time at work. I am writing this article from a base jungle camp, deep in the jungle of the Republic of Suriname where I spent some time to relax and to unite with the nature elements. So I was cleansing my body for stress as well. I really hope you enjoy this blog.

    Do you realize in time that you are stressed? Or do you keep letting stress overwhelm you? In this article you can read what you should pay attention to so that you can hit the brakes in time.

    Stress starts small

    Stress often starts small and subtle. This makes it easy to overlook the first signals. Especially if you are busy with other things. Your mental and physical health will then become less of a priority.

    Moreover, stress looks different for everyone. One person suffers from vague physical complaints, while another feels extra irritable , for example .

    The problem is, you can get on with these subtle symptoms just fine. You take a painkiller, pour yourself another cup of coffee – and when you don’t feel up to it in the evening, you put a pizza in the oven.

    Of course, I don’t have to tell you that this only works in the short term . In the long run you will only make the problem worse.

    Do you want to experience less stress on a structural basis and live life more lightly? Then it is smart to hit the brakes at the first signals.

    Physical stress signals

    A physical response to stress occurs because your brain receives a signal that you need to be extra alert. For our ancestors, this was a useful tool for survival.

    This means that your brain, heart and muscles are put on high alert. So that you can give just that little bit extra in the event of danger.

    Other parts of your body receive less attention. After all, what good is good digestion if you’re about to be eaten yourself?

    Once the danger has passed, your body can relax and recover. At least, that’s how the stress system is intended. But in our modern age there are constant stimuli that activate our stress system. This gives you no time to recover.

    These are physical stress signals:

    • An accelerated heart rate and breathing
    • Fatigue, but still having difficulty sleeping
    • The unconscious tightening of muscles, for example in your neck, jaw, back or shoulders
    • Tension headache
    • Dizziness or ringing in the ears
    • Abdominal pain or intestinal cramps
    • Cold hands, dry mouth and excessive sweating

    Emotional and mental stress signals

    Stress also affects the way your brain works. Just think of an acute stressful situation such as a car running a red light – which requires you to react in a split second. The instinctive part of your brain takes over.

    Complicated brain functions such as planning, organizing, concentrating and keeping an overview are temporarily pushed into the background. This also applies to regulating your thoughts and emotions.

    Does the stressful situation last longer? Then you become mentally out of balance.

    Fatigue also plays a role in this. Because you get little rest during stressful periods, you can cope less and you are more likely to suffer from a bad mood.

    Emotional and mental stress signals are:

    • Difficulty concentrating and prioritizing
    • Worry a lot or suffer from negative thoughts
    • Be easily angry, irritated or sad
    • Forgetting appointments or arriving late
    • Feeling gloomy and depressed
    • Not wanting to have sex anymore
    • Snacking a lot or not being hungry at all
    • Avoiding social contacts

    Hit the brakes

    Do you recognize a large number of these 15 signals? Then investigate where they come from.

    Do you have a to-do list that will help you wallpaper the living room? Are you an informal caregiver with a busy family and demanding job? Or do you set the bar so high for yourself that even a pole vaulter can’t clear it?

    Then it’s time to hit the brakes. Put your own well-being and health first. This means that sometimes you have to say no to someone else to say yes to yourself.

    In addition, ensure sufficient rest and relaxation. Take plenty of breaks and do something every day that helps you relax, such as:

    • Walking or cycling in nature
    • Listen to music
    • Read a nice book
    • To play sports
    • Pursue a hobby

    Have you calmed down a bit? Then think about why you keep falling into that stress trap. Why are you so busy? Why do you set the bar so high? What’s behind that? Maybe you have the urge to prove yourself, you are a perfectionist or you think you can only be successful with a full agenda.

    Only when you address the underlying cause can you truly free yourself from stress and the annoying symptoms that come with it.

    Are you unsure about the cause of your complaints? Then make an appointment with your doctor. A Checkup can rule out whether there is something else going on, such as a (chronic) illness, allergies or a vitamin deficiency.

    Reduce stress step by step

    Stress sucks the joy out of your day. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to quickly experience less stress. Look for yourself and discover what is the best thing to do.

    So that happiness can flow back into your day. 


    Do you still believe in the goodness of people?

