Entrepreneurs: Sleeping less than 7 hours a night has serious consequences for our body


Sleeping little or badly damages our body and not only from the point of view of mood or energy consumption, there are other problems that can cause the lack of sleep. An adult should sleep on average between 7 and 9 hours a night, but unfortunately most people sleep less or do not find it important to rest all the time because they always feel fit. In reality, sleep plays a fundamental role in the healthy functioning of our body and not enough sleep leads to serious consequences.

Not sleeping well can lead to weight gain: sleep works on different functions of our body, one of these has to do with the molecules that regulate the hunger. Less sleep makes you hungry more often, especially sugars and fats that the body requires.

  • Little or no sleep can cause skin problems: night-time sleeps or a few hours of sleep, not only causes the classic dark circles under the eyes, but can also cause other skin problems. For example, it can damage collagen, the protein that makes our skin smooth and supple, to allow it to age prematurely.
  • Little sleep can also cause more serious illnesses: some of these are heart attacks, infarcts, cardiac arrhythmias, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke. In addition, it is estimated that 90% of people suffering from insomnia suffer from associated disorders, which are sometimes not manifested.
  • Poor or little sleep leads to deterioration of memory: sleep helps to store and consolidate the assimilated data during the day. Not enough rest causes our brains to perform this activity satisfactorily.

Not resting leads to processes of cognitive delay: it reduces attention, concentration and problem solving. You will also have difficulty studying.

  • Sleeping less than 6 hours per night makes you more prone to suffer from depression: insomnia becomes a fertile breeding ground for the appearance of forms of depression and anxiety.
  • Not enough sleep reduces libido: sexual desire is also related to sleep. Not resting properly leads to a reduction in libido.



Life is, in a quick sense, like an eternal school.

Every day we are learning from our experiences, and the lessons we acquire allow us to move forward from one stage of life to the next.

But not all of us are good students who are not taking the life lessons to serious.

Some people learn rapidly, and thus can quickly grow in understanding and evolve into higher states of their own consciousness. Others are slow motion learners, finding it extremely difficult to pass the tests of life , and as a result have to repeat them again and again and again…

As I grow older, I chose to spend some good time reflecting on the most important lessons I’ve learned in my road of life so far. If you’re wondering what those are, I wrote them here below so that you can have the opportunity to read them and benefit from them as much as I did but this is not all and surely not the end. Life continuous….


Tell me now :What are some of the gigantic lessons you’ve learned along your road of life? I’d love to read them, so feel totally free to let me and the world know by writing them in the comments or just send me an email.

I Am Always learning,

We are a few moments away from a brand new year full of challenges, threats and opportunities.

Here the lessons…

It feels weird to think that many years ago I was born in this nice world. Yes a couple of decades ago, I remember that my twenties seemed incredibly far in the future. But before I realized it, here I am, bam bam bam over 30 and heading further into 50+….

Aha so far my life’s journey has been an incredible drive and ride. I have gone through tons of ups and downs, both of which have taught me big big important lessons that allowed me to better understand me, myself and the universum, as well as to build my life the way I want as a KAIZEN LIFESTYLE PRACTITIONER.

In this blog I would like to share with you all some of the greatest and fantastic life lessons I have learned during the continuous course of my life, in hopes that you as reader will find them as helpful as I did. Without any further ado, here they are…just read further:

1. The moment is all there. Whoops, the past is gone and the future is not here yet. The present moment is everything you and I have, so be very sure to immerse yourself in it.

2. I really don’t know everything, and that’s totally fine I think. To learn, you need to admit that you don’t know it all. In fact, not everything can be known, and that’s part of the beauty of life, which is an ongoing learning journey because circumstances are changing rapidly.

3. Pain isn’t my enemy. It is just a messenger trying to show you that there is something going on. Instead of hiding from your pain or suppressing it, face it and pay attention to what it has to show you really, so that you can understand why it is there and how to get rid of it or to change things.

