Are you bored in this COVID-19 PERIOD? Use it to your advantage


One is too busy to get bored, while the other slowly but surely no longer knows what to do with himself. Do you recognize yourself in the latter? Then this is the time to look at the deeper layer that lies beneath your boredom. If you get bored you can easily use that to your advantage, you just have to know how.

Researchers around the world are trying to figure out exactly what causes boredom, what we can do about it and whether there is a link between boredom and depression. Lead researcher and psychology professor James Danckert describes boredom as follows: “We define boredom as an uncomfortable desire to be busy with something, but fail to fulfill that desire.” So this definition may well explain why you might get bored during this corona crisis, since your routine is upset and your sense of freedom is limited. You are not alone in it, me too and more people around the globe.


Before we can get deeper into boredom, ask yourself if you are really bored. You can also confuse boredom with emotions such as fear or fatigue. Try to identify what you feel to find out.

Change it

In essence, boredom tries to tell you that you don’t spend your time the way you actually want it to. It is an important signal that you want to change the situation. Whenever you get bored, remember that you probably need and can change something about the situation. What counts is the action you take after this awareness, which can keep you busy and make you a more creative and successful person.


And we don’t like that very much, because who knows what deep-seated problems will emerge as soon as we take the time to get bored.

We don’t like boredom for three reasons:

  • First of all, boredom gives us a sense of concern – “something is missing”. We are so used to being amused by a constant stream of external stimuli that when they are missing we experience the feeling that something is not right.
  • In addition, boredom triggers our ‘fear response’ . We find it scary to be alone with our thoughts, fearing that they would be confrontational. To keep out the mirror that keeps boredom out, you stay busy – whether it is really productive or fun .
  • Finally, boredom forces you to step out of your comfort zone , which feels unnatural. As soon as you realize that you may have to do a number of things differently , in order to feel lively – for example, even after starting to read/write that book – it is safer to maybe watch some good series after all.

To shake off these feelings above, you should therefore quickly turn to external stimuli such as Netflix, your smartphone or another distractor to avoid feeling this boredom 

So a luxury problem, boredom. We have so many options to choose what we want to spend our attention and time on that we get overwhelmed when we don’t use it – we get bored .

That’s why you take every opportunity to stay busy. You do not notice the boredom (and dissatisfaction) and therefore do not have to be alone with any confrontational thoughts.

So in order to reap the benefits of boredom – an opportunity for introspection – you should not look for more stimuli and novelty, but as little as possible.


So you are not going to build a vegetable garden. What is it? Absolutely nothing except a good put to reorganize your thoughts in order.

  • Meditate regularly – make room   for confrontational thoughts.

Meditation would have been the last thing on your mind if you wanted to tackle boredom.

Now that you know that boredom is a mental state , it may make sense that meditation helps you see boredom differently. It helps you to understand that boredom is not a threatening thing, and it helps you place those negative and confrontational thoughts.

Meditating gives you the opportunity to look at the underlying causes why you avoid rest and are always busy.

And that doesn’t have to be lengthy sessions –   5 minutes a day is enough to use the unrest that boredom creates as a moment of introspection.

  • Get creative with your thoughts –   let them run wild.

Instead of looking for external stimulus, use your boredom to feed your brain with creativity. After all, as soon as you are bored, your thoughts get the chance to roam freely – allow it.

So stop entertaining yourself with your smartphone and see where your thoughts are stranded. Write them down, articulate them using ‘free writing’ or capture them in color – in a mind map for example!

  • Get creative with your thoughts –   let them run wild.

Instead of looking for external stimulus, use your boredom to feed your brain with creativity. After all, as soon as you are bored, your thoughts get the chance to roam freely – allow it.

So stop entertaining yourself with your smartphone and see where your thoughts are stranded. Write them down, articulate them using ‘free writing’ or capture them in color – in a mind map for example!

Who knows what brilliant ideas you come up with during the CORONA LOCKDOWN!