    Plant a seed of goodness

    Welcome to the first 2024 blog

    In a time of disasters, wars and diametrically opposed opinions, it can be difficult to continue to believe in the goodness of people. Yet I would like to challenge you to look for the beautiful and good in people, especially now.

    The Inherent Goodness Of People - Optimum Consulting

    Focus on the positive

    I admit, it is not always easy to continue to see the good in people. There are days when everyone is in a hurry and seems to have a short fuse.

    When you then see in the news what people are doing to each other and to the Earth, your heart sinks.

    At such a moment you can choose to become frustrated and bitter, but you can also focus on beautiful and positive things.

    Even when humanity shows its ugliest side, there are people who spread love, hope and light. Heroes exist, you just can’t recognize them by a cape.

    Naive or smart?

    Some people think such a positive worldview is naive. Or they say you’re an ostrich with its head in the sand.

    This is not right. There is a difference between fooling yourself and consciously choosing to focus on the good instead of the bad.

    A positive outlook has many benefits:

    • You experience more happiness, love and pleasure in your life.
    • You feel connected to the people around you.
    • Optimistic people are often healthier and live longer.
    • It helps you achieve more in your life.
    • You inspire others to be happier and more positive too.

    Keep faith in the future

    People who have faith in the goodness of others have faith in the future . They dare to look ahead. These are the people who want to become the best version of themselves and thereby inspire others to do the same.

    While fear, despair and doom-mongering actually cause paralysis. If you only see the bad in people, you are less likely to start a positive movement.

    It is not without reason that dictators and extremist leaders like to spread fear and turn people against each other. That’s so oppressive.

    Plant a seed of goodness

    The talent to help someone else

    Do you doubt the goodness of people? Then consider that it has been scientifically proven that every person is born with a sense of justice and the talent to help others. You just have to develop that talent. Upbringing, culture and living conditions play a role in this.

    It also matters how connected someone feels to the people around them. Ultimately, we are all connected. As family members, friends, colleagues, local residents, Dutch people and residents of this Earth.

    How we behave, what we do and what we say affects the people around us. This quickly creates a domino effect. A smile or friendly gesture can make a big difference.

    For example, I recently read a story of a woman who had just lost her father. When she dropped a container of yogurt from her hands at the supermarket checkout, she burst into tears.

    Almost immediately there were people around her. One person put an arm around her shoulder, others helped with cleaning up, paying and packing the groceries. She never forgot this small gesture of compassion .

    It shows that we are all essentially the same. Sooner or later we all face adversity, sadness and loss. When you have experienced for yourself how important humanity is at such a moment, you are more likely to do the same for someone else.

    Look beyond the outside

    You never know what someone is struggling with. A colleague who is unreasonably fierce may not have slept for weeks – because he is worried about a sick child, has money problems or is going through a divorce.

    That doesn’t make him a bad person, it makes him human.

    You have probably said something at a bad time that you didn’t mean – or that you later regretted.

    Therefore, always look beyond the words someone says. See the person behind it. A person with fears, insecurities, doubts, pain, sadness, love and hope.

    Instead of reacting angrily or irritated to that colleague, you can try to find out what is really going on.

    This can be uncomfortable. You must be willing to go along with the other person for a while in the darkness. Don’t give unsolicited advice, but make room for uncomfortable emotions, listen and encourage.

    By shining your light on the good in people, it also becomes visible to others. In this way you break the negative spiral and ensure more connection, understanding and progress in the world.


    Calm Your Mind : Attack The Strong Unrest In Your Head


    Does your head feel like a washing machine with thoughts tumbling over each other? Don’t panic, with these tips you can reduce the anxiety in your head.

    The Unrest of Mind During Exam Time by The Hermitage Rehab - Issuu

    A head that always rattles

    Work stress, stimuli, tasks, ideas, inspiration, information and various distractions ensure that your mind is never turned off.

    My head is never quiet either. There is always something to remember, work on, think about or worry about. So you are not alone.

    Such a busy head is of course very tiring. It makes it difficult for you to concentrate and makes you feel tense or rushed. This makes you feel less good about yourself and can become irritated more quickly.

    Small changes can reduce this unrest. So that you feel light, fresh and focused again. Sounds good, right? Let’s get started!

    Accept the unrest

    It may sound a bit contradictory. But by accepting that your mind never stands still, you create more peace for yourself.

    There is a little voice in your head that interferes with everything . That in itself is not surprising. Everyone has a voice like that. However, some people’s voices are a bit louder than others.