4. Most best things in life are for free. Just a few examples: A deep breath of fresh oxygen, a relaxed walk in nature, a chit chat with a good friend, and a look into the eyes of a good and beloved partner. Yes, Yes, cherish them before someone puts a price label on them too.

5. Money is NOT just the neutral energy. As it exists today, money is creating artificial scarcity, which results in competition, inequality, poverty, greed, and violence (among other things). Therefore, money is quite a negative force in our environment/world we are living in.

6. Peace begins in yourself. Three, four times a day you can choose peace over violence — that is, with each meal you eat. Is your food cruelty-free or does it involve unnecessary suffering and yes the factor death?

7. Sitting is killing you, do you realize this. Walk, rundance salsa, stretch, do weightlifting. Move your healthy body throughout the day.

8. Do not fully trust the mainstream media. Big media companies are owned by people whose main intention is to emotionally manipulate you and your family in order to keep you full hypnotized, sell you tons of lies and empty your purse and or pockets.

9. Remember: Voice your truth. Speak out of your mind, express/explain your feelings and let people see who you really are. Being true to yourself and others is the only way to build genuine relationships and live an authentic life.

10. You can not change no one. But your actions can inspire many to change, become and influence.

11. My mistakes are part of learning. I don’t fear of making mistakes, for they have important things to teach me. But make sure you don’t repeat them.

12. My failures are stepping stones to success. Each failure leads you one step closer to success, so do not shy away from it. Try, fail, and then try again and again for as long as it takes to achieve full goals.

13. Simplicity is the key to live well. To live simply means to let go of what is negative/unimportant and focus on what truly matters to your happiness and well-being in life

14. Always think for yourself. If you don’t, someone else will think for you and rule you.

15. We don’t have a true democracy if I might say so. Casting a vote once every five years alone doesn’t give people much more freedom in collective decision-making. Especially if you consider that what they vote for is nothing but power-hungry politicians who are moving below the belt and are lying to followers in order to serve their vested interests.

16. There is no a damn ‘free market’. In our socioeconomic system, you have as much freedom as your money can buy, that is it. At the other hand those with a lot of it have the freedom to restrict the freedom of others.

17. Reading books can be life-changing. Surely you must have heard this countless times. But it is totally true — some books have the power to turn your life upside down, in a tremendously positive way. Just make sure to carefully pick which books to read, otherwise they can be a waste of your time/investment

18. Use words wisely. Words can heal or hurt, so always be mindful of how you speak to people.

19. Please do no harm, but take no damn shitBe kind and loving to your fellow human beings, but be smart enough to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships, keep the network smooth and rolling at its best.

20. Possessions can possess you. Let go of your attachments to your belongings, for one day they will all be taken away from you.

21. Always look fear in the eyes. If you don’t, you will never overcome it.

22. Take responsibility in your life. Do not just sit cross-legged and blame others for your misfortunes. You have enough power in your hands to help shape your destination(s).

23. Change starts from within. Embody the change you wish to see in the world. Nobody will be able to do this inner change for you.

24. No person is monstrous. Those who choose to hurt others are deeply hurt themselves. Keeping a non-judgmental, merciful attitude can do wonders to help heal their wounds.

25. Question your beliefs. If followed blindfolded, they can edifice your life (and that of others).

26. Our economy is an anti-economy. To economize means to carefully manage rootage and to avoid unnecessary financial loss or waste. Our economic system, however, is essentially on consumption— that is, on the mindless and constant extraction of natural resources and production of waste.

27.Select your friends carefully. The group we spend time with shape our lives. Choose to pass it with those who lift you up and not those who drag you down.

28. There’s no such thing as the perfect human relationship. But if your relationships are build with good nature, love and care, they can improve your life more than anything else.

29. Embrace alteration. Life is perpetually changing, and the happiest people are the ones who have learned to adapt and flow with it.

30. You might die any moment. Consider on death regularly, so that when it knocks on your door, it doesn’t find you unprepared.

