How to Become an Excellent Business Brain Surgeon


Are you working longer and taking home less than your staff? Are you working all hours of the day and night and still barely managing to keep your customers happy? Are you unable to delegate or outsource work to give you more time to work on your business? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, maybe its time you learnt what Brain Surgeons do.

Most business owners we talk to believe almost everything they do in their business, only they can do. They have learnt from experience if they give work to someone else, they mess it up. And then they spend twice as long fixing things. But this is not what Brain Surgeons do. When they operate on a patient, they are not in charge of the theatre- the theatre nurse is. They don’t open up the patient, or close. They leave that to a junior surgeon. Everything is prepared for them, and someone else mops up the blood later. All they do is the brain surgery. And some marketing before hand (client needs), and afterwards (client satisfaction).

How is this possible?
Hospitals have very sophisticated systems, and everyone is highly trained in their use. There are checks and counter-checks. Nothing is left to chance. And the very expensive surgeon, the most highly trained person in the theatre, only does what he or she has been trained to do. They don’t waste their time doing jobs others can do. In other words they don’t spend dollar time on penny jobs. So the brain surgeon only does the brain surgery, and a bit of marketing.

This is, of course, a rather simplistic description of a brain surgeon’s job. And I hasten to add an apology to any brain surgeons reading this if they feel insulted (after all, you never know I might need their services in the future – some might argue my need is immediate!) The point of this for business owners is to understand where the real brain surgery is in their business. The part of their job that is most valuable to the business. The part only they can do.

Examples of brain surgery are: the marketing of your business, the relationships with your key customers, or if you are a consultant, the analysis of the problem you have been asked to solve. Not data entry, or possibly even data collection. And not the bookkeeping. So the challenge for business owners is to identify what part of their role is brain surgery. Theoretically, everything else can and should be delegated or outsourced.

A great theory, but how can you make this happen in the real world?

Business Systems. When you delegate or outsource, you need to document what the person who is doing the work will receive and what they will return to you, complete with standards and the form in which they will provide it to you. Then all involved need training in the system. This takes some work, but for a small investment in your time, the dividends are huge.

The theatre nurse does not know how to do brain surgery, but they know before the operation, what equipment the surgeon will need, and when they will need it. They will also know how the theatre and patient are to be prepared. Detailed procedures will have been developed so everyone in the theatre will know their role, and the brain surgeon will have optimised his or her time doing what they have been specifically trained to do.

When you know where the brain surgery is in your business, you will be able to leverage your time. You will spend more time with your customers, and more time working on your business, rather than in it. Ultimately, you will have a business that runs without you.


How To Learn 10 Keys to Guaranteed Success in Negotiations


Negotiating is a skill that like warfare tactics must be honed. It is important to be mentally prepared to win. Do the ground work well before your reach the negotiating table and decide on the “path” you are going to take. Positivity will help as also a sense of confidence and self esteem. Set aside any doubts you may have and stride forward prepared to win at all costs.

The five cornerstones of successful negotiation skills are placing emphasis on common points; presenting clear arguments; being innovative and open to several options; focusing on the problem being dealt with; looking for a clear solution. The key is to be clear about your preferred outcome. However in the back of your mind you must be willing to compromise to some extent.

A good negotiator is an excellent communicator and understands how human beings think, feel, and function. You must be able to befriend the people seated on the other side of the negotiating table. You must know when to push hard, when to accept a compromise, and when to walk away. A negotiator is in many ways an artist he needs a great amount of creativity to steer the negotiations to a successful completion. A negotiator must keep in mind the 3Fs: fair, fast, and firm.

According to the gurus there are tactics to be used for negotiating:

1. Be focused on the problem or issue. Logical arguments are the key to smooth negotiations.

2. It is important to be firm yet polite when making a stand or presenting a point.

3. Clearly emphasize the advantages and disadvantages.

4. Be patient and let the process of negotiation take its course.

5. Put ego aside and concentrate on the matter at hand. It is finding an amiable solution that’s important not self worth or position.