    The trick is not to ignore that voice. You better accept him. You will always have thoughts about what is happening in your life. That doesn’t mean you actually have to do anything with all those thoughts.

    You decide which thoughts are worthwhile and which thoughts can float happily by like clouds in the sky.

    Sounds familiar? That may be true, because this tactic is also used in meditation. Meditation is not about clearing your head. That is impossible. Meditation is about directing your attention and not getting carried away by your thoughts.

    Get a grip on your thoughts

    There’s one more thing you need to know about your brain: it can’t handle loose ends. An email you still need to answer, your sister waiting for your call, an argument that’s bothering you, a gift you need to buy, the babysitter you need to arrange.

    Your brain will continue to do this until you have taken action. You would think it would be useful to have those daily pop-ups in your head. Or not?

    Well, not actually. The problem is that you get those pop-ups at the most inconvenient times. Your brain is not a reliable system that sends you a reminder at the right time. Moreover, it considers every loose end equally important. There is no priority filter.

    That is why it is much more convenient to regularly collect all loose ends or thoughts and write them down in a notebook or note-taking app. You can then put them in order of importance and attach concrete actions to them.

    And things over which you have no influence? You can let that go. Such as someone else’s opinion or frustrations about something that is beyond your control.

    This way you ensure that your brain does not have to constantly worry about loose ends. You can use the space this creates to come up with creative or smart solutions for really important issues.

    Do one thing at a time

    Multitasking is out. Single-tasking is in. By focusing on one task at a time, you work more effectively, achieve better results and are less stressed.

    Multitasking or quickly switching between different tasks, on the other hand, costs a lot of energy. You are actually always starting and stopping a task, so you always need restart time to get back into it. Moreover, this way of working increases the chance of errors.

    I notice this effect myself in the car, for example. When I’m driving in a busy, unfamiliar city where I don’t know the way, I automatically turn off the radio so I can concentrate on one thing at a time.

    Do you get distracted or bored easily? Then set a timer for half an hour, for example. Agree with yourself that you will work for half an hour and that you can then check your email or look at your phone for five minutes. Try to extend this focus time further and further.

    Make your life less busy and complicated

    If you are naturally busy in your head, it is nice if the rest of your life is simple and clear. Think of: less stuff, fewer obligations, less stress and less hassle.

    A fresh and tidy living and working environment helps you to relax. Throw out unnecessary junk, regularly sweep through your digital files with a virtual broom – and give everything a permanent place so you can easily find it again.

    It’s also nice to have fixed routines that you don’t have to think about. Such as a fixed evening and morning routine. This may sound boring, but it helps you streamline your life so you experience more peace.

    Ask yourself what small steps you can take to make your life less busy and complicated. Some examples:

    • Start your day with the most important task.
    • Don’t check your email until mid-morning.
    • Stop checking the news frequently.
    • Unsubscribe from newsletters and advertising.
    • Make a weekly menu or cook meals that you freeze for later.
    • Express disagreements immediately, before they take on a life of their own.
    • Set up automatic payments and automatic savings.
    • Cancel unnecessary insurance or memberships.
    • Stop obligations that give you a lot of stress and little pleasure.
    • Find out if you can automate or outsource tasks.

    Reduce restless and agitated feelings

    A restless and agitated feeling can ruin your life. Everything feels harder, more viscous, your world feels smaller and it’s hard to relax and simply be happy.

    Keep doing your best all the time to control your Mind !!!


    Stop racing thoughts – 3 surprising insights


    So Time To Sleep

    Are you unable to sleep because you are bothered by racing thoughts? Do those racing thoughts keep you awake and would you like to stop them? These insights help.

    How to fall asleep faster and sleep better - Every Mind Matters - NHS

    1. Realize that you will still have this brain tomorrow

    There is something you should not forget. At least, your brain doesn’t want you to forget it. For example, in your head you rehearse how you are going to tell that colleague the truth after the weekend. Or you’re wondering again what to do about that annoying problem that’s gnawing at you.

    Well – good news. The fact that you can think about it like this in bed now – when you are most tired – means that you can think about it even more tomorrow .

    When you wake up tomorrow you will still have this brain. In fact – tomorrow your brain will be rested, and it will be much better able to deal with the world in a constructive way.

