Stop racing thoughts – 3 surprising insights


So Time To Sleep

Are you unable to sleep because you are bothered by racing thoughts? Do those racing thoughts keep you awake and would you like to stop them? These insights help.

How to fall asleep faster and sleep better - Every Mind Matters - NHS

1. Realize that you will still have this brain tomorrow

There is something you should not forget. At least, your brain doesn’t want you to forget it. For example, in your head you rehearse how you are going to tell that colleague the truth after the weekend. Or you’re wondering again what to do about that annoying problem that’s gnawing at you.

Well – good news. The fact that you can think about it like this in bed now – when you are most tired – means that you can think about it even more tomorrow .

When you wake up tomorrow you will still have this brain. In fact – tomorrow your brain will be rested, and it will be much better able to deal with the world in a constructive way.

So let it go. Trust that your brain knows what to do during that conversation with that colleague on Monday. And know that you can put it back to work tomorrow to solve that problem.

Now you can sleep.

2. Know that those racing thoughts are absolutely useless

All those rehearsals and contemplations cost you a lot of energy. They keep you awake and make your brain work overtime. And for what? For a false sense of control .

If you think long enough about the confrontation you want to face, it seems as if you are preparing yourself well. In reality, you mainly become cramped and restless. And that preparation leads nowhere.

Why not? Because life rarely unfolds the way we imagine it does late at night . The reality is always different. Then you are ready with the sharp comments that you have ‘rehearsed’ at night – but the confrontation turns out to be completely absent. Well.

You don’t think about the problems in your life in bed. You do this with a notebook in front of your face, a cup of coffee on the table and nice music. With an attitude of: “So, how are we going to wash that pig.”

So let it go. You can go to sleep. Because if you’re busy doing completely pointless things, you might as well go to sleep. At least that’s good for something.

3. Know that you have no control over it anyway

It is what it is. And you don’t always have control over how things are.

In fact, you have almost no control over most of the things you worry about. That is the reason you suffer from those racing thoughts . Because if you had control over it now, you would just fix the problem. Worrying thoughts give you – as I already wrote – a false sense of control.

By keeping the thoughts in the front of your brain, you seem to gain more control. In reality, you mainly get more stress hormones and a significant sleep deprivation.

You know – it can be hard not to have control over something. But you can also look at it differently. It is also liberating to realize this .

Why? Because then you can let it go. “We’ll see how it turns out” is quite a healthy way of thinking in such a situation. Because this is the only logical response when you have no control over something .

You don’t worry about whether the sun will rise tomorrow, do you? You have no say in that at all. If a black hole suddenly hurls Earth out of the solar system or a nearby supernova sterilizes the planet in an instant – that’s what it is. If we freeze to death, then we freeze to death, my grandmother would have said.

So please go to sleep. You ‘ll see again tomorrow . Life unfolds as it unfolds. That’s what it is. And that’s how it has always been. No reason to worry, but reason to relax. Tomorrow you will be ready again with a rested brain – so time to rest.

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Peace in your head – this is how you stop rattling thoughts


Silence in your upstairs room ha ha. Anyway read further

Rattling thoughts. When you want to sleep, when you want to relax in the garden, when you take a shower. It drives you crazy. How do you stop the flow of thoughts? You will finally find peace in your head.

Peace of Mind and Human Mind - Pictured As Word Peace of Mind Inside a Head  To Symbolize Relation between Peace of Mind and the Stock Illustration -  Illustration of idea, mind: 172328461

Thank you brain – leave me alone now

Yes, the Buddha knew how it worked. You become what you think. And often what we think is not exactly what we want to become . Fears, insecurities, worries, things you dread and bad memories.

Then you lie in bed – ready to fall asleep – after which your brain decides to remind you of that overwhelming project at work. Which you still have so much to do. After which the thoughts keep coming and you break out in a sweat . And falling asleep peacefully is off the job for now.

Or you decide to pick up the good habit and start your day with a meditation . Your brain opens the session by drawing up a kind of todo list. After which you become so restless that you get up to check your mail so that you feel useful again.

Thanks brain. Nice.

Fortunately, you can do a lot to quiet your mind . And it is much less difficult than it sometimes seems. Really – you don’t have to live like a monk to see results. Just wait and see.

1. Treat your brain like a little kid

Be kind to yourself. The more you judge yourself for “thinking too much,” the more negative thoughts you generate. As if it wasn’t busy enough in there already.