31. Be appreciative for what you have. Your life might not be perfect, but it’s still a wonder-full gift. Remember to appreciate it and make the most out of it while you can.




The development of technology is constantly changing. By improving processes more and more, our lives are made ever easier. But I sometimes wonder, is that really necessary?Don’t we sometimes spend too much time in the technological tools, so that we forget what is really important?

What have changes in technology brought us?

For me it is important that technological innovation ensures that we can live ever more sustainability. Cars become more efficient, products last longer, packaging uses less and less plastic and companies can make better choices in their processes. We use technology to create a better environment and thus a better society.

It is good that as a company you can make more conscious choices with digitization . Using less paper is a good example of this. By improving processes and optimizing digitally, a company contributes to the sustainability of our society. The transformation of technology also helps a company to work smarter; processes cost less time, colleagues speak to each other via video instead of being in the car for an hour and a lot of costs are saved.

Loss of connection

Technological innovation also has a downside. In my opinion technology is driving people apart more and more. Our lives are getting busier, the agenda is increasingly full of appointments and we need more plans and multitasking . So our smartphone is glued to our hand and we regularly send, while we are talking to, also an app to a friend what we eat tonight, and you name it. We are less and less aware of events and lose contact with what is happening around us.

Just think about sending a Christmas card. How many people did you send a Christmas card last year? And how much did you receive there? We no longer choose to take the time for these activities. And yes, if you are talking about the environment, is not a digital card much better? Yet we do not always send it, and it does not always give the same feeling as when you receive a paper, handwritten card. A personal message does so much more. And how about doing an old-fashioned thing, so spontaneously between the companies? We do not actually have time or energy for that. Is not that much easier from the comfort of the Facetime or Skype?

Transformation of lifestyle

We can not imagine that we used a mobile phone just to call and text, not so long ago. Now our whole life is in our phone and it has become indispensable. Innovation and technology have really transformed our lifestyle in this way.

In the end innovation in technology has brought us a lot of beauty, and it has a positive influence on sustainability and our society. But let us consciously continue to deal with this change and not let it completely affect our lives. Then choose to go offline and live more consciously in the moment. And this year at Christmas? You might send a handwritten card to your loved ones again.





Robots and people who work together: it may sound like a science fiction film. But Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is certainly not an extraterrestrial fiction. More and more organizations discover the added value of software robots.

Robotic process automation (RPA) can take labor-intensive processes off your hands. You configure the software robot once, after which it can endlessly copy the same actions. Some companies are skeptical about this robot software, others are enthusiastic. Is RPA a lasting innovation and do people lose their jobs through this software? I identify 5 trends in robotisation.

  1. From local to central management

It goes without saying that most organizations started with the use of one or only a few software robots. This robot software is often managed from a desktop in that initial phase. Logical. But how do you deal with 80 robots? You can’t manage that separately. That is why more and more organizations set up a central server on which they manage all robots. This way you can see exactly which robots there are, what their status is and how often they are deployed.

“Many organizations set up a central server for robot management”

  1. RPA and people become colleagues

Sometimes organizations are skeptical about the benefits of RPA in the beginning. But once they see that robot software really can operate multiple systems, they can’t wait to automate as much as possible. Yet not all processes are suitable for RPA and people remain indispensable. I increasingly see that robots support their human colleagues.

  1. Cognitive automation complements RPA

A software robot can’t deviate from the task that you have assigned him. If there is a problem, he stops or sends an e-mail. You set everything up yourself beforehand. That is safe: the risk of error is minimal. You control yourself and receive a notification if something goes wrong. So the robot does not do anything you do not want, but: it does not do anything anymore. Now that RPA is embedded, many companies are looking for a ‘next step’. Cognitive automation (such as Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing or Machine Learning) seems to be an ideal addition. These technologies have a self-learning algorithm and mimic the reasoning ability of people. They learn, ‘think’ and decide on the basis of previously acquired information and experiences. That offers enormous opportunities, but I also like to make a comment. This cognitive automation is often very error prone. After all, the algorithm makes its own decisions without informing you. Then it may be that the robot once takes a different path than you approach specifically intended. Therefore, you should clearly identify which process you want to automate, so that you know exactly which technology fits. And keep an eye on the results in the interim.