    So let it go. Trust that your brain knows what to do during that conversation with that colleague on Monday. And know that you can put it back to work tomorrow to solve that problem.

    Now you can sleep.

    2. Know that those racing thoughts are absolutely useless

    All those rehearsals and contemplations cost you a lot of energy. They keep you awake and make your brain work overtime. And for what? For a false sense of control .

    If you think long enough about the confrontation you want to face, it seems as if you are preparing yourself well. In reality, you mainly become cramped and restless. And that preparation leads nowhere.

    Why not? Because life rarely unfolds the way we imagine it does late at night . The reality is always different. Then you are ready with the sharp comments that you have ‘rehearsed’ at night – but the confrontation turns out to be completely absent. Well.

    You don’t think about the problems in your life in bed. You do this with a notebook in front of your face, a cup of coffee on the table and nice music. With an attitude of: “So, how are we going to wash that pig.”

    So let it go. You can go to sleep. Because if you’re busy doing completely pointless things, you might as well go to sleep. At least that’s good for something.

    3. Know that you have no control over it anyway

    It is what it is. And you don’t always have control over how things are.

    In fact, you have almost no control over most of the things you worry about. That is the reason you suffer from those racing thoughts . Because if you had control over it now, you would just fix the problem. Worrying thoughts give you – as I already wrote – a false sense of control.

    By keeping the thoughts in the front of your brain, you seem to gain more control. In reality, you mainly get more stress hormones and a significant sleep deprivation.

    You know – it can be hard not to have control over something. But you can also look at it differently. It is also liberating to realize this .

    Why? Because then you can let it go. “We’ll see how it turns out” is quite a healthy way of thinking in such a situation. Because this is the only logical response when you have no control over something .

    You don’t worry about whether the sun will rise tomorrow, do you? You have no say in that at all. If a black hole suddenly hurls Earth out of the solar system or a nearby supernova sterilizes the planet in an instant – that’s what it is. If we freeze to death, then we freeze to death, my grandmother would have said.

    So please go to sleep. You ‘ll see again tomorrow . Life unfolds as it unfolds. That’s what it is. And that’s how it has always been. No reason to worry, but reason to relax. Tomorrow you will be ready again with a rested brain – so time to rest.

    Hope you enjoyed this blog ! Please Share With Your Network !


    Unlocking Personal Growth: 3 powerful Exercises to Break Free from Old Patterns


    Get rid of the autopilot

    Do you want to become a better version of yourself, but do you find it difficult to break old patterns? With these 3 exercises you increase your chance of success.

    How to Break Old Patterns that Prevent Growth - cheers to chapter two
    Create a new version of yourself

    Before you start: which pattern do you want to break?

    It is difficult to break an old pattern. This takes time, effort and energy. You have a greater chance of success if you focus on breaking one pattern.

    If you want to break multiple patterns, don’t do it at the same time. Consciously choose one thing. Something that bothers you a lot or that you consider important at this moment in your life. The rest will come later.

    Exercise 1: Turn off the autopilot

    Every day you do many things on autopilot. So that you don’t unnecessarily spend a lot of time and energy thinking about actions. Very efficient of course.

    This is great when it comes to things like brushing your teeth or making your bed. But less pleasant when it comes to bad habits or negative patterns such as smoking, stress eating, procrastination or saying ‘yes’ too often.

    We all have such an autopilot. Your brain loves patterns and is less fond of changes.

    The first thing you should do is turn off the autopilot and get behind the wheel yourself. Are you ready for it? Buckle up? Tank full? Great, let’s leave.

    Along the way you will notice that there are moments when the autopilot wants to take over again. The big difference is that you are now alert to it. So that you can put on the brakes or make adjustments as soon as you risk getting back on the old path.

    Try to discover:

    • what the reason is. This could be something as simple as a time when you used to do something, but it could also be an emotion or situation.
    • what desire is behind it. For example, the desire for an addictive drug or the desire to be liked.
    • what it gets you. The pleasure of gaming, the kick you get from eating sugar or the gratitude of your colleague when you take over her work.

    For this last point (what are the benefits?) don’t just note the positive aspects of your behavior. For example, always saying ‘yes’ may generate gratitude from others, but it also causes stress and a lack of time for yourself.

    Exercise 2: Avoid temptation

    Did you know that you only have a limited amount of willpower every day? Every time you have to put effort into something, you use a little of that willpower. Until it’s gone.