Think of your brain as an innocent child . It does what it does best: generate thoughts . And you can guide it to better deal with this talent. So that it generates fewer thoughts and above all better thoughts . Thoughts that nourish you , that support you in your personal development, that make you happy and happy.

Your brain isn’t bad. It’s actually very smart and creative. That’s why your head is so full! So don’t curse yourself. Accept yourself as you are – with your head full. You might not get to sleep right now, don’t worry.

With small positive steps, you can train your brain to better utilize its talents so that you both have a better time.

2. Think of yourself as a clear blue sky

Precisely. A clear blue sky with clouds floating past. You are the sky. Always blue, always in the same place, always present . The clouds are your thoughts. Sometimes there is not a cloud in the sky, sometimes there are so many that it thunders.

The sky is much bigger than the clouds. The clouds float in it, but they are not the blue sky . Just like you are not your thoughts .

When it’s overcast for days, you almost forget that the blue sky above still exists. Just like with an overloaded brain you almost forget that you are much bigger than the thoughts you see flying around.

But no matter how thick the clouds are – above the clouds there is still that blue sky. A place where the sun always shines. Where you can look down on all those clouds and see clearly that the sky and the clouds are two different things.

Is your head full? Then look for the blue sky. Find that place from where you can observe your thoughts . It’s like lying with your back in the grass and watching the clouds float by above you. Without judging them, without forming an opinion about them. You just let them be what they are.

Innocent thoughts generated by an innocent brain. No more. The clouds are not the blue sky, and your thoughts are not who you are.

3. Yes – meditate regularly

That place from which you can observe your own thoughts is easiest to reach from silence. You only need a few minutes a day to notice the effect. And even if it feels useless, you find out later that it was useful.

Why should you meditate? - Quora

Very simple: sit or lie down and inhale and exhale deeply . Close your eyes, and bring your attention to your breathing. For example, say “in” and “out” in your head with each inhalation and exhalation. When you find yourself getting distracted, gently bring your attention back.

No more. That’s all.

Do that for a few minutes. And notice how slowly but surely you create more distance between you and your thoughts. Not only can you observe them better – fewer thoughts are also generated.

Delicious. What a rest! And with so little effort – by doing nothing. Meditation is beautiful stuff. Keep diving deep in yourself to know yourself better and better.

Friday essay: how the West discovered the Buddha


Stay Power relaxed when you’re busy – 4 tips


Can you stay relaxed when you are busy? Well, at least you can get better at it. In this article I share some tips and thoughts.

“Life goes by fast. enjoy it.
Calm down. It’s all funny. Next.
Everyone gets so upset about the wrong things.”

Mood = Relaxed — Steemit

Busy yet relaxed – that would be nice

Sometimes you’re just busy – it’s no different. One minute everything seems fine, but then life throws in a few jokes. And suddenly you’re running and flying, wondering what went wrong.

And while there are of course all kinds of things you can do to prevent it from happening again in the future (such as taking less action and planning better), it’s of little use now. Things have to go.

The question is: can you be busy and still be relaxed? To a certain extent, you absolutely can, and these tips can help you get better at it.

By the way , let me say that being busy is largely undesirable and unnecessary as far as I am concerned . Please don’t use these tips to work yourself even more effectively in a burnout. We all experience busy periods from time to time, but if you are always too busy then it is time to make structural changes.

Okay, let’s get started.

1. Remember what really matters

Few things are really important in life. And many of the things that make you so busy aren’t one of them. Once we are running and flying, life starts to feel heavier and heavier.

The faster you run, the faster you have to run to keep up with the pace . Rushing and rushing seem to speed up time, making you more and more rushed and feeling busier and busier. The more serious life begins to feel. This makes even small, useless things suddenly seem very serious.

You suddenly find yourself worrying about things that don’t really matter. Such as the design of your living room, not being able to comply with your bizarrely strict diet, small setbacks, etc.

But which things are really important?

  • Your physical health
  • Your mental health!
  • Relationships with your loved ones
  • The health of your loved ones
  • Have a little fun in your life
  • Do something that makes you happy
  • To have sufficient resources to lead a good, quality and simple life

And the rest is extra. And it’s usually those extras that we get excited about . But if you just see all those things for what they are, then you don’t have to worry too much about it.

It’s great that you complete all those projects and are successful and such, all bonus. As long as you have nice people around you and are a bit healthy, it is only a bonus. No reason to get worked up about it.