Let me know in the comments how you solve your boredom things.


My 5 tips to get through home isolation as a family


Due to the corona crisis, we are instructed to stay at home as much as possible. It may be quite a challenge to get through a longer period of home insulation, especially if several people live in one house. With the following tips you can keep a cool head as a family in the coming period.

Pause, reflect and stay home': how to look after yourself and ...

According to studies, three basic psychological needs can be disturbed by living in isolation for a while. These needs are autonomy, commitment and ability.


Do you have children over the age of three? Then make a schedule If you make good agreements, rhythm and structure contribute to stability and rest. Let the children think along with the schedule, this gives them autonomy. As a family you do not have to follow the schedule very strictly, because this can actually infringe on their autonomy.


Home isolation does not have to go hand in hand with just sitting still. Exercise is always good for every family member. Schedule exercise moments, play an active indoor game, take a daily dance quarter or let the kids play in the garden or on the balcony. 

Get satisfaction from other things

Some people no longer feel satisfied when they no longer have a full working day. Because competence is an important part of your basic needs, you can choose to get satisfaction from helping and supporting your children. It is a great achievement for the society to ensure that the virus does not spread as quickly. Completing fewer work tasks, but supporting your children, is an important part of the bigger picture. You can be proud of that.

Take a rest

During home isolation, everyone needs their moments of rest. Think of ways in which you can show each other that you don’t want to be disturbed; think of certain areas where someone can take a break in peace or put on headphones that indicate that you do not want to be disturbed. Also give your mind some rest, and do not search all day for news about the corona virus, this can be mentally stressful.

Ask for help

It is important to ask for help if you find that you can no longer cope. Do not hesitate to knock on the door for psychological help, digital help can work just as well as a physical consultation.

Enjoy your home isolation. Make it the best time

The Caribbean Blog Authority


Hey How are you there …

Okay, we'll stay in until I don't know when.
Really depends on the situation / circumstances.
Everything changes.
You have no influence on many things.

You might be watching the news all day.
Try to find something on social media.
But because you don't know exactly what, you keep scrolling.
You are stressing yourself over things that you have no influence on.
Hoping you recognize it when you see it.
Maybe it's a good time to stop scrolling.

How are you?
What have you discovered about yourself in recent days?

Where are you:

1. Disappointment / Anxiety -Why
2. Acceptance - Nothing can be done
3. Embrace - What an opportunity!
The faster you are in embrace, the sooner you will be ahead again.

This is it.

See it as it is, not as it should be.
(then there was no war, famine and chocolate made you slim and intelligent).
This is not tra la la science.
Get deeper into various skills during this period. Try to solve long drawn-out cases. You can do so much without feeling trapped.

In this COVID-19 quarantine time, look for new things and embrace them for later.
The world will never be the same as before the outbreak of COVID-19.
And right now it is important to move with it.

Speed ​​is everything now.

Whatever you do, remember
- Even if we are in quarantine, you are not alone
- Although the environment is now uncertain and miserable, you will find guidance in your own perseverance, resourcefulness and character.
- Even though everything is now chaos, know that every order always creates new order
Be strong.

Show who you are.

This is your chance.
In the meantime, I will continue to provide you with inspiration, love and positivity.

Greeting from
The Caribbean Blog Authority

Seven Tips For Inner Peace


You will not find inner peace in the offer at Albert Heijn. It is not something that just comes your way, it is something you have to work on yourself.

Are you constantly restless? Have you had enough of that turmoil in your head and in your life? You cannot download inner peace for a moment, but everyone – without exception – can find inner peace if you want it enough.

If your inner peace is important enough, then you put many things aside to experience and enjoy that peace.

Personally, I find inner peace the most important thing in my life. Everything will be fine with inner peace. Almost nothing makes sense without inner peace!

I only found it when I was in my mid thirties.

Only then did I realize: “Ah, this is what I was always looking for!”

Inner peace begins with insight into yourself and what you really want in your life.