6. Never threaten or manipulate the opposite party-it is completely unethical and unfair.

7. Aim for solutions that are interest based and not what individual desires or aims are. It is best to consider any situation as a whole rather than from a personal view point.

8. Avoid psychological traps and have the magnanimity to admit when you are wrong. Be open minded.

9. Don’t accept weak solutions and try and negotiate a plausible settlement. Temporary measures are not what you need. A permanent solution must be sought.

10. Value time, schedules, and deadlines. A good negotiator will not beat around the bush or adopt delay tactics or waste time talking about mundane matters. It is professional to immediately get down to the business at hand.

Most human beings are born negotiators. From the first breath a baby takes it makes all around him dance to his tunes. Most of us consciously or unconsciously do what we have to do to get our own way in life. And, if we look closely it is just mastering the art of negotiation.


How To Win Friends And Influence People with The magic of blog writing


When I started writing, I didn’t think of myself as a writer. I doubted my skills. I didn’t know whether I had enough ideas.

But every time I had to write an article, I learned more about writing. I followed my curiosity. I discovered what I’m passionate about, and I learned what resonated with my audience.

You might think you don’t have enough to share. Or you might doubt your writing skills.

This is what I’d like to tell you:

You’re unique. You have unique experiences. And you’ll discover your voice and your passions when you write more. Writing brings clarity, deepens your understanding, and strengthens your ideas.

So, commit to writing. To creating valuable content. To being helpful to your readers.

Start making tiny ripples.

That’s how change begins.





At our passionate team is always working how to work faster and more efficient on blogs. In this article we are going to introduce our so called : LIGHT SPEED BLOGGING SYSTEM.


Some will talk about the benefits of blogging as a major aspect of an essayist’s stage, however many publishers and readers still want to see that an author has a permanent way to interact with readers. In an age where social media rules and uses constantly change, it’s also a good idea to have a presence that you own. But what do you do on the days you forget to write? Or the days where nothing much comes to you that seems worth saying? Here are a couple tips to assist you past the halfway point.





Reuse old posts.

Seriously. blogging is interesting.  Maybe you have a stock of old content for years somewhere on your hard disk. Take them out and reactivate them. Yes the content is still good and helpful. Dig through your archives (this is easier if you used tags well as you published your blogs) and update a post that is still relevant but needs to be brought back to the light. You never knows how such blogs can run traffic to your site.

Join group blogs

just like this one. Then the burden is spread out and you don’t carry the load of creating content every, single day. But in a group blog it’s very important to think about what you bring that is different from the other bloggers and what readers expect when they come to the blog. Those are important on personal blogs, too, but even more critical when you are part of a group/team.

Bear in mind what you can bring to your blog readers.

Really think and pray about why they come to you. There are zillions of blogs. What do you contribute that is unique and different? How do you say it in a way that keeps them coming back?

Not every post should be 501 words.

People much smarter than we have argued the merits of different lengths of posts. What most people do agree on is that consistency is key. Stick with a blogging schedule if you can.

Keep a running list of possible blog topics.

Then on the days you have no motivation or the well of ideas is empty and dry like a dessert, you have a list that can jump start ideas.

There’s nothing quite like getting away from the buzz of the city for some much needed rest and relaxation after lots of hard work. That’s exactly what we did to recharge at light speed to blog further for you our dear readers.




10 Main Approaches to Move Others to Be Their Best


We all know people who are inspiring. But just how does one inspire others? Here are ten main simple rules you can inspire people to be their best, let them jump and fly and touch the sky:


Be a good example. People watch what you do more than they listen to what you say. Be someone worth emulating.



Care about others. People don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care. Ask questions. Take a genuine interest in people.

Encouragement. Everyone goes through tough times. When you support people and encourage them through these times, you’ll be inspiring them to see the best in themselves and in the situation.