2. Plan, delete and postpone

If you are too busy then there is a lack of priorities, very simple. And you can get 90% of the results with much less stress if you learn to cut out the unnecessary things.

So pay a little more attention to planning . Roughly plan the year, plan your month, plan your week, and plan your day. Planning takes time, and in that time you don’t achieve anything concrete, making it tempting to just ‘get started’. But remember that an hour of planning can save you a lot of work in the long run.

When you are planning you have a little more overview . And these are the moments when you come to important conclusions. Like, “I really want this and it feels very important, but I might as well put this off until next quarter.” So – that makes a difference.

Or: “If I just don’t do these things , that’s actually fine too. I want to do everything perfectly, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. Good enough is also fine for now.” Fine.

And: ”Do I really want this on my own? Or am I doing this because I’m seeking approval? Am I actually trying to please others?” If so – get rid of it.

And suddenly your week looks a lot calmer. Pretty nice. If you stop causing extra work, life suddenly turns out to be a lot less complicated.

3. Break the crowds into a thousand little pieces

Completing tasks is essentially just a matter of moving your body, thinking thoughts and saying words. And when you look at your tasks in such small steps, it all suddenly feels a lot less overwhelming.

Thoughts complicate it all . Sometimes I feel like I’m terribly busy, but in practice I just move my fingers over a keyboard and think for a bit. It’s not all that bad anymore. If I leave out the stories of stress, there’s little left to really worry about.

Give it a try. See the tasks you have to do as simple expressions of life . Movement, thinking, talking. Shopping is a matter of walking, grabbing products and walking on. It is nothing more if you let go of the thoughts.

4. Cherish Your Calming Routines

No matter how busy you are, chances are you will find time to brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth is a habit so important to you that you make time for it .

Likewise you also have time to make the four habits that help you to be stronger and calmer in turbulent times:

  1. Healthy food
  2. Plenty of sports
  3. Get enough sleep, do nothing and recover
  4. Meditation/mindfulness

If you make time for these four habits on a daily basis, chances are you can handle the crowds just fine. These habits provide a strong foundation and prevent you from getting burned out. This way you stay calmer, more stable and stronger – even in times of busyness and unrest.

If you take good care of yourself, you can have more. The busier you are, the more important these habits become . As soon as you exchange self-care for haste and busyness, you enter a downward spiral.

Are you tired? Find ways to get extra sleep. Are you hungry? Put a piece of fruit in it, not a pack of cookies. Do you feel overwhelmed? Take a deep breath and relax, instead of rushing even harder. Self-care isn’t optional, even if it sometimes seems like it.

Once you make self-care optional, you’ll be marching straight into overstrain . And I don’t know about you, but I’d rather take an extra nap every now and then. Much nicer.

Find more time for yourself

Finding time for yourself is challenging sometimes. Maybe because you have a busy life, maybe because you feel guilty or feel you don’t deserve it.

A Relaxed Mind Is a Happy Mind | HealthyPlace

On Behalf of me and my TEAM A Merry Christmas and a more relaxed 2022.


What you think daily determines your life


The power of your thoughts is enormous. Your thoughts determine your feelings. Your feelings determine your behavior. Your behavior determines your habits. Your habits determine your character – and your character determines your life. It all starts with what you think every day. Watch with me and find out for yourself:

Quotes about Power of thoughts (98 quotes)

Your thoughts determine your feelings.

Almost every feeling arises from a thought. Let’s take two people with two different thoughts on the same subject: The first person thinks, “Change is scary, I want to leave things as it is.” The second person thinks, “New things are interesting, I like change.”

The first person gets a bad feeling about change. The second gets excited and overcomes every challenge. That difference in feeling is no coincidence, it can hardly be otherwise. What you think about a particular topic determines how you feel about that topic.

Your feelings determine your behavior.

How you feel about a situation determines your behavior in that situation. That is why one person will love to be the center of attention, while the other likes to crawl under the table. The former can be found on the stage in the karaoke bar and act like a professional entertainer. Behavior that the other will rarely display, because there is no feeling for it.

Your daily behavior determines your habits.

Your behavior slowly becomes a habit. Maybe you have a habit of being around people a lot, or withdrawing from yourself on a regular basis. Regular exercise becomes a habit, going out regularly becomes a habit. It is my habit to read daily. What is your habit?

The Power Of Thoughts - Home | Facebook

Your habits determine your character.