In this article you will find SEVEN tips for more peace in your life.

What is inner peace?

Inner peace is the feeling of calmness in yourself. It is the feeling that you are at peace with who you are and what you do.

They call it comfortable in your skin down , calm radiate or live from your heart . You usually see who has it and who doesn’t. Inner peace is – in my opinion – the ultimate goal of everyone. We all look for it in our own way.

Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Accept yourself.

More peace in your life starts with inner peace. The core of inner peace is self-acceptance.


Because the biggest fight in our lives is the fight against ourselves.

We believe that we must be perfect and make the most of our efforts. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. So there is a big difference between our ideal image and how we really are. That struggle creates unrest.

How can you be calm when fighting yourself? You can’t do that.

Some people think that the solution lies in doing your best even harder . Just reprogram yourself, switch on the turbo and tjakka: You will solve another human problem! But that is only short-lived.

In the end there is only one solution – have peace with who you are.

No inner peace without self-acceptance.

2. Let go of your past.

Much unrest is caused by two thoughts about the past: “That should never have happened” and “I should have done it differently .”

Do you want to drive yourself crazy? Then go over and worry about that!

Do you want inner peace? Then realize that those thoughts don’t give you anything. It happened and you did it that way. That is it and not different.

You do not get inner peace by denying reality. You actually get inner peace in your life through acceptance of reality.

I myself am very bad at worrying about the past. As soon as I start, I immediately think: “That has happened and I can never change.” Then all the stories about what things should have been like, and that also stops the stress.

Because most of the stress comes from the stories we tell ourselves …

3. Postpone the future.

The future is uncertain: “What will happen? How would I respond? What if this happens to me? How do I deal with that? “

How can you stay calm if you try to control something that hasn’t happened at all?

As if you could make a monkey on Borneo dance the lambada next Thursday by thinking very hard NOW – exactly the same! You just can’t do that …

Tiring isn’t it? Thinking about the future always makes you restless, because it is just as elusive as the average monkey.

My suggestion: postpone the future until it actually happens.

And if you are on Borneo next Thursday and happen to meet a monkey who also wants to learn the lambada – well, then it’s your moment!

4. Relate your thoughts.

The more seriously you take all your thoughts, the more unrest you experience. Our thoughts are often critical, negative and worrying.

We fantasize about it and then think it’s the truth.

If you believe everything you think, you are lost. Only when you examine your thoughts – are they actually correct? – find your way back again.

The better you learn to distinguish fantasy from reality, the more you experience inner peace.

For example, I fantasize that everyone thinks this article is great , that I win a prize with it and that I am named Coach of the Year! But don’t I take myself (and my thoughts) too seriously? Fortunately I don’t believe everything I think …

5. Follow your own way.

Nothing creates more resistance than doing things that don’t suit you.

In essence you have two choices: whether you do what you want – or you do n’t do it . Either you do what you want – or you do what your others want. More inner peace in your life is always an extension of your own path .

Only your own vision, your own way, your own choices gives you the peace that you are looking for so hard.

The realization that you do what suits you is so valuable!

It is not for sale, nor can anyone ever give it to you. It is the decision to make that you feel comfortable with.

Every other choice gives you inner resistance. If your feeling says, “I want something else,” that’s exactly what you have to do! Only then do you listen to your feelings and only then do you get peace …

6. Make space in your life.

It’s hard to have room in your head when the rest of your life is packed: If you run from appointment to appointment, if your house is one big mess, if your ambition is greater than your daily list of tasks.

Make space in your life in all these areas and you automatically get more peace in your head.

Wanting to do everything is a scenario for frustration. Everyone wants to plea, want to appear everywhere, always want to be reachable: it is not going to bring you peace.

Say no more often to things that cause unrest. Hey, you can always say yes later, but usually the other way around! Better to do a few things well than half everything. Time management does not give you rest, but your limits indicate it.

7. Have preferences, but no requirements.

Read the following two wishes:

The first is: “I want a great relationship that makes me feel good.”