“Thanks to robotisation, there are 58 million more jobs in 2022”

  1. RPA becomes more accessible

In the past five years, it became increasingly cheaper to implement software robots. As a result, RPA has also become accessible to smaller organizations. If you use this software in combination with cloud services, you do not have to set up your own data center. This saves maintenance and management costs. RPA is also a solution for accountants, civil-law notaries or transporters, because the software can process enormous amounts of information in a short time.

  1. Robots provide more jobs

A question that engages many employees: will the software robots shorten our jobs? On the contrary! The World Economic Forum calculated that there will be 58 million more jobs in 2022 thanks to robotization than at present. Because organizations are using increasing numbers of robots, suppliers also have to create, configure and maintain more robots. And people are still needed for that.

Advice: start small

RPA is an efficient tool that is increasingly deploying companies. But how do you implement software robots in your business processes? My advice is: start small. You do not have to automate a complex process immediately. Start with a simple process, analyze how that goes and build up your robotization plan step by step.





You undoubtedly have thousands of future plans in your head. About the things you still have to do, the goals you want to achieve and the people you want to share your life with. But sometimes it’s true that you do not have the time to do everything …  or maybe this just seems like that. Have you ever thought that you are only wasting your time and life?

It may be that you invest your time in things that are not necessary  or that require too much of your time without you realizing this. Do you really not have enough time or do you simply spend your time on things that lead nowhere? Read on and find out.

“The past has fled, that what will come is absent, but the present is yours.”

Arabian saying-

1. You invest your time in something that yields nothing

You need moments where you allow yourself some distraction and where you release yourself from your professional responsibilities. However, if you spend most of your time on “distraction,” you will eventually feel like you have not done anything all day. Therefore ensure a balance between work and distraction. Choose activities that really mean something and that you have something to offer and reduce activities that do not.

Activities that give you the feeling that you are wasting your life include excessive alcohol use, hours in front of the television and always immersing yourself in social media. If you want to be with your friends, then look for an alternative. For example, go camping or cook together and simply spend time together. Choose activities that will help you improve your relationships and lead to the life you want.

2. You are unable to improve your skills

People are programmed to learn new things. One way to waste your life is by not giving yourself the chance to learn and grow as much as possible . Do you remember what we said about investing your time in activities that do not give you anything? Well, an excellent alternative is to use that time for something constructive, such as doing thinking games or teaching yourself a new skill.

Put your brain to work and challenge yourself as much as possible. Doing games like crossword puzzles and sodoku will stimulate your brain and it will not be long before you are addicted to the mental challenge they offer you. Another great alternative to help your mind develop is by learning new skills, from learning to play an instrument to learning a new language. Do you prefer something that costs less effort? Then simply read a book.

“Learning how to learn is the most important skill for education and this should be explained during the very first lessons.”

-John Seymour-

3. You have negative conversations

Negative conversations are terrible time wasted. And if you yourself are the subject of the negative conversation, then this is even worse. Keep in mind that what you think becomes reality. Are you aware of what you say every time you lose out in negativity during a conversation or during your daily activities? Or how nice you are against yourself? When you are faced with a challenge and have already given up in your mind, failure is almost inevitable.


Of course it is not easy to break this habit, because we are not necessarily aware that we have this habit at all. What you have to do is to keep an eye on what you are saying and that way you will gradually change the message you send out. Also distracting and engaging your thoughts will help you to reduce those negative messages.

4. You do not make plans for the future

How do you see yourself in ten years? What would you like to be concerned with at this point in your life? With what tools do you see yourself doing this? Although you certainly should not forget to live in the present moment , the future should not be forgotten. Setting goals motivates you to move on and helps you avoid wasting your life and passing it away meaninglessly. Goals allow you to carve out a path and make you feel as if there is something you are working towards to improve and develop yourself.

“The future has many names. He is unreachable for the weak. He is unknown to the anxious. He is an opportunity for the brave. “

-Victor Hugo-

Many people almost live like zombies. They wake up in the morning, eat something, go to work and return home in the evening. Every day is the same and when they finally make time to reflect on their lives, they feel empty. This happens because they do not set goals for themselves.

Focus on one or two important goals and then on some less important ones . How about joining the Iron man in 2030? This triathlon provides even the best athletes with a challenge and is an admirable goal for anyone. Once you have established the larger goal for yourself, you can focus on less important short-term goals. This year you will complete a half marathon and next year a complete and so on.

Do not even give yourself the chance to waste your life. Take advantage of everything around you so that you can grow and improve. The best thing you can do is live life to the fullest; you can never change the past.




Age creeps up on us all slowly stripping away our fine youth then one day we look into the bright mirror and the body does not seem to match the sparkle in the eyes no more. Then we start to look over our shoulder at our past and think wow, I wonder what would have happened or what if I had taken this path in my life?

The concept of there only being one life and a limited amount of useful time to live it is to most people like someone saying there is no Santa Claus at all. We simply want to believe in forever just like we wanted to believe in happily ever after as children frequently do.

You may think I am advocating quitting/loosing your job and going trekking somewhere in Africa but no that is not where this is going. Living is a real art itself it is not about time management or fit as much in as I can. It is about real passion, depth, vision, love and much more you can bring around.

I wish I could remember the taste/flavor of a meal long after I have eaten it, I wish I could see my partners/friends face long after they have left, I wish I could feel my friends big tight hug as he/she embraced me long after he/she had let go, I wish I could picture the one time my lovely Mother said I love you long after she is gone, I wish I was so in tune with this life, so aware, so enlightened that every moment was my greatest and I could feel it, taste it, and truly live it, yes really.

I do not want to wait until somebody tells me there are no more moments left I do not want to feel cheated because a Higher Power took my moments boom away. I want to be grateful a Higher Power gave me the moment to begin with and even provide me more sweet moments in life.

As youth slips away day by day and it will slowly, I want to be able to look in the mirror and see the happiness of a life lived with depth and passion etched in my own face. I want to be able to feel the touch of my lovers hand as it brushed away my tears not just remember it in mind. But unless I am very truly aware truly in the moment at the time allowing myself to feel, letting go of different expectations, letting go of the need to hold something back, unless that happens all I will have is a vague memory somewhere in my head. I want more I want an imprint so strong I can carry it with me and feel it when the moments are at an end, can you feel this with me….

My wish for you is that you may look in the same mirror of self reflection long before youth has vanished. I hope you will realize life doesn’t need to be pumped or filled up with things rather it needs to be soaked up for all it has to offer right now at this moment. My wish for you is that you may experience even for a second a state of total being when everything falls down away and time stands still and you can taste the air you breath in and out, feel the earth pulsate beneath your feet and hear the whisper of the Holy Angels.



Life does not always go from a rose roof. I experience that and together with myself so many others in the world in which we live. It does not matter who or what you are. In this world it is the place where we come together as one person, for one person.

The first person we are going to guide is yourself / myself.
And that's how I met myself / yourself everywhere. Seems crazy, but when you meet yourself, the weirdest things happen. Then you discover the strangest character traits that sometimes and often stagnating work in your relationship / work and living environment.

You and I can learn some iron laws of life from your own inner story:
    1. You must not aim for a life without problems.
You have to aim for a life where you can handle the problems well.
Resilience over safety. The same applies if you want to give your children a good education.
    2. You must not aim for success and happiness. I think it is more passive words. Your brain does not understand that. With frustrations as a result.
Aim for meaning and growth. Your brain can do something with that. They are verbs.
Make sure that the things you do today make sense.
Make sure you grow 1% today compared to yesterday.
(And if there is one thing that you can grow well from, then that's setbacks.)