    The trick is to ensure that breaking your old pattern takes as little willpower as possible. You will work on that in this exercise. You do this by removing temptations as much as possible.

    Suppose you want to get rid of your smartphone addiction . What can you do to minimize temptation? Think: putting your phone in a closet, uninstalling addictive apps and turning off notifications.

    Sometimes it is difficult to completely remove a temptation. What you can do is make rules for yourself.

    Some examples:

    • No more gossiping: I only talk positively about other people.
    • Preventing procrastination: I put my tasks in my agenda and I stick to them.
    • Saying ‘yes’ less often: I only give up my private time in emergencies.
    • Not always available: After 6 p.m. my (work) phone goes silent.
    • Less stress eating: If I suffer from stress, I go for a walk.
    • Less likely to get defensive: If I feel attacked, I count to 10 before answering.

    Think about how you can ensure that you are as little tempted as possible to fall into your old pattern.

    Exercise 3: Replace your old pattern with a new pattern

    If you want to get rid of an old pattern, the obvious thing to do is to replace it with a new pattern.

    This works best if you are convinced that the new pattern has more advantages than the old pattern.

    For example, you may decide that from now on you will eat an apple instead of a bar of chocolate, but of course an apple does not give the same feeling of happiness as a bar of chocolate. So you will have to motivate yourself to choose the apple.

    This is how you do it:

    • Write down what the new pattern will bring you. These could be things like: a healthier life, more time for your family, better mental health or more self-confidence. Remind yourself of these benefits during difficult moments.
    • Make your new pattern attractive. For example, by linking it to something you like. Listen to your favorite podcast while exercising, meet friends for a bike ride instead of a pub crawl or have a cup of coffee with colleagues instead of lighting a cigarette outside.
    • Don’t be too hard on yourself. Start with small changes that start an upward spiral. For example, agree with yourself that you will put on your running shoes and go outside. That’s already a win. Or set yourself the goal of reading a page every day or giving your opinion at least once during every meeting at work. Are you still falling back into your old pattern? Then don’t judge yourself. Maybe you were tired, sad or stressed. There is always a new day.
    • Track your progress. Motivate yourself by keeping track of how well you are doing. This can be done very simply by writing down every day whether you have managed to maintain your new pattern and how. Can’t make it one day? Then write that down too. Not to bully yourself, but so that you are extra motivated to pick up the thread again the next day.
    • Reward yourself. Promise yourself a nice reward if you manage to maintain your new pattern. Did you enjoy your work and beat your procrastination? Then treat yourself to an evening of watching a movie or gaming. Or have you stopped smoking for six months? Reward yourself with a weekend away.

    Less procrastination, more self-discipline

    The more discipline you have, the easier it is to break unwanted patterns. And the good news is: you can learn self-discipline.


    Tips On The Rules Of Living With People


    1. When you meet young people – INSPIRE THEM.

    2. When you meet children – EDUCATE THEM

    .3. When you meet old people – HELP THEM.

    4. When you meet wise people – STUDY THEM.

    5. When you meet leaders – HONOUR THEM.

    6. When you meet foolish people – AVOID THEM.

    7. When you meet humble people – TREASURE THEM.

    8. When you meet arrogant people – IGNORE THEM.

    9. When you meet gracious people – EMULATE THEM.

    10. When you meet aspirational people – ELEVATE THEM.

    11. When you meet strong people – SUPPORT THEM.

    12. When you meet godly people – BLESS THEM.

    13. When you meet elderly people – RESPECT THEM.

    14. When you meet weak people – STRENGTHEN THEM.

    15. When you meet hardworking people – ENCOURAGE THEM.

    16. When you meet kind people – ESTEEM THEM.

    17. When you meet Honest people -PROMOTE THEM.

    18. When you meet virtuous people – REWARD THEM.

    19. When you meety evil people – EVADE THEM.

    20. And in all situation “Watch, Pray and wish everyone well.

    Some More Quotes with the Lessons behind them

    1.Dr. Ben Carson said, “I struggled academically throughout elementary school yet became the best neurosurgeon in the world in 1987.”LESSON: Struggling is a sign that you are on a verge of success. Don’t quit yet.

    2. Bill Gates said, “I didn’t even complete my university education but became the world’s richest man.” LESSON: School does not make you rich. School is only supposed to polish what will make you rich, not make you rich.