The second is: “I want a relationship with a woman between 31 and 32, with dark red hair. She has to be able to cook Caribbean, just like I love cross-country travel, scrabble well, weigh up to 74 kilos, work in maternity care and live in a nice location. ”

Who do you think finds what he is looking for earlier?

Claiming something is also a recipe for frustration, because sometimes life does not give us what we want. You get more peace in your life by fighting less against life …

Sometimes life gives us what we need , sometimes what we don’t want , sometimes what we have never thought of .

But it rarely gives us what we demand …

Lower your expectations and be thankful for everything that comes your way. You can learn something from every situation. The less you demand how things should be, the more you accept how they really are.


Eat Yourself A Good Memory


Nutrition can help maintain your brain. For example, certain foods contribute to a good memory, but you can leave other things in a better position if you want a sharp and vital brain.

Eat this

– Omega 3 fatty acids can inhibit mental decline. These fats are mainly found in wild fatty fish, such as herring, mackerel, salmon and sardines.
– Antioxidants are also good for our brains. These substances are in dark chocolate, coffee and tea.
– Anthocyanins, the dyes that occur in the peel of (red) berries, protect the brain against harmful influences. Blueberries also contain this color.
– Turmeric, also known as turmeric, can protect the brain against Alzheimer’s.
– An organic egg also belongs to good nutrition for the brain. This is due to the substances choline, lutein and omega 3.
– Walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts and almonds are good for the brain.
– Drinking water. Hydration contributes to optimal mental abilities.

Better leave this alone

– Sugar is the number one priority. If you eat too much of this, research can lead to a high inflammatory value of the hippocampus. Damage to this is related to memory problems. It is also better to skip drinks that contain a lot of sugar, this was scientifically associated with the development of Alzheimer’s.
– Avoid trans fats. These are often found in products that contain ‘partially cured vegetable fat’.
– You can also leave your favorite alcoholic drink for what it is. Alcohol has been shown to shrink the brain.
– Avoid ingesting heavy metals such as mercury. This includes fish such as tuna, swordfish and shark.


Improve by 1% Percent at a Time

Image result for kaizen

For people who would like to improve on a personal level, there is a widely used Japanese method: Kaizen. Kaizen revolves around the small steps that must be taken to realize the biggest plans. In my daily activities I am using the KAIZEN spirit and techniques to become better: Getting one percent better every day is a simple, practical way to achieve big goals.

Kaizen spread to the rest of the world thanks to American experts such as Frank Bunker Gilbreth and Frederick Winslow Taylor. They were already at the forefront of research into effective work in the 1920s and their knowledge was the basis for Kaizen. In post-war Japan, a way was sought to increase the effectiveness of employees. This way was found in the idea of ​​Kaizen, freely translated: good change or continuous improvement.

More than just improvement

Kaizen has a goal that goes beyond just improvement. It is a daily activity and a process that can make people more human. It eliminates unnecessary work and teaches people to see wastes and remove them. A commonly used definition is ‘disassembly and reassembly in a better way’. What is taken apart is usually a process, system, or service in a company. In personal development, an action or habit will be reassembled.


Continuous improvement works by sticking to three conditions. Set a goal for one percent improvement. Decide how often you will work on the goal and stick to that plan, focus on the one percent improvement. Stay with this process until you reach the end goal. By not focusing on the end goal but on the one percent goal, improvement can be achieved in an easily accessible manner. By working in small steps you build a solid foundation for a great future.


The Circular Labor Market

Image result for circular economy

Stimulating a circular economy is an excellent way to make society more sustainable. Particular attention is paid to making material flows more sustainable. However, the possibilities to make the labor factor more circular are often underexposed.

With a circular economy, the intention is to make material flows not circular, but circular. This is done by making optimum use of the value of all materials. Examples of this are extending the lifespan of products, reusing materials and handling everything we use efficiently.