Be inspired yourself. Look for people, ideas, environments and knowledge that you find inspiring and motivating.

Share from your own experience. You have more to share than you realize. Mine the rich experiences of your life and share your wisdom from your unique point of view. You may be the only one who can touch someone with your inspiring message.


Be vulnerable. Be willing to share your failures as well as your successes. Others will relate to you. They’ll understand that they’re not the only ones with challenges.

Tell stories. Facts tell and stories sell. They inspire, too. We learn best from parables and we all need to develop our own inspiring stories.

Be a good communicator. Increasing your ability to communicate effectively is a critical element for you to inspire others. Watch how you speak and what you say. Invest in your communication skills.

Challenge people. Many of us have had teachers who at times seemed more like tormentors than mentors. They challenged us to do our best, and we were better for it. Practice “carefrontation”—the careful and caring confrontation of others.

Read. It may not follow that all readers are leaders, but certainly all leaders are readers. Stay informed. Share what you read with others. Tell people about books that have inspired you.



8 most effective methods to keep up an inspirational state of mind


My Sweet Blog readers. Without any long story I like to provide you with just 8 FREE effective methods to keep up an inspirational state of mind.

BOOM Here we go………….

  1. Become mindful of your thoughts and let them occur without judgment. As you recognize self-limiting beliefs and feelings, eliminate them by focusing on positive thoughts about the present and future.
  1. Reflect upon your present blessings,of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” Don’t brood over mistakes, carry grudges, or harbor hate.
  1. Worrying is a wasted effort and the breeding ground of doubt. It will lead you to contemplate potential losses rather than effective solutions. The antidote to worry is positive action.

4. Adversity comes to each of us in time. Expecting rather than dreading this adversity can make challenging periods seem less daunting and will allow you to accept that you possess the strength to conquer each obstacle as you have conquered obstacles in your past.

  1.  Assume that hidden in every setback there is a lesson. Consciously choose to think of the challenges you face in a positive way: as a learning experience, an opportunity to demonstrate your strengths, or the first step on a new path.

6. Think about what you desire, not what you fear. Visualize future successes with the belief that you will achieve them, and then take action. When you are working diligently toward a goal, there will not be time to ponder the obstacles.

7. When negative thoughts and feelings threaten to overwhelm you, take a “time out” and do something that makes you happy. Letting yourself be swept away in a favorite activity or meditation will inspire well-being.

8. Be confident that no matter what adversity you face, you will be strong enough to remain positive and optimistic. Knowing that there is no obstacle you cannot overcome will give you that strength.

Isn’t it NICE and CLEAR to have it presented very effective. It’s up to you my friends to use the methods in your situation. Finally it’s your MIND your thoughts your everything. Life continue.






Fire Nation,

Let me ask you this BIG NORMAL Question…..

How regularly do you wake up feeling like you’re going to win?

Like fate has been sealed, and that no matter what happens today, you’ve got this. You will follow through on your goals, you will overcome any obstacle in your path. Can you FOLLOW ME ?? OK LET US ROLE FURTHER IN THE STUFF………..

If you’re like most people, probably very rarely to never.

Most people wake up feeling like they’ve lost before the day has even begun.

Most people don’t even bother trying because they wake up feeling defeated.

There’s no way you’ll ever live a life on your terms if you wake up having already lost.


If you want to wake up productive and excited about your life, you need to take back control of your day. But that can be a daunting task for most. I recommend that you start small (but think BIG), that you start with something doable. Something you can control. Crafting a morning ritual of empowerment and working on your own terms, I was slowly able to build up a side hustle that maybe could replace my day job income in the near future. I am working hard on it. Full speed and motivation. It’s my goal in 2016 and beyond to help you not just know what to do, but to execute. Try to build a bulletproof morning ritual, so you can dominate the first hours of your day. I know it is hard but it is executable my dear friends.

If you can even take back ONE hour of your day, you can get a foothold to take back control of your DAY and eventually, your LIFE.