Does someone have a cheerful character, a difficult character, a critical character, a strong character, a social character? That does not happen automatically, it takes a lot of repetition! Much of our character comes from our habits – which we do every day. At birth everything is still free, but slowly our character takes shape.

When people say, “That’s just how I am”, they are referring to their character. Their character is their identity, it is who they are. They are unaware that they were not born with this. A character is the result of what we think, feel and do every day. That’s why people don’t just change. All those daily thoughts, feelings and habits have now become ingrained..

Your character determines your life

Tell me what you do on a daily basis and I predict where you are likely to be in five years. That’s no hocus-pocus. If you eat a bag of chips every day, you will probably be fatter in five years. If you read a book every day, you’ll probably be smarter in five years. If you walk and your course doesn’t change, we can see where your final destination is, can’t we?

What you think, feel or do every day is reinforced. The power of this is enormous. Change rarely comes in one huge step. Change is usually the result of hundreds of small steps. So the steps you take consistently every day. The steps you take in your work, in your relationships, in your health, in your personal growth. That determines where you go.

And the circle is complete!

Now we’ve come to the end – but it’s a circle, not a dead end. The experiences in your life reinforce your character. Your character reinforces what you do. That in turn reinforces how you feel. And that reinforces what you think. Now we are back at the beginning – to your thoughts. It is a continuous circle. Everything influences each other..

This whole story has only one point: Everything starts with what you think every day. If you generally have constructive and positive thoughts, you will feel good every day. From that good feeling you will make choices that suit you – and you will achieve your personal goals. This slowly shapes your habits and character. Be aware of what you think every day, because this determines your life..

The Power Of Thoughts -

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Seven Tips For Inner Peace


You will not find inner peace in the offer at Albert Heijn. It is not something that just comes your way, it is something you have to work on yourself.

Are you constantly restless? Have you had enough of that turmoil in your head and in your life? You cannot download inner peace for a moment, but everyone – without exception – can find inner peace if you want it enough.

If your inner peace is important enough, then you put many things aside to experience and enjoy that peace.

Personally, I find inner peace the most important thing in my life. Everything will be fine with inner peace. Almost nothing makes sense without inner peace!

I only found it when I was in my mid thirties.

Only then did I realize: “Ah, this is what I was always looking for!”

Inner peace begins with insight into yourself and what you really want in your life.

In this article you will find SEVEN tips for more peace in your life.

What is inner peace?

Inner peace is the feeling of calmness in yourself. It is the feeling that you are at peace with who you are and what you do.

They call it comfortable in your skin down , calm radiate or live from your heart . You usually see who has it and who doesn’t. Inner peace is – in my opinion – the ultimate goal of everyone. We all look for it in our own way.

Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Accept yourself.

More peace in your life starts with inner peace. The core of inner peace is self-acceptance.


Because the biggest fight in our lives is the fight against ourselves.

We believe that we must be perfect and make the most of our efforts. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. So there is a big difference between our ideal image and how we really are. That struggle creates unrest.

How can you be calm when fighting yourself? You can’t do that.

Some people think that the solution lies in doing your best even harder . Just reprogram yourself, switch on the turbo and tjakka: You will solve another human problem! But that is only short-lived.

In the end there is only one solution – have peace with who you are.

No inner peace without self-acceptance.

2. Let go of your past.

Much unrest is caused by two thoughts about the past: “That should never have happened” and “I should have done it differently .”

Do you want to drive yourself crazy? Then go over and worry about that!

Do you want inner peace? Then realize that those thoughts don’t give you anything. It happened and you did it that way. That is it and not different.

You do not get inner peace by denying reality. You actually get inner peace in your life through acceptance of reality.

I myself am very bad at worrying about the past. As soon as I start, I immediately think: “That has happened and I can never change.” Then all the stories about what things should have been like, and that also stops the stress.

Because most of the stress comes from the stories we tell ourselves …

3. Postpone the future.

The future is uncertain: “What will happen? How would I respond? What if this happens to me? How do I deal with that? “

How can you stay calm if you try to control something that hasn’t happened at all?

As if you could make a monkey on Borneo dance the lambada next Thursday by thinking very hard NOW – exactly the same! You just can’t do that …

Tiring isn’t it? Thinking about the future always makes you restless, because it is just as elusive as the average monkey.

My suggestion: postpone the future until it actually happens.

And if you are on Borneo next Thursday and happen to meet a monkey who also wants to learn the lambada – well, then it’s your moment!

4. Relate your thoughts.

The more seriously you take all your thoughts, the more unrest you experience. Our thoughts are often critical, negative and worrying.