    3. What you think, matters. More than you think :)
Every thought makes your life better or worse.
And 95% of those thoughts run on a subconscious level.
Pull them to your consciousness so that you can influence them. It is not an easy task, but can be done by tackling things tactically technically and especially at rest.
I continue to amaze me that we all find it so normal to go to class if we want to learn something:

    • Portuguese
    • Salsa
    • Surf
    • Yoga
All perfectly normal to follow lessons.
But when it comes to our LIFE; learn to think better, learn to do better and learn how to communicate better, then we do something (with good intentions, yes, but with good intentions you do not suddenly speak another language and you do not suddenly master all salsa moves).
That is why you have to go deeper into things that you can always learn from.
Pull out moments and give yourself time to make inner analyzes in your own way. Create a day in which you learn the things that matter most, but for which we never take lessons for some reason.
Problems both of inner and outer nature, you can not avoid them. And do not shy away from them, but experience them, pick them up and life has to go on.
Those who can not handle problems and do not want to deal with them will drown in their own fabric.



As advertisers discover more creative approaches to pull in gatherings of people, video keeps on being an important piece of the key discussion. Building association with your customers and partners, portraying your image story or featuring your USP in a swarmed commercial center – recordings can do ponders for your undertaking!

Did you know more than half of advertising experts overall name video as the sort of substance with the best return on initial capital investment? Also, this number is expanding on account of the adequacy of recordings and its capacity to snatch eyeballs.

With expanding web transmission capacities, moderate video advances close by and secure dissemination stages, 2019 guarantees to be an exciting year for recordings!

How about we take a gander at some Video Patterns that is certain to get up to speed in the coming months:

The time of Live Recordings

Live recordings are setting down deep roots because of better web availability, expanded cell phone infiltration and simple to utilize devices and applications. Live recordings can enable endeavors to reach very close with their intended interest group. Live recordings can make an occasion genuinely worldwide without extra dispersion costs. Live recordings can likewise enable you to adapt. Insights appear around 45% of live video gatherings of people are prepared to pay for live, select, on-request recordings in the event that it reasonably interests them.

Stream, Host, Break down and Stream more

It’s less about picking the least expensive or the most prevalent live video gushing stage, yet the one that has the most characteristics that will profit your business. The best and advantageous stages will be comprehensive, enabling you to communicate, have, implant, adapt, look and investigate video content, while allowing you add up to power over your substance. With video spilling applications and online stages contending to catch your eye – you are in for an energizing time ahead!

Computer generated reality may before long turn into the truth

Computer generated Reality is as yet an unexplored domain. It’s better time than business! With a reasonable headset that gives you a 360-degree access into a virtual 3d world – the year ahead guarantees to energize for advertisers bold enough to utilize these advances to fabricate vivid and intuitive client interfaces. We stick our expectation on extraordinary promoting techniques in 2019 structured around VR.

3D images for Showcasing? Indeed, it’s going on

We were interested by multi dimensional images when the innovation came into use. Specialists promptly lifted it up as an elective medium to the canvas. In any case, it’s yet to be completely used as a successful correspondence medium especially because of the overwhelming innovation at play here. Holographic recordings anyway give enormous degree to multi-area tele-nearness through sensible 3D pictures of speakers and items. Will 2019 give us correspondence techniques woven around holographic pictures and recordings? We should keep our fingers crossed!

Video mapping is changing the client encounter

An incredible device for experiential showcasing – the rage for video mapping guarantees an upward pattern in the coming years. The innovation is reasonable and gives degree to ventures to achieve a bigger target gathering of people cheaply. Utilizing accessible level surfaces like structures or landmarks, 3D projections can get the correct message crosswise over astonishingly. It’s overwhelming projections ensure individuals don’t pass up your informing.

Next level of personalization with recordings

An extraordinary method to tear open the inboxes and have a genuine effect is to redo recordings for your intended interest group. With Facebook driving the way, customized recordings are something your gathering of people may anticipate that you will convey too. From recorded messages for your clients to explainer recordings with particular administrations and significantly less difficult ‘birthday wishes’ – ensure your correspondence methodologies are not gone for a nondescript group! On account of machine learning, personalization and inserted scanning are very staple for your recordings now.

Clients/client are getting to be content distributors

The onus of making recordings is rapidly moving from makers to clients. Recordings are less demanding than at any other time to make because of quickly advancing versatile advances. Thus marks are swinging to their gatherings of people to share their items and administrations as opposed to creating their own correspondence. With abilities to focus dropping definitely client created content is an incredible method to keep crowds associated with showcasing efforts. The emphasis is on building encounters and associations. From inactive recipient of your messages, make your gathering of people the dynamic makers of significant worth for your image.

Video is en route to decision computerized showcasing

More purchasers and customers are cooperating with recordings today than at any other time. Video showcasing is a ground-breaking technique to advance, mark and develop your business online. Videos are useful in building commitment, affecting outcomes like snap through, shares, lead age, and deals. 55% of online movement watch recordings consistently.

That is a significant number and an incredible open door for advertising strategists to utilize video as the essential medium of correspondence. Remaining over video patterns help break the messiness. It gives a greater picture of thoughts, assets and advancements accessible to recount your accounts in the coming year. Along these lines, are you prepared for 2019…




Being bitter is in many cases a form of hidden depression in which the person focuses almost exclusively on the rest of the world. The world of embittered people is full of windows through which they can only see injustice, and where they like to see their frustrations, bitterness and pessimistic feelings pour out. The bitter person wants prisoners, but he also calls for help.

Many of us will now think of people they know, people who, sometimes, give us the impression that they are enjoying their lives with their arguments, advice and behavior. This supposed pleasure, which we deduce from the frequency with which it is done, is actually no pleasure at all – the truth is that they are not happy.

Bitter and resentment are anchors who always want to hold us, because their ships are stranded and drift aimlessly, and where there was once happiness is now only unresolved grief.

Bitter people, above all, feel that they have lost control of their lives. They have such a defeated attitude that they simply stop being responsible for themselves. They take on the role of the victim and allow themselves to be carried away. It is then necessary to be aware of strategies to help them, because even if their behavior disturbs us, they need a lot of help.

Being bitter and the roots of bitterness

Nobody comes into the world with bitterness in his heart. Sometimes, however, childhood is a time when people are already beginning to discover the development of this feeling. A lack of affection or communication during childhood can sow the seed at a very early age, enabling the heart to form the roots that will grow into bitterness in the future.

Bitter is a seed that, when sown, generally does not germinate immediately. His presence can not be observed in the first instance. One disappointment hurts, but does not change us yet, two disappointments make us think, but when someone bumps into too many ‘stones’ during his life and allows these stones to create negativity in him, then the result is that he the feeling has no control over his life. And then that germ germinates … and a kind of mental illness occurs.

One thing that we also have to take into account is the classic image of the ‘bitter old man’. We have all met an elderly person who is apathetic, who always looks at things from a negative side, and who seems to feel a lot of resentment towards the world and life itself. As we can read in the journal ‘Health Psychology’, these are, in most cases, indicators of an underlying depression. It is important to keep this in mind.

Bitter and emotional anesthesia

Bitter is often described as classic ‘toxic’ behavior. We are in the habit of quickly labeling people ‘toxic’, and often we prefer to avoid these people without even thinking about them and their emotional prison. This is not the right thing to do. At least not as far as bitterness is concerned.

The person who has no peace with himself will have war with everyone.

As we said, people are not born bitter, it happens over time and is the result of different situations that have not been properly dealt with, and which have become too much for the person in question. Do not let them down, let them not only float in this emotional stupidity. We know that a bitter and depressed brain does not change into a happy brain overnight, but it’s always good to know some basic advice so that we might be able to help.