    3. Christiano Ronaldo said, “I told my father that we would be very rich but he couldn’t believe me. I made it a reality.” LESSON: Your words rule your life. If you mean what you have said, each word will come to pass. You get what you say.

    4. Hear Lionel Messi!, “I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training and still became one of the world’s best footballers.”LESSON: Believe in your dream. Don’t let your pain tell you how your future will look like.

    5. Steve Jobs penned, “I used to sleep on the floor in my friends’ rooms, returning coke bottles for food, money, and getting weekly free meals at a local temple, I later on founded Apple Company.” LESSON: That you are small today doesn’t mean you will be small tomorrow. Keep trusting God.

    6. Former British PM, Tony Blair said & I quote, “My teachers used to call me a failure, but I became a Prime Minister.”LESSON: Don’t let someone else’s opinions of you become your reality.

    7. Bishop David Oyedepo said, “I started Living Faith Church from a lawn tennis court with three members only & preached prosperity. Many of my friends criticised me, but today we have the largest church auditorium in the world & two world-class universities.”LESSON: Believe in yourself even if no one does & never think of quitting.

    8. Nelson Mandela said, “I was in prison for 27 years & still became president.”LESSON: You can be anything you want to be no matter where you have been or what you have been through.

    9.REECE “I drove a taxi to finance my university education but today I’m a billionaire.” LESSON: Don’t let your past decide the kind of future you need to have.

    10. Harland Sanders, Founder of KFC said, “I was on the verge of suicide when an Idea of opening a restaurant hit me after I retired as a cook in the Navy.”LESSON: Nothing is ever too late. “Too late” is a language of failures. Your future can begin at any age. Don’t ever let AGE limit you.

    11. Aliko Dangote said, “I worked for my uncle since I was a small boy, people looked down on me. I later on took a loan from my uncle to open a tiny shop. I worked hard to make ends meet. Now I am the richest Man in Africa.LESSON: Failures or limitations of the past have no control over the greatness in you. To him that believes, all things are possible.

    12. Barack Hussein Obama said, I am a son of a black immigrant from Kenya, I graduated from Harvard and later on became a Senator in Chicago. I was also the President of the most powerful nation on Earth.LESSON: Never design your life like a garden where anyone can walk in and out. Design it like the sky where everyone aspires to reach!

    13. Arnold Swarzzenegger said, I traveled to America in search of financial independence when I was 15yrs old. I became the world’s strongest man 7 times and Mr Universe. I then got my Economics degree, then I became one of Hollywood’s best actors before I was voted twice as governor of California.”LESSON: Don’t wait for everybody to believe in your ability and dreams.

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    1. “CONFIDENCE is when you believe in yourself and your abilities, ARROGANCE is when you think you are better than others and act accordingly.” – Stewart Stafford
    2. “Having a low opinion of yourself is not ‘modesty’. It’s self-destruction. Holding your uniqueness in high regard is not ‘egotism’. It’s a necessary precondition to happiness and success.” – Bobbe Sommer
    3. “To establish true self-esteem, WE MUST CONCENTRATE ON OUR SUCCESSES and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives.” — Denis Waitley
    4. “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” – Henry Ford
    5. “Nothing builds self esteem and self confidence like accomplishment.” – Thomas Carlyle
    6. “Have confidence that if you have done a little thing well, you can do a bigger thing well too.” – David Storey
    7. “Confidence is A HABIT that can be developed by acting as IF YOU ALREADY had the confidence you desire to have.” – Brian Tracy
    8. “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. YOU ARE BETTER THAN YOU THINK.” – T. Harv Eker
    9. “Self worth cannot be verified by others. You are worthy because you say it is so. If you depend on others for your value it is other-worth.” – Wayne Dyer
    10. “Self confidence is a SUPER POWER. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts happening.” – Unknown
    11. Bonus #1
      “You are a Divine creation, a Being of Light who showed up here as a human being at the exact moment you were supposed to. You are the Beloved, a miracle, a part of the eternal perfection.” — Wayne Dyer
    12. Bonus #2
      “Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Christopher Robin
      Unleash your super powers by reminding yourself of your successes, your strengths, your wisdom, your experience and how far you’ve come. YOU ARE THE POWER!
    13. Keep shinning champ!!