We fantasize about it and then think it’s the truth.

If you believe everything you think, you are lost. Only when you examine your thoughts – are they actually correct? – find your way back again.

The better you learn to distinguish fantasy from reality, the more you experience inner peace.

For example, I fantasize that everyone thinks this article is great , that I win a prize with it and that I am named Coach of the Year! But don’t I take myself (and my thoughts) too seriously? Fortunately I don’t believe everything I think …

5. Follow your own way.

Nothing creates more resistance than doing things that don’t suit you.

In essence you have two choices: whether you do what you want – or you do n’t do it . Either you do what you want – or you do what your others want. More inner peace in your life is always an extension of your own path .

Only your own vision, your own way, your own choices gives you the peace that you are looking for so hard.

The realization that you do what suits you is so valuable!

It is not for sale, nor can anyone ever give it to you. It is the decision to make that you feel comfortable with.

Every other choice gives you inner resistance. If your feeling says, “I want something else,” that’s exactly what you have to do! Only then do you listen to your feelings and only then do you get peace …

6. Make space in your life.

It’s hard to have room in your head when the rest of your life is packed: If you run from appointment to appointment, if your house is one big mess, if your ambition is greater than your daily list of tasks.

Make space in your life in all these areas and you automatically get more peace in your head.

Wanting to do everything is a scenario for frustration. Everyone wants to plea, want to appear everywhere, always want to be reachable: it is not going to bring you peace.

Say no more often to things that cause unrest. Hey, you can always say yes later, but usually the other way around! Better to do a few things well than half everything. Time management does not give you rest, but your limits indicate it.

7. Have preferences, but no requirements.

Read the following two wishes:

The first is: “I want a great relationship that makes me feel good.”

The second is: “I want a relationship with a woman between 31 and 32, with dark red hair. She has to be able to cook Caribbean, just like I love cross-country travel, scrabble well, weigh up to 74 kilos, work in maternity care and live in a nice location. ”

Who do you think finds what he is looking for earlier?

Claiming something is also a recipe for frustration, because sometimes life does not give us what we want. You get more peace in your life by fighting less against life …

Sometimes life gives us what we need , sometimes what we don’t want , sometimes what we have never thought of .

But it rarely gives us what we demand …

Lower your expectations and be thankful for everything that comes your way. You can learn something from every situation. The less you demand how things should be, the more you accept how they really are.




The era we are in now, the negative is much more prominent than the positive. You see that many people experience stress and suffer from all kind of illness [high blood pressure etc]. While our access to food is better than ever and we have so many possibilities, the well-being of our spiritual state is diminishing. How did that happen? Because we always long for more. More happiness, more prosperity. Is that really necessary? And who says that?…Now we have the COVID-19 between us…Think about the above and make it a positive minded discussion.

Image result for positive minded


The Caribbean Blog Authority




Do you know the best way to get exhausted? Then ask yourself what others (of you) think:

Fantasize very intensely what they feel, think or want. Try to fill in all their thoughts, try to guess their opinion, try to take it into account.

Do that for a week and I’ll bet you’ll be dead …

Not a good idea!

Does this work?

Yet this is exactly what many people do. And it never works. That is not possible at all.

Short question: To what extent do you have your own thoughts under control? Do you determine exactly what you think? Is there never something unexpected or negative? Do you know exactly what your next thought will be?

No of course not…

A Gorilla in an astronaut suit

If you already have little control over your own thoughts, how much control do you have over what another person thinks?

Try to guess what I think now … (think carefully) …

I thought of a Gorilla in an astronaut suit!

Even if I had thought of something simpler, you would not have guessed it yet. Come on, see the reality: You have no control over what another person thinks!

Why are we so concerned about what others think? Why are we busy talking to others in our heads?

Oh yes, you do too: You see in your thoughts how someone else says something. You hear yourself respond. You feel the negative emotion.

And do you know what’s funny? Many of these conversations never took place! Not in reality, only in our fantasy …

Why do we fill in what others think?

Because we want to take this into account. We do not want them to say something bad. We worry what they think of us. We prefer to make a good impression. We want positive and healthy relationships with others. We want to be liked. We do not want a fight.

Because we are still nice?

All beautiful motives, but worrying about what someone else thinks, does not help you any further. Unless you have supernatural abilities. I do not have them and therefore prefer to do what someone else does or says.

What they think is entirely up to them. But what they do or say, I can respond to that.