A circular economy creates new jobs, but it cannot be filled just like that, says Hans Stegeman, head of Research and Investment Strategy at Triodos Bank. For this, the labor market must also be made circular. The labor market is currently still too linear. If people do not fit the linear model, they lose value because they cannot perform optimally.

Optimal value

This applies less to a circular labor market. For example, people who lose their jobs are not immediately ‘lost’, but quickly find work again. This means that the value of manpower can be used optimally. This is important because the approaching aging wave will put more pressure on the working part of the population.

One way to get employees to work optimally is by having them retrain or retrain, so that they have more knowledge to do their job or have them change jobs if necessary. The happiness experienced by employees at work is of great importance for optimum output. If people are not satisfied with their job after a while and cannot change jobs, their productivity decreases.

Flexible employer

In a circular labor market, it is also important that knowledge that is available to employees is not lost. Perhaps the knowledge gained can be used in a completely different field. This requires a new balance between job security and flexibility. This balance can be achieved with flexible employership, whereby someone with certain characteristics is taken over by another employer with the same employment conditions. This keeps employees motivated.



FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailHello Entrepreneurs,

As entrepreneur you are moving frequently in many ways. Did you know that you also must pay attention to your own beauty and health situation. O yes don’t get too busy. In this blog You will find some good steps to help you look youthful like entrepreneur.

The mystery of the young has been looked since long time prior. Numerous scientists have done a few examinations to discover approaches to back off the maturing procedure.

There are a few strategies which have been actualized, however the most critical things for us to do are being predictable in executing sound way of life and dietary patterns.

We can’t stop the common change, yet we can in any case look more youthful in the event that we need to endeavor to back off the maturing procedure.

In this manner, I will help you with 10 simple strides to make you look more youthful:

Detox – It’s vital to begin detoxification, disposing of poison from our body. Our body digestion has done that procedure, yet in regular daily existence we are presented to such a large number of substance dangers from air, sustenance and condition. Fasting or simply expending foods grown from the ground are approaches to detoxify our body.

Rest – Having enough rest no less than 6-8 hours a day will make our skin more advantageous. Having a decent rest is additionally imperative since development hormone is working amid that time. It recharges the old cell of our body, incorporate the skin cell. Our skin will look crisp and youthful in the event that we have enough rest.

Sustenance – Eating sound and safe nourishment ordinary will make our body fit, thin and furthermore look more youthful. Endeavor to eat more fish rather than red meat. Fiber nourishment, vegetables, natural products, and supplements are imperative sustenance to devour. Drink less espresso and other caffeine refreshments.

Exercise – Through routine exercise, we will feel more joyful, lively, and certain. It likewise builds our bone thickness and muscle which can make our body look 15-20 years more youthful. Alongside oxygen consuming, strolling, and swimming, goes additionally to the rec center to do lifting exercise.

Unwind – By attempting to be casual, our face will look more youthful. Stress and stresses show up all over. On the off chance that we can deal with our anxiety and feel settled, our face will look more youthful and appealing.

Be Positive – A positive personality and certification we said can convey constructive life to us. Negative idea have a tendency to bring disappointment and make us look more established and ugly. Contemplation is one approach to make positive considerations.

Therapeutic Check-up – Just like an auto, our body additionally needs consideration and care so it can function admirably regular. Having routine restorative checkups amid our sound time is imperative to perceive infections as quickly as time permits.

Dynamic Life – Always attempt to be dynamic amid your life. Exercises can build well being; and in the event that you are in your senior age, your memory will increment as well.

Social Life – Happy social life can expands our soul, bring serene personality, and make us feel and look more youthful. Correspondence with our companions, family, neighbors, associates, and others can convey bliss to us.

Execution – Start to take a gander at our execution. Is our body weight perfect for us? If not, endeavor to settle that to the best perfect weight. Likewise look to the skin, hair, nail and teeth. Those are critical as they will demonstrate our age. Looks great and feels cooperative attitude increment our execution.