How you can change the attitude of a bitter person

As we mentioned earlier, bitterness is sometimes an indicator of depressionIt is therefore important to encourage the person to consult an expert to have his or her condition assessed. This is a necessary and essential first step. Later we can put the following into practice:

  • Always trade with affection and optimism. We know that people who are embittered want to catch us with their cynicism, resentment and fatalism. Instead of admitting, however , we should never change our attitude and we should always respond with optimism to their negativity.

  • Do not take the attacks personally, be patient. It is not the heart of the person who speaks, it is the root of his bitterness and his ill-treated disappointments, his traumas that are not assimilated and his emptiness that no one seems to understand. Stay calm and always respond with goodness and kindness.

  • Invite the embittered person to learn new habits. Bitter is passive, corrosive and fed by thoughts. One way to break this cycle of negativity is to try to change the habits of the person, to teach him new habits, to play out different scenarios. So, without making it too heavily loaded, imagine that he/she takes a walk, goes to work out, signs up for a course, meets new people …

The person who has no peace with her/himself, her/his past and her/his thoughts, will have war with everyone who surrounds him. Let her/him find a balance, a key that will heal her/his wounds and give her/him peace in exchange for her/his inner struggle. We must help her/him, but at the same time be aware of our own limits and not neglect our sense of self-worth.


Congrats – You’re a Holistic mentor! Presently So so What Now?


Beginning your very own business is energizing; particularly entering the field of life training. You have perceived your capacity to rouse others and have focused on conveying your blessing to the individuals who require your assistance. The greatest deterrent was making sense of what that blessing is, and now that you have acknowledged and grasped it, it is your obligation to share it.

In any case, how would you go from understanding your blessing to bundling it with the goal that you can bring an item (or administration) to showcase?

Here are a few hints to trigger you further:

Comprehend your customer, their identity, where they mingle, and what their propensities are. Understanding this, encourages you know where to discover them (either face to face or on the web). Is your market nearby yoga lovers? At that point you know to invest your energy becoming more acquainted with yoga studio proprietors, and checking whether there’s an approach to cooperate. Is your objective market youthful mothers who are attempting to adjust being the best mother they can be, while likewise being the best accomplice they can be? At that point your market is on the web, and you’ll see them on Facebook or Instagram, perhaps Pinterest – yet you have to know when they’re on the web, so your messages have the most effect.

Investigate this data. In the event that your optimal customer is a yoga fan, don’t simply take up yoga and visit when class. Rather, search out key organizations with yoga studios. How might you advantage one another? On the off chance that you know your optimal customer is about the Facebook life, how would you get your posts before her? Shouldn’t something be said about your advertisements? How every now and again would it be advisable for you to post, pictures or content? What time of day? At the point when is she destined to unwind for the day? When you know this, you can focus on your advertisements better. This goes past advertising, to ways of managing money. You should charge what you’re worth yet additionally offer distinctive administrations at various value focuses.

What instruments do you have to develop? Do you have a trader account, have you put resources into Infusion soft? Do you have a without toll business line? An online date-book application with arrangement setting choices? What procedures would you be able to set up now, so you can begin as you’re intended to proceed?

By what means will you structure your training? You may feel that you can have the most effect doing individual 1:1 work, however what will that resemble? For one individual session, what amount of time is spent doing pre/post work, invoicing, affirming arrangements or rescheduling? Be sensible about the measure of time you can convey 1:1 instructing. Maybe fusing gathering sessions, or a self-coordinated online stage would be a superior fit.

Begin constructing your rundown! Keep the pipeline full so when you’re ready to go up against more customers, you have some good to go. A Lead Magnet is an incredible place to begin – its just a complimentary gift that you offer forthcoming customers, in return for their contact data.

What’s more, a reward tip – make a win group to help you. This could be real office bolster (in-house or virtual), yet in addition loved ones who are there to give a shout out to you when you have awful days yet in addition are prepared to praise each achievement (enormous or little!).

Congrats on picking this voyage! We’re constantly here to tune in (and give a shout out to you!)

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