Why are you responsible for the opinion of someone else?

Everyone has an opinion – about everything. But why are you responsible for that?

If I disapprove you because you (in my eyes) wear the wrong shoes, where is that the problem? The problem lies with my opinion about your shoes, not with you or the shoes themselves.

Do you see the difference?

Now you can worry about my mistaken opinion, but maybe I’m allergic to that kind of shoes. Maybe I knew someone who stood on my toes with that kind of shoes – and I had a lifelong trauma.

Maybe it all has little to do with you and therefore more with myself – and that is usually the case!

Can we change someone else’s opinion?

We often try to do it. We explain what we mean, we try to be extra nice, we do our best a bit more.

But why should we?

If someone else realizes that you are nice (and I assume that you are nice), then they will not see it later either.

Sometimes you can stand on your head, but the opinion of someone else just stands. Whatever you do, it does not change.

Suppose it would be the other way around: Would you appreciate it if the other person tried to change your opinion? Of course not. Everyone is entitled to an opinion …

This costs a lot of energy:

  1. Try to fill in what others think.

You have no control over my thoughts – nor do I have your own.

  1. You feel responsible for their opinion.

The opinion of another is only his or her responsibility.

  1. Try to change that opinion.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Let it go…

Here is a healthier and relaxed alternative: Just let go of what another person thinks.

Sticking your energy only in people who give you energy is one of the secrets of healthy relationships.

Of course you take account of others, of course you are social. That will not change. You only let go of what you do not have control over.

Three healthy alternatives:

  1. Only fill in what you think yourself. That is the only thing that you have control over.
  2. When in doubt about the opinion of another person: Just ask. Stop every fantasy and check reality. Then you do not have to doubt it either.
  3. Give someone an opinion that is not yours. You do not have to walk around all day, so why can not someone have another opinion?

Letting go of what another person thinks will give you a lot of positive energy and relaxation.

Moreover; it gives you a tremendous liberation!

How do you let go of what others think?

How do you stop worrying about others and pay more attention to what YOU think?

Work on your Self-Confidence This is a good starting point. This gives you a healthy self-respect so that you take more account of your own wishes and your own feeling.

Work on better relationships, teach yourself to find the right balance between yourself and others. With this you learn to determine your own limits and to stay more with yourself.

Whatever you choose, do not stay busy with what others think, you (fortunately) do nothing about it!

I would like to hear your experience or question(s) about this subject

On your success! … IT IS NOT AN EASY ROAD !!


I am also a professional ZENKAI Lifestyle Coach, specializing in my personal growth who also gladly assist others in their personal growth. So I try to help people like you and me find more self-confidence, less stress, better relationships, more fun work and more happiness in their lives.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

7 Easy Methods To Have Happy Thoughts Throughout The Day

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailFeeling happy throughout the day isn’t impossible. Sure, you may have some ups and downs in your day, but you never let those down moments linger. Instead, you capitalize on your ups to help sustain your positivity throughout the day. Here are seven ways you can make sure you have happy thoughts daily:

  1. Have a daily to-do list

Your to-do list doesn’t have to be set in stone, but it should basically plan out what you’re going to do on that day. Sure, you can do something spontaneous but sticking to a to-do list will help you feel happy everytime you tick something off that list.

  1. Reward yourself for every small win

Every time you do something on your to-do list, you can give yourself a pat on the back. Or you can go stand up from your computer, and take a short break. Having a reward system in place is important to keep motivating yourself.

  1. Look forward to making someone smile

When you make someone smile, you feel great too. You feel happy, and you think positive thoughts. When someone smiles at you, you feel compelled to smile back at them too.

  1. Do something kind every day

Random acts of kindness will make you feel happy. Whether you’re helping out someone you know or a total stranger, you’re doing a good deed. When you do something kind because you want to do it, you don’t feel compelled to take photos so you can post on social media. Genuinely kind people don’t need to broadcast their activities to the world.

  1. Compliment someone and mean it

When you compliment someone and mean it, you make that person happy. However, if you make a fake compliment, it can backfire on you so make sure you avoid doing that. If you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything.

  1. Go for a quick run

A quick run or brisk walking in your street or building during your breaks is a good idea. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with work, doing short bursts of exercise will help you get back on track and help you think happy thoughts again.

  1. Hang out with happy people

Who better to help you think happy thoughts than hanging out with them happy folks? Positive people will influence you to think happy thoughts instead of bad ones.